Find the bisection of two 3D lines - math

I would like to calculate the bisection of two 3D lines which have an intersecting point. The lines are sympy lines defined by a point and a direction vector. How can I find the equation of the two lines which are the bisection of them?

Let lines are defined as A + t * dA, B + s * dB where A, B are base points and dA, dB are normalized direction vectors.
If it is guaranteed that lines have intersection, it could be found using dot product approach (adapted from skew line minimal distance algorithm):
u = A - B
b = dot(dA, dB)
if abs(b) == 1: # better check with some tolerance
lines are parallel
d = dot(dA, u)
e = dot(dB, u)
t_intersect = (b * e - d) / (1 - b * b)
P = A + t_intersect * dA
Now about bisectors:
bis1 = P + v * normalized(dA + dB)
bis2 = P + v * normalized(dA - dB)
Quick check for 2D case
k = Sqrt(1/5)
A = (3,1) dA = (-k,2k)
B = (1,1) dB = (k,2k)
u = (2,0)
b = -k^2+4k2 = 3k^2=3/5
d = -2k e = 2k
t = (b * e - d) / (1 - b * b) =
(6/5*k+2*k) / (16/25) = 16/5*k * 25/16 = 5*k
Px = 3 - 5*k^2 = 2
Py = 1 + 10k^2 = 3
normalized(dA+dB=(0,4k)) = (0,1)
normalized(dA-dB=(-2k,0)) = (-1,0)

Python implementation:
from sympy.geometry import Line3D, Point3D, intersection
# Normalize direction vectors:
def normalize(vector: list):
length = (vector[0]**2 + vector[1]**2 + vector[2]**2)**0.5
vector = [i/length for i in vector]
return vector
# Example points for creating two lines which intersect at A
A = Point3D(1, 1, 1)
B = Point3D(0, 2, 1)
l1 = Line3D(A, direction_ratio=[1, 0, 0])
l2 = Line3D(A, B)
d1 = normalize(l1.direction_ratio)
d2 = normalize(l2.direction_ratio)
p = intersection(l1, l2)[0] # Point3D of intersection between the two lines
bis1 = Line3D(p, direction_ratio=[d1[i]+d2[i] for i in range(3)])
bis2 = Line3D(p, direction_ratio=[d1[i]-d2[i] for i in range(3)])


Plot a point in 3D space perpendicular to a line vector

I'm attempting to calculate a point in 3D space which is orthogonal/perpendicular to a line vector.
So I have P1 and P2 which form the line. I’m then trying to find a point with a radius centred at P1, which is orthogonal to the line.
I'd like to do this using trigonometry, without any programming language specific functions.
At the moment I'm testing how accurate this function is by potting a circle around the line vector.
I also rotate the line vector in 3D space to see what happens to the plotted circle, this is where my results vary.
Some of the unwanted effects include:
The circle rotating and passing through the line vector.
The circle's radius appearing to reducing to zero before growing as the line vector changes direction.
I used this question to get me started, and have since made some adjustments to the code.
Any help with this would be much appreciated - I've spent 3 days drawing circles now. Here's my code so far
//Define points which form the line vector
dx = p2x - p1x;
dy = p2y - p1y;
dz = p2z - p1z;
// Normalize line vector
d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
// Line vector
v3x = dx/d;
v3y = dy/d;
v3z = dz/d;
// Angle and distance to plot point around line vector
angle = 123 * pi/180 //convert to radians
radius = 4;
// Begin calculating point
s = sqrt(v3x*v3x + v3y*v3y + v3z*v3z);
// Calculate v1.
// I have been playing with these variables (v1x, v1y, v1z) to try out different configurations.
v1x = s * v3x;
v1y = s * v3y;
v1z = s * -v3z;
// Calculate v2 as cross product of v3 and v1.
v2x = v3y*v1z - v3z*v1y;
v2y = v3z*v1x - v3x*v1z;
v2z = v3x*v1y - v3y*v1x;
// Point in space around the line vector
px = p1x + (radius * (v1x * cos(angle)) + (v2x * sin(angle)));
py = p1y + (radius * (v1y * cos(angle)) + (v2y * sin(angle)));
pz = p1z + (radius * (v1z * cos(angle)) + (v2z * sin(angle)));
After wrestling with this for days while in lockdown, I've finally managed to get this working. I'd like to thank MBo and Futurologist for their invaluable input.
Although I wasn't able to get their examples working (more likely due to me being at fault), their answers pointed me in the right direction and to that eureka moment!
The key was in swapping the correct vectors.
So thank you to you both, you really helped me along with this. This is my final (working) code:
//Set some vars
angle = 123 * pi/180;
radius = 4;
//P1 & P2 represent vectors that form the line.
dx = p2x - p1x;
dy = p2y - p1y;
dz = p2z - p1z;
d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
//Normalized vector
v3x = dx/d;
v3y = dy/d;
v3z = dz/d;
//Store vector elements in an array
p = [v3x, v3y, v3z];
//Store vector elements in second array, this time with absolute value
p_abs = [abs(v3x), abs(v3y), abs(v3z)];
//Find elements with MAX and MIN magnitudes
maxval = max(p_abs[0], p_abs[1], p_abs[2]);
minval = min(p_abs[0], p_abs[1], p_abs[2]);
//Initialise 3 variables to store which array indexes contain the (max, medium, min) vector magnitudes.
maxindex = 0;
medindex = 0;
minindex = 0;
//Loop through p_abs array to find which magnitudes are equal to maxval & minval. Store their indexes for use later.
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (p_abs[i] == maxval) maxindex = i;
else if (p_abs[i] == minval) minindex = i;
//Find the remaining index which has the medium magnitude
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (i!=maxindex && i!=minindex) {
medindex = i;
//Store the maximum magnitude for now.
storemax = (p[maxindex]);
//Swap the 2 indexes that contain the maximum & medium magnitudes, negating maximum. Set minimum magnitude to zero.
p[maxindex] = (p[medindex]);
p[medindex] = -storemax;
p[minindex] = 0;
//Calculate v1. Perpendicular to v3.
s = sqrt(v3x*v3x + v3z*v3z + v3y*v3y);
v1x = s * p[0];
v1y = s * p[1];
v1z = s * p[2];
//Calculate v2 as cross product of v3 and v1.
v2x = v3y*v1z - v3z*v1y;
v2y = v3z*v1x - v3x*v1z;
v2z = v3x*v1y - v3y*v1x;
//For each circle point.
circlepointx = p2x + radius * (v1x * cos(angle) + v2x * sin(angle))
circlepointy = p2y + radius * (v1y * cos(angle) + v2y * sin(angle))
circlepointz = p2z + radius * (v1z * cos(angle) + v2z * sin(angle))
Your question is too vague, but I may suppose what you really want.
You have line through two point p1 and p2. You want to build a circle of radius r centered at p1 and perpendicular to the line.
At first find direction vector of this line - you already know how - normalized vector v3.
Now you need arbitrary vector perpendicular to v3: find components of v3 with the largest magnitude and with the second magnitude. For example, abs(v3y) is the largest and abs(v3x) has the second magnitude. Exchange them, negate the largest, and make the third component zero:
p = (-v3y, v3x, 0)
This vector is normal to v3 (their dot product is zero)
Now normalize it
pp = p / length(p)
Now get binormal vector as cross product of v3 and pp (I has unit length, no need to normalize), it is perpendicular to both v3 and pp
b = v3 x pp
Now build needed circle
circlepoint(theta) = p1 + radius * pp * Cos(theta) + radius * b * Sin(theta)
Aslo note that angle in radians is
angle = degrees * pi / 180
# Pair of points which determine line L:
P1 = [x_P1, y_P1, z_P1]
P2 = [x_P1, y_P1, z_P1]
# Radius:
Radius = R
# unit vector aligned with the line passing through the points P1 and P2:
V3 = P1 - P2
V3 = V3 / norm(V3)
# from the three basis vectors, e1 = [1,0,0], e2 = [0,1,0], e3 = [0,0,1]
# pick the one that is the most transverse to vector V3
# this means, look at the entries of V3 = [x_V3, y_V3, z_V3] and check which
# one has the smallest absolute value and record its index. Take the coordinate
# vector that has 1 at that selected index. In other words,
# if min( abs(x_V3), abs(y_V)) = abs(y_V3),
# then argmin( abs(x_V3), abs(y_V3), abs(z_V3)) = 2 and so take e = [0,1,0]:
e = [0,0,0]
i = argmin( abs(V3[1]), abs(V3[2]), abs(V3[3]) )
e[i] = 1
# a unit vector perpendicular to both e and V3:
V1 = cross(e, V3)
V1 = V1 / norm(V1)
# third unit vector perpendicular to both V3 and V1:
V2 = cross(V3, V1)
# an arbitrary point on the circle (i.e. equation of the circle with parameter s):
P = P1 + Radius*( np.cos(s)*V1 + np.sin(s)*V2 )
# E.g. say you want to find point P on the circle, 60 degrees relative to vector V1:
s = pi/3
P = P1 + Radius*( cos(s)*V1 + sin(s)*V2 )
Test example in Python:
import numpy as np
# Pair of points which determine line L:
P1 = np.array([1, 1, 1])
P2 = np.array([3, 2, 3])
Radius = 3
V3 = P1 - P2
V3 = V3 / np.linalg.norm(V3)
e = np.array([0,0,0])
e[np.argmin(np.abs(V3))] = 1
V1 = np.cross(e, V3)
V1 = V1 / np.linalg.norm(V3)
V2 = np.cross(V3, V1)
# E.g., say you want to rotate point P along the circle, 60 degrees along rel to V1:
s = np.pi/3
P = P1 + Radius*( np.cos(s)*V1 + np.sin(s)*V2 )

Super-ellipse Point Picking
I have read the SO questions on how to point-pick from a circle and an ellipse.
How would one uniformly select random points from the interior of a super-ellipse?
More generally, how would one uniformly select random points from the interior of the curve described by an arbitrary super-formula?
The discarding method is not considered a solution, as it is mathematically unenlightening.
In order to sample the superellipse, let's assume without loss of generality that a = b = 1. The general case can be then obtained by rescaling the corresponding axis.
The points in the first quadrant (positive x-coordinate and positive y-coordinate) can be then parametrized as:
x = r * ( cos(t) )^(2/n)
y = r * ( sin(t) )^(2/n)
with 0 <= r <= 1 and 0 <= t <= pi/2:
Now, we need to sample in r, t so that the sampling transformed into x, y is uniform. To this end, let's calculate the Jacobian of this transform:
dx*dy = (2/n) * r * (sin(2*t)/2)^(2/n - 1) dr*dt
= (1/n) * d(r^2) * d(f(t))
Here, we see that as for the variable r, it is sufficient to sample uniformly the value of r^2 and then transform back with a square root. The dependency on t is a bit more complicated. However, with some effort, one gets
f(t) = -(n/2) * 2F1(1/n, (n-1)/n, 1 + 1/n, cos(t)^2) * cos(t)^(2/n)
where 2F1 is the hypergeometric function.
In order to obtain uniform sampling in x,y, we need now to sample uniformly the range of f(t) for t in [0, pi/2] and then find the t which corresponds to this sampled value, i.e., to solve for t the equation u = f(t) where u is a uniform random variable sampled from [f(0), f(pi/2)]. This is essentially the same method as for r, nevertheless in that case one can calculate the inverse directly.
One small issue with this approach is that the function f is not that well-behaved near zero - the infinite slope makes it quite challenging to find a root of u = f(t). To circumvent this, we can sample only the "upper part" of the first quadrant (i.e., area between lines x=y and x=0) and then obtain all the other points by symmetry (not only in the first quadrant but also for all the other ones).
An implementation of this method in Python could look like:
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import uniform, randint, seed
from scipy.optimize import brenth, ridder, bisect, newton
from scipy.special import gamma, hyp2f1
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
def superellipse_area(n):
inv_n = 1. / n
return 4 * ( gamma(1 + inv_n)**2 ) / gamma(1 + 2*inv_n)
def sample_superellipse(n, num_of_points = 2000):
def f(n, x):
inv_n = 1. / n
return -(n/2)*hyp2f1(inv_n, 1 - inv_n, 1 + inv_n, x)*(x**inv_n)
lb = f(n, 0.5)
ub = f(n, 0.0)
points = [None for idx in range(num_of_points)]
for idx in range(num_of_points):
r = np.sqrt(uniform())
v = uniform(lb, ub)
w = bisect(lambda w: f(n, w**n) - v, 0.0, 0.5**(1/n))
z = w**n
x = r * z**(1/n)
y = r * (1 - z)**(1/n)
if uniform(-1, 1) < 0:
y, x = x, y
x = (2*randint(0, 2) - 1)*x
y = (2*randint(0, 2) - 1)*y
points[idx] = [x, y]
return points
def plot_superellipse(ax, n, points):
coords_x = [p[0] for p in points]
coords_y = [p[1] for p in points]
ax.set_xlim(-1.25, 1.25)
ax.set_ylim(-1.25, 1.25)
ax.text(-1.1, 1, '{n:.1f}'.format(n = n), fontsize = 12)
ax.scatter(coords_x, coords_y, s = 0.6)
params = np.array([[0.5, 1], [2, 4]])
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6, 6))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(*params.shape, wspace = 1/32., hspace = 1/32.)
n_rows, n_cols = params.shape
for i in range(n_rows):
for j in range(n_cols):
n = params[i, j]
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i, j])
if i == n_rows-1:
ax.set_xticks([-1, 0, 1])
if j == 0:
ax.set_yticks([-1, 0, 1])
#ensure that the ellipses have similar point density
num_of_points = int(superellipse_area(n) / superellipse_area(2) * 4000)
points = sample_superellipse(n, num_of_points)
plot_superellipse(ax, n, points)
This produces:

Check logic for altitude of a triangle using d3

I have this jsbin that shows my working.
In the jsbin, I am trying to draw a line through the altitude through point A (1, 1) that is perpendicular to Line BC which has points B (6, 18) and C (14, 6).
The way I have worked this out is to try and get 2 equations into the form y = mx + c and then rearrange them to y -mx = c and then solve them through simultaneous equations using matrices.
I have this altitude function that does the work:
function altitude(vertex, a, b) {
var slope = gradient(a, b),
x1 = - slope,
y1 = 1,
c1 = getYIntercept(a, slope),
perpendicularSlope = perpendicularGradient(a, b),
x2 = - perpendicularSlope,
y2 = 1,
c2 = getYIntercept(vertex, perpendicularSlope);
var matrix = [
[x1, y1],
[x2, y2]
var result = solve(matrix, [c1, c2]);
var g = svg.append('g');
.style('stroke', 'red')
.attr('class', 'line')
.attr('x1', xScale(vertex.x))
.attr('y1', yScale(vertex.y))
.attr('x2', xScale(result.x))
.attr('y2', yScale(result.y));
I first of all get the gradient of BC using this function
var gradient = function(a, b) {
return (b.y - a.y) / (b.x - a.x);
Which is -1.5 and from that I can get the perpendicular gradient using this function:
var perpendicularGradient = function (a, b) {
return -1 / gradient(a, b);
I make that to be 0.66666 or (2/3).
I get the 2 equations to look like this:
y + 1.5 = 27
y -0.6666666666666666 = 0.33333333333333337
I have some functions in the jsbin that will solve these simultaneously using matrices and cramer's rule, the main one being solve:
function solve(matrix, r) {
var determinant = det(matrix);
var x = det([
[r[0], matrix[0][1]],
[r[1], matrix[1][1]]
]) / determinant;
var y = det([
[matrix[0][0], r[0]],
[matrix[1][0], r[1]]
]) / determinant;
return {x: Math.approx(x), y: Math.approx(y)};
function det(matrix) {
return (matrix[0][0]*matrix[1][1])-(matrix[0][1]*matrix[1][0]);
I get the coordinates of the intercept to be roughly (12.31, 8.54).
The problem is, it does not look right on the diagram.
Have I taken a wrong step somewhere? I think my calculations are right but I would not rule out them being wrong. It might be down to scale perhaps.
You want to find projection of point A onto line BC.
Let's make vectors
Q = C - B
P = A - B
normalized (unit length):
uQ = Q/ |Q|
Needed projection point D is
D = B + uQ * DotProduct(P, uQ)
For your example A(1,1), B(6,18), C(14,6)
Q = (8, -12)
|Q| = Sqrt(8*8+12*12)~14.4
uQ= (0.55, -0.83)
DotProduct(P, uQ)=0.55*(-5) -(0.83*-17)=11.39
D = (6+0.55*11.39, 18-0.83*11.39) = (12.26, 8,54)
So your calculation gives right result (though approach is not very efficient), but picture is not exact - different scales of X and Y axes deform angles.
P.S: Second line width = 660 - margin.left - margin.right, makes the picture more reliable

Calculate d from n, e, p, q in RSA?

Not sure if this is the correct place to ask a cryptography question, but here goes.
I am trying to work out "d" in RSA, I have worked out p, q, e, n and ø(n);
p = 79, q = 113, e = 2621
n = pq ø(n) = (p-1)(q-1)
n = 79 x 113 = 8927 ø(n) = 78 x 112 = 8736
e = 2621
d = ???
I cant seem to find d, I know that d is meant to be a value that.. ed mod ø(n) = 1. Any help will be appreciated
As an example would be e = 17, d = 2753, ø(n) = 3120
17 * 2753 mod 3120 = 1
You are looking for the modular inverse of e (mod n), which can be computed using the extended Euclidean algorithm:
function inverse(x, m)
a, b, u := 0, m, 1
while x > 0
q := b // x # integer division
x, a, b, u := b % x, u, x, a - q * u
if b == 1 return a % m
error "must be coprime"
Thus, in your examples, inverse(17, 3120) = 2753 and inverse(2621, 8736) = 4373. If you don't want to implement the algorithm, you can ask Wolfram|Alpha for the answer.
The algorithm you need is the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. This allows you to compute the coefficients of Bézout's identity which states that for any two non-zero integers a and b, there exist integers x and y such that:
ax + by = gcd(a,b)
This might not seem immediately useful, however we know that e and φ(n) are coprime, gcd(e,φ(n)) = 1. So the algorithm gives us x and y such that:
ex + φ(n)y = gcd(e,φ(n))
= 1
ex = -φ(n)y + 1
This is equivalent to saying ex mod φ(n) = 1, so x = d.
For example you need to get d in the next:
3*d = 1 (mod 9167368)
this is equally:
3*d = 1 + k * 9167368, where k = 1, 2, 3, ...
rewrite it:
d = (1 + k * 9167368)/3
Your d must be the integer with the lowest k.
Let's write the formula:
d = (1 + k * fi)/e
public static int MultiplicativeInverse(int e, int fi) {
double result;
int k = 1;
while (true) {
result = (1 + (k * fi)) / (double) e;
if ((Math.Round(result, 5) % 1) == 0) {
return (int)result;
} else {
let's test this code:
Assert.AreEqual(Helper.MultiplicativeInverse(3, 9167368), 6111579); // passed

Perpendicular on a line segment from a given point

I want to calculate a point on a given line that is perpendicular from a given point.
I have a line segment AB and have a point C outside line segment. I want to calculate a point D on AB such that CD is perpendicular to AB.
I have to find point D.
It quite similar to this, but I want to consider to Z coordinate also as it does not show up correctly in 3D space.
Point D is on a line CD perpendicular to AB, and of course D belongs to AB.
Write down the Dot product of the two vectors CD.AB = 0, and express the fact D belongs to AB as D=A+t(B-A).
We end up with 3 equations:
Subtitute the first two equations in the third one gives:
Distributing to solve for t gives:
which gives:
t= -[(Ax-Cx)(Bx-Ax)+(Ay-Cy)(By-Ay)]/[(Bx-Ax)^2+(By-Ay)^2]
getting rid of the negative signs:
Once you have t, you can figure out the coordinates for D from the first two equations.
function getSpPoint(A,B,C){
var x1=A.x, y1=A.y, x2=B.x, y2=B.y, x3=C.x, y3=C.y;
var px = x2-x1, py = y2-y1, dAB = px*px + py*py;
var u = ((x3 - x1) * px + (y3 - y1) * py) / dAB;
var x = x1 + u * px, y = y1 + u * py;
return {x:x, y:y}; //this is D
There is a simple closed form solution for this (requiring no loops or approximations) using the vector dot product.
Imagine your points as vectors where point A is at the origin (0,0) and all other points are referenced from it (you can easily transform your points to this reference frame by subtracting point A from every point).
In this reference frame point D is simply the vector projection of point C on the vector B which is expressed as:
// Per wikipedia this is more efficient than the standard (A . Bhat) * Bhat
Vector projection = Vector.DotProduct(A, B) / Vector.DotProduct(B, B) * B
The result vector can be transformed back to the original coordinate system by adding point A to it.
A point on line AB can be parametrized by:
M(x)=A+x*(B-A), for x real.
You want D=M(x) such that DC and AB are orthogonal:
That is: dot(B-A,C-A-x*(B-A))=0, or dot(B-A,C-A)=x*dot(B-A,B-A), giving:
x=dot(B-A,C-A)/dot(B-A,B-A) which is defined unless A=B.
What you are trying to do is called vector projection
Here i have converted answered code from "cuixiping" to matlab code.
function Pr=getSpPoint(Line,Point)
% getSpPoint(): find Perpendicular on a line segment from a given point
px = x2-x1;
py = y2-y1;
dAB = px*px + py*py;
u = ((x3 - x1) * px + (y3 - y1) * py) / dAB;
x = x1 + u * px;
y = y1 + u * py;
I didn't see this answer offered, but Ron Warholic had a great suggestion with the Vector Projection. ACD is merely a right triangle.
Create the vector AC i.e (Cx - Ax, Cy - Ay)
Create the Vector AB i.e (Bx - Ax, By - Ay)
Dot product of AC and AB is equal to the cosine of the angle between the vectors. i.e cos(theta) = ACx*ABx + ACy*ABy.
Length of a vector is sqrt(x*x + y*y)
Length of AD = cos(theta)*length(AC)
Normalize AB i.e (ABx/length(AB), ABy/length(AB))
D = A + NAB*length(AD)
For anyone who might need this in C# I'll save you some time:
double Ax = ;
double Ay = ;
double Az = ;
double Bx = ;
double By = ;
double Bz = ;
double Cx = ;
double Cy = ;
double Cz = ;
double t = ((Cx - Ax) * (Bx - Ax) + (Cy - Ay) * (By - Ay)) / (Math.Pow(Bx - Ax, 2) + Math.Pow(By - Ay, 2));
double Dx = Ax + t*(Bx - Ax);
double Dy = Ay + t*(By - Ay);
Here is another python implementation without using a for loop. It works for any number of points and any number of line segments. Given p_array as a set of points, and x_array , y_array as continues line segments or a polyline.
This uses the equation Y = mX + n and considering that the m factor for a perpendicular line segment is -1/m.
import numpy as np
def ortoSegmentPoint(self, p_array, x_array, y_array):
:param p_array: np.array([[ 718898.941 9677612.901 ], [ 718888.8227 9677718.305 ], [ 719033.0528 9677770.692 ]])
:param y_array: np.array([9677656.39934991 9677720.27550726 9677754.79])
:param x_array: np.array([718895.88881594 718938.61392781 718961.46])
:return: [POINT, LINE] indexes where point is orthogonal to line segment
# PENDIENTE "m" de la recta, y = mx + n
m_array = np.divide(y_array[1:] - y_array[:-1], x_array[1:] - x_array[:-1])
inv_m_array = np.divide(1, m_array)
# VALOR "n", y = mx + n
n_array = y_array[:-1] - x_array[:-1] * m_array
n_orto_array = np.array(p_array[:, 1]).reshape(len(p_array), 1) + inv_m_array * np.array(p_array[:, 0]).reshape(len(p_array), 1)
x_intersec_array = np.divide(n_orto_array - n_array, m_array + inv_m_array)
y_intersec_array = m_array * x_intersec_array + n_array
x_coord = np.array([x_array[:-1], x_array[1:]]).T
y_coord = np.array([y_array[:-1], y_array[1:]]).T
maskX = np.where(np.logical_and(x_intersec_array < np.max(x_coord, axis=1), x_intersec_array > np.min(x_coord, axis=1)), True, False)
maskY = np.where(np.logical_and(y_intersec_array < np.max(y_coord, axis=1), y_intersec_array > np.min(y_coord, axis=1)), True, False)
mask = maskY * maskX
return np.argwhere(mask == True)
As Ron Warholic and Nicolas Repiquet answered, this can be solved using vector projection. For completeness I'll add a python/numpy implementation of this here in case it saves anyone else some time:
import numpy as np
# Define some test data that you can solve for directly.
first_point = np.array([4, 4])
second_point = np.array([8, 4])
target_point = np.array([6, 6])
# Expected answer
expected_point = np.array([6, 4])
# Create vector for first point on line to perpendicular point.
point_vector = target_point - first_point
# Create vector for first point and second point on line.
line_vector = second_point - first_point
# Create the projection vector that will define the position of the resultant point with respect to the first point.
projection_vector = (, line_vector) /, line_vector)) * line_vector
# Alternative method proposed in another answer if for whatever reason you prefer to use this.
_projection_vector = (, line_vector) / np.linalg.norm(line_vector)**2) * line_vector
# Add the projection vector to the first point
projected_point = first_point + projection_vector
# Test
(projected_point == expected_point).all()
Since you're not stating which language you're using, I'll give you a generic answer:
Just have a loop passing through all the points in your AB segment, "draw a segment" to C from them, get the distance from C to D and from A to D, and apply pithagoras theorem. If AD^2 + CD^2 = AC^2, then you've found your point.
Also, you can optimize your code by starting the loop by the shortest side (considering AD and BD sides), since you'll find that point earlier.
Here is a python implementation based on Corey Ogburn's answer from this thread.
It projects the point q onto the line segment defined by p1 and p2 resulting in the point r.
It will return null if r falls outside of line segment:
def is_point_on_line(p1, p2, q):
if (p1[0] == p2[0]) and (p1[1] == p2[1]):
p1[0] -= 0.00001
U = ((q[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[0] - p1[0])) + ((q[1] - p1[1]) * (p2[1] - p1[1]))
Udenom = math.pow(p2[0] - p1[0], 2) + math.pow(p2[1] - p1[1], 2)
U /= Udenom
r = [0, 0]
r[0] = p1[0] + (U * (p2[0] - p1[0]))
r[1] = p1[1] + (U * (p2[1] - p1[1]))
minx = min(p1[0], p2[0])
maxx = max(p1[0], p2[0])
miny = min(p1[1], p2[1])
maxy = max(p1[1], p2[1])
is_valid = (minx <= r[0] <= maxx) and (miny <= r[1] <= maxy)
if is_valid:
return r
return None
