How to create a permanent QR Code from app inventor - qr-code

I have a trouble. In my project I need to use my cell phone, scan a QR Code to enter in App Inventor, do some things there and then send to my arduino. It all feels good, but in order to be pratical I'm thinking to create a permanent QR Code from App Inventor. I already found a QR Code but is valid only a few times. I'm searching for something that is permanent.
Here's the QR Code, but as you can see it's only for testing, it isn't permanent.

You are trying to run your aia project in Companion mode on your phone. You should compile your project and then install the apk to your device. No QR needed. If you need more help I suggest you try on the
App Inventor community


Can I create .ipa file and send it to my customer without apple developer program

I am new to ios programming and want to clear some question and problem which I am facing while extrating ipa file.
Can I extract .ipa file throw xcode without having developer program but i have developer id and create .ipa file throw PayLoad Process?
How much I am able to do without apple Developer Program?
I want to show progress to my customer, what is the solution?
I am getting Signing Certificate and auto-generate provisioning profiles errors while extracting .ipa file, Are these problem coming because of not having developer programming?
Can I send ipa file to anyone to install and check?
Short answer is no. The free apple developer account only allows you to deploy your application on a device that is plugged into the Mac. If you need to send an IPA to someone else for installing onto their device, you need a full developer account (paid). You'll also need them to send you the UDID of the device so you can manually add it to your device list / profile in Apple's developer portal.
If you want to demonstrate progress, I would share your screen through any number of online meeting solutions, and demonstrate the app in the simulator. Or you can record the screen of an actual device in Quicktime and send them the video.

Mac code signing Qt app with phonon

I have tried signing this app many times in many different ways. I have used the code sign utilities from the latest xcode as well as the bitrock installer. They all seem to complete the signing, except that when i try to verify with:
codesign -vvv
I get: embedded framework contains modified or invalid version
In subcomponent:
It seems like just this one library won't sign. I have googled for hours and I can't figure this out one. I don't know if it's something in the signing that's not right, or something wrong with that library. Is that possible?

Exported my Construct 2 game with Intel XDK (edit: Crosswalk); error message shows up. How do I get rid of it?

I just learned about the Intel XDK at Indiecade today, and I couldn't wait to get home to try a port of one of my Construct 2 games. The game ended up working perfectly, aside from the fact that it has no sound when played on my Galaxy S5. The Intel XDK Emulator plays the game with sound, but for some reason it doesn't work on my phone. My volume is all the way up. Are there any tips when importing C2 games with the Intel kit to make sure the sound is preserved?
One thing I might add is when I run the app, it gives me an error message as though I am trying to run it locally in my computer. The actual message:
Alert: Exported games won't work until you upload them. (When running on the file:/// protocol, browsers block many features from working for security reasons.)
And then it auto-jumps to:
Application Error: The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
... as a matter of fact it stopped working altogether after the two error messages while I was typing this question.
Edit: OK... so I exported it within the XDK as Crosswalk rather than simply Android, and the music now works. However, the first error message I mentioned before still shows up. I won't want this on all of my apps. Any way to get rid of it?
OK so this is what I did wrong: When I exported through Construct 2, I did what I always do and exported as a web app. What I should've done is export it as an Android app. I seriously don't know why I didn't try this first but after exporting as Android and then using the Intel XDK to port it with Crosswalk, everything is peachy.
I found my answer here:
I'm glad you found the answer here; I knew there would be a way :)
Just wanted to chip in as a follow-up, there is a webinar tomorrow for a much more in-depth tour of the XDK and its features - including crosswalk - than I was able to provide at IndieCade. Let me know if it works out for you!
Webinar Link:
This happens if you export as a normal html5 and not as Cordova app.
I had the same problem. I'm calling other HTML offline and solved the problem with this post:
How Do I Reference cordova.js Script from My Project index.html File
To enable the use of Cordova plugins in an HTML5+Cordova project type, reference the cordova.js script file exactly once in your index.html file:
If your project contains more than one HTML file (or page) that will use Cordova APIs, you must include a reference to the cordova.js script file in each of those HTML files. It is highly recommended that you limit yourself to building single-page apps (SPAs) when creating Cordova applications. See this Cordova Best Practices article for more details. Also, note that the cordova.js file is a "phantom" file; it is not present in your project directory, but is added by the Cordova build system when your application is built (it is customized for your app as part of the build process).

Packaging Operation Failed in Xcode 4

When I use Xcode 4 to create an app IPA fie, I go to Product --> Archive to get an Xcode Archive. I recently read the SO post here detailing on how to distribute an app in the AppStore. I followed the instructions in this post and my errors still persist.
First, I begin with validation. When I click Validate I login, elect the correct code signing ID and then get the following error:
I get the same error message when I attempt to distribute to the AppStore.
Any ideas as to why I cannot share and/or distribute my app?
Previously, I was having trouble validating and distributing and as a result I would receive this error:
I fixed this problem by finishing my CCATs / Encryption Registration in iTunes Connect.
I got the same error and found this solution (Xcode 4.4).
In Build Settings/Code Signing I had "Don't Code Sign" in my first Archive attempt.
I then put a valid Distribution Certificate (in the Release identity) and, after Archiving, validation of package went flawless.
Thanks to Apple that at every release does something (undocumented) different from the previous version.
Couple months late, but in case someone else encounters this problem and finds this question (as I did) and none of the other suggestions work for you. After reading the other answers, there seem to be multiple causes for this error.
In my case, it was because my project's scheme had its Archive build configuration set to Release, instead of Distribution. After changing this to Distribution, I was able to submit the app without issues.
Hope this helps someone else.
I had similar situation and standard solutions like removing files with prefix _. and certificate experimenting did not lead into success.
Build distribution of English version worked, but localised to Croatian did not. So I used heavy weapon. I installed Croatian keyboard layout. And guess what? Since that moment all worked out!
So maybe there was something else in the place, but I would suggest you at least to check if this matches your situation.
Possible error with your certificate/provisioning profiles. Here is a short summary of my certificate quest with Xcode 4.3:
Make certain (in that you have created a distribution certificate
Make certain your application id in Xcode matches perfectly the one in
Create your app in
Load the distribution certificate in your keyChain create a distribution provisioning profile for your app (make certain you add all devices when creating the provisioning profile)
Drag the provisioning profile in Xcode organizer, LIBRARY section, Provisioning Profiles.
Make your archive.
In Xcode organizer, validate your app, then distribute it for ad-hoc.
Eventually (if you are patient) Xcode will offer to save the IPA somewhere. Save it, place the IPA in a place where your testers can download it.
After download, the tester can drag the IPA in iTunes (LIBRARY), and eventually sync up the device (if and only if their device UDID was checked when you created/modified the provisioning profile).
more or less. Best of luck.
ps. there is a free app in AppStore , Get UDID. Ask your testers to use that and email you the devices specifics, will save you tons of frustrations with the 40'ish characters long device ID.
It happnes to me when I've try distribute app from Xcode DEVELOPER PREVIEW.
From actual version of XCode - everything works fine.
I was also seeing this inexplicable error, and tried all of the suggestions here with no success. I finally went and deleted my local certificates and provisioning profiles and downloaded them again from Apple's provisioning website. After making sure the code signing options were set correctly in my build settings, I cleaned the project and archived again and this time the error disappeared when I ran the validation step.
Check if the code signing entries are correct (containing the distribution profile) for both the project and the target. It is possible to archive the project even if only the project settings are correct.
To me the answer came after trying to validate my app after unsuccessfully submitting it to the MacAppStore. I thought that by validating it, I should get a more detailed error message, instead ot this "Packaging operation error". And here it comes:
And that was because I had to revoke my certificates (as for why I had to revoke them, don't ask, I don't know, it happens in one every 2 submissions...). And I had recreated only the Mac Submission certificate. Actually, you also need the Installer one. It waqs late, I thought do I really need this?... Hence I finally made twice the little dance in -> Request Certificate from a Certificate Authority... etc, uploading to itunesconnect, and downloading them back. After that, it worked.

how to make .sis go online

I'm trying to write a program with qt for my symbian phone nokia 5800. In my program, i'm trying to go online and save the .html file of a desired website. My program works fine with qt device simulator but when i build it and send to my phone it doesn't work. I guess phone doesn't go online because it doesn't ask me to choose a connection. You guys have any idea? Thanks in advance.
I found the solution by looking at the sample codes of qt.
Try this:
