Symbolic math in sage: (a * x * y + z).subs(x + y == b) - math

Given a simple term a * x * y + b, I would like to substitute sub-terms, such as x * y by a placeholder c. I do this the following way
sage: a,b,c,x,y = var('a,b,c,x,y')
sage: expr = a * x * y + c
sage: expr.subs(x * y == b)
From that, I would expect expr to be a * b + c. Instead, it remains
the same. The result is:
a*x*y + c
I've come across the wild function, but it has not become clear to me
what it actually does.

I now use sympy in Python 3.6 rather than Sage, but this should be similar. Let me know if the translation to Sage doesn't work well.
The subs method does not change its object; it returns the expression after substitution, but you have to store the result. Your line expr.subs(x * y == b) may show the result but that result is then thrown away since you did not store it into any variable.
from sympy import symbols
a,b,c,x,y = symbols('a,b,c,x,y')
expr = a * x * y + c
newexpr = expr.subs(x*y, b)
The resulting printout is as you expect:
a*b + c
For confirmation of how subs() works in Sage, find subs( in this Sage documentation page and note the phrase "The polynomial itself is not affected."


Why is my approximation of the Gamma function not exact?

So I'm setting out to recreating some math functions from the math library from python.
One of those functions is the math.gamma-function. Since I know my way around JavaScript I thought I might try to translate the JavaScript implementation of the Lanczos approximation on Rosetta code into Applescript code:
on gamma(x)
set p to {1.0, 676.520368121885, -1259.139216722403, 771.323428777653, -176.615029162141, 12.507343278687, -0.138571095266, 9.98436957801957E-6, 1.50563273514931E-7}
set E to 2.718281828459045
set g to 7
if x < 0.5 then
return pi / (sin(pi * x) * (gamma(1 - x)))
end if
set x to x - 1
set a to item 1 of p
set t to x + g + 0.5
repeat with i from 2 to count of p
set a to a + ((item i of p) / (x + i))
end repeat
return ((2 * pi) ^ 0.5) * (t ^ x + 0.5) * (E ^ -t) * a
end gamma
The required function for this to run is:
on sin(x)
return (do shell script "python3 -c 'import math; print(math.sin(" & x & "))'") as number
end sin
All the other functions of the Javascript implementation have been removed to not have too many required functions, but the inline operations I introduced produce the same result.
This Javascript-code works great when trying to run it in the browser-console, but my Applescript implementation doesn't produce answers anywhere near the actual result. Is it because...
...I implemented something wrong?
...Applescript doesn't have enough precision?
...something else?
You made two mistakes in your code:
First of all, the i in your repeat statement starts at 2 rather than 1, which is fine for (item i of p), but it needs to be subtracted by 1 in the (x + i).
Secondly, in the code (t ^ x + 0.5) in the return statement, the t and x are being calculated first since they are exponents and then added to 0.5, but according to the JavaScript implementation the x and 0.5 need to be added together first instead.

How to work with the result of the wild sympy

I have the following code:
s={q_ : x}
How to work with the result of the "wild"? How to not address the array, for example, s[0], s{0}?
Wild can be used when you have an expression which is the result of some complicated calculation, but you know it has to be of the form sin(something) times something else. Then s[q] will be the sympy expression for the "something". And s[p] for the "something else". This could be used to investigate both p and q. Or to further work with a simplified version of f, substituting p and q with new variables, especially if p and q would be complex expressions involving multiple variables.
Many more use cases are possible.
Here is an example:
from sympy import *
from import x, y, z
p = Wild('p')
q = Wild('q')
f = tan(x) * x**2
s = f.match(p*tan(q))
print(f'f is the tangent of "{s[q]}" multiplied by "{s[p]}"')
g = f.xreplace({s[q]: y, s[p]:z})
print(f'f rewritten in simplified form as a function of y and z: "{g}"')
h = s[p] * s[q]
print(f'a new function h, combining parts of f: "{h}"')
f is the tangent of "x" multiplied by "x**2"
f rewritten in simplified form as a function of y and z: "z*tan(y)"
a new function h, combining parts of f: "x**3"
If you're interested in all arguments from tan that appear in f written as a product, you might try:
from sympy import *
from import x
f = tan(x+2)*tan(x*x+1)*7*(x+1)*tan(1/x)
if f.func == Mul:
all_tan_args = [a.args[0] for a in f.args if a.func == tan]
# note: the [0] is needed because args give a tupple of arguments and
# in the case of tan you'ld want the first (there is only one)
elif f.func == tan:
all_tan_args = [f.args[0]]
all_tan_args = []
prod = 1
for a in all_tan_args:
prod *= a
print(f'All the tangent arguments are: {all_tan_args}')
print(f'Their product is: {prod}')
All the tangent arguments are: [1/x, x**2 + 1, x + 2]
Their product is: (x + 2)*(x**2 + 1)/x
Note that neither method would work for f = tan(x)**2. For that, you'ld need to write another match and decide whether you'ld want to take the same power of the arguments.

Prolog:: f(x) recursion

I'm a beginner to Prolog and have two requirements:
f(1) = 1
f(x) = 5x + x^2 + f(x - 1)
f(X,Y) :-
Y is 5 * X + X * X + f(X-1,Y).
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
How can I add value of f(X-1)?
This can be easily solved by using auxiliary variables.
For example, consider:
f(1, 1).
f(X, Y) :-
Y #= 5*X + X^2 + T1,
T2 #= X - 1,
f(T2, T1).
This is a straight-forward translation of the rules you give, using auxiliary variables T1 and T2 which stand for the partial expressions f(X-1) and X-1, respectively. As #BallpointBen correctly notes, it is not sufficient to use the terms themselves, because these terms are different from their arithmetic evaluation. In particular, -(2,1) is not the integer 1, but 2 - 1 #= 1 does hold!
Depending on your Prolog system, you may ned to currently still import a library to use the predicate (#=)/2, which expresses equality of integer expressesions.
Your example query now already yields a solution:
?- f(4, X).
X = 75 .
Note that the predicate does not terminate universally in this case:
?- f(4, X), false.
We can easily make it so with an additional constraint:
f(1, 1).
f(X, Y) :-
X #> 1,
Y #= 5*X + X^2 + T1,
T2 #= X - 1,
f(T2, T1).
Now we have:
?- f(4, X).
X = 75 ;
Note that we can use this as a true relation, also in the most general case:
?- f(X, Y).
X = Y, Y = 1 ;
X = 2,
Y = 15 ;
X = 3,
Y = 39 ;
X = 4,
Y = 75 ;
Versions based on lower-level arithmetic typically only cover a very limited subset of instances of such queries. I therefore recommend that you use (#=)/2 instead of (is)/2. Especially for beginners, using (is)/2 is too hard to understand. Take the many related questions filed under instantiation-error as evidence, and see clpfd for declarative solutions.
The issue is that you are trying to evaluate f(X-1,Y) as if it were a number, but of course it is a predicate that may be true or false. After some tinkering, I found this solution:
f(X,Y) :- X > 0, Z is X-1, f(Z,N), Y is 5*X + X*X + N.
The trick is to let it find its way down to f(1,N) first, without evaluating anything; then let the results bubble back up by satisfying Y is 5*X + X*X + N. In Prolog, order matters for its search. It needs to satisfy f(Z,N) in order to have a value of N for the statement Y is 5*X + X*X + N.
Also, note the condition X > 0 to avoid infinite recursion.

Get derivative in R

I'm trying to take the derivative of an expression:
x = read.csv("export.csv", header=F)$V1
f = expression(-7645/2* log(pi) - 1/2 * sum(log(w+a*x[1:7644]^2)) + (x[2:7645]^2/(w + a*x[1:7644]^2)),'a')
x is simply an integer vector, a and w are the variables I'm trying to find by deriving. However, I get the error
"Function '[' is not in Table of Derivatives"
Since this is my first time using R I'm rather clueless what to do now. I'm assuming R has got some problem with my sum function inside of the expression?
After following the advice I now did the following:
y <- x[1:7644]
z <- x[2:7645]
f = expression(-7645/2* log(pi) - 1/2 * sum(log(w+a*y^2)) + (z^2/(w + a*y^2)),'a')
Deriving this gives me the error "sum is not in the table of derivatives". How can I make sure the expression considers each value of y and z?
Another Update:
y <- x[1:7644]
z <- x[2:7645]
f = expression(-7645/2* log(pi) - 1/2 * log(w+a*y^2) + (z^2/(w + a*y^2)))
d = D(f,'a')
I've eliminated the "sum" function and just entered y and z. Now, 2 questions:
a) How can I be sure that this is still the expected behaviour?
b) Uniroot doesn't seem to like "w" and "a" since they're just symbolic. How would I go about fixing this issue? The error I get is "object 'w' not found"
This should work:
Since you have two terms being added f+g, the derivative D(f+g) = D(f) + D(g), so let's separate both like this:
g = expression((z^2/(w + a*y^2)))
f = expression(- 1/2 * log(w+a*y^2))
See that sum() was removed from expression f, because the multiplying constant was moved into the sum() and the D(sum()) = sum(D()). Also the first constant was removed because the derivative is 0.
D(sum(-7645/2* log(pi) - 1/2 * log(w+a*y^2)) + (z^2/(w + a*y^2)) = D( constant + sum(f) + g ) = sum(D(f)) + D(g)
Which should give:
sum(-(1/2 * (y^2/(w + a * y^2)))) + -(z^2 * y^2/(w + a * y^2)^2)
expression takes only a single expr input, not a vector, and it is beyond r abilities to vectorize that.
you can also do this with a for loop:
foo <- c("1+2","3+4","5*6","7/8")
result <- numeric(length(foo))
foo <- parse(text=foo)
for(i in seq_along(foo))
result[i] <- eval(foo[[i]])

Numerically stable evaluation of sqrt(x+a) - sqrt(x)

Is there an elegant way of numerically stable evaluating the following expression for the full parameter range x,a >= 0?
f(x,a) = sqrt(x+a) - sqrt(x)
Also is there any programming language or library that does provide this kind of function? If yes, under what name? I have no specific problem using the above expression right now, but encountered it many times in the past and always thought that this problem must have been solved before!
Yes, there is! Provided that at least one of x and a is positive, you can use:
f(x, a) = a / (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x))
which is perfectly numerically stable, but hardly worth a library function in its own right. Of course, when x = a = 0, the result should be 0.
Explanation: sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x) is equal to (sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x)) * (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x)) / (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x)). Now multiply the first two terms to get sqrt(x+a)^2 - sqrt(x)^2, which simplifies to a.
Here's an example demonstrating the stability: the troublesome case for the original expression is where x + a and x are very close in value (or equivalently when a is much smaller in magnitude than x). For example, if x = 1 and a is small, we know from a Taylor expansion around 1 that sqrt(1 + a) should be 1 + a/2 - a^2/8 + O(a^3), so sqrt(1 + a) - sqrt(1) should be close to a/2 - a^2/8. Let's try that for a particular choice of small a. Here's the original function (written in Python, in this case, but you can treat it as pseudocode):
def f(x, a):
return sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x)
and here's the stable version:
def g(x, a):
if a == 0:
return 0.0
return a / ((sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x))
Now let's see what we get with x = 1 and a = 2e-10:
>>> a = 2e-10
>>> f(1, a)
>>> g(1, a)
The value we should have got is (up to machine accuracy): a/2 - a^2/8 - for this particular a, the cubic and higher order terms are insignificant in the context of IEEE 754 double-precision floats, which only provide around 16 decimal digits of precision. Let's compute that value for comparison:
>>> a/2 - a**2/8
