Atom Editor: Use Current file as an argument to any program - atom-editor

I'm new to Atom and I'm used to text editors that let you define external tools (like Visual Studio or UltraEdit) that let you pass arguments like the current file to any exe.
How do I achieve this in atom, for example I'd like to open the current file I'm editing in notepad.

I found a solution in this:
It allows you to run external commands.


Open txt file through notepad using Qt

I'm trying to open a text file in notepad using Qt but it keeps giving me this message:
What I'm using is the following:
QProcess::startDetached("C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe", { ":/notes.txt" });
Qt compiles resources added to a resource file into a binary format. Notepad (or any external tool) does not have access to the individual files that are part of it. If you want to provide access to the file to an external program, you'll have to either distribute your txt file alongside your application or write it to a temporary file on the fly before trying to open it.
After doing either of the two, you can then open your file with an external tool by passing the full path to QProcess::startDetached like it has been mentioned in David Cornejo's answer.
You need to pass the full path to the file as an argument to the QProcess::startDetached() function.
For example:
QProcess::startDetached("C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe", { "C:\\path\\to\\notes.txt" });

How to get '.r' file without open edge developer studio?

I'm new to progress open edge. Is it possible to get a '.r' file using GUI Procedure editor or app builder, if so how to get it?
If you have the GUI procedure editor, use the "Application Compiler" from the "Tools" menu.
Or enter the following code in the procedure editor and execute (F2):
COMPILE path/to/your.p SAVE.
COMPILE path/to/your.w SAVE.
You need some sort of compiler license to generate r-code.
The "showcfg" utility will list the licenses that you have available.

Goland IDE complains about builtin types

I have a project which is intended to have completely own environment. That means:
The Go language compiler and tools are installed inside the project's folder (in .deps\go subfolder).
Similarly, the project has own GOPATH folder.
Also, this project uses the Go modules approach.
There is a special build.cmd file which sets GOROOT and GOPATH accordingly and builds the application. That cmd file works fine.
But, when I open the project in GoLand, it shows a lot of complains like "Unexported type usage" about all builtin types, such as string, bool, float64, etc.
This is a screenshot of how it looks like in GoLand
When I Ctrl-click on the type name I'm getting to the builtin.go file inside the custom GOROOT, but it is shown with a lot of "Invalid recursive type" errors:
The GOROOT and GOPATH settings in the Settings dialog are set accordingly (but there is another installation of the Go tools on the computer, if that does matter).
The question is: why GoLand produces those complains and what should I do to overcome them?
The problem is that the Go SDK is located inside the project so GoLand thinks that the user's files are inside. Excluding the .deps directory in Preferences | Project Structure should help.

How to get highlighting for existing Arduino files in Sublime Text?

I installed the package Stino, the screenshots on GitHub shows it enable syntax highlighting, and in fact if I open the examples from Arduino > Platform Examples, they indeed have syntax highlighting and autocompletion enabled, also if I created a new file and save it as INO.
The problem is, for my already written *.ino files, none of these works. Any solution on how to enable these for existing files? That doesn't involve manually copying and pasting the content of old files to new files (there's just too many).
View -> Syntax -> Open all with current extension as ...

I am looking for editor for cross-bridge

I am looking for editor for crossbridge compiler that I am using for action script. I need to know which editor to use in the crossbridge environment.
Any C++ editor is sufficient.
When you invoke the makefile you need to specify the location of your flascc SDK and GLS3D repository.
More info:
