Qt 4.8 how to do get properties of a QPushButton placed in a QList<QWidget *>? - qt

Do someone know a solution to do get properties of a QPushButton placed in a QList<QWidget *> ?
QList<QWidget *> list;
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Push", this);
qDebug() << list.at(0)->text(); // Not working : text() is not a property of QWidget but a property of QPushButton

The problem is more to do with c++ and polymorphism in general rather than anything specific to Qt. The expression...
returns a QWidget *. Hence the call...
fails to compile as QWidget has no member function named text. If you think the pointer returned by list.at(0) points to a specific subclass of QWidget then you need to downcast it and check the result before using it. e.g.
if (auto *b = dynamic_cast<QPushButton *>(list.at(0)))
qDebug() << b->text();
Alternatively -- since you are using Qt -- you can make use of qobject_cast in a similar fashion...
if (auto *b = qobject_cast<QPushButton *>(list.at(0)))
qDebug() << b->text();


Application crashing when searching for QLineEdit in QFormLayout

I've experienced a weird crash when trying to find a QLineEdit in a QFormLayout.
Firstly, I created a QFormLayout and set a name for it:
QFormLayout *charColLayout = new QFormLayout; charColLayout->setObjectName("charColLayout");
Then, I created a QLineEdit, modified it a bit and add it in to the layout, and I also give it a name:
QLineEdit *delim = new QLineEdit;
charColLayout->addRow("Delimiter", delim);
Afterward, in a completely different function, I re-searched that layout with findChild():
QFormLayout *charcoal = secondHoriField->findChild<QFormLayout *>("charColLayout", Qt::FindChildrenRecursively);
It should be noted that secondHoriField is just a normal QLayout which my QFormLayout is located in.
Finally, I attempted to find that QLineEdit:
QLineEdit *delimEdit = charcoal->findChild<QLineEdit*>("delEdit", Qt::FindChildrenRecursively);
if (delimEdit == nullptr) {cerr << "error\n";} //debug
string curDelim = qStrToStr(delimEdit->text());
And it surprisingly came down with a crash, and as the output shown, it's because the delimEdit is null.
18:06:10: Starting D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe ...
18:06:17: The program has unexpectedly finished.
18:06:17: The process was ended forcefully.
18:06:17: D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe crashed.
But when I switched the findChild() function for this rather bruteforce-y line:
QLineEdit *delimEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(charcoal->itemAt(1)->widget());
cerr << qStrToStr(delimEdit->objectName()) << endl; //debug line
The program ran fine, and it showed the same name I set for the QLineEdit:
18:12:02: Starting D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe ...
18:12:11: D:\...\build-cryptog-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\debug\cryptog.exe exited with code 0
Why did this happened?
Another note: qStrToStr() is a function I implement to convert QString to std::string, and I have hand-checked it.
While findChild is a QObject method the itemAt is a QFormLayout method.
With addRow you add an item to the QFormLayout. This does not make it a child in the context of the QObject.
The purpose of the QFormLayout is to organize the positioning of QWidgets, it is not meant to serve as a container. Maybe you could check whether the top level QWidget (e.g. QMainWindow) holding the QFormLayout would be a better choice as a parent for the QLineEdit.
Assuming you have some kind of QMainWindow:
QMainWindow myMainWindow;
// ...
QLineEdit *delim = new QLineEdit(&myMainWindow);
In another location:
auto delimEdit = myMainWindow.findChild<QLineEdit*>("delEdit");

How do I disable special handling of & on Qt button labels?

I have inherited a virtual keyboard system with an array of buttons, one for each key. The label for each button is a single QChar. When showing the "symbols" keyboard, the code uses an '&' QChar for a key label, but the key shows as blank. I'm sure Qt is processing the '&' as a shortcut key prefix. Similarly, the entered text is shown on another, longer, button label; this label, as well, handles '&' character as an accelerator. Entering "ABC&DEF" is shown as "ABCDEF" with the 'D' underlined.
I have tried building with QT_NO_SHORTCUT #defined, but that made no difference.
Does anyone know of an easy way to disable this special handling of '&'?
The answer is found in Qt doc. QAbstractButton::text:
If the text contains an ampersand character ('&'), a shortcut is automatically created for it. The character that follows the '&' will be used as the shortcut key. Any previous shortcut will be overwritten or cleared if no shortcut is defined by the text. See the QShortcut documentation for details. To display an actual ampersand, use '&&'.
(Emphasize by me.)
QPushButton is derived from QAbstractButton inheriting this behavior.
Sample testQPushButtonAmp.cc:
#include <QtWidgets>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QPushButton qBtn("Text with &&");
return app.exec();
SOURCES = testQPushButtonAmp.cc
QT = widgets
Compiled and tested on cygwin64 on Windows 10:
$ qmake-qt5 testQPushButtonAmp.pro
$ make
$ ./testQPushButtonAmp
Qt Version: 5.9.4
Concerning how to disable this default behavior:
I had a look at woboq.org QAbstractButton::setText().
void QAbstractButton::setText(const QString &text)
if (d->text == text)
d->text = text;
QKeySequence newMnemonic = QKeySequence::mnemonic(text);
d->sizeHint = QSize();
QAccessibleEvent event(this, QAccessible::NameChanged);
So, QT_NO_SHORTCUT disables to retrieve the shortcut out of text but it has to be defined when Qt library is built from source. Actually, I'm afraid even with disabled shortcuts, the single & will still become invisible in output.
I digged deeper in woboq.org and found some promising candidates e.g.:
Specifies whether mnemonics for menu items, labels, etc., should be honored or not. On Windows and X11, this feature is on by default; on macOS, it is off. When this feature is off (that is, when b is false), QKeySequence::mnemonic() always returns an empty string.
Note: This function is not declared in any of Qt's header files. To use it in your application, declare the function prototype before calling it.
and a sample in QProxyStyle
#include "textedit.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QProxyStyle>
class MyProxyStyle : public QProxyStyle
int styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option = 0,
const QWidget *widget = 0, QStyleHintReturn *returnData = 0) const override
if (hint == QStyle::SH_UnderlineShortcut)
return 0;
return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication a(argc, argv);
a.setStyle(new MyProxyStyle);
TextEdit mw;
mw.resize(700, 800);
which I tried in my sample.
Finally, nothing of them achieved the desired effect, i.e. only "&&" was rendered as & but "&" never.

Processing signal of QTreeWidget that has QTreeWidgetItem derivitives as items

I didn't find a proper solution to this problem, so I hope somebody can give me an answer to my problem:
I am using a normal QTreeWidget, but as items I use an own subclass of QTreeWidgetItem (because I needed to store some other information in the item). Now I want to use the itemClicked() signal by the QTreeWidget, but I think my slot doesn't get any signal and I think it has to do with the signature of itemClicked(), since it sends a QTreeWidgetItem and of course not my own subclass.
Is it possible that QTreeWidget doesn't detect a click on my own subclass items?
Here is my connection:
connect(treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(displayTransformData(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
And here is my slot:
void GUI::displayTransformData(QTreeWidgetItem* item) {
cout << "test" endl;
Q_actorTreeWidgetItem* actor_item = dynamic_cast<Q_actorTreeWidgetItem*>(item);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor> actor =
actor = actor_item->getActorReference();
double* position = new double[3];
position = actor->GetOrigin();
x_loc->setText(QString(std::to_string( position[0]).c_str() ));
I'm already trying to cast the item that I could get from the signal into my own subclass, but the slot function is never called, because the test from my cout line doesn't appear in the console.
I'm very grateful for every help!
The problem is your incorrect SIGNAL specification,
SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *))
You should probably see a warning message at the console along the lines of:
QObject::connect: No such signal
tree_widget::itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *) in ...
From the documentation the actual signal spec is
void QTreeWidget::itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column)
So, using the old Qt4 syntax you need
connect(treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)),
this, SLOT(displayTransformData(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
If possible, however, you should make use of the newer Qt5 signal/slot syntax
connect(treeWidget, &QTreeWidget::itemClicked, this, &GUI::displayTransformData);

Segmentation fault when accessing the text of QLabel

I got a problem with the QLabel. I got a QtWidget with a QLabel inside. Now I want to change the text of the Label with following code:
QLabel* safetyLabel = this->findChild<QLabel *>("safety_bits");
printf("%i", (safetyLabel->text()).length());
but I always get a "Segmentation fault". I think it's something quite simple, but I just can't see it...
Any ideas?
Your safetyLabel can be NULL if you use QtCreators' designer to build your UI and execute your code before you call ui->setupUi(this); in MainWindows constructor.
Here is the code.
QLabel *safetyLabel = NULL;
safetyLabel = (QLabel *) this->findChild("safety_bits");
qDebug() << "Failed to find safety_bits label!";
return 1;
safetyLabel->setText(QString("safety_bits is here"));

QFileSystemModel and QFileSystemWatcher delete from disk

I have a QTreeView which is populated through a reimplementation of QFileSystemModel. As far as I know, QFileSystemModel installs a QFileSystemWatcher on the rootPath. What I'm trying to do is notify in my program when a file is being deleted directicly on the rootPath but i havent found any signal o reimplemented function which provides me that information.
My application upload some files thrugh an ftp connection and when the file is fully uploaded i remove it from the location, so i want a notification from the reimplementation of QFileSystemModel when the file is deleted directicly (not from the remove method or something similar).
I Hope you can help me. I have searched a lot on the web but I cant find anything.
You can use the FileSystemModel's rowsAboutToBeRemoved signal (inherited from QAbstractItemModel).
It will be fired whenever a row is removed from the model. The parent, start and end parameters allow you to get to the filename (in column 0 of the children).
Sample code:
// once you have your model set up:
QObject::connect(model, SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)),
receiver, SLOT(toBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)));
// in receiver class:
public slots:
void toBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) {
std::cout << start << " -> " << end << std::endl;
std::cout << parent.child(start, 0).data().typeName() << std::endl;
std::cout << qPrintable(parent.child(start, 0).data().toString()) << std::endl;
(Using std::cout isn't good practice with Qt I think, this is just to get you started.)
The other aboutToBe... signals from QAbstractItemModel can be used for the other events that happen on the filesystem.
