I am looking for editor for cross-bridge - apache-flex

I am looking for editor for crossbridge compiler that I am using for action script. I need to know which editor to use in the crossbridge environment.

Any C++ editor is sufficient.
When you invoke the makefile you need to specify the location of your flascc SDK and GLS3D repository.
More info: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/games/articles/compiling-opengl-games.html


Atom Editor: Use Current file as an argument to any program

I'm new to Atom and I'm used to text editors that let you define external tools (like Visual Studio or UltraEdit) that let you pass arguments like the current file to any exe.
How do I achieve this in atom, for example I'd like to open the current file I'm editing in notepad.
I found a solution in this: https://atom.io/packages/dqs-shell-commands
It allows you to run external commands.

How to use a license with JWrapper

So I have been working with the free version of JWrapper for some time now and have been quite pleased with the results; however, I have now purchased a license and would like to use it but I am unable to find the method with which to activate my JWrapper. I do not use the graphical interface version of JWrapper; rather I have created a xml installation file and pass that directly via commandline to JWrapper for building. Is there a special xml tag for specifying the license location? I was unable to find this information on JWrapper's homepage or support docs.
I received an answer from the support team. In order to use the license without using the JWrapperApp gui to build your application you will simply have to have the jwlicense.txt file in the same directory as your jwrapper.jar
After some tests it appears that the jwlicence.txt file must be in the current directory. So the best is to have all the files (jwrapper jar, jwrapper.xml and jwlicence.txt) in the same folder and run the compiler from that folder.

Can the GitHub Atom editor show properties and functions of classes?

Recently I moved from NetBeans to GitHub Atom editor. How can I access properties and functions of classes in the editor?
I use a mix with the symbol gen and symbols view packages. First one very good about generating ctag file for your project and second one for inspect code and jump to the definitions of tags. Also, it supports Show all symbols in current file future. It have to show for you the members and properties of your classes.
In short: after installation open a work directory with your project and try alt + cmd + g, wait several seconds, ctags file generating now for you and after that cmd + r and just start typing any part of a method or property in the input.
In addition to all the previous answers, I would recommend you to check Atom's package goto-definition, with its optional "performance mode" (which requires you to install ripgrep).
goto-definition will allow you to find and access properties and
functions/classes definitions even if they are not written in the same file. In combination with ripgrep, goto-definition is extremely fast, and you will not have to wait for file indexing within your project.
If you are referring to the members of a Java class (which I assume, since you've used NetBeans before), then this is currently not supported in Atom.
Atom is a (fairly simple) editor that allows you to edit text files, while full-blown IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA have full language support including running, debugging and browsing Java class information. It might be better to stick with one of the IDEs I mentioned if you are looking for this kind of functionality.
Having said that, there's the https://atom.io/packages/atom-ctags package, which supposedly can show some meta information about classes you're working on. It's primarily for C++, although it might work for Java as well (I haven't tried).

Customizing newly created projects in Aptana

I need to define a model for newly created projects in Aptana.
Basically, I want, anytime, when I create a new project, it adds some defined directories/files (not existing files, but new ones) to this project.
I'm not even sure it's possible.
Aptana doesn't appear to support that.
Maybe you can just create a small external sript to do it for you? Not the ideal solution, but better then none.
This might be a longshot, but it is worth mentioning. Since Aptana is based on Eclipse, you might be able to see how Eclipse would handle custom project templates. It appears that the easiest way to go about this is to actually create an Eclipse plugin that has a Template Wizard. IBM has a nice guide on how to use PDE to create a Custom Template. I am not sure if you will be able use PDE from within Aptana (you might be able to), otherwise, you might need to download a stock version of Eclipse, create the Plugin, then install it in Aptana.
Aptana is based on eclipse, so you could use a combination of Maven Archetypes and the Maven eclipse plugin to achieve this really easily.
Download and install maven
Create a basic maven project using the quickstart archetype, Archetypes are project templates used to rubber stamp new project structures. The quickstart is a very basic project template
mvn archetype:generate
generate the eclipse project files using the eclipse plugin. This will create the standard
mvn eclipse:eclipse
tweak the pom until and re-run step 3 until you're satisfied with the layout etc. You'll no doubt have to add configuration the eclipse plugin to add the correct build spec and project nature. If you open an existing .project file it will contain the values you need. you can see here how to add them.
once the project is set up to your liking you can create your own archetype out of it and use this to rubber stamp new projects in the future.
now you can run the generate again and can select your archetype from the list. If its not there, you may need to run this first to update the list of archetypes
mvn archetype:crawl
Open Source your archetype for others to use ;)
It's very simple in Studio 3. Try the following: http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/Creating+a+new+template#Creatinganewtemplate-Creatinganewprojecttemplate
Basically you create a .zip file of the project content, and then write a few lines of Ruby code to reference it.
Aptana uses (as I'm sure you know) its own 'new rails' project that gives you a variety of options.
I don't think it's beyond Will (the RadRails maintainer) to add a simple text field to that Wizard that would allow you to enter a command-line option parameter. He's always been very responsive with my previous bug and feature requests.
If you want to give that a try, and that works, then I would HIGHLY and STRONGLY recommend that you look into one of the new Rails features 'templates' in which you could make a generic template, then call it through the new input box. We use templates at my current job and they save us about 4 hours of work on each project. They are very easy to use...def...definitely.
If you can't wait for the input box, then you could always write the template then call it from within the command line (see
for info about templates)
Unless RadRails three is light-years ahead of the latest release, though, you'll be missing out on a lot of very handy advantages of using a more community-supported solution such as VIM or TextMate. (I switched to VIM from RadRails about 4 months ago and have never looked back).
Eclipse has a Plugin Development Environment. If I'm not mistaken, you can also create project templates with it. Please try: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-eclipse-pde/

Post Build Actions in Flex Builder

How do I add post-build actions in Flex Builder? For example, I'd like my build to work as normal, and execute from the bin folder; but I'd also like a copy of the final SWF to be copied to another folder automatically (I'm sick of doing it myself).
I know this post has been answered, but I found something simpler. I'm sure the Ant solutions are the way to go, but I didn't feel like messing with ant for my small project. All I really want is to have my html files and swf files in different directories. I guess that's a lot to ask.
I'm building on windows, so I created a simple batch file that performs my post-build steps (namely some move commands). I then created a new builder in flex using windows cmd.exe. I just told it to call the batch file using the /C option. It works perfectly and was very simple to set up. I tried adding screen shots, but I guess I'm too new to the site.
You can extend or replace the builder used by Flex Builder 3 with extenal programs - ant is a good choice.
If you run "Flex Builder 3 standalone" (which is a minimalist Eclipse version + the Flex builder plugin) as opposed to the Flex builder plugin in a standard Eclipse, you first need to install ant support. I didn't find ant separately packaged, so I just selected the Java build environment from Help / Software Updates.
Now you can go to your project properties (Right-Click on your Project, Properties) and chose Builders. You'll notice there is a Flex Builder per default, which you cannot remove nor change. However, you can deselect it and you can add other builders.
So in your case: "add" a new builder, ant builder, select a build.xml (can be named differently), preferably from within your project folder, and set the correct targets. This will continue to use the internal IDE builder while running your ant task just before or afterwards. The ordering on the screen will be the build order, which you can change using the arrow buttons.
I used this to copy required libraries into my /lib folder, compile the Flex sources using the IDE build (which has Eclipse-integration with error messages, which a pure ant-based commandline build would miss), and copy the result to a common deploy directory, renaming the wrapper html file in this process.
For details of how to write an ant file, please refer to the ant documentation.
I would also recommend using ant.
I posted a big article on how to get it set up for flexbuilder here http://dispatchevent.org/mims/ant-for-flex-part-1/ I think there is even an example in my build script of copying files from one place to another after compiling.
Good luck!
You'll have to create a custom build script. For whatever reason, the included, default 'builder' is not editable through the interface, so you'll have to replicate a lot of its functionality. Luckily, (or maybe not) Flex Builder uses Apache Ant for its build scripts, so this may or may not be a familiar way to do this for you.
To create a custom build script:
In the Flex Navigator view, select a project and then right-click (Control-click on Macintosh) to display the context menu and select Properties.
Select the Builders properties page. If you're using other Eclipse plug-ins, there may be more than one builder listed. Flex Builder provides a builder named Flex, which you cannot modify.
Select New.
In the Choose Configuration Type dialog box, select the appropriate configuration type. Flex Builder supports the program type. Select it and click OK to continue. From the new builder properties page you define the builder properties and reference the Ant script (an XML file).
Click OK to apply it to the project.
Flex builder is based on Eclipse 3.1, so documentation for Ant integration for that release is relevant here.
Note: Ant support must be enabled in Flex Builder first. I usually use Flex Builder as a plugin, rather than the standalone version, and the standalone version doesn't come with it out of the box. Here's a tutorial on how to do this.
If you want use Ant in Flex Builder, you may see:http://www.peterelst.com/blog/2006/09/03/flex-builder-2-ant-support/
but I am not sure this is work in flex builder 3 or not.
Here is a bit more detail on the post build script. It will be a simple bat file. For instance add the below line to a simple text file postbuild.bat (name doesn't matter).
copy bin/*.* 'someother location'
This would copy everything in the bin folder to another folder, just change the 'someother location'.
The least elegant solution but it will work on linux.
Create cron task to be executed every minute.
Use cp command with "-u" option.
From "man cp".
-u, --update
copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination
file or when the destination file is missing
In crontab -e add
* * * * * cp -u /path/to/bin-debug/*.swf /path/to/destination/
For more elegant solution - Ant the way to go.
