Unable to access wordpress page after update - wordpress

I'm facing an error with wordpress. I updated wordpress page by mistake and I'm getting error
The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your
site admin email inbox for instructions.
When I try to access the page by admin. I can't revert the change since the unable to access the page from admin. Is there any way to fix this issue.

Kindly clarify your question, you updated one of the pages in your WordPress site or did you update WordPress to the latest version and got an error afterwards when trying to log in within the admin dashboard?
If it is a page you can't access, try disabling your plugins and see if it will be accessible. You can also try to enable WP_Debug to true from within the wp-config.php within your back-end file manager and see if the exact issue will be displayed so as to assist you with further troubleshooting.
Alternatively, if the issue arising is due to a WordPress update to the latest version, you can try renaming the plugins folder temporary from within your backend as a form of troubleshooting, if that fails, temporary rename your theme (/wp-content/themes/theme_name) to try and pinpoint the exact issue. All this can be done with the WordPress folder from cPanel, file manager.
If the above fails, go a step further and try doing stuff like PHP memory increase, post_max_size &c.
If all the above fails, refer to WordPress documentation on how to do a manual WordPress update and hopefully, the issue will be fixed.
Note: The above is just an insight of what you can look into and not a step by step guide to fixing the issue.


My wordpress website being hacked with code eval($_SERVER['HTTP_81DB2B3']

I have a problem with my website, I get information from wordfence about my WordPress website getting hacked
enter image description here add found a code eval($_SERVER['HTTP_81DB2B3'] so i removed it but in a few second the code going back. someone, please help me
I had something very similar to this. Go to your cPanel and search for "Cron Jobs" and scroll down to see if there's any malicious cronjobs setup. You might have some that look like eval(gzinflate(base64_decode(.... that are essentially causing this to reoccur. Not a complete fix to this issue, but you'll have to delete those cronjobs to ensure that that line of code doesn't keep reappearing. In addition to that, you'll also need to make sure those cronjobs don't show up again. Use a plugin like Wordfence (suggested above as well) to look for malicious files and if it helps replace your home directory (except for wp-content and wp-config) with fresh files.
If your website got hacked then I guess more than 1 file was affected by it,
case-1: If you are able to access the Wordpress Backend In this case, if you are able to access the Wordpress backend then I suggest you
Step-1: Add one plugin called (Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan
) and scan your website with it.
Step-2: After scanning the site remove all suspicious code from the site.
Case 2: If you are not able to access the Wordpress backend then you have to update your Wordpress manually with the hosting file manager or FTP.
Please Note: Please take a backup of your website before do any changes.

After migrate from Live WordPress to Localhost get "not allowed to access page"

I have migrated live WordPress to Localhost for testing purposes. I follow the recommended steps for this task.
Now the website is running locally with the following issues:
I only can see the old fashion of the theme, the default page (I use theme called jupiter).
When I try to open wp-admin page, it shows me “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.” message.
I have done several attempts:
Add new user details in wp-user and wp-usermeta tables
Deactivate plugins
Remove .htaccess file from root doc
But all these attempts did not work for me.
Any help with 1 & 2?
Check your php version and update it to 7.0 minimum and also update your memory_limit, post_max_size, upload_max_size. Because jupiter theme has some minimum requirements to fulfill and work. You can check this in documentation of jupiter theme.
I did exactly what you have told me but I got the same message Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page #Hritik Pandey
I have solved the issue. I change the $table_prefix value in wp-config.php to the new prefix. Then add a new user to _users and _usermeta tables with administrator privilege. This solve my problem.

Call to undefined function get_network_option()

I have a WordPress blog that I admittedly haven't been looking after/not upgrading the plug-ins etc I'm regularly emailed about - and now it's down.
No matter what page I go to, I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_network_option() in /home/gfptlkxn/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php on line 747
I've done a bit of googling on this and it seems a common problem, but more for people making changes/trying to use certain features etc - I've not changed anything/not doing anything fancy - it's just a simple blog.
So I figured maybe I could just go into my login page for WordPress, have a dig around, upgrade some plugins etc as a starting point.
Problem is, even my login page presents this error.
Any ideas where to start please?
There may be a compatibility issue between the WordFence plugin and your version of WordPress (as noted in the WordFence forums).
You should log into your website using FTP and delete the directory: /home/gfptlkxn/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/
If you do not know or have FTP/SFTP access to your site, you may be able to log into your web hosting cPanel (or equivalent) and remove the directory using the File Manager feature.
Once that directory has been deleted, WordPress will be able to load again (and will automatically disable the no longer present WordFence plugin).
Once you've managed to log into WP-Admin, upgrade WordPress to the latest version, the install the WordFence plugin again if you need to.

Wordpress: You do not have sufficient permissions to install plugins on this site

for an unknown reason so far, my wordpress website shows, whichever page i try to access:
You do not have sufficient permissions to install plugins on this site.
i might fall into a specific wp bug related to unstable release, i'm on "WordPress 4.8-alpha-40040"
i'm not logged in, and the problem occurs whether i'm accessing the root of the website or the admin url.
user rights seem ok (i checked usermeta prefixes).
i tried setting wp_debug to true, the message still shows unvariably..
screenshot from website
thank you for your help!
One plugin was doing something (probably related to installing another plugin) that caused the error, disabling it solved my problem.

How to resolve a bad plugin server 500 error wordpress

I was just working on a Wordpress site and after updating a plug-in (which had not yet been activated, only installed) I activated it. Instead of the activation working, it gave me this error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete >your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster#ibsmithmedia.com and inform them of >the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the >error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an >ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I am getting this error on every page of my wordpress site, not just the plugin page or my user admin area.
How can I fix this? Is there a way to undo this plugin activation (I'm pretty sure it's what's causing the issue).
I don't have access to the actual FTP files of the site, I'm working on it for a friend. But I can get access if that's the only way to fix this. Thanks!
I would get access and delete the plugin.
That would be the fastest solution.
I ended up having to delete the folder for the plugin and then going to my htaccess file and remove extra lines that the plugin had added there as well. That resolved the issue.
First you need to connect to your website using FTP client, or File Manager in cPanel. Once connected, you need to navigate to the /wp-content/ folder.
Inside wp-content folder, you will see a folder called plugins. This is where WordPress stores all plugins installed on your website.
Right click on the plugins folder and select Rename. Change the name of the plugins folder to anything that you like. In our example, we will call it “plugins.deactivate”. Once you do this, all of your plugins will be deactivated.
Usually, this method is used when you are locked out of your admin area. If the issue was with your plugins, then you should be able login to your WordPress admin area.
Once you do that, go back to your /wp-content/ folder and rename “plugins.deactivate” back to plugins.
Now you can activate one plugin at a time until your site breaks again. At which point, you will know exactly which plugin caused the issue.
