(LUA) Generate a unique number from 2 numbers - math

I have a grid of tiles each with coordinates such as (-3, 5) or (1, 540) I want to generate a unique seed for each tile but I haven't found a way to do such

You need some kind of "pairing function" - Wiki describes such functions for natural numbers while you need integers including negative ones.
You can enumerate all integer points at coordinate plane in spiral manner
^ OY
16 15 14 13 12
17 4 3 2 11
18 5 0 1 10 ==> OX
19 6 7 8 9
20 21 22 23 24
So, for example, point -2,-2 has index 20
To calculate such index from coordinates, you can use simple algorithm (details here)
if y * y >= x * x then begin
p := 4 * y * y - y - x;
if y < x then
p := p - 2 * (y - x)
else begin
p := 4 * x * x - y - x;
if y < x then
p := p + 2 *(y - x)
You don't ask for reverse mapping, but it is definitely possible (layer number is (1 + floor(sqrt(p))) / 2 and so on)
To complete: Python function for reverse mapping
def ptoxy(p):
layer = (int(math.sqrt(p)) + 1) // 2 # integer division
topleft = 4*layer*layer
if p <= topleft:
if p <= topleft - 2 * layer:
return [layer, 3*layer + p - topleft]
return [-layer + topleft - p, layer]
if p >= topleft + 2 * layer:
return [p-topleft - 3*layer, -layer]
return [-layer, layer-p + topleft]
and link to quick-made test

If you have a grid of tiles, you may consider that you have a first tile, at the top-left corner and a last tile at the bottom-right corner.
[0] [1] [2]
[3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8]
But the [Row:Col] notation is more handy.
[0:0] [0:1] [0:2]
[1:0] [1:1] [1:2]
[2:0] [2:1] [2:2]
So you can access the [Row:Col] element with the formula:
ColumnCount = 3
Element = (Row * ColumnCount) + Col
For example (2:1) offset in your grid will be 2*3+1 which is 7.
[0:0] [0:1] [0:2]
[1:0] [1:1] [1:2]
[2:0] [2:1] [2:2]
2*3+1 = 7
It's simple and each tile will have a unique identifier.


Return arc length of every rotation of an Archimedean Spiral given arm spacing and total length

I want to calculate the length of every full rotation of an Archimedean Spiral given the spacing between each arm and the total length are known. The closest to a solution I've been able to find is here, but this is for finding an unknown length.
I can't interpret math notation so am unable to extrapolate from the info in the link above. The closest I've been able to achieve is:
Distance between each spiral arm:
ArmSpace <- 7
Total length of spiral:
TotalLength <- 399.5238
Create empty df to accommodate TotalLength (note that sum(df[,2]) can be > TotalLength):
df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=0, ncol=2))
colnames(df) <- c("turn_num", "turn_len_m")
df[1,1] <- 0 # Start location of spiral
df[1,2] <- pi*1/1000
Return length of every turn:
i <- 0
while(i < TotalLength) {
df[nrow(df)+1,1] <- nrow(df) # Add turn number
df[nrow(df),2] <- pi*(df[nrow(df)-1,2] +
i <- sum(df[,2])
An annotated example explaining the steps would be most appreciated.
I used approximation Clackson formula
t = 2 * Pi * Sqrt(2 * s / a)
to get theta angle corresponding to arc length s.
Example in Delphi, I hope idea is clear enough to implement in R
i, cx, cy, x, y: Integer;
s, t, a, r : Double;
cx := 0;
cy := 0;
a := 10; //spiral size parameter
Canvas.MoveTo(cx, cy);
for i := 1 to 1000 do begin
s := 0.07 * i; //arc length
t := 2 * Pi * Sqrt(2 * s / a); //theta
r := a * t; //radius
x := Round(cx + r * cos(t)); //rounded coordinates
y := Round(cy + r * sin(t));
Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('len %5.3f theta %5.3f r %5.3f x %d y %d', [s, t, r, x, y]));
Canvas.LineTo(x, y);
if i mod 10 = 1 then //draw some points as small circles
Canvas.Ellipse(x-2, y-2, x+3, y+3);
Some generated points
len 0.070 theta 0.743 r 7.434 x 5 y 5
len 0.140 theta 1.051 r 10.514 x 5 y 9
len 0.210 theta 1.288 r 12.877 x 4 y 12
len 0.280 theta 1.487 r 14.869 x 1 y 15
len 0.350 theta 1.662 r 16.624 x -2 y 17
len 0.420 theta 1.821 r 18.210 x -5 y 18
Link gives exact formula for ac length,
s(t) = 1/(2*a) * (t * Sqrt(1 + t*t) + ln(t + Sqrt(1+t*t)))
but we cannot calculate inverse (t for given s) using simple formula, so one need to apply numerical methods to find theta for arc length value.
Addition: length of k-th turn. Here we can use exact formula. Python code:
import math
def arch_sp_len(a, t):
return a/2 * (t * math.sqrt(1 + t*t) + math.log(t + math.sqrt(1+t*t)))
def arch_sp_turnlen(a, k):
return arch_sp_len(a, k*2*math.pi) - arch_sp_len(a, (k-1)*2*math.pi)
print(arch_sp_turnlen(1, 1))
print(arch_sp_turnlen(1, 2))
print(arch_sp_turnlen(10, 3))

How to convert grid number to coordinates when the rows alternate order

1 -> (1,1)
2 -> (2,1)
3 -> (3,1)
4 -> (3,2)
5 -> (2,2)
6 -> (1,2)
7 -> (1,3)
8 -> (2,3)
9 -> (3,3)
In this grid, the mapping of the numbers to coordinates is shown above.
I'm struggling to come up with a formula where given the number of the grid and the number of rows and columns in the grid, it outputs the coordinates of the grid.
I tried following the logic in this question but in this question, the coordinate system starts from 0 and the rows are not alternating.
If there was no alternating and the numbers were all starting at 0 and not 1, then you could apply Euclidean division directly:
x = n % 3
y = n // 3
where // gives the quotient of the Euclidean division, and % gives the remainder of the Euclidean division.
If there was no alternating, but the numbers all start at 1 instead of 0, then you can fix the above formula by removing 1 from n to make it start at 0, then adding 1 to x and y to make them start at 1:
x = ((n - 1) % 3) + 1
y = ((n - 1) // 3) + 1
Now all we have to change to take the alternating into account is to flip the x values on the right-to-left rows.
y remains unchanged, and x remains unchanged on the left-to-right rows.
The right-to-left rows are the rows with an even y, and you can flip x symmetrically around 2 by removing it from 4:
if y % 2 == 0:
x = 4 - x
Putting it all together in a function and testing it, in python:
def coord(n):
y = ((n-1) // 3) + 1
x = ((n-1) % 3) + 1
if y % 2 == 0: # right-to-left row
x = 4 - x # flip horizontally
return (x, y)
for n in range(1, 9+1):
x, y = coord(n)
print(f'{n} -> ({x},{y})')
1 -> (1,1)
2 -> (2,1)
3 -> (3,1)
4 -> (3,2)
5 -> (2,2)
6 -> (1,2)
7 -> (1,3)
8 -> (2,3)
9 -> (3,3)
Inverse function
The inverse operation of a Euclidean division is a multiplication and an addition:
if y % 2 == 1:
n = 3 * (y-1) + x
n = 3 * (y-1) + 4 - x

Convert between spiral coordinates and axial coordinates in hexagon grid

I'm making a hexagon tile based game, which generates a honeycomb arrangement of hexagons in a spiral shape. My goal is to convert a world position (e.g. a mouse click) to a spiral coordinate (index / layer / position around layer). I can't think of how to do this, so instead I've been looking to simplify the problem by converting to/from axial coordinates first. How can this be done?
My configuration is pointy-topped as follows:
And here are the spiral indexes:
Axial Coordinates for reference:
I already have these equations for spiral coordinates:
const Layer = (index: number): number => {
return Math.floor((3 + Math.sqrt(12 * index - 3)) / 6);
const Position = (index: number, layer: number): number => {
return index - 3 * layer * (layer - 1) - 1;
const Index = (layer: number, position: number): number => {
return 3 * layer * (layer - 1) + 1 + position;
You can check the individual cases as follows. Here L is layer, P is position, (x, y) are the axial coordinates; coordinates are in agreement with your images.
From (L, P) to (x, y):
if L == 0:
return (0,0)
k = floor(P/L) mod 6
j = P mod L
k x y z
0 j L-j -L
1 L -j j-L
2 L-j -L j
3 -j j-L L
4 -L j L-j
5 j-L L -j
From (x, y) to (L, P):
z = -x-y
L = max(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z))
x y z P
>=0 >=0 x
<0 <0 L - y
>=0 >=0 2L + z
<0 <0 3L - x
>=0 >=0 4L + y
<0 <0 5L - z
Disclaimer: I didn't test this.
You may also be able to fold some of the cases by exploiting the symmetry, but coding these directly may be easier, albeit a bit more verbose.
You already coded the functions to go between (L, P) and spiral.

Math for Buy X Get Y For Z

I'm working on a POS software that require a Buy X Get Y For Z discount schema, i.e: Buy 5 Get 2 For 5$, it means if you buy 7 items, 5 items are normal price and 2 items (6th, 7th) are 5$.
This is the spreadsheet for this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ym93Xqnw6wupBEp9ei711wQPpt3s6QONjcqBO4Xc5X4/edit#gid=0
I want to a algorithm to get X and Y (discounted item) when input quantity
i.e: input quantity and it will return X and Y for Buy 5 Get 2
input 7 return X = 5, Y= 2
input 8 return X = 6, Y= 2
input 17 return X= 13,Y= 4
I'm trying to find formula for this one but I'm failed. Please help me thanks
x = 5
y = 2
i = input
r = i % (x + y)
n = (i - r) / (x + y)
py = max(0, r - x) + (n * y)
px = i - py
return x = px, y = py
To explain, I'm setting r with the modulus/remainder of input / (x + y). This is the number remaining after completed offers are removed. I am then setting n to be the number of complete offers by subtracting the remainder from the input and dividing by (x + y). The variable py is then set using n * y for the number of items at the discounted price for completed offers and adding r - x if that is > 0. Finally px is the number of items at full price which is simply the input value - py.
In your spreadsheet, you have not implemented this correctly. Change as follows:
G2 =A2-F2
H2 =G2/($L$1+$L$2)
D2 =MAX(0,F2-$L$1)+H2*$L$2
E2 =A2-D2
For the offer "Buy x for $P and get y for $Q" you want to work out how many items can be bought at each price if you are buying q items in total.
The simplest approach is to iterate through each item, and figure out if it is bought at the cheaper price or the more expensive price -
qx = 0
qy = 0
for i = 0 : (q-1)
m = mod(i, x + y)
if m < x
qx = qx + 1
qy = qy + 1
Each item will be counted exactly once, so you are guaranteed that qx + qy = q.
I think it could work like this(for the option of BUY 5 GET 2 discounted, it could be generalized for other options):
int x = (input/7)*5;
int y = (input/7)*2;
if((input % 7) == 6){
x += (input % 7);
Where input is your total number of items x is number of full priced items and y of discounted items.
I'm treating the situation of having only one item discounted separately, but there might be way to deal with it easier.

Minimum Knight moves to go from one square to another [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Knight's Shortest Path on Chessboard
(18 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a mathematical formula one can use to compute the minimum number of knight moves to get between two points in a infinite 2D grid? I can figure it out using a breadth-first search, but is there a closed-form expression we can use instead?
I dont think there is one formula that generates the minimum distands for all pairs of points.
But for some special points there are.
Let A,B be points on a 2D - Grid with A = (0,0) and B = (x,y) and dist(x,y) the minimum number of knight moves.
First of all, the distance is symmetric:
dist(x,y) = dist(-x,y) = dist(x,-y) = dist(-x,-y) = dist(y,x)
Case: 2x=y -> dist(x,2x) = x
Case: x = 0
Subcase 1: y = 4k (k is a natural number)
-> dist(x,y) = 2k
Subcase 2: y = 4k+1 or y = 4k+3
-> dist(x,y) = 2k + 3
Subcase 3: y = 4k+2
-> dist(x,y) = 2k + 2
Case: x = y
Subcase 1: x = 3k (k is a natural number)
-> dist(x,y) = 2k
Subcase 2: x = 3k+1
-> dist(x,y) = 2k + 2
Subcase 3: y = 3k+2
-> dist(x,y) = 2k + 4
If B (with 0 <= x <= y) fits in no case, you know at least
dist(x,y) <= dist(x-k,y-2k) + dist(k,2k) = dist(0,y-2k) + k
dist(x,y) <= dist(x-z,y-z) + dist(z,z) = dist(0,y-z) + dist(z,z)
I have thought about it a little more. I think the following algorithm computs the minimum moves (Maple Code):
dist := proc(x,y)
global d;
local temp;
if x < 0 then x:= -x; fi;
if y < 0 then y:= -y; fi;
if x > y then temp := x; x:= y; y:= temp; fi;
if y = 2*x then return x; fi;
if x = y then
if x mod 3 = 0 then return 2*(x/3); fi;
if x mod 3 = 1 then return 2+2*(x-1)/3 fi;
if x mod 3 = 1 then return 4+2*(x-2)/3 fi;
if x = 0 then
if y mod 4 = 0 then return y/2; fi;
if y mod 4 = 1 or y mod 4 = 3 then return 3+(y - (y mod 4))/2; fi;
if y mod 4 = 2 then return 2+(y-2)/2; fi;
if y > 2*x then
return dist(0,y-2*x) + dist(x,2*x);
return dist(2*x-y,2*x-y) + dist(y-x,2*(y-x));
end proc:
NOTE: this is only correct on a infinite 2D grid.
EDIT2: This (recursive) algorithm runs in O(1) (time and space) cause it has a constant number of O(1) operations and calls it self at most one more time.
EDIT3: I thought a littel further and I think this is also correkt on a finite 2D grid, if A or B are at least 1 row/column away from at least one border.
