Scraping a Webpage with RSelenium - r

I am trying to scrape this link here: -- and return the player props on the page in some sort of workable table within R where I can clean it to a final result.
I am working with the RSelenium package in combination with the tidyverse and rvest in order to scrape this info into R. I have had success on other pages on this website in the past, but can't seem to crack this one.
I've gotten as far as Inspecting the webpage down to the most granular <div> that contains the entire list of players on the page, and copied the corresponding xpath from that line of the inspection.
My code looks as such:
# Run this code to scrape the player props for goals from draftkings
# start up local selenium server
rD <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", port=6511L, chromever = "96.0.4664.45")
remote_driver <- rD$client
# Open chrome
# Navigate to URL
url <- ""
# Find the table via the XML path
table_xml <- remote_driver$findElement(using = "xpath", value = "//*[#id='root']/section/section[2]/section/div[3]/div/div[3]/div/div/div[2]/div")
# Locates the table, turns it into a list, and binds into a single dataframe
player_prop_table <- table_xml$getElementAttribute("innerHTML")
That last line, instead of returning a workable list, tibble, or dataframe like I'm used to returns a large list that contains the same values I see on the Chrome inspect tool.
What am I missing here in terms of successfully scraping this page?


Scrape webpage that does not change URL

I’m new to web scraping. I can do the very basic stuff of scraping pages using URLs and css selector tools with R. Now I have run into problems.
For hobby purposes I would like to be able to scrape the following URL: (a time slot booking system for sports)
However, the URL does not change when I navigate to different dates or adresses (‘Område’).
I have read a couple of similar problems suggesting to inspect the webpage, look under ’Network’ and then ‘XHR’ or ‘JS’ to find the data source of the table and get information from there. I am able to do this, but to be honest, I have no idea what to do from there.
I would like to retrieve data on what time slots are available across dates and adresses (the ‘Område’ drop down on the webpage).
If anyone is willing to help me and my understanding, it would be greatly appreciated.
Have a nice day!
The website you have linked looks to be run on Javascript which changes dynamically. You need to extract your desired information using RSelenium library which opens a browser and then you need to choose your dropdown and get data.
Find the sample code here to fire up firefox to your website. From here you can write codes to select different types of ‘Område’ dropdown and get the following table info using remdr$getPageSource() and then using Rvest functions to extract the data
# load libraries
# open browser
selCommand <- wdman::selenium(jvmargs = c(""), retcommand = TRUE)
shell(selCommand, wait = FALSE, minimized = TRUE)
remdr <- remoteDriver(port = 4567L, browserName = "firefox")
remdr$navigate(url = '')

What is the difference between rvest::html_text and RSelenium::getPageSource?

I'm scraping a number of webpages, where I noticed the different results that rvest (read_html, then html_text) provides, and the one that RSelenium (getPageSource()) provides.
More specifically, when dropdown menus are involved, using html_text only gives you the names of the choices, while using RSelenium you can get the url of the page that you will be directed to once you choose one.
My question here would be : (1) why the difference, and what exactly is the nature of the difference? and (2) is there a way to get the same source text extraction as RSelenium one, but using a faster way such as rvest package?
I have tried using webdriver, a PhantomJS implementation, per suggestion from rvest vs RSelenium results for text extracting , and their getSource function does provide the same results as RSelenium. However, while this is faster than RSelenium, it is still much slower than rvest.
test_url <- ""
# rvest
resultA <- html_text(read_html(test_url))
# RSelenium
remDr <- remoteDriver(port = 4445L, browserName = "firefox")
resultB <- remDr$getPageSource(test_url)
# webdriver
pjs <- run_phantomjs()
ses <- Session$new(port = pjs$port)
resultC <- ses$getSource()
You can see that resultA is different from resultB and resultC. More specifically, my focus would be something from the word "Tools" onwards, which is the part where the dropdown menu for choosing different tabs regarding "Tools" that this website provides.
Showing just a small chunk, choosing "BEARFACTS" in rvest is:
while in RSelenium it is something like the following :
<li class=\"expanded dropdown\">\n BEARFACTS\n
The difference between RSelenium and rvest is:
RSelenium runs a real web browser, so it will load any javascript contained in the webpage (javascript is often used to load additional html elements or data after the initial html has loaded).
rvest does not run javascript, and therefore retrieves the page html faster, but will miss any elements loaded with javascript after the initial page load.
Some useful tips:
When scraping a page that doesn't load javascript, use rvest.
When you must use RSelenium, try using a headless option to improve speed (it will load the page in a browser just like normal, but it won't display any of the graphical elements, so it will be faster).
Example of using RSelenium headless
eCaps <- list(chromeOptions = list(
args = c('--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--window-size=1280,800')
rD <- rsDriver(browser=c("chrome"), verbose = TRUE, chromever="78.0.3904.105", port=4447L, extraCapabilities = eCaps)

Triggering doPostBack javascript with RSelenium to scrape multi-page table

I am struggling to 'web-scrape' data from a table which spans over several pages. The pages are linked via javascript.
The data I am interested in is based on the website's search function:
url <- ""
I am able to download the first page with the rvest package:
NI <- read_html(url)
NI.res <- NI %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
NI.res <- NI.res[[1]][c(1:10),c(1:5)]
So far so good.
As far as I understood, the RSelenium package is the way forward to navigate on websites with javascript/when html scraping via changing urls is not possible. I installed the package and run it in combination with the Docker Quicktool Box (all working fine),
library (RSelenium)
shell('docker run -d -p 4445:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome')
remDr <- remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "",
port = 4445L,
browserName = "chrome")
My hope was that by triggering the javascript I could naviate to the next page and repeat the rvest command and obtain the data contained on the e.g. 2nd, 3rd etc page (eventually that should be part of a loop or purrr::map function).
Navigate to the table with search results (1st page):
Trigger the javascript. The content of the javascript is taken from hovering with the mouse over the index of pages on the webiste (below the table). In the case below the javascript leading to page 2 is triggered:
remDr$executeScript("__doPostBack('ctl00$MainContentPlaceHolder$SearchResultsGridView','Page$2');", args=list("dummy"))
Repeat the scraping with rvest
url <- ""
NI <- read_html(url)
NI.res <- NI %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
NI.res2 <- NI.res[[1]][c(1:10),c(1:5)]
Unfortunately though, the triggering of the javascript appears not to work. The scraped results are again those from page 1 and not from page 2. I might be missing something rather basic here, but I can't figure out what.
My attempt is partly informed by SO posts here, here and here. I also saw this post.
Context: Eventually, in further steps, I will have to trigger a click on each single finding/row which shows up on all pages and also scrape the information behind each entry. Hence, as far as I understood, RSelenium will be the main tool here.
Grateful for any hint!
I made 'some' progress following the approach suggested here. It's a) still not doing everything I am intending to do and b) is very likely not the most elegant form of how to do it. But maybe it's of some help to others/opens up a way forward. Note that this approach does not require RSelenium.
I basically created a loop for each javascript (page index) leading to another page of the table which I want to scrape. The crucial detail is the EVENTARGUMENT argument to which I assign the respective page number (my knowledge of js is bascially zero).
for (i in 2:15) {
target<- paste0("Page$",i)
x <- read_html(page) %>%
html_nodes(css = "#ctl00_MainContentPlaceHolder_SearchResultsGridView") %>%
html_table(fill=TRUE) %>%
d<- x[c(1:paste(nrow(x)-2)),c(1:5)]
page.list[[i]] <- d
However, this code is not able to trigger the javascript/go to the pages which are not visible in the page index below the table when opening the site (1 - 11). Only page 2 to 11 can be scraped with this loop. Since the script for page 12 and subsequent are not visible, they can't be triggered.

Scraping with RSelenium and understanding html tags

I've been learning how to scrape the web using RSelenium by trying to gather sports data. I have a difficult time understanding how to get certain elements based on tags. In the following example, I get the player names that I want, but I only get the top 28. I don't understand why, since when I inspect lower elements, they have similar xpaths. Example:
rotoURL = as.character("")
# Start remote driver
remDrall <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", verbose = F)
remDr <- remDrall$client
remDr$open(silent = TRUE)
# Go to URL
# Get player names and clean
plyrNms <- remDr$findElement(using = "xpath", "//*[#id='primary-pane']/div/div[3]/div/div/div/div")
plyrNmsText <- plyrNms$getElementAttribute("outerHTML")[[1]]
plyrNmsClean <- htmlTreeParse(plyrNmsText, useInternalNodes=T)
plyrNmsCleaner <- trimws(unlist(xpathApply(plyrNmsClean, '//a', xmlValue)))
plyrNmsCleaner <- plyrNmsCleaner[!plyrNmsCleaner=='']
If you run this, you'll see that the list stops at Ben McLemore, even though there are 50+ names below. I tried this code yesterday as well and it still limited me to 28 names, which tells me the 28 isn't arbitrary.
What part of my code is preventing me from grabbing all names? I'm assuming it has to do with findElement, but I've tried a 100 different xpaths with the InspectorGadget html selector tool, and nothing seems to work. Any help would be much appreciated!

Get webpage links using rvest

I tried using rvest to extract links of "VAI ALLA SCHEDA PRODOTTO" form this website:
My R code:
page.source <- read_html("")
version.block <- html_nodes(page.source, "a") %>% html_attr("href")
However, I can't get any links look like "/model.asp?p=2340487". How can I do?
element looks like this
You may utilize RSelenium to request the intended information from the website.
Load the relevant packages. (Please ensure that the R package 'wdman' is up-to-date.)
Initialize the R Selenium server (I use Firefox - recommended).
rD <- rsDriver(browser = "firefox", port = 4850L)
rd <- rD$client
Navigate to the URL (and set an appropriate waiting time).
Request the intended information (you may refer to, for example, the 'xpath' of the element).
element <- rd$findElement(using = 'xpath', "//*[#id='series']/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/a/div[2]")
Display the requested element (i.e., information).
A detailed tutorial is provided here (for OS, see this tutorial). Hopefully, this helps.
