Accessing LinkedIn company's activity feed as non-admin - linkedin

I'm writing an application that is supposed to aggregate a company's social media platforms in one page. To do this I need to be able to access the company's activity feed.
When I signed up as a company for API access I enlisted my Application under Social Aggregation, the only permissions I was given are r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, rw_company_admin and w_share. None of these allow access to the activity feed, outside of rw_company_admin, which only allows the administrator of the company access to the feed, not another user.
Due to the 60-day lifecycle of the OAUTH2 token I'm unable to make the API call as an administrator on the background, since permission needs to be granted by a log-in.
This is what I have access too.
I think I'd be able to achieve my goal with this;
However, I need to be a LinkedIn partner to be able to make those API calls, and I'm not looking to access a user's entire feed. Just the feed of the company he is working for.

Organization shares can only be retrieved if the authorized member is also an administrator of the organization.


LinkedIn API likes/shares/comments

We have been trying to pull in like/comments for LinkedInposts that have been made by our application but it seems we are getting an error message. I am posting this on behalf of my developer. We have these products enabled.
Share on LinkedIn, Sign in with LinkedIn and Marketing Developer Platform
We have these permissions:
In trying to determine what might be happening my developer seems to think we must have r_member_social but seems to be a restricted permission per the LI faq.
"How do I get access to r_member_social?
r_member_social is a closed permission, and we are not accepting access requests this time due to resource constraints. Learn more about available Marketing APIs and permissions."
But in looking into this my thinking is that we should be able to get any likes/comments from posts that WE have made on behalf of an authenticated user via r_organization_social.
You don't have enough permissions to access the post as r_member_social is needed for it, and currently it is restricted by linkedIn.
The r_organization_social permission is used to Retrieve the organization's posts, comments, reactions, and other engagement data of the authenticated user.
It is something, that suppose your authenticated member has a page on LinkedIn and then This permission is used to get the data of the post that are from the organization page. It does not allow you to the data of the simple post that you post as the user.
More detail about the permissions can be found here.
r_member_social is needed for it, and currently, it is restricted by LinkedIn. There are just providing w_member_social access. You can check that as well by selecting your app from My Apps, navigating to the Products tab, going to the Marketing Developer Platform product, and clicking on view endpoints. then you will be able to see the permissions available.
Alternatively, you can explore this marketing documentation more.

LinkedIn - Basic profile API access issues

We are integrating the Linkedin Oauth into our software and would like to retrieve the “vanityname” value from the user account in order to display it in our UI (so the user knows which linkedin account they connected to).
Currently the vanityname seems to be only available for "Basic" profile, but our App only has access to "Lite". We looked everywhere but cannot find a way to request this permission specifically, or request access to “Basic” profile info;
Could you let me know how/where to apply for this permission? I am happy to provide the full usecase and flow of course.

Grant user access to specific subdomain

I'm looking for some guidance and have had a hard time finding a straight answer via Google.
I am building a web app using Google Cloud Platform and Firebase and would like to grant users access to only their own subdomain. So for example, if user 1 is part of the organization Lakers, I would like the domain they use to be If user 2 is part of Bucks, their app would be hosted at When somebody who is not authorized visits one of these domains, they should not be able to view anything since they are not authorized under that subdomain (just like any normal web app). I have the login all set up and can redirect the user to their subdomain, but what is the process of checking that the user is authorized to view that subdomain?
If the answer has many parts, I would be happy to receive some links to resources on how to do this; I wanna be sure it's done right.
For the first part: (Can we restrict users ( Identity ) based on the GCP domains ?) , then answer is yes. The Resource Manager provides a domain restriction constraint that can be used in organization policies to limit resource sharing based on domain. This constraint allows you to restrict the set of identities that are allowed to be used in Identity and Access Management policies.
Organization policies can use this constraint to limit resource sharing to a specified set of one or more Google Workspace domains, and exceptions can be granted on a per-folder or per-project basis. For more information about adding exceptions, see Override the organization policy for a project.
For the second part:(How do I lock down Firebase Database to any user from a specific email domain ?). If you're using the new Firebase this is now possible, since the email is available in the security rules.
In the security rules you can access both the email address and whether it is verified, which makes some great use-cases possible. With these rules for example only an authenticated, verified gmail user can write their profile, please see the Stackoverflow Link for more details.

LinkedIn API returns 403 when requesting companies list

We use the LinkedIn API to list companies that a user admins.
We have our App set to get r_fullprofile and rw_company_admin when the user grants permission.
We're trying to list all of the companies the user has admin access to via:,name,square-logo-url)?is-company-admin=true
<message>Member [user id] does not have permission to get companies as admin.</message>
According to the Manage Company Pages docs, as long as we have the rw_company_admin scope, we should be able to call this endpoint.
I've read through the Developer Program Transition docs ( but it doesn't seem to affect this usage of the API.
ETA: This has been flagged as a possible duplicate of LinkedIn API unable to view _any_ company profile
That question is about fetching details for a single company (which the user may or may not administrate). My question is about listing companies that the user specifically does administrate.
According to new api changes user should be administrator of target company. Read this .
All calls to Companies API endpoints will require the authenticated user to be flagged as an administrator of the LinkedIn Company Page that is the target of the API call. You become the administrator of a page when you create it. If the page already exists, you will have to contact the existing administrator to grant admin access to other LinkedIn members.
I faced the same problem and the problem was with the initial authorization code. You should mention the scope=rw_company_admin while doing the initial redirect URL call. Something like this -

Fetch my own updates from linkedin and display on my website - anonymous users

I have a company profile in linkedin. I have some updates in the profile. Now i need to fetch the records from linked and display on my website. It should be visible to the anonymous user also.
Did anyone implement such kind of code. Using only javascript or REST service. Please suggest some links. I have searched but no use.
Unfortunately, the LinkedIn API terms of service do not allow you to show data to un-authenticated users. Your options are to:
Authenticate the user and pull your profile data using their credentials, or
Use a pre-built plugin like the Member Profile plugin to display data to unauthenticated users.
