Min Max in Combine on an Array - combine

Given, I have
let minMaxPublisher = [[10,-19,100,-34],[-100,3,2,11],[100,200,-101]].publisher
how would you get the min max of the whole thing?

It looks like you want something like:
import Combine
let minMaxPublisher = [[10,-19,100,-34],[-100,3,2,11],[100,200,-101]].publisher
.flatMap { $0.publisher }
.sink {
print("Min is \($0)")
The first .publisher publishes a sequence of arrays. Each of those is passed through flatMap where each individual array itself is converted to a sequence and each of those subsequences is passed out of flatMap one at a time. Then you get the min of that sequence and print it.


complex reduce sample unclear how the reduce works

Starting with complex reduce sample
I have trimmed it down to a single chart and I am trying to understand how the reduce works
I have made comments in the code that were not in the example denoting what I think is happening based on how I read the docs.
function groupArrayAdd(keyfn) {
var bisect = d3.bisector(keyfn); //set the bisector value function
//elements is the group that we are reducing,item is the current item
//this is a the reduce function being supplied to the reduce call on the group runAvgGroup for add below
return function(elements, item) {
//get the position of the key value for this element in the sorted array and put it there
var pos = bisect.right(elements, keyfn(item));
elements.splice(pos, 0, item);
return elements;
function groupArrayRemove(keyfn) {
var bisect = d3.bisector(keyfn);//set the bisector value function
//elements is the group that we are reducing,item is the current item
//this is a the reduce function being supplied to the reduce call on the group runAvgGroup for remove below
return function(elements, item) {
//get the position of the key value for this element in the sorted array and splice it out
var pos = bisect.left(elements, keyfn(item));
elements.splice(pos, 1);
return elements;
function groupArrayInit() {
//for each key found by the key function return this array?
return []; //the result array for where the data is being inserted in sorted order?
I am not quite sure my perception of how this is working is quite right. Some of the magic isn't showing itself. Am I correct that elements is the group the reduce function is being called on ? also the array in groupArrayInit() how is it being indirectly populated?
Part of me feels that the functions supplied to the reduce call are really array.map functions not array.reduce functions but I just can't quite put my finger on why. having read the docs I am just not making a connection here.
Any help would be appreciated.
Also have I missed Pens/Fiddles that are created for all these examples? like this one
http://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/examples/complex-reduce.html which is where I started with this but had to download the csv and manually convert to Json.
I added some print statements to try to clarify how the add function is working
function groupArrayAdd(keyfn) {
var bisect = d3.bisector(keyfn); //set the bisector value function
//elements is the group that we are reducing,item is the current item
//this is a the reduce function being supplied to the reduce call on the group runAvgGroup for add below
return function(elements, item) {
console.log("---Start Elements and Item and keyfn(item)----")
console.log(elements) //elements grouped by run?
console.log(item) //not seeing the pattern on what this is on each run
//get the position of the key value for this element in the sorted array and put it there
var pos = bisect.right(elements, keyfn(item));
elements.splice(pos, 0, item);
return elements;
and to print out the group's contents
which results in
Which appears to be incorrect b/c the values are not sorted by key (the run number)?
And looking at the results of the print statements doesn't seem to help either.
This looks basically right to me. The issues are just conceptual.
Crossfilter’s group.reduce is not exactly like either Array.reduce or Array.map. Group.reduce defines methods for handling adding new records to a group or removing records from a group. So it is conceptually similar to an incremental Array.reduce that supports an reversal operation. This allows filters to be applied and removed.
Group.top returns your list of groups. The value property of these groups should be the elements value that your reduce functions return. The key of the group is the value returned by your group accessor (defined in the dimension.group call that creates your group) or your dimension accessor if you didn’t define a group accessor. Reduce functions work only on the group values and do not have direct access to the group key.
So check those values in the group.top output and hopefully you’ll see the lists of elements you expect.

Combination Sum in Go

Given an array: [1,2] and a target: 4
Find the solution set that adds up to the target
in this case:
import "sort"
func combinationSum(candidates []int, target int) [][]int {
return combine(0, target, []int{}, candidates)
func combine(sum int, target int, curComb []int, candidates []int) [][]int {
var tmp [][]int
var result [][]int
if sum == target {
return [][]int{curComb}
} else if sum < target {
for i,v := range candidates {
tmp = combine(sum+v, target, append(curComb, v), candidates[i:])
result = append(result,tmp...)
return result
This is a problem in Leetcode and I use recursion to solve it.
In line 18, I print every case when the sum is equal to the target.
The output is :
And that is the answer that I want!
But why is the final answer (two-dimensional):
Expected answer is : [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,2],[2,2]]
Please help me find the mistake in the code. Thanks for your time.
This happens because of the way slices work. A slice object is a reference to an underlying array, along with the length of the slice, a pointer to the start of the slice in the array, and the slice's capacity. The capacity of a slice is the number of elements from the beginning of the slice to the end of the array. When you append to a slice, if there is available capacity for the new element, it is added to the existing array. However, if there isn't sufficient capacity, append allocates a new array and copies the elements. The new array is allocated with extra capacity so that an allocation isn't required for every append.
In your for loop, when curComb is [1, 1, 1], its capacity is 4. On successive iterations of the loop, you append 1 and then 2, neither of which causes a reallocation because there's enough room in the array for the new element. When curComb is [1, 1, 1, 1], it is put on the results list, but in the next iteration of the for loop, the append changes the last element to 2 (remember that it's the same underlying array), so that's what you see when you print the results at the end.
The solution to this is to return a copy of curComb when the sum equals the target:
if sum == target {
tmpCurComb := make([]int, len(curComb))
copy(tmpCurComb, curComb)
return [][]int{tmpCurComb}
This article gives a good explanation of how slices work.

Golang Reusing Memory Address Copying from slice?

I was hitting an issue in a project I'm working on. I found a way around it, but I wasn't sure why my solution worked. I'm hoping that someone more experience with how Go pointers work could help me.
I have a Model interface and a Region struct that implements the interface. The Model interface is implemented on the pointer of the Region struct. I also have a Regions collection which is a slice of Region objects. I have a method that can turn a Regions object into a []Model:
// Regions is the collection of the Region model
type Regions []Region
// Returns the model collection as a list of models
func (coll *Regions) ToModelList() []Model {
output := make([]Model, len(*coll))
for idx, item := range *coll {
output[idx] = &item
return output
When I run this code, I end up with the first pointer to the Region outputted multiple times. So, if the Regions collection has two distinct items, I will get the same address duplicated twice. When I print the variables before I set them in the slice, they have the proper data.
I messed with it a little bit, thinking Go might be reusing the memory address between loops. This solution is currently working for me in my tests:
// Returns the model collection as a list of models
func (coll *Regions) ToModelList() []Model {
output := make([]Model, len(*coll))
for idx, _ := range *coll {
i := (*coll)[idx]
output[idx] = &i
return output
This gives the expected output of two distinct addresses in the output slice.
This honestly seems like a bug with the range function reusing the same memory address between runs, but I always assume I'm missing something in cases like this.
I hope I explained this well enough for you. I'm surprised that the original solution did not work.
In your first (non working) example item is the loop variable. Its address is not changing, only its value. That's why you get the same address in output idx times.
Run this code to see the mechanics in action;
func main() {
coll := []int{5, 10, 15}
for i, v := range coll {
fmt.Printf("This one is always the same; %v\n", &v)
fmt.Println("This one is 4 bytes larger each iteration; %v\n", &coll[i])
There is just one item variable for the entire loop, which is assigned the corresponding value during each iteration of the loop. You do not get a new item variable in each iteration. So you are just repeatedly taking the address of the same variable, which will of course be the same.
On the other hand, if you declared a local variable inside the loop, it will be a new variable in each iteration, and the addresses will be different:
for idx, item := range *coll {
temp := item
output[idx] = &temp

how return a new type with an update value

If I want to change a value on a list, I will return a new list with the new value instead of changing the value on the old list.
Now I have four types. I need to update the value location in varEnd, instead of changing the value, I need to return a new type with the update value
type varEnd = {
v: ctype;
k: varkind;
l: location;
type varStart = {
ct: ctype;
sy: sTable;
n: int;
stm: stmt list;
e: expr
and sEntry = Var of varEnd | Fun of varStart
and sTable = (string * sEntry) list
type environment = sTable list;;
(a function where environment is the only parameter i can use)
let allocateMem (env:environment) : environment =
I tried to use List.iter, but it changes the value directly, which type is also not mutable. I think List.fold will be a better option.
The biggest issue i have is there are four different types.
I think you're saying that you know how to change an element of a list by constructing a new list.
Now you want to do this to an environment, and an environment is a list of quite complicated things. But this doesn't make any difference, the way to change the list is the same. The only difference is that the replacement value will be a complicated thing.
I don't know what you mean when you say you have four types. I see a lot more than four types listed here. But on the other hand, an environment seems to contain things of basically two different types.
Maybe (but possibly not) you're saying you don't know a good way to change just one of the four fields of a record while leaving the others the same. This is something for which there's a good answer. Assume that x is something of type varEnd. Then you can say:
{ x with l = loc }
If, in fact, you don't know how to modify an element of a list by creating a new list, then that's the thing to figure out first. You can do it with a fold, but in fact you can also do it with List.map, which is a little simpler. You can't do it with List.iter.
Assume we have a record type like this:
type r = { a: int; b: float; }
Here's a function that takes r list list and adds 1.0 to the b fields of those records whose a fields are 0.
let incr_ll rll =
let f r = if r.a = 0 then { r with b = r.b +. 1.0 } else r in
List.map (List.map f) rll
The type of this function is r list list -> r list list.

Counting the number of elements of an array but with a condition

I have an array with real numbers, say A. I have calculated the mean as np.mean(A)
Now I want to check how many elements fell below the mean and how many above.
for example
A = [ 1 2 3 5] so the average is 2.75. So, i have two elements below the average and two elements above.
Any help will be appreciated
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you could do:
function mean(array){
var sum=0;
for (item in array){
sum = sum + array[item];
return sum/(array.length)
function belowMean(array) {
return array.filter(function(item){
return item < mean(array);
var a=[1,2,3,4];
alert(belowMean(a)); //you'll get an array with those elements below the mean.
alert(belowMean(a).length); //you'll get how many elements are below the mean.
It's ugly though, I'd rather modified the array prototype to tho so.
How about loop it twice? First time for average value and second time for your count?
