"TypeError: Cannot set property 'VibrantImg' in RactiveJS adaptor - ractivejs

I'm trying to create a simple Ractive adaptor to parse a value from the Color Thief (http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/color-thief/) into a template with a defined mustache. (I know there may be better ways to achieve this, but there is a reason for why I'm using the adaptor route!)
I've set up a demo of what I have so far here - this the Ractive code part:
var colorThief = new ColorThief();
var img2 = document.getElementById('ctimage');
var imgColor;
Ractive.adapt.CTImg = {
filter: function ( object ) {
return object instanceof img2;
wrap: function ( ractive, img2, keypath, prefixer ) {
// Setup
return {
teardown: function(){
get: function(){
imgColor = colorThief.getColor(img);
set: function(property, value){
ractive.set('mainColor', imgColor);
reset: function(value){
var ractive = new Ractive({
target: '#container',
template: '#template',
adapt: [ 'CTImg' ],
data: {
mainColor: "rgb(97, 79, 112)" // this is what should be returned
My aim is to get the prominent color from the image given in the Codepen (above), pass it into Ractive (and to Color Thief by the adaptor), then output the resulting color on screen in the relevant mustache.
I can display a hard coded color OK in the template, so I know that the data keypath / reference is OK. However, my issue is getting the color back from Color Thief via the adaptor - the error I'm getting is Uncaught "TypeError: Cannot set property 'CTImg' of undefined".
I've checked through SO and the Ractive Github site to see if I can figure out what is going wrong, but my head is starting to spin!
Can anyone please help me to at least get the color to come back from Color Thief via the adaptor?

So adapt and adaptors are two different config objects. adaptors is a registry of adaptor definitions and adapt tells the component/instance what adaptors to use. There's no global adapt property.
For global registration of an adaptor, you need Ractive.adaptors.
Ractive.adaptors.CTImg = {...}
The next problem is actually how you use the adaptor. Adaptors require you to put the non-POJO data into the instance. The filter is run on the data and determines if the data needs to be adapted, and if so, does the setup. Then, it's the usual adaptor setup. get returns the value to Ractive, set sets the value to your custom object, etc.
Here's an updated example:
Ractive.adaptors.CTImg = {
filter: function ( object ) {
// Detect if the data is an image element
return object instanceof HTMLImageElement;
wrap: function ( ractive, object, keypath, prefixer ) {
// Set up color thief for this piece of data because it's an image
var colorThief = new ColorThief();
return {
teardown: function(){
get: function(){
// Return the replacement data
return colorThief.getColor(object);
set: function(property, value){
// We're not setting to color thief, leave empty
reset: function(value){
// Always replace the data when the data is changed
return false;
var ractive = new Ractive({
target: '#container',
template: '#template',
adapt: [ 'CTImg' ],
data: {
dominant: null
onrender: function(){
// set image on data. adaptor will capture it.
this.set('dominant', this.find('#ctimage'))


How to get prototype of a registered webcomponent without instantiating it

Consider the following code in a javascript library;
document.registerElement('my-component', { prototype: { foo: true }});
It seems registerElement returns a function which can be used as a constructor.
How can I get a reference to this function later ?
var tempDom = document.createElement('my-component')
Seems working but it requires creating an instance first.
I think you just need to save the return from registerElement() in a variable, and then use that variable later. If you do not save the return then I believe it is lost.
// Save the return in a variable
var mycomp = document.registerElement('my-component');
// Use the var to create the element
document.body.appendChild(new mycomp());
// Then you can do things with the new tag
var mytag = document.getElementsByTagName("my-component")[0];
mytag.textContent = "I am a my-component element.";
prototype method will give you an expected result.
var mc = document.registerElement(
'my-component', { prototype: { foo: true }}
//⇒ my-component {foo: true}
Hope it helps.

Why is data set with Meteor Iron Router not available in the template rendered callback?

This is a bit puzzling to me. I set data in the router (which I'm using very simply intentionally at this stage of my project), as follows :
Router.route('/groups/:_id',function() {
this.render('groupPage', {
data : function() {
return Groups.findOne({_id : this.params._id});
}, { sort : {time: -1} } );
The data you would expect, is now available in the template helpers, but if I have a look at 'this' in the rendered function its null
Template.groupPage.rendered = function() {
I'd love to understand why (presuming its an expected result), or If its something I'm doing / not doing that causes this?
From my experience, this isn't uncommon. Below is how I handle it in my routes.
From what I understand, the template gets rendered client-side while the client is subscribing, so the null is actually what data is available.
Once the client recieves data from the subscription (server), it is added to the collection which causes the template to re-render.
Below is the pattern I use for routes. Notice the if(!this.ready()) return;
which handles the no data situation.
Router.route('landing', {
path: '/b/:b/:brandId/:template',
onAfterAction: function() {
if (this.title) document.title = this.title;
data: function() {
if(!this.ready()) return;
var brand = Brands.findOne(this.params.brandId);
if (!brand) return false;
this.title = brand.title;
return brand;
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('landingPageByBrandId', this.params.brandId),
Meteor.subscribe('myProfile'), // For verification
I was experiencing this myself today. I believe that there is a race condition between the Template.rendered callback and the iron router data function. I have since raised a question as an IronRouter issue on github to deal with the core issue.
In the meantime, workarounds:
Option 1: Wrap your code in a window.setTimeout()
Template.groupPage.rendered = function() {
var data_context = this.data;
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
Option 2: Wrap your code in a this.autorun()
Template.groupPage.rendered = function() {
var data_context = this.data;
this.autorun(function() {
Note: in this option, the function will run every time that the template's data context changes! The autorun will be destroyed along with the template though, unlike Tracker.autorun calls.

Computed property in Ember based on async data

I'm trying to use a computed property based on the values from an async, hasMany model property, but cannot get it to display in my view.
MyApp.Foo = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
peeps: DS.hasMany('peep', { async: true });
MyApp.Peep = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
email: DS.attr('string')
MyApp.Foo.FIXTURES = [
{ id: 1, title: 'nice', peeps: [1,2] }
MyApp.Peep.FIXTURES = [
{ id: 1, name: 'mypeep', email: 'peep#example.com' },
{ id: 2, name: 'mypeep2', email: 'peep2#example.com' }
MyApp.FooController = EmberObjectController.extend({
showPeeps: function() {
// This one works for this test data.
// return [{name: 'baz', email: 'bar'}];
var peepList = this.get('content.peeps.[]').then(function(c) {
// This one does not work, even for this test data.
return {name: 'baz', email: 'bar'}];
In my view, something along the lines of:
{#each peep in controller.showPeeps}}{{peep.name}}{{/each}}
I can see all the data in the "then()" using console.log(), and as it indicates in the code comments, it works if I take the return out of the "then()" - but then the real data is empty because it is returned as async. If I try to make it non-async, I get
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'resolve' of undefined
I've tried many variants of the computed property code (using #each, using model.peeps - all of which correctly show the data in console.log(), but not in the view. In the view, it is always undefined unless I just return dummy data outside of the then() - which displays correctly)
What am I missing?
Don't treat the hasMany relationship as a promise, treat it as an array. That's the whole point of DS.PromiseArray. If you just want the users, don't even bother with the computed property, just use peeps in your template. But, if you need to convert the data somehow, use map.
showPeeps: function() {
return this.get('peeps').map(function(peep) {
return { name: peep.name, email: peep.email };
Also, don't watch the [] property. That only updates when an item is added or removed from the array. Your array contents aren't changing, the contents of the contents are changing. You should watch the #each property instead. You also don't need to add [] to the end of the property name, and you don't need to prefix the property with content..

Backbone Collection.fetch() returns first item null

I'm using the following code in my view to fetch my collection from the server:
initialize: function () {
_this = this;
success : function(collection, response) {
_.each(response, function(i){
var todo = new TodosModel({
id: i.id,
content: i.content,
completed: i.completed
// Add to collection
// Render
error : function(collection, response) {
Which seems to work - here's the output from my server:
"0": {
"id": 1,
"content": "one",
"completed": false
"3": {
"id": 4,
"content": "two",
"completed": true
"4": {
"id": 5,
"content": "tester",
"completed": false
Except for the fact that if I log out my collection there is a null entry in the first position:
Which then causes issues as if I add an item it takes the ID of the last element. I'm new to backbone and am hoping I'm just missing something simple.
Here's my crack at a quick run through of your code. I haven't tested anything so there might be typos. I'm still not sure where the stray empty model is coming from but if you restructure your application as outlined below, I suspect the problem will go away.
The model and collection look okay so let us have a look at your view.
el: $('#todos'),
listBlock: $('#todos-list'),
newTodoField: $('#add input'),
template: $('#todo-template').html(),
events: { /* ... */ },
These should be okay but you need to ensure that all those elements are in the DOM when your view "class" is loaded. Usually you'd compile the template once:
template: _.template($('#todo-template').html()),
and then just use this.template as a function to get your HTML. I'll assume that template is a compiled template function below.
initialize: function () {
_this = this;
You have an accidental global variable here, this can cause interesting bugs. You want to say var _this = this;.
this.el = $(this.el);
Backbone already gives you a jQuery'd version of el in $el so you don't need to do this, just use this.$el.
success : function(collection, response) {
_.each(response, function(i) {
var todo = new TodosModel({ /* ... */ });
// Add to collection
// Render
The collection's fetch will add the models to the collection before the success handler is called so you don't have to create new models or add anything to the collection. Generally the render method renders the whole thing rather than rendering just one piece and you bind the view's render to the collection's "reset" event; the fetch call will trigger a "reset" event when it has fetched so the usual pattern looks like this:
initialize: function() {
// So we don't have to worry about the context. Do this before you
// use `render` or you'll have reference problems.
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
// Trigger a call to render when the collection has some stuff.
this.collection.on('reset', this.render);
// And go get the stuff we want. You can put your `error` callback in
// here if you want it, wanting it is a good idea.
Now for render:
render: function (todo) {
var templ = _.template(this.template);
id: todo.get('id'),
content: todo.get('content'),
completed: todo.get('completed')
// Mark completed
if(todo.get('completed')) {
Normally this would be split into two pieces:
render to render the whole collection.
Another method, say renderOne, to render a single model. This also allows you to bind renderOne to the collection's "add" event.
So something like this would be typical:
render: function() {
// Clear it out so that we can start with a clean slate. This may or
// may not be what you want depending on the structure of your HTML.
// You might want `this.listBlock.empty()` instead.
// Punt to `renderOne` for each item. You can use the second argument
// to get the right `this` or add `renderOne` to the `_.bindAll` list
// up in `initialize`.
this.collection.each(this.renderOne, this);
renderOne: function(todo) {
todo: todo.toJSON()
// Mark completed
if(todo.get('completed')) {
this.listBlock.find('li[data-id="' + todo.id + '"]')
Notice the use of toJSON to supply data to the template. Backbone models and collections have a toJSON method to give you a simplified version of the data so you might as well use it. The model's id is available as an attribute so you don't have to use get to get it. You could (and probably should) push the todo-completed logic into the template, just a little
<% if(completed) { %>class="completed"<% } %>
in the right place should do the trick.
addTodo: function (e) {
var todo = new TodosModel({
id: todoID,
content: todoContent,
completed: todoCompleted
You could bind renderOne to the collection's "add" event to take care of rendering the new model. Then use the save callbacks to finish it off:
var _this = this;
var todo = new TodosModel({ /* ... */ });
todo.save({}, {
wait: true,
success: function(model, response) {
// Let the events deal with rendering...
Again, an error callback on the save might be nice.
completeTodo: function (e) {
completed: todoCompleted
The save call here will trigger a 'change:completed' event so you could bind to that to adjust the HTML.
removeTodo: function (e) {
The destroy call will trigger a "destroy" event on the model and on the collection:
Any event that is triggered on a model in a collection will also
be triggered on the collection directly, for convenience. This
allows you to listen for changes to specific attributes in any model
in a collection, [...]
So you could listen for "destroy" events on the collection and use those to remove the TODO from the display. And destroying the model should remove it from the collection without your intervention.
printColl: function () {
this.collection.each(function (todo) {
console.log('ID: '+todo.get('id')+' | CONTENT: '+todo.get('content')+' | COMPLETED: '+todo.get('completed'));
You could just console.log(this.collection.toJSON()) instead,
you'd have to click around a little to open up the stuff in the
console but you wouldn't miss anything that way.
All the event binding for the collection would take place in your
view's initialize method. If you're going to remove the view then
you'd want to override the remove to unbind from the collection
to prevent memory leaks:
remove: function() {
// Call this.collection.off(...) to undo all the bindings from
// `initialize`.
// Then do what the default `remove` does.
You could also use a separate view for each TODO item but that might be overkill for something simple.

Backbone.js: correct way of filtering a collection?

The current method I'm using is to filter a collection, which returns an array, and use
to re-populate it. However, this modifies the original collection, so I added an array called "originalCollectionArray" which keeps track of the initial array state of the collection. When no filtering is active I simply use
But then, I need to keep track of adding and removing models from the real collection, so I did this:
// inside collection
initialize: function(params){
this.originalCollectionArray = params;
this.on('add', this.addInOriginal, this);
this.on('remove', this.removeInOriginal, this);
addInOriginal: function(model){
removeInOriginal: function(model){
this.originalTasks = _(this.originalTasks).reject(function(val){
return val.id == model.get('id');
filterBy: function(params){
this.reset(this.originalCollectionArray, {silent: true});
var filteredColl = this.filter(function(item){
// filter code...
This is quickly becoming cumbersome as I try to implement other tricks related to the manipulation of the collection, such as sorting. And frankly, my code looks a bit hacky. Is there an elegant way of doing this?
You could create a collection as a property of the main collection reflecting the state of the filters:
var C = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function (models) {
this.filtered = new Backbone.Collection(models);
this.on('add', this.refilter);
this.on('remove', this.refilter);
filterBy: function (params){
var filteredColl = this.filter(function(item){
// ...
this.filtered.params = params;
refilter: function() {
The parent collection keeps its models whatever filters you applied, and you bind to the filtered collection to know when a change has occurred. Binding internally on the add and remove events lets you reapply the filter. See
http://jsfiddle.net/dQr7X/ for a demo.
The major problem on your code is that you are using a raw array as original, instead of a Collection. My code is close to the yours but use only Collections, so methods like add, remove and filter works on the original:
var OriginalCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
var FilteredCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(originalCol){
this.originalCol = originalCol;
this.on('add', this.addInOriginal, this);
this.on('remove', this.removeInOriginal, this);
addInOriginal: function(model){
removeInOriginal: function(model){
filterBy: function(params){
var filteredColl = this.originalCol.filter(function(item){
// filter code...
