How to count number of occurrences of a character in an array in Pascal - count

I have to script a pascal code that rations into calculation the frequency of a character's appearance in the code and displays it through the output mode
Input P2 changes:
Second Attempt at the coding phase
I tried revisioning the code.I added the output variable writeln('input array of characters'); & writeln('Number of Occurrences',k);, which should help me output how many times did the S character appear overall in the code, plus utilised the for & if commands to have the final values showcased based on the conditions, if the frequency is 1 then count in S, still getting errors, take a look at the Input P2 & Output P2
Input P1
function Count(t, s: String): Integer;
Offset, P: Integer;
Result := 0;
Offset := 1;
P := PosEx(t, s, Offset);
while P > 0 do
P := PosEx(t, s, P + 1);
Output P2
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling main.pas
main.pas(5,3) Error: Identifier not found "Result"
main.pas(7,8) Error: Identifier not found "PosEx"
main.pas(8,3) Error: Identifier not found "unsigned"
main.pas(8,12) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "identifier N" found
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
Input P2
program p1
var S:string
writeln('input array of characters');
for i:=1 to length (S) do
if (S[i])='m') and (S[i+1]='a') then k:=k+1;
writeln('Number of Occurrences',k);
Output P2
Compiling main.pas
main.pas(2,1) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "VAR" found
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode

The errors you see in the first block:
Identifier not found "Result"
Standard Pascal doesn't recognize the pseudovariable Result. In some Pascal implementations (like e.g. Delphi) it can be used to assign a value to the function result. The Pascal you are using needs to have the result of a function assigned to the name of the function. For example:
function Whatever(): integer;
Whatever := 234;
Identifier not found "PosEx"
Not all Pascal implementations include the PosEx() function. You need to use Pos() instead. But, the standard implementation of Pos() doesn't include the "search start position" that PosEx has. Therefore you need to ditch Pos() and do as you do in "Input P2", that is traverse the text character per character and count the occurances as you go.
Identifier not found "unsigned"
Seems you have removed that unknown identifier.
The error you see in the second block:
In Output P2 the error message should be clear. You are missing a semicolon where one is needed. Actually you are missing three of them.
You are also missing the line that reads user input: ReadLn(S);.
Finally, to calculate both upper and lower case characters you can use an extra string variable, say SU: string to which you assign SU := UpperCase(S) after reading user input, and then use that string to count the occurances.

I think this is more like what you want to do:
function Count(t, s: String): Integer;
Offset,Res, P: Integer;
Res := 0
Offset := 1;
P := Pos(t, s, Offset);
if p>0 then
Offset := P+1
untl P = 0;
Count := Res;
Now, if you don't have Pos, you can implement it:
Function Pos(const t,s:string; const Start:integer):Integer;
LS, LT, {Length}
IxS, IxT, {Index)
R: Integer; {Result}
R := 0;
{use only one of the two following lines of code}
{if your compiler has length}
LS := length(S); LT := Length(T);
{If it does not}
LS := Ord(s[0]); LT := Ord(T[0]);
if (LS <= LT) {if target is larger than search string, it's not there}
and (Start<=LT) and {same if starting position beyond size of S}
(Start+LT <-LS) then {same if search would go beyond size of S}
begin {Otherwise, start the search}
ixT := 1;
ixS := Start;
Inc(R); {or R:= R+1; if INC not available }
If (S[ixS] <> T[ixT]) then
R := 0 {they don't match, we're done}
begin {Move to next char}
until (R=0) or (ixT>LT); {if search failed or end of target, done}
Pos := R;


Constraint Error running Heapify SiftDown

I am writing this code in Ada for a class where we have to teach ourselves the code. I understand heap sort, but the Ada syntax is really confusing me. I don't understand why I am getting a constraint error in this sort function.
Essentially we have to pass array "A" into this procedure, and it should organize it. I get the constraint error at siftDown(A(Start...A'Last));
Thank you in advance
Procedure sort_3(A : in out array_type) is
procedure swap(Left : in out Integer; Right : in out Integer) is
temp : Integer;
temp := Left;
Left := Right;
Right := Temp;
end swap;
procedure siftDown(A : in out array_type) is
Count : Integer := 1;
root : Integer := Integer'Pos(A'First);
child : Integer := Integer'Pos(A'Last);
last : Integer := Integer'Pos(A'Last);
while root * 2 + 1 <= last loop
child := root * 2 + 1;
if child + 1 <= last and then A(Integer'Val(child)) < A(Integer'Val(child + 1)) then
child := child + 1;
end if;
if A(Integer'Val(root)) < A(Integer'Val(child)) then
swap(A(Integer'Val(root)), A(Integer'Val(child)));
root := child;
end if;
end loop;
end siftDown;
procedure heapify(A : in out array_type) is
Count : Integer := 0;
First_Pos : Integer;
Last_Pos : Integer;
Start : Integer;
First_Pos := A'First;
Last_Pos := A'Last;
Start := Integer'Val((Last_Pos - First_Pos + 1) / 2);
if Start > Integer'First then
Start := Integer'Pred(Start);
end if;
end loop;
end heapify;
Last_Index : Integer := Integer'Last;
while Last_Index > Integer'First loop
swap(A(Last_Index), A(A'First));
Last_Index := Integer'Pred(Last_Index);
end loop;
end sort_3;
You have a syntax error in the code - an extra dot in A(Start...A'Last).
The syntax A(Start..A'Last) means a slice, part of array from Start to the last element. The Constraint_Error means that Start not in array bounds. Try to add
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Start'Image);
before that line and you will see Start values and when it became out of the A'Range.
Your code has some references to Integer'First and Integer'Last, which are huge values that have nothing to do with the array A and its values. I'm pretty sure you should use A'First and A'Last instead.
Also a note on style: Using the same identifier, "A", for the parameter of the local (inner, nested) procedures as for the parameter "A" of the containing (outer) procedure, when these arrays can be different, invites confusion and errors. Better to use different identifiers.

Writing raw bits to a file in Lazarus

Let's suppose I generate a string of randomly ordered 1's and 0's.
If I write said string to a file, it will be written as an ANSI string, which is not what I want to do. I want to instead write the 1's and 0's in the string as raw bits. How can I achieve this?
You could iterate through the input string, character by character, and replace every '0' by a #0, and every '1' by a #1.
txt = '0001010001011110101110101010000001011111';
s: String;
i: Integer;
SetLength(s, Length(txt));
for i:=1 to Length(txt) do
if txt[i] = '0' then
s[i] := #0
else if txt[i] = '1' then
s[i] := #1
WriteLn('Unsupported character in input string');
//... write to file here (you should know how to do it) ...
Or you could subtract the ordinal value of the character '0' from each character and cast the result back to char. The result will be #0 for '0' or #1 for '1'.
SetLength(s, Length(txt));
for i := 1 to Length(txt) do
s[i] := char(ord(txt[i]) - ord('0'));

How to use Assert and loop_invariants

package PolyPack with SPARK_Mode is
type Vector is array (Natural range <>) of Integer;
function RuleHorner (X: Integer; A : Vector) return Integer
Pre => A'Length > 0 and A'Last < Integer'Last;
end PolyPack ;
I want to write body of PolyPack package with Assert and loop_invariants that the gnatprove program can prove my function RuleHorner correctness.
I write my function Horner but I don;t know how put assertions and loop_invariants in this program to prove its corectness :
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package body PolyPack with SPARK_Mode is
function RuleHorner (X: Integer; A : Vector) return Integer is
Y : Integer := 0;
for I in 0 .. A'Length - 1 loop
Y := (Y*X) + A(A'Last - I);
end loop;
return Y;
end RuleHorner ;
end PolyPack ;
gnatprove :
overflow check might fail (e.g. when X = 2 and Y = -2)
overflow check might fail
overflow check are for line Y := (Y*X) + A(A'Last - I);
Can someone help me how remove overflow check with loop_invariants
The analysis is correct. The element type for type Vector is Integer. When X = 2, Y = -2, and A(A'Last - I) is less than Integer'First + 4 an underflow will occur. How do you think this should be handled in your program? Loop invariants will not work here because you cannot prove that an overflow or underflow cannot occur.
Is there a way you can design your types and/or subtypes used within Vector and for variables X and Y to prevent Y from overflowing or underflowing?
I am also curious why you want to ignore the last value in your Vector. Are you trying to walk through the array in reverse? If so simply use the following for loop syntax:
for I in reverse A'Range loop

Pascal. Recursive function to count amount of odd numbers in the sequence

I need to write recursive function to count amount of odd numbers in the sequence
Here my initial code:
program OddNumbers;
function GetOddNumbersAmount(const x: array of integer; count,i:integer):integer;
if((x[i] <> 0) and (x[i] mod 2=0)) then
count:= count + 1;
GetOddNumbersAmount:=GetOddNumbersAmount(x, count, i);
var X: array[1..10] of integer;
i,amount: integer;
writeln('Enter your sequence:');
for i:=1 to 10 do
amount:= GetOddNumbersAmount(X, 0, 1);
writeln('Amount of odd numbers: ', amount);
When i type the sequence and press "enter", program closed without any errors and i can't see the result.
Also, i think my function isn't correct.
Can someone help with that code?
function GetOddNumbersAmount(const x: array of integer; count,i:integer):integer;
if((x[i] <> 0) and (x[i] mod 2<>0)) then
count:= count + 1;
if(i = 10) then
GetOddNumbersAmount:=GetOddNumbersAmount(x, count, i+1);
You don't provide an end of recursion, i.e., you always call your function GetOddNumbersAmount again, and your program never terminates. Thus, you get an array index error (or a stack overflow) and your program crashes.
Please note, that every recursion need a case where it terminates, i.e. does not call itself. In your case, it should return if there are no elements in the array left.
In addition, you are counting the even numbers, not the odd ones.
You passed a static array to a dynamic so the index get confused:
Allocat the array with
allocates an array of 10 integers, indexed 0 to 9.
Dynamic arrays are always integer-indexed, always starting from 0!
for it:=0 to 9 do begin
X[it]:= random(100);
And second if you know the length a loop has more advantages:
function GetEvenNumbersAmount(const x: array of integer; count,i:integer):integer;
for i:= 0 to length(X)-1 do
if((x[i] <> 0) and (x[i] mod 2=0)) then begin
//write(inttostr(X[i-1])+ ' ') :debug

Maple: Why I can not plot my function which is definrd by proc?

So I created a proc that returns a value. (sqrt analog that is correct for numbers from (2.1) and up). I can evaluate it for any given number but I cannot plot it. Why and how to fix it?
code (converted to 1-d math input):
val := 248;
sqr := proc (sqrtFrom, iterations) answer := 0; ampl := 0; number := sqrtFrom; for k to iterations do answer := 10*answer; number := sqrtFrom*10^ampl; for i from 0 while i < number do answer := answer+1; i := answer^2 end do; answer := answer-1; difr := -1; while difr < 0 do ampl := ampl+1; difr := sqrtFrom*10^ampl-100*answer^2 end do end do; return evalf(answer/10^(iterations-1)) end proc;
sqr(val, 10);
plot(sqr(x, 10), x = 3 .. 5);
You need eval quotes. Try
plot('sqr'(x,10), x = 3..5 );
The error you get is because sqr is being called prematurely with x as an argument, and it can't do that.
Alternatively, you can modify sqr itself to return unevaluated if it gets non-numeric arguments (which is how sqrt works).
