I get a generic ? where the icons should be.
A similar issue but for Visual Studio Code is documented here:
Needless to say, I haven't been able to find an equivalent fix.
I fixed it by setting "font_face": "MesloLGS NF", the preferred font of the powerlevel10k theme.
Thank you #ctrebbau. That worked.
I added this to Terminus Sublime Settings, and then restarted Sublime. That fixed it.
"view_settings": {
"font_face": "MesloLGS NF"
Where can I find documentation about the GNOME Shell theme css elements?
For instance, if I want to change the style of the "Activites" which css class/id do I have to tweak?
More in general I'm looking for somethings that maps each gnome shell element to its class / id in the css
This might be a little dated, but I was able to track down a somewhat authoratiative source. Starting with the documentation that turns up for developing on gnome shell:
The CSS section mentions that the theme stuff is located in gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell/data/theme/gnome-shell.css. Of course, it doesn't give a link or anything. From there, I googled for the source code, picked a reasonably recent version and hoped that I could browse the code using the path in the documentation. Lo and behold, the CSS!
In my case, I wanted to make all of the font smaller but I didn't know what the root element was. I was able to determine that stage is what I should target with something like font-size: 0.8em in my custom theme in ~/.themes/Naddeo/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css. This is my entire CSS file in case someone else is trying a real theme but they want to override one or two things. To use it, just pick it in the gnome tweak tool as your shell theme.
#import url("/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css");
stage {
font-size: 0.8em;
height: 1.50em;
Well I still cannot find documentation, however by looking into other themes I could finally find what I was looking for this specific case.
is the style to tweak
A project that I'm working on is making use of icon fonts. Is there some way of seeing what icons are included in the file? I can see what the icons are labeled in the generated css file (i.e. .icon-mail-alt:before { content: '\e808'; } ), but I would like to see the what the "images: look like. Is this possible?
If you are using a mac you can open it in fontbook and see all of the characters/symbols available.
On PC you can use charmap.exe, though it hasn't changed significantly in decades and is no longer really great. A quick search turned up BabelMap as an alternative which looks much more usable.
so far I've used aptana build 3.4.
I recently installed Aptana Studio 3, build: on my new mac, and by default the theme is bright.
I tried changing the theme to be dark, but only the background colors seems to change.
The font stay the same as before no matter what I do.
I change the theme via:
but the font color doesn't change, but stays like the default (light theme). and thus it looks weird:
Tried searching for solution for hours now but couldn't find anything.
Any help would be appreciated!
You can change the colors for PyDev editors via: Preferences > PyDev > Editor
...but unfortunatly I also have not found out, how to apply the color-themes.
edit: somebody came up with a solution to the python-editor theme problem, that worked for me :)
I'm using SquareSpace to build a splash page for my site, and while I've been able to figure everything out, this last thing plaques me.
I'm trying to have it so when you type your email in to the submit field, it uses the font Cutive Mono, just like I'm using for the text above the box.
So far I have this:
input[type=text] {
color: #cc5723;
font-family: cutive mono;}
While I do not want it to be that amber color, I was messing with the color to make sure I was working with the correct item. The text changes color as I type, but the font will not change. What am I missing here?
I'm a complete newb so sorry if this is a dumb question! I already looked everywhere online, but nothing seems to work. Thanks!
I suspect it is being overridden by another CSS style. Try using:
input[type=text] {
color: #cc5723;
font-family: cutive mono !important;}
If that works then it is being overridden somewhere in your CSS.
NOTE:!important should only be used to test. It is not a solution.
I have tried a basic example here: http://jsfiddle.net/n4S3s/ which seems to work fine.
Your other styles have priority over this. Use
font-family: cutive mono !important;
to test.
Yep. important! works. I just wasn't sure of it, but here is the
The other answers are correct; other styles in your CSS are overriding this one. I'm not sure I like using !important to force the style; I think of that as a last resort. But it's good for testing.
But more importantly, would you like to know how you could figure this out for yourself? Use the Developer Tools in Chrome (or any browser). Simply right-click the input element and select "Inspect Element". Then look at the Styles panel in the bottom right and you can see what styles are in effect for this element, and which CSS rules they came from. You can also temporarily toggle off any styles, edit the styles, etc.
Stack Overflow is a fast way to get questions answered, but the Developer Tools are much faster! :-)
I am trying to modify one WordPress theme http://demo.wpzoom.com/evertis/ and use it on my own site.
However, something weird occured, the footer area will not display properly with Firefox (while it works fine on IE8):
The original theme works fine on Firefox and IE8.
Whats the possible reason?
More Information: I am using Notepad++ with Encoding "UTF-8 without BOM." Many years ago, I saw a problem similar to this one with IE6, after I change the Encoding to "ANSI", everything is fine. But this time it wont work.
Thanks a lot!
Try overriding the margin-right on the last footer section, something like:
.wpzoom-flickr-photos { margin-right:0; }
I think the problem is with the display: inline-block which is known for having issues. Here is an article where you could find the answer you are looking for: