apitest.cybersource.com new key failure - cybersource

All new keys created in https://ebc2test.cybersource.com/ebc2/ result in failure response:
"response": {
"rmsg": "Authentication Failed"
Reproduction Steps:
Create new Cybersource Test Account here: https://developer.cybersource.com/api/developer-guides/dita-gettingstarted/registration.html
Receive email & set up user
Generate new REST API Shared Secret Key
Attempt to use key here: https://developer.cybersource.com/api-reference-assets/index.html#payments_payments_process-a-payment
Key Generation (note - this is a merchant id based off todays date)
Cybersource Key Generation
And a request failing
Failed Request

Make sure the Merchant ID is correct
you can get the Merchant ID from the EBC Dashboard


Firebase Realtime Database returns 401 when trying to authenticate?

I am using REST API in my app to communicate with a Firebase RTDB, and trying to use a Google Access Token to authenticate my requests.
My issue is that with even the most permissive Rules on the database, I get HTTP error 401 in response to queries that try to authenticate.
For example, say I try to put some data in my database with the following command, I get 401 in return (all the values within < > are placeholders):
curl -XPUT -d '{ "UserID" : "<GOOGLE_UID>", "UserName" : "Clicksurfer", "CompletionMoves" : 8, "CompletionTime" : 16.21979 }' https://<FIREBASE_URL>.firebaseio.com/Level2/<GOOGLE_UID>.json/?access_token=<GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN>
The strangest part is, when I abandon the use of access token altogether the query works:
curl -XPUT -d '{ "UserID" : "<GOOGLE_UID>", "UserName" : "Clicksurfer", "CompletionMoves" : 8, "CompletionTime" : 16.21979 }' https://<FIREBASE_URL>.firebaseio.com/Level2/<GOOGLE_UID>.json
As I said, I am currently using the most permissive rules for debugging:
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks in advance
I use the Google Play Games plugin for Unity in my project, among other things to get the AuthCode.
In order to do this, I needed to do a couple of things:
When building the config for Google Play Games during startup, I made sure to call the RequestServerAuthCode(false) method
Have the user login after Google Play Games sets up
Make sure that the relevant ClientID was supplied to Unity (in this case, it is a web client that has auth permissions on my Firebase rtdb).
This all looks like this:
public class GPGSAuthentication : MonoBehaviour
public static PlayGamesPlatform platform;
void Start()
if (platform == null)
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().RequestServerAuthCode(false).Build();
PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true;
platform = PlayGamesPlatform.Activate();
Social.Active.localUser.Authenticate(success =>
if (success)
Debug.Log("GSPS - Logged in successfully");
Debug.Log("GSPS - Falied to login");
Now that we've done this, we can call PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode() in order to get the AuthCode.
I traded in my AuthCode for an Access Token by sending a POST request to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token. In my query, I supply 4 fields:
client_id, which has the ID of the previously used client (where we got the AuthCode from).
client_secret, which has the correlating secret.
grant_type, which is always with the value "authorization_code"
code, which has the value of the AuthCode we got.
In response, I get a 200 response with 4 parameters:
access_token, the token I (fail to) use when authenticating against my Firebase rtdb.
token_type, the type of the aforementioned token.
expires_in, the amount of time before the token expires (I presume in seconds unit)
refresh_token, a token which can be used in order to get a new access_token without having to keep the Google user connected.
I then supply this access_token value to the queries I send to my DB, and promptly get the 401 error.

The number of keys specified in the URI does not match number of key properties for the resource 'microsoft.graph.bookingAppointment

We are trying to use Graph APIs for Bookings application. In fact, we are customizing
the C# code from the microsoft sample :
We have the application registration and all the permissions configured in Azure.
Using the BookingsSampleNativeConsole, we are able to query the graphService.BookingBusinesses
as shown below.
var graphService = new GraphService(GraphService.ServiceRoot,
() => authenticationResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader());
Unfortunately none of the other entities gets populated. So we are using the following to query the appointments:
Uri appointUri = new Uri("https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/bookingBusinesses/{id}/appointments");
var appointParams = new UriOperationParameter[]
new UriOperationParameter("start", "2020-08-01T00:00:00Z"),
new UriOperationParameter("end", "2020-08-31T00:00:00Z")
var resp = graphService.Execute(appointUri, "GET", appointParams);
But this call returns :
An error occurred while processing this request. --->
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "The number of keys specified in the URI does not match number of key properties for the resource 'microsoft.graph.bookingAppointment'."
Any idea what we are missing or wrong with appointParams ?
Thanks in advance.
(2)Graph APIs for Bookings has been in beta for quite sometime now. Any idea
when is the probable release date for version 1.0 ?

Messenger bot with checkbox plugin how to keep track of the conversation with user ref and user id

We'd like to add the facebook messenger checkbox plugin at the end of a request form so users can opt-in for notifications via messenger.
When the user opts in, our webhook receives a callback with the user_ref that we set in the form.
We send a confirmation of opt-in to this user_ref
But other messages we receive like delivery, read receipt or actual messages from the user do contain the user ref anymore but the user id.
This is the official documentation of facebook:
After you receive the callback event, you can call the Send API to start messaging the user using the user_ref identifier in recipient as shown below. Note that this field is the same as the unique user_ref param used before when the plugin was rendered and in confirming the opt-in.
If the call to the Send API is successful, the response will contain a recipient_id parameter, which is a stable user ID that you can now use in future API calls.
Therefore it's impossible to keep track between the initial message and new ones. Does anyone found a solution for this?
Thank you very much in advance.
You can, for example, send additional information when the user opts in using the optional ref parameter. You can send the username of the user logged on my website:
function confirmOptIn() {
FB.AppEvents.logEvent('MessengerCheckboxUserConfirmation', null, {
'ref': 'myuser#mywebsite.com',
You will receive the username within optin in your webhook event:
Then, you can call the Send API to start messaging the user using the user_ref.
If the call to the Send API is successful, the response will contain a recipient_id parameter, which is a stable user ID that you can now use in future API calls.
...so you will received the Messenger ID which you can map to the username of your website you already have. Here, I modified a little the example from the official developers site to call the send API with user_ref and map the user ID I get in the response to the username of my website:
function callSendAPICheckbox(messageData, userApplicationId) {
((userApplicationId) => {
uri: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages',
qs: {
access_token: PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN
method: 'POST',
json: messageData
function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var recipientId = body.recipient_id;
var messageId = body.message_id;
if (messageId) {
console.log("Map messenger user ID %s with the username of my website %s", recipientId, userApplicationId);
} else {
console.log("Successfully called Send API for recipient %s",
} else {
console.error("Failed calling Send API for userId " +
recipientId, response.statusCode, response.statusMessage, body.error);
Why don't you make use of metadata field of sendTextMessage. Each and every message you send to your user, you send the metadata too, and when you receive response of the message being delivered, you find the metadata field in it.
Here is what I do:
When user select the checkbox plugin and event is triggered I receive the call on my server, check if it contains user_ref. If it does, then I send a text message to user with a custom metadata using user_ref. When user receives the message, the webhook send me a json data as mentioned in the documentation. To identify for which user_ref I have received this response, I set custom metadata which is combination of some string + user_ref before sending the message to user using user_ref. Using this custom metadata I identify the sender.id of the user for which I previously sent message using user_ref. The sender.id is my pageid and recipient.id the the user id which you are trying to get and using which we generally send message to the user and is also know as psid.
Above if just the logical part mentioned which I usually do.
For detail solution along with code, I have already posted it here:

Error:"invalid_grant", Description:"Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token and in a reasonable timeframe", Uri:""

I am trying to access google-calendar with the help of google service account
but i got belloing error
An exception of type 'Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResponseException' occurred in Google.Apis.dll but was not handled in user code
The error I am getting: "invalid_grant", Description:"Invalid JWT: Token must be a short-lived token and in a reasonable timeframe", Uri:""
string credPath = "key path";
String serviceAccountEmail = xxxx#developer.gserviceaccount.com";
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(credPath, "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(serviceAccountEmail)
Scopes = new[] { CalendarService.Scope.CalendarReadonly,
// Create the service.
var service = new CalendarService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "HRTool",
var events = service.Events.List("my calaender id").Execute();
Invalid grant
When you try to use a refresh token, the following returns you an invalid_grant error:
Your server's clock is not in sync with network time protocol - NTP.
The refresh token limit has been exceeded.
First, kindly check the synchronization problem with the server clock, see the poor synchronization of the computer's clock answer for additional information. Second, check handling of refresh token and the old tokens. Some flows include additional steps, such as using refresh tokens to acquire new access tokens. For detailed information about flows for various types of applications, see Google's OAuth 2.0 documentation.
Hope this helps!
If you are getting the error of "Invalid JWT Signature." and if you are using the P12 certificate then confirm the P12 is correct or not for the Client Key you have used.
If you are getting the error of "Invalid JWT Signature." This is the error caused by some other plugin which you just installed check. I solved by removing rank math plugin as after this plugin install the elementor update was not working.

What is the parameter name for basic authentication in meteor's http.post API?

I'm using HTTP.post in meteor and I need to send basic authentication with only a username to an external service. Where does this go and what would that look like?
I am only using it on the server side so I know it should look like the below code, but I'm not sure where to put the username and what to call it.
I've tried this.
var resultSet = HTTP.post("https://billy.balancedpayments.com/v1/customers", {
params: {"processor_uri": "/customers/customerURI"},
authentication: {"MYKEYHERE":""}
And this.
var resultSet = HTTP.post("https://billy.balancedpayments.com/v1/customers", {
params: {"authentication": "MYKEYHERE",
"processor_uri": "/customers/customerURI"}
And this.
var resultSet = HTTP.post("https://billy.balancedpayments.com/v1/customers", {
params: {"processor_uri": "/customers/customerURI"
headers: {'Authorization': 'MYKEYHERE'}
I get this error each time.
Error: failed [403] 403 Forbidden Access was denied to this resource.
Unauthorized: CustomerIndexView failed permission check
The plain auth : 'username:password' should do (from docs):
var resultSet = HTTP.post("https://billy.balancedpayments.com/v1/customers", {
params: {"processor_uri": "/customers/customerURI"},
auth: 'yourkey:'
As per the balanced payments documentation:
To authenticate with Balanced, you will need the API key secret provided from the dashboard. You have to use http basic access authentication. Your key has to be set as the username. A password is not required for simplicity.
So this means you leave the password blank, so its just your key followed by the colon :
Also you might want to consider using the balanced package for Meteor which does all the boilerplate for you.
