Font color not changing when choosing different theme in aptana studio 3.6 - aptana

so far I've used aptana build 3.4.
I recently installed Aptana Studio 3, build: on my new mac, and by default the theme is bright.
I tried changing the theme to be dark, but only the background colors seems to change.
The font stay the same as before no matter what I do.
I change the theme via:
but the font color doesn't change, but stays like the default (light theme). and thus it looks weird:
Tried searching for solution for hours now but couldn't find anything.
Any help would be appreciated!

You can change the colors for PyDev editors via: Preferences > PyDev > Editor
...but unfortunatly I also have not found out, how to apply the color-themes.
edit: somebody came up with a solution to the python-editor theme problem, that worked for me :)


Sublime Text's Terminus is not displaying Oh My Zsh icons

I get a generic ? where the icons should be.
A similar issue but for Visual Studio Code is documented here:
Needless to say, I haven't been able to find an equivalent fix.
I fixed it by setting "font_face": "MesloLGS NF", the preferred font of the powerlevel10k theme.
Thank you #ctrebbau. That worked.
I added this to Terminus Sublime Settings, and then restarted Sublime. That fixed it.
"view_settings": {
"font_face": "MesloLGS NF"

Some Tabler font icons appearing filled

I am trying to use Tabler icons in my project React typescript project via classNames and for some unknown reasons, some icons appear filled. Please note that my CSS skills are not so good.
The library comes with
Font icons
PNG icons
And SVG icons
When I check the font icons some icons appear completely filled and because of this when I try to access them like className="ti ti-discount" I get icons that look like while the SVG and PNG counterparts look like , am confused, how can I resolve this?
For anyone who sees this question, the poster created a GitHub issue here: According to the project's maintainer, the problem should be solved in the near future (I'd guess early 2021):

Change console color in Mozilla Firefox Web Developer theme

Does anybody know how I can style the Firefox built-in Web Developer (devtools) theme? I am using the Dark theme, and need to make a small change in the way line numbers/column numbers are shown in the console output.
The default color, which is a shade of orange, to my eyes is totally unreadable.
I searched the web but all I get is stuff about theming of code that is displayed and analyzed by Web Developer.
Btw., I have to use the dark theme because the lighter themes are even more of a strain on my eyes.
I think this might be what you're looking for. It's the main CSS file for the dev tools. The dark theme is defined here and the used orange is defined here.
I'm not sure if that color can be changing without rebuilding Firefox or creating a browser extension for that.

font-awesome and site conversion from older version to latest

I am trying to convert our project to use the latest macadmine theme. It was using font awesome 3 and now with switching to font awesome 4 I have to change all icons to the proper names. I found this page but I don't understand what should I use for icon-1x. In many of the i tags I see two icons defined the second being icon-1x. What should I change it to?
Icon-1x does not exist in font awesome, even in version 3. Unless you have styles for it included in something else, you can just get rid of it.

css/less editor which shows colors

Is there a css editor (for Windows) which would show colors? Or more generally, editor that would always display a 6-characters hexadecimal values with a color background.
e.g. like this:
div.myclass {
color: #ff8861; <- the background (or foreground, doesn't matter) of #ff8861 has orange color in the editor
[Edit 1]: not a wysiwyg, just a rich text editor showing colors and syntax
[Edit 2]: ideally, it should also support LESS syntax
Try Crunch! - It's a LESS CSS editor that color codes, compiles and compresses. It's written in Adobe Air, so it's cross-platform.
Update - Visual Studio 2012 has a fantastic LESS editor, as a plug-in that you can install easily via the extensions manager. I believe that in VS2012, the extension is provided by Microsoft, and integrates with DotLess, and gives you a variety of options for when your LESS file is compiled (at compile, build or run times).
If you're interested in using Visual Studio, ReSharper 6 (in beta when that blog post was written, but released now) will show a thick underline in the specified color.
If you want something lighter-weight (or less expensive) than Visual Studio, the same folks who wrote ReSharper also make standalone IDEs. WebStorm 3 (currently in beta) shows color chips in the editor gutter. (Released versions may do this too; I can't find screenshots online.) Here's a screenshot I took from the beta; note the little gold square:
I use Coda:
It can display colors when editing CSS. can shows colors inside less files. It highlights text in color. I mean #fff will appear as white text. It can handle #fff and #ffffff patterns.
Can work on windows/linux
I was searching for that for a long time.
My solution is using Netbeans CSS Styles editor
in the top menu click on Window -> Web -> CSS Styles
From 2 years my only one truth editor become vs code - perfect for JavaScript, to visualization CSS colors plugin: COLORIZE
