Difference between Openstack compute, Openstack server, Openstack ironic, Openstack hosts? - openstack

I am getting confused about how all these terms are defined.
Each has a separate commands list also.
compute agent
compute agent create
compute agent delete
compute agent list
compute agent set
compute service
compute service delete
compute service list
compute service set
server add fixed ip
server add floating ip
server add port
server add security group
server add volume
server create
server delete
server dump create
server list
host list
host set
host show

Openstack compute refers to compute service (=nova multiple services - api,conductor,compute)).
Host list refers to your controllers and computes added to your cloud.
Hypervisor list would list your Computes.
Openstack server list refers to instances (VMs) running in your cloud. For info, this is role based. So if your were the admin, you'd only see servers in the admin project. If you wanted (as admin) to see servers in all projects, you would need to use openstack server list --all-tenants.


How do I point traffic from a GCE external IP to a secondary internal IP?

I currently have a GCE instance that is running Jenkins, and I want to be able to access it from the browser. It's running on an IP address OTHER than the primary internal address Google gives me. So for example, the primary internal IP is, but Jenkins is running at
How do I direct traffic from <EXTERNAL_IP>:8081 to ?
Please note that my Linux skills are shaky and my networking skills are non-existant, so if you can tell me HOW to do whatever it is I need to do, bonus. :) Thanks!
1- First you need to create a Firewall rules on the current instance's network eg:
gcloud beta compute --project=<project-name> firewall-rules create jenkins --description="8081 port jenkins" --target-tags=jenkins --network=<network-name> --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:8081
Then you have to add that rule in the instance (selecting the tag created above) eg:
gcloud compute instances add-tags <instance-name> --tags jenkins
2- Other way it's by Cloud Console from VPC network/Firewall rules and then add the Firewall Rule Tag on your instance.
However you should use the Alias IP Ranges (from this documentation may respond your question + your FR rules created for External IP).

Associate Elastic IP with scheduled AWS data pipeline

Anybody knows is it possible to associate Elastic IP with scheduled data pipeline? I have configured data pipeline to run every day. During data pipeline execution, I need access to Google DB. To have access to Google DB I should add IP (CIDR) in DB authorization settings. But without known public IP of EC2 instance created by data pipeline I cannot configure it.
So I need to have a possibility to setup Elastic IP once to be used for EC2 instance which is creating automatically by data pipeline each time when data pipeline is runned by scheduler.
I am not aware how you can associate a EIP, however, you can create a VPC with with a NAT gateway. When you create your EC2 put it in your subnet that you've created and if everything is setup properly then your public IP will always be the same.
A second option would be to run your pipeline on a Task Runner.

AppDynamics Reuse nodename in Machine Agent Registration

We have implemented AppDynamics in Jboss application. We have load balancer and autoscalling which means we will have node registration when new server comes up.
The problem here is Java and Machine Agent. Java Agent can reuse name with prefix (Appd Controlled Node Names) , but machine agent node name need to be provided at configuration level.
We are getting two separate agents listed. One is 100% with Machine Agent and another with Java agent. We need Machine Agent will ping at same line.
The Issue is resolved.
The controller-info of Machine Agent need not to have any Application,Node and Tier name. It should include unique host id which should be same as controller-info of JavaAgent.

How do I restrict access to a website hosted on an Azure VM to a given IP and itself?

I am doing some testing on an Azure VM and have an ASP.NET website that I wish to limit access to. The website should only be accessible from a given IP (our office) but I also want the server to be able to make requests to other websites hosted on itself.
I have successfully setup an IP and Domain Restriction for our office IP but cannot find a way to allow requests internally from itself.
Is this possible without setting up a static IP in Azure?
This question should be migrated to ServerFault, but given that there are programmatic approaches to it, I'll answer:
You need to set up Access Control Lists on the input endpoints, to specify ranges (via CIDR notation) of allowable or blocked IP addresses.
While this may be done via the portal, you may do it via the CLI:
azure vm endpoint acl-rule create [vm-name] [endpoint-name] [order] [action] [remote-subnet]
You may do this via PowerShell as well. Rough outline:
Use New-AzureAclConfig to set up a config object
Use Set-AzureAclConfig to add rules to the config
Use Get-AzureVM to retrieve the config of your given virtual machine and add the ACL config to the VM
Use Update-AzureVM to save your changes
More PowerShell details here.

Secondary storage not recognized in apache cloud stack

I am trying to setup a cloudstack (v4.4 on CentOS 6.5) management instance to talk to one physical host with XenServer (6.2) on it.
I have got so far as it setting the zone/pod/cluster/host and it can see the XenServer machine. Primary storage is also visible to it - I can see it in the dashboard. However it can't see the secondary storage and thus I can't download templates/ISOs. The dashboard says 0kb of 0kb in use for secondary storage.
I have tried having the secondary storage as local to the cloudstack management instance (whilst setting the use.local global setting to true). I have also tried setting up a new host and setting that up as the NFS share and it did not work.
I have checked in both instances that the shares I have made are mountable - and they are. I have also seeded them with the template VM by running the command outlined in the installation guide. Both places I set to be secondary storage had ample space available - 1 greater than 200GB. The other around 70GB. I have also restarted the management machine a few times.
Any help would be much appreciated!
You need secondary storage enabled in order to supply templates to your hosts. The simplest way to achieve that is to create an NFS export that is available to the host. I usually do it in the host it self. In your case that would be the XenServer. Then in the management server add the secondary storage in: Infrastructure -> Secondary Storage -> Add Secondary Storage.
Secondary storage is provided by a dedicated system VM. Once you add a secondary storage, CloudStack will create a system VM for that. Start by checking the status of the system VMs in: Infrastructure -> System VMs
The one you are looking for should be called Secondary Storage VM.
It should be running and the agent should be ready (two green circles). If the agent is not ready, first ssh to your XenServer host and then to the system VM using the link local IP (you can see the IP in the details of the VM) with the following command:
ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.cloud -p 3922 LIKN_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS
Then in the system VM, run a diagnostic tool to check what could be wrong:
