taking function as an input in SageMath - sage

How do you make a function that takes a function as input?
What I want to do is something like:
f(x) = log(x)
g(f, x) = x^2 * f(x)
g(f, 2)
# Symbolic expression of x^2 * log(x)
I think I am looking for the way to create higher order function.

Would using a lambda function for g work for you?
Here is a way to do that:
sage: f(x) = log(x)
sage: g = lambda u, v: v*2 * u(v)
sage: g(f, 2)

We can create a python function that returns a symbolic function and takes two symbolic functions as an input.
Consider the following code.
g(x) = x^2
f(x) = log(x)
def foo(f, g, x):
return g(x) * f(x)
z(x)=foo(g, f, x)
Take a look at it.
sage: z
which yields to the symbolic function
x |--> x^2*log(x)


Taking a forawrd derivative with ForwardDiff

I am trying to use ForwardDIff to compute the gradient of a function. My code is very simple:
buffer1 = 1.
buffer2 = 1.0-buffer1
buffers = [buffer1; buffer2];
K0 = [[100., 200.] [0.01, 0.001]];
q_sat = [100, 150];
K = exp.(log.(K0) * buffers);
f(x::Vector) = q_sat[1]*(K[1]*x[1]/(1+alpha[1]*K[1]*x[1]+alpha[2]*K[2]*x[2]))
x = [0.5; 0.5]
g = ForwardDiff.gradient(f(x), x)
The first lines are about defining some constants and then I define the function that takes in a vector and returns a real number. When trying to comput the gradient of f I get the error:
MethodError: objects of type Float64 are not callable
What could the problem be?
You want to differentiate f (the function), not f(x) (some scalar), so it must be
ForwardDiff.gradient(f, x)

Reassign function and avoid recursive definition in Julia

I need to operate on a sequence of functions
h_k(x) = (I + f_k( ) )^k g(x)
for each k=1,...,N.
A basic example (N=2, f_k=f) is the following:
f(x) = x^2
g(x) = x
h1(x) = g(x) + f(g(x))
h2(x) = g(x) + f(g(x)) + f(g(x) + f(g(x)))
println(h1(1)) # returns 2
println(h2(1)) # returns 6
I need to write this in a loop and it would be best to redefine g(x) at each iteration. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do this in Julia without conflicting with the syntax for a recursive definition of g(x). Indeed,
f(x) = x^2
g(x) = x
for i=1:2
global g(x) = g(x) + f(g(x))
results in a StackOverflowError.
In Julia, what is the proper way to redefine g(x), using its previous definition?
P.S. For those who would suggest that this problem could be solved with recursion: I want to use a for loop because of how the functions f_k(x) (in the above, each f_k = f) are computed in the real problem that this derives from.
I am not sure if it is best, but a natural approach is to use anonymous functions here like this:
f(x) = x^2
g = x -> x
for i=1:2
l = g
g = x -> l(x) + f(l(x))
or like this
f(x) = x^2
g = x -> x
for i=1:4
l = g
global g = x -> l(x) + f(l(x))
(I prefer the former option using let as it avoids using global variables)
The issue is that l is a loop local variable that gets a fresh binding at each iteration, while g is external to the loop.
You might also check out this section of the Julia manual.

How I display a math function in Julia?

I'm new in Julia and I'm trying to learn to manipulate calculus on it. How do I do if I calculate the gradient of a function with "ForwardDiff" like in the code below and see the function next?
I know if I input some values it gives me the gradient value in that point but I just want to see the function (the gradient of f1).
julia> gradf1(x1, x2) = ForwardDiff.gradient(z -> f1(z[1], z[2]), [x1, x2])
gradf1 (generic function with 1 method)
To elaborate on Felipe Lema's comment, here are some examples using SymPy.jl for various tasks:
#vars x y z
f(x,y,z) = x^2 * y * z
VF(x,y,z) = [x*y, y*z, z*x]
diff(f(x,y,z), x) # ∂f/∂x
diff.(f(x,y,z), [x,y,z]) # ∇f, gradiant
diff.(VF(x,y,z), [x,y,z]) |> sum # ∇⋅VF, divergence
J = VF(x,y,z).jacobian([x,y,z])
sum(diag(J)) # ∇⋅VF, divergence
Mx,Nx, Px, My,Ny,Py, Mz, Nz, Pz = J
[Py-Nz, Mz-Px, Nx-My] # ∇×VF
The divergence and gradient are also part of SymPy, but not exposed. Their use is more general, but cumbersome for this task. For example, this finds the curl:
import PyCall
PyCall.pyimport_conda("sympy.physics.vector", "sympy")
RF = sympy.physics.vector.ReferenceFrame("R")
v1 = get(RF,0)*get(RF,1)*RF.x + get(RF,1)*get(RF,2)*RF.y + get(RF,2)*get(RF,0)*RF.z
sympy.physics.vector.curl(v1, RF)

Symbolic math in sage: (a * x * y + z).subs(x + y == b)

Given a simple term a * x * y + b, I would like to substitute sub-terms, such as x * y by a placeholder c. I do this the following way
sage: a,b,c,x,y = var('a,b,c,x,y')
sage: expr = a * x * y + c
sage: expr.subs(x * y == b)
From that, I would expect expr to be a * b + c. Instead, it remains
the same. The result is:
a*x*y + c
I've come across the wild function, but it has not become clear to me
what it actually does.
I now use sympy in Python 3.6 rather than Sage, but this should be similar. Let me know if the translation to Sage doesn't work well.
The subs method does not change its object; it returns the expression after substitution, but you have to store the result. Your line expr.subs(x * y == b) may show the result but that result is then thrown away since you did not store it into any variable.
from sympy import symbols
a,b,c,x,y = symbols('a,b,c,x,y')
expr = a * x * y + c
newexpr = expr.subs(x*y, b)
The resulting printout is as you expect:
a*b + c
For confirmation of how subs() works in Sage, find subs( in this Sage documentation page and note the phrase "The polynomial itself is not affected."

Optim using gradient Error: "no method matching"

I’m trying to optimize a function using one of the algorithms that require a gradient. Basically I’m trying to learn how to optimize a function using a gradient in Julia. I’m fairly confident that my gradient is specified correctly. I know this because the similarly defined Matlab function for the gradient gives me the same values as in Julia for some test values of the arguments. Also, the Matlab version using fminunc with the gradient seems to optimize the function fine.
However when I run the Julia script, I seem to get the following error:
julia> include("ex2b.jl")
ERROR: `g!` has no method matching g!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1})
while loading ...\ex2b.jl, in ex
pression starting on line 64
I'm running Julia 0.3.2 on a windows 7 32bit machine. Here is the code (basically a translation of some Matlab to Julia):
using Optim
function mapFeature(X1, X2)
degrees = 5
out = ones(size(X1)[1])
for i in range(1, degrees+1)
for j in range(0, i+1)
term = reshape( (X1.^(i-j) .* X2.^(j)), size(X1.^(i-j))[1], 1)
out = hcat(out, term)
return out
function sigmoid(z)
return 1 ./ (1 + exp(-z))
function costFunc_logistic(theta, X, y, lam)
m = length(y)
regularization = sum(theta[2:end].^2) * lam / (2 * m)
return sum( (-y .* log(sigmoid(X * theta)) - (1 - y) .* log(1 - sigmoid(X * theta))) ) ./ m + regularization
function costFunc_logistic_gradient!(theta, X, y, lam, m)
grad= X' * ( sigmoid(X * theta) .- y ) ./ m
grad[2:end] = grad[2:end] + theta[2:end] .* lam / m
return grad
data = readcsv("ex2data2.txt")
X = mapFeature(data[:,1], data[:,2])
m, n = size(data)
y = data[:, end]
theta = zeros(size(X)[2])
lam = 1.0
f(theta::Array) = costFunc_logistic(theta, X, y, lam)
g!(theta::Array) = costFunc_logistic_gradient!(theta, X, y, lam, m)
optimize(f, g!, theta, method = :l_bfgs)
And here is some of the data:
Let me know if you guys need additional details. Btw, this relates to a coursera machine learning course if curious.
The gradient should not be a function to compute the gradient,
but a function to store it
(hence the exclamation mark in the function name, and the second argument in the error message).
The following seems to work.
function g!(theta::Array, storage::Array)
storage[:] = costFunc_logistic_gradient!(theta, X, y, lam, m)
optimize(f, g!, theta, method = :l_bfgs)
The same using closures and currying (version for those who got used to a function that returns the cost and gradient):
function cost_gradient(θ, X, y, λ)
m = length(y);
return (θ::Array) -> begin
h = sigmoid(X * θ); #(m,n+1)*(n+1,1) -> (m,1)
J = (1 / m) * sum(-y .* log(h) .- (1 - y) .* log(1 - h)) + λ / (2 * m) * sum(θ[2:end] .^ 2);
end, (θ::Array, storage::Array) -> begin
h = sigmoid(X * θ); #(m,n+1)*(n+1,1) -> (m,1)
storage[:] = (1 / m) * (X' * (h .- y)) + (λ / m) * [0; θ[2:end]];
Then, somewhere in the code:
initialθ = zeros(n,1);
f, g! = cost_gradient(initialθ, X, y, λ);
res = optimize(f, g!, initialθ, method = :cg, iterations = your_iterations);
θ = res.minimum;
