I have trouble resizing multiple images to different dimensions - css

I started off a month ago and I have trouble understanding the grid system on CSS.
I can to create some classes on my html to later edit on my CSS but it does not seem to work. I want to add some images so they cover that entire section of the page while other to appear small (images of products I am selling).
Any advice on where to learn this efficiently?

I found this reference super helpful when trying to implement a grid.
On laying out some images on a grid, it helps me to remember that I can use a combination of different positioning techniques inside the grid boxes. I also found that this class on css for developers is super detailed and helpful.

I found this site that brings several examples of using the grid: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/
The "grid-template-areas" section seems to provide a solution for what you want, by referencing the names of the grid areas which are specified with the grid-area property. The syntax itself provides a visualization of the structure of the grid.


Vertical and horizontal CSS grid system

I want to start a blog design from scratch as a week-ends project, but I have problem to see how I can render it via CSS.
In a CSS grid system you can define the size of a column based on the number of elements e.g. I have 12 based grid and I can decide to have 2 columns: 2 of the size of 6 or one of 5 and one of 7.
[EDIT] I found a website example that does what I would like to achieve: http://www.by-form.net/
The thing about vertical sizing is that it should grow as your content grows, that's why grid systems only include rows with 12 columns, because you'll need your page to grow as the content in it does. As stated before (and I'm not sure if you meant pure CSS grid system when you asked or if you were referring to bootstraps grid system or something similar), you can use a lot of different frameworks to achieve this like Bootstrap or Materialize or even create one yourself (which is a great exercise if your objective is to understand how this works, but not so much if you want to be productive about your project).
Thank you for your answers guys,
I found 2 ways to answer that issue:
the masonry grid Javasript layout that handle very closely to the original idea of how I wanted to handle it.
or a nested grid (a grid within a grid), e.g. profoundgrid
I don't have much knowledge about this but using bootstrap css you can achive the grid system.
check this out
Your grid in the image is very complex.
I don't think you can achieve a layout like this without any rows or columns that is flexible enough.
What I mean by that is, that you surely want the boxes to grow when the content gets bigger. This could be a big problem cause there are so many dependencies to next and previous columns.
I wrote an answer to a similar question showing a variety of CSS Techniques to do layouts. Check it out, it might be helpful here.
Anyway, if you reduce some dependencies and know exactly what the order of the content should be and look like, it would be much easier.

Grid layout - why should I use it, and should I use a framework like Bootstrap or Foundation?

I had experience with Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation, and I personally think the only thing I want to use is their grid system. Other features are just bloated.
So I read about the prospect of a grid layout. All of the articles I found are oriented toward an 'artistic' explanation (golden ratio ect). I am a coder at heart, I need a clear & logical reason to use a grid layout (for example: 'columns can be easily stacked on top of each other on mobile screen, and expand horizontally on larger screens'). Can someone give me the pros and cons of applying a grid system to my website? Personally do you think using a grid system is good?
If the answer is yes, should I use a premade grid system like from Twitter Bootstrap/Foundation or just make one for my own? All of the other features are unnecessary for me an irrelevant to my problem.
Thanks! :D
I agree with #kunalbhat that this might not be the best area to ask this but since you did I will try to answer it.
The grids are designed allow for speed and adaptability. Speed in multiple senses. The first part of the speed is the speed of writing the code. You can easily get the layout you want when you are using the grid system and everything aligns correctly. You don't have to remember your tables and columns and col-spans, etc.
The second speed is modifying your code. Inevitably you will need to go back and make changes, with a grid this is easily to do. Changing a col-md-7 to a col-md-6 easily makes a little tweak in the layout of your page that can easily be tracked and performed.
You mentioned responsive design, both Bootstrap and Foundation have responsive grids. The grids will snap to different sizes based on the viewport size. However you have control as well. For example if you want something to take 1/12th the screen in desktop, 1/4th on a tablet, and 100% on a phone that is easily done with Bootstrap and Foundation, both have grid classes that target specific viewports.
The also provide visibility classes based on those viewports.
For the "bloated" part that is easily solved. Using SCSS you can easily only import portions of a library. For example for one project I was on I only imported the Grid and it was considerably smaller.
I happen to think that this is a SO question, simply because of one of the main cons of CSS grid systems: semantic.
I think semantic is important for a web developer and having a class named col-md-7 is not the most semantic thing to do.
But I like grids, because they are easy and quick to use, so I started to use LESS. Because it allows me to use variables and functions(mixins) in CSS, I can build my own grid system on my CSS rather then on my HTLM.
You can start on Frameless and customize your own 'classes'.

CSS Layout Issue with 960 GS

I am just trying to achieve the following CSS layout using 960 GS. Pretty much an newspaper article kind of layout. I am finding some problem with positioning.
I am using for your kind info
$ninesixty-grid-width: 978px;
$ninesixty-gutter-width: 0px;
$ninesixty-class-separator: "-";
I could not achieve the newspaper kind of layout with the image inside the text. Please guide me out some links or pointers or code to achieve this. Let me know if you need futher info
You didn't say if you already had the grid or not, but anyway if you go to - grid generator site and enter the settings:
Firstly wrap the whole page in a container-12 then I would use the following classes on your divs for the layout:
I think you will need to put both elements in the first grid-6 to avoid a float issue. Other things to consider is that you don't have a gutter so elements will be tight up to each other. I would suggest amending the settings and adding a gutter.
Usually I would not add padding to the grid elements as that means you would need to edit the widths and that goes against the grid system.

fixed-fluid-fixed layout

I'm trying to create a three column layout in CSS only with fixed left and right columns and a fluid central column. I have searched online but nothing has worked when I implement it. I don't know whether this is particularly relevant but my central column is (or contains, I've tried both) an iframe. This seems to be contributing to the complication.
Have you tried using an 960 grid ?
Otherwise there are many examples for using fixed and fluid grid layouts in the web:
This is the one you are looking for.
Btw: Please provide some of your code, or do a jsfiddle about it !

pure css layout for a web application?

I'm working on a web app that currently has a table-based layout. Ideally I'd like to go to pure css, or failing that, a hybrid tables-and-css layout* .
I've banged my head against the wall trying to understand css layouts and positioning. The main problem I'm encountering is that, depending on the state of the app, I have different things appearing in a 'section' of the layout -- what might be contained in a div or table. For instance, I might have some text and links, and then after user interaction, there might be a form, a table, some images, different text, etc. Anytime I find a css solution, it is for a fixed-element layout, or works in a specific case, etc. They're not robust solutions, in other words.
From this In Search of the One True Layout, the author about "Vertical placement of elements across grids/columns": "Designers face the choice of relying on elements being a particular height, resorting to tables or simply not bothering." Is this true? In my app, I can't rely on elements being a particular height.
Do I fall back on tables when I have elements of various hieghts ( which is quite a bit of the site, actually). I noticed that quite a bit of sites done by well-respected people and organizations use tables for layout in certain places, and not just for tabular data! This site included.
The chances are that there are CSS techniques to achieve what you want, but they may not be obvious if using CSS for complex layouts is new to you.
In your case, to 'get it done', I would recommend a hybrid type layout, and not feel bad about using a table to layout the pieces of the application that require those particular behaviours.
If it is particularly complex and difficult than a table might be the best and simplest approach even for the CSS expert.
Dynamic heights are only a problem if you need to implement a special effect of soem sort or a background image and oftent there are ways around that. It really depends on the Visual Design and what needs to be done to make each "block" flexible to use. Sometimes things arent possible but most of the time they are - they jsut tend to add complexity to the markup. But even that added complexity is easier for me to understand than nested tables :-)
My advice if you want to get things done and spend a ridiculous amount of time on css layout, browser compatibility, CSS reset, fonts:
write simple, valid, semantic HTML
use a simple CSS framework (like blueprint). You will rely on a simple grid system for positioning and layout.
add CSS classes to your HTML
add your custom CSS for colors, backgrounds...
Please reconsider using a table layout 'to get it done'; you will be disappointed, especially if you want to add some JS magic later.
I use CSS layouts for my web apps. But, my apps don't have wildly varying information, so I can set the content area and not have to worry about the layout looking "off" because a column is way out of balance with the rest of the content.
If you're having trouble with CSS layout and positioning, I'd suggest tables first, learn more about CSS/HTML positioning, and then convert your layout LATER. I'm sure that it's made for a frustrating experience learning CSS on a "real" project.
In the meantime, get some really good sources for CSS: books by Andy Budd, Simon Collison, Eric Meyer, et. al. Also, go to their blogs and dig into the archives. A really good book for CSS layout, positioning and general use is Beginning CSS Web Development by Simon Collison from APress. All the ins and outs with great working examples.
