Poco Release Version and LibVersion - poco

Is there a file which ties the libversion to the release number. The libversion is in a file in the release, but I can't find documentation to trace this back. Working with a version of Linux that has one libversion of Poco and a SDK that was released was a different libversion and I am trying to track down the releases. Thanks.

I figured I go ahead and try to get and answer on Git Hub. There is no master file/database with the numbers , but it isn't super difficult to find. If you go to the tagged version (eg 1.11.0) and look at libversion - the number will be 81. Go back to tag version 1.6.1 and the libversion and the number is 31. I was able to create the database of the versions I needed based on trial and error.


Comma Community release 2020.07.0 sun/javafx/PlatformUtil problem

Update (2020-11-03)
The issue described in the original post is resolved. I have no problems running Raku scripts with:
IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3
Comma Community release 2020.10.0
Original post
I program in Raku and I am trying to use Comma Community release 2020.07.0 with IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 and 2020.2.1 (Community Edition) on Mac OS 10.15.6.
When I try to run a configured script I am getting the error "Error running 'Examples': com/sun/javafx/PlatformUtil" :
I did numerous searches on the web to find suggestions to fix this and nothing I tried worked. So, I reverted to using IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.4 .
Any suggestions how to get Commaide working in IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.1 ?
Unfortunately, there's probably not much to be done other than waiting for a newer Comma release.
Ideally, the Comma plugin would Just Work against newer versions of IntelliJ. While JetBrains mostly do a good job of retaining compatibility, or at least of deprecating things in one release and removing them in a later release so there's a chance to keep up, experience tells that if one is touching enough of the platform, there will often be something or other that gets broken by updates. Comma uses a significant amount of the IntelliJ platform API, and evidently something it depended on has changed in an incompatible way.

Kentico files version does not match database version. Is it still safe to apply hotfix?

The files of the kentico site in every way say that it is version 11.0.10.
The database, however, says it is version 11.0.6.
Attempting to install the latest hotfix (11.0.49)
The site was site up by a third party so I'm not sure what process they may have used that got things out of sync. Are the database changes small enough or the hotfix cumulative enough that I can ignore the minor version differences?
Apparently the easiest fix is to install the SQL script from the 11.0.10 hotfix to get the database up to date and then install the latest hotfix.

How do I install pglogical extension on Windows machine?

I need to migrate an enterprise production database from a Windows source machine running Postgres 9.5 to an Ubuntu destination machine running Postgres 11.6 with < 15 mins downtime. I plan to do this with pglogical, which requires the extension being loaded on both source and destination. I am having trouble with the source side because it is Windows.
I have very little Postgres-Windows experience and can neither find any helpful literature on the specific situation nor can I figure out for myself how to presumably install from source.
I've dug and dug and so far the only answer I've been able to find is "ugh... Windows". It seems like the only way to build from source is using Visual Studio, which I don't have or know how to use.
Alex, the 2ndQuadrant article you link to in your own comment solves this. A few of the project or build options noted there have moved a little bit in the newer VisualStudio Community editions, so I can see where you got hung-up.
Just for kicks I compiled 32-bit DLL on my oldest Windows instance. I included the /Release path so you can grab my DLL & see if it works for you. It's (a) 32-bit because I'm assuming worst-case for an old v9.5 install, and (b) targets Postgres 9.6 because that's what I had installed. Unless there were major API changes though, it should connect to v9.5 without any issues:
If you find you need a version that entirely matches Postgres 9.5, grab my solution files & VS Community 20xx. Load the project & update the Additional Include Directories in Project Config to target your v9.5 paths. That should be all that's needed to link v9.5 Postgres libs.

Detecting a patched version of OpenJDK

I need to determine whether a user's version of OpenJDK is susceptible to a particular security vulnerability. As an example, CVE-2016-0695 was discovered in OpenJDK 8u77, as revealed in the April 2016 Critical Patch Update. Ideally, detecting whether a user's OpenJDK version is vulnerable would be as simple as checking whether it's <= 8u77 or > 8u77 and accordingly marking it as vulnerable or not (assuming that all previous versions are also vulnerable and that the fix gets applied by the next version). The picture gets muddied by manual patches, though.
If I understand correctly, the April 2016 patch would be automatically bundled into the next version of OpenJDK8 (8u91, in this case), but would also be available for manual application. The latter would probably be an attractive option to risk-averse users who want to keep their Java version as-is while patching security holes. If a user manually applies the patch to their 8u77 install, is there any way for me to detect that? For instance, does the version number reported by java -version change? Or is there no indicator that a patch had been applied?
If the OpenJDK build comes from a vendor, the vendor may publish security information. For example, here is the CVE-2016-0695 security information from Debian. This information typically contains the first fixed package version, according to some vendor-specific versioning scheme.
However, in general, you need to obtain the sources for that OpenJDK build and review them if they have to fix.
To find the patch corresponding to a particular CVE ID (say CVE-2016-0695), in most cases, the easiest way is to go to the Red Hat Bugzilla tracker, here the flaw bug for CVE-2016-0695, and note the internal Oracle bug number listed there, 8138593 in this case. Then you need to check out the appropriate OpenJDK sub-tree, in this case for the jdk component:
hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u/jdk
And look in the history for the appropriate commit, based on the Oracle bug number (8138593):
changeset: 11581:594e8dca337c
user: igerasim
date: Thu Dec 24 08:42:10 2015 +0300
summary: 8138593: Make DSA more fair
The commit themselves do not contain CVE IDs (which are often not available when the fix is written, so this is understandable), so the detour via the Red Hat bug tracker is needed. (I have not seen a CVE-ID-to-bug-number mapping from Oracle.)
You can view the patch using another Mercurial command:
hg export 594e8dca337c
Once you have the patch, it is a matter of review the source code to check whether it has been applied. If you cannot obtain the source code for some reason, for changes to the jdk, it is often sufficient to disassemble the relevant classes using javap -c. For native code, you need a different disassembler (such as objdump -dr).
The OpenJDK JDK 8 Updates Project provides source code, rather than builds or binary patches. Per the Q&A at http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8u/qanda.html
Security fixes for this Project's source code will be made available
in the JDK 8 Update Project around the same time as they're released
in products from Oracle
They are made available in order to be integrated into the Project's Mercurial forest. Such source code patches are not provided separately, to be applied manually by users for other releases.
In general, if you need to understand whether a particular change has been applied in a third party build, you will need to get and compare the source code from upstream and the third party builds and/or their commit history. Mechanisms to obtain the source code, commit history, patching policies, patch versioning and patch timing may differ from third party to third party.

Where to get the latest opensolaris

I could find the wiki page which is telling about opensolaris os is containing official site link which does not contain opensolaris download thread etc. Moreover, there is no more opensolaris official site as said here ; The http://opensolaris.org redirects to https://solaris.java.net/ only.
So my question is ... does the opensolaris still exist? Where to download the latest version from a safe download center?
There are a number of illumos(opensolaris) based distros. omnios, opensxce, openindiana. I like openindiana because it is the closest to opensolaris. I am not sure how things have changed, but i use it now cleanly with nvidia.
No, OpenSolaris no longer exists. The final release of the OpenSolaris distro was 5 years ago, OpenSolaris 2009.06, and bug fixes & security fixes are no longer available for it.
After the Oracle acquisition, OpenSolaris forked - Oracle continued developing the code and released new versions under a closed-source license as Solaris 11, while the illumos community took the open source code base and developed it further themselves, generating a variety of different distros. Which you use depends on what you want/need from an OS, but there is no single distro that is an exact match for what OpenSolaris was.
