I am not sure why this is returning nan and what to do.
g = accelerometer.get_z()
G = (6.67*10)**-11
m = (5.972*10)**24
c = 299792458
r = 38.5*(5.972*10)**24/ g* G
deltatgprime = 5 * math.sqrt(1 - (2 * G * m / r * c**2))
How would I find the maximum possible angle (a) which a rectangle of width (W) can be at within a slot of width (w) and depth (h) - see my crude drawing below
Considering w = hh + WW at the picture:
we can write equation
h * tan(a) + W / cos(a) = w
Then, using formulas for half-angles and t = tan(a/2) substitution
h * 2 * t / (1 - t^2) + W * (1 + t^2) / (1 - t^2) = w
h * 2 * t + W * (1 + t^2) = (1 - t^2) * w
t^2 * (W + w) + t * (2*h) + (W - w) = 0
We have quadratic equation, solve it for unknown t, then get critical angle as
a = 2 * atan(t)
Quick check: Python example for picture above gives correct angle value 18.3 degrees
import math
h = 2
W = 4.12
w = 5
t = (math.sqrt(h*h-W*W+w*w) - h) / (W + w)
a = math.degrees(2 * math.atan(t))
Just to elaborate on the above answer as it is not necessarly obvious, this is why why you can write equation:
h * tan(a) + W / cos(a) = w
PS: I suppose that the justification for "why a is the maximum angle" is obvious
I would like to calculate the bisection of two 3D lines which have an intersecting point. The lines are sympy lines defined by a point and a direction vector. How can I find the equation of the two lines which are the bisection of them?
Let lines are defined as A + t * dA, B + s * dB where A, B are base points and dA, dB are normalized direction vectors.
If it is guaranteed that lines have intersection, it could be found using dot product approach (adapted from skew line minimal distance algorithm):
u = A - B
b = dot(dA, dB)
if abs(b) == 1: # better check with some tolerance
lines are parallel
d = dot(dA, u)
e = dot(dB, u)
t_intersect = (b * e - d) / (1 - b * b)
P = A + t_intersect * dA
Now about bisectors:
bis1 = P + v * normalized(dA + dB)
bis2 = P + v * normalized(dA - dB)
Quick check for 2D case
k = Sqrt(1/5)
A = (3,1) dA = (-k,2k)
B = (1,1) dB = (k,2k)
u = (2,0)
b = -k^2+4k2 = 3k^2=3/5
d = -2k e = 2k
t = (b * e - d) / (1 - b * b) =
(6/5*k+2*k) / (16/25) = 16/5*k * 25/16 = 5*k
Px = 3 - 5*k^2 = 2
Py = 1 + 10k^2 = 3
normalized(dA+dB=(0,4k)) = (0,1)
normalized(dA-dB=(-2k,0)) = (-1,0)
Python implementation:
from sympy.geometry import Line3D, Point3D, intersection
# Normalize direction vectors:
def normalize(vector: list):
length = (vector[0]**2 + vector[1]**2 + vector[2]**2)**0.5
vector = [i/length for i in vector]
return vector
# Example points for creating two lines which intersect at A
A = Point3D(1, 1, 1)
B = Point3D(0, 2, 1)
l1 = Line3D(A, direction_ratio=[1, 0, 0])
l2 = Line3D(A, B)
d1 = normalize(l1.direction_ratio)
d2 = normalize(l2.direction_ratio)
p = intersection(l1, l2)[0] # Point3D of intersection between the two lines
bis1 = Line3D(p, direction_ratio=[d1[i]+d2[i] for i in range(3)])
bis2 = Line3D(p, direction_ratio=[d1[i]-d2[i] for i in range(3)])
I need to calculate a double integral on two variables (B0 and B1) in R.
Till now, nothing complicated with the int2 function.
But, my function to integrate includes gamma incomplete function (gammainc in R ) !
The following error message appears :
Error in gammainc(1/eta, lambda * exp(B0 + B1 * z_arm) * tmax^eta) :
Arguments must be of length 1; function is not vectorized.
Any advice to help me ?
tmax = 5
Sig = matrix ( c(0.2, 0, 0, 0.4) , ncol = 2 )
Mu = matrix ( c(1, 0) , ncol = 1 )
eta = 0.5
lambda = 0.8
z_arm = c(rep(0.5,10), rep(1,15))
to.integrate = function(B0, B1)
first.int = 1/eta *(lambda * exp(B0 + B1 * z_arm))^(-1/eta)* gammainc(1/eta, lambda * exp(B0 + B1 * z_arm)*tmax^eta)['lowinc']
B = matrix(c(B0, B1), ncol=1)
multi.norm = 1 / (2 * pi * det(Sig)^(1/2)) * exp (- 0.5 * t( B - Mu ) * solve(Sig) * ( B - Mu ) )
return (first.int * multi.norm)
int2(to.integrate , a=c(-Inf,-Inf), b=c(Inf,Inf), eps=1.0e-6, max=16, d=5)
Thanks for any help!
I am not sure whether this is right place to ask. Here N, L, H, p, and d are parameters. I need to solve this system of equations. Specifically, I need to solve for b(t) and e(t).
Variables | t=1 | t>1
n(t) | N |N(1-p)^(t-1)
s(t) | 1 |((1-p+dp)/(1-p))^(t-1)
b(t) | L |b(t-1)+p(H-b(t-1))
e(t) |(H-L)/2 |e(t-1)+(p(H-b(t-1)))/2
c(t) |(1-d)pN |(1-d)pN(1-p+dp)^(t-1)
Please help me how should I start this problem to solve.
Since you used a Wolfram-Mathematica tag, perhaps you intend to use Mathematica
RSolve[{b[1]==L, b[t]==b[t-1]+p(H-b[t-1]),
e[1]==(H-L)/2, e[t]==e[t-1]+p(H-b[t-1])/2}, {b[t],e[t]}, t]//FullSimplify
which returns
Solve::svars: Equations may not give solutions for all "solve" variables
e[t]->((H-L)(-2+(1-p)^t+2 p))/(2(-1+p))}
It seems that these formulas give recurrent equations - you find values for t = 1 (from table), then calculate values for t = 2, then for t = 3 and so on
b(t) = b(t-1) + p * (H - b(t-1))
t = 1: L
t = 2: b(2) = b(1) + p * (H - b(1)) or
L + p * (H - L) = L + p * H - p * L
t = 3: b(3) = b(2) + p * (H - b(2))
Example: L= 2; p = 3; H = 7;
b(1) = 2
b(2) = 2 + 3 * (7 - 2) = 17
b(3) = 17 + 3 * (7 - 17) = -13
I have a slider that returns values from 0 to 100.
I am using this to control the gain of an oscillator.
When the slider is at 0, I would like the gain to be 0.0
When the slider is at 50, I would like the gain to be 0.1
When the slider is at 100, I would like the gain to be 0.5
So I need to find an equation to get a smooth curve which passes through all of these points.
I've got the following equation which gives an exponential curve and gets the start and end points correct, but I don't know how to force the curve through the middle point. Can anyone help?
function logSlider(position){
var minP = 0;
var maxP = 100;
var minV = Math.log(0.0001);
var maxV = Math.log(0.5);
var scale = (maxV - minV) / (maxP - minP);
return Math.exp(minV + scale*(position-minP));
Here's a derivation of the function. All it takes is some algebra.
Model and Constraints
We want an exponential function of the following form, that takes number between 0 and 1:
f(t) = a * bt + c
The function must satisfy these constraints you gave:
f(0) = 0 = a + c
f(1/2) = 0.1 = a * b1/2 + c
f(1) = 0.5 = a * b + c
Solving for a, b, c
Let z2 = b.
a + c = 0
a * z + c = 0.1
a * z * z + c = 0.5
a * z - a = 0.1
a * z * z - a = 0.5
a * z * z - a * z = 0.4
(a * z - a) * z = 0.4
0.1 * z = 0.4
z = 4
b = 16
a * 4 - a = 0.1
a = 0.1 / 3
c = -0.1 / 3
f(t) = (0.1 / 3) * (16t - 1)
Here's a plot.
If you want to pass in values between 0 and 100, simply divide by 100 first.
y = 0.2*(x/100)^3 + 0.3*(x/100)^2
The general solution for points (50, y_1) and (100, y_2) is
y = 2 (x/100)^3 * ( y_2-4*y_1) + (x/100)^2 * ( 8*y_1 - y_2 )