After migrate from Live WordPress to Localhost get "not allowed to access page" - wordpress

I have migrated live WordPress to Localhost for testing purposes. I follow the recommended steps for this task.
Now the website is running locally with the following issues:
I only can see the old fashion of the theme, the default page (I use theme called jupiter).
When I try to open wp-admin page, it shows me “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.” message.
I have done several attempts:
Add new user details in wp-user and wp-usermeta tables
Deactivate plugins
Remove .htaccess file from root doc
But all these attempts did not work for me.
Any help with 1 & 2?

Check your php version and update it to 7.0 minimum and also update your memory_limit, post_max_size, upload_max_size. Because jupiter theme has some minimum requirements to fulfill and work. You can check this in documentation of jupiter theme.

I did exactly what you have told me but I got the same message Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page #Hritik Pandey

I have solved the issue. I change the $table_prefix value in wp-config.php to the new prefix. Then add a new user to _users and _usermeta tables with administrator privilege. This solve my problem.


Unable to access wordpress page after update

I'm facing an error with wordpress. I updated wordpress page by mistake and I'm getting error
The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your
site admin email inbox for instructions.
When I try to access the page by admin. I can't revert the change since the unable to access the page from admin. Is there any way to fix this issue.
Kindly clarify your question, you updated one of the pages in your WordPress site or did you update WordPress to the latest version and got an error afterwards when trying to log in within the admin dashboard?
If it is a page you can't access, try disabling your plugins and see if it will be accessible. You can also try to enable WP_Debug to true from within the wp-config.php within your back-end file manager and see if the exact issue will be displayed so as to assist you with further troubleshooting.
Alternatively, if the issue arising is due to a WordPress update to the latest version, you can try renaming the plugins folder temporary from within your backend as a form of troubleshooting, if that fails, temporary rename your theme (/wp-content/themes/theme_name) to try and pinpoint the exact issue. All this can be done with the WordPress folder from cPanel, file manager.
If the above fails, go a step further and try doing stuff like PHP memory increase, post_max_size &c.
If all the above fails, refer to WordPress documentation on how to do a manual WordPress update and hopefully, the issue will be fixed.
Note: The above is just an insight of what you can look into and not a step by step guide to fixing the issue.

Wordpress plugin is not working after migration to a new server

I have moved my wordpress site to a new server, and login.php is working right.
But in there many plugins is not working well, for example the login page is not linked to any other page after I submitted my username and password.
Here is the login page link:
I have entered the invalid username and password, it will also show the blank page, but not error page.
When I add this code in wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
it showed this text. " Notice: Constant WYZ_THEME_DIR already defined in /home/.....".
And I have fixed that, but the same problem.
Now there is no any error debug, but the login page is also not working.
I changed the php version of my site in cpanel, but the same.
Anyone has your idea to solve this issue?
It is possible (I'd even say likely) that on your old server it was using PHP 5.6 (or at least a different version of PHP than your new server) and now you're on 7.0, 7.2 or even 7.3. It would seem that if that's the case, some of your plugins are incompatible.
You should edit your wp-config.php and add
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
so that you can see the errors on your screen, at least until you figure out which plugins are causing the problems.
If it is a matter of PHP version, check with your host to see if they can roll you back, or you'll have to either contact the plugin author and have them update the plugins, or you need to fix the code yourself, based on whatever the error messages you see are.
Edit: if this doesn't solve your problem, first try a default WordPress theme like twenty-nineteen or whatever. If that doesn't solve it, then disable each plugin one at a time until you find the culprit.
I have turned off all my plugins and turn back it one by one.
I have found one of my plugins is caused this problem, it is PM Pro Settings.
So I deactivated it and there is no any problem now.
I am using other plugins on behalf of that one.

WordPress/Avada website not Loading in XAMPP

So I've been trying to get into the admin dashboard for a WordPress website that I'm supposed to be working on and for some reason my XAMPP/phpMyAdmin & Avada theme does not seem to be working properly.
When I configured XAMPP it worked fine and could reach the admin dashboard without any issues. But when I replaced the WordPress directory downloaded from the network admin and the .sql database table uploaded into phpMyAdmin I am now noticing that when I access localhost/wp/ it loads a broken page, appears to be missing the CSS (styles/images)
I've tried to navigate to locahost/wp/wp-admin/admin.php and /wp-admin/login.php and I am not able to load the files I continue to receive a "File not found" redir error.
In my own opinion it seems as though the user isn't entirely authenticated and is causing me to redir based on failed authentications OR the system is having difficulties with the folder structure to determine the areas for the "missing" wp-admin files, although I have confirmed they are physically residing within that expected location which only further confuses me.
I can upload and attach any type of document, just let me know what type of information you are looking for to assist in troubleshooting.
1) Ask wp questions at
2) you may have problems with .htaccess and .sql file permalinks. Ask people at the mentioned forum.
Step 1 : Remove htaccess file from your root folder
Step 2 : check wp_option table and change site_url and home_url
Step 3 : Login into wp-admin using
Step 4 Goto setting ->paramlink and update using custom structure.
That's it.Problem solve.

WordPress images and pages broken after host migration

I have created a WordPress site (my first) but since moving the site to a new domain all the images and pages/posts are broken and return a 404 error. Ive ran search and replace but it doesn't seem to have worked.
Manual website migration is very difficult to do. So you can transfer your website in few minutes without any issues using duplicator plugin. you just need to installed the plugin and followed the installation wizard.
you can read or watch step by step video tutorial HOW TO CLONE WEBSITE TO NEW HOST USING WORDPRESS DUPLICATOR
Go to your dashboard, log in, go to settings.
Change the following:
Site Address
Wordpress Address
Save. That should work.
did you try save permalinks some times the problem happen because permalinks need update
other point if you can go to old site and use this plugin to move your site agin
It turns out there were some issues with the httpd.conf file and httpaccess files. The permalinks and database details were correct. I got this outsourced in the end so not 100% sure what the issue was but I shall update this post with more info when I get it :)

wordpress theme customization is blank in admin

I am having an issue that i have been unable figure out. The problem im having is when i login to wordpress admin and try ro customize the theme nothing displays besides the nav. I can edit pages, posts, basically do everything in The Admin except customize the theme. When i upload to a live server i dont have this issue. I'll attach a link to an image for visual reference.
I'm running wamp on windows 8 with wordpress 3.5.1. I added the plugin server buddy to check the setup and everyhing appears fine. Permissions were 755 and I temporarily set it to 777 to make sure wasn't that for any strange reason. One thing I notice with folders is if I look at properties read only is highlighted not checked and applying win't save the change. Could be because have them applied in advance security settings?
I have tried this with multiple themes all the same result.
Here is the screenshot.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I had the exact same problem. I was forcing SSL/HTTPS on the admin console as well. I turned off HTTPS on the admin console (still in use for my shopping cart) and all is well.
