javascript injected in tinymce editor by wordpress when gutenberg is desactivated - wordpress

with a fresh install and up to date of wordpress (5.8.2), when I desactivate gutenberg editor, Wordpress add this javascript code in all TinyMCE editor (content, acf fields etc..)
I have no plugin and theme by default. I desactivate Gutenberg with code or with a plugin, no changes. Anyone have a tip ? thx
<script type="text/javascript">
var spector;
var captureOnLoad = false;
var captureOffScreen = false;
window.__SPECTOR_Canvases = [];
(function() {
var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext = __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext;
if (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') {
var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext = OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext;
OffscreenCanvas.prototype.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext = __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext;
OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext = function () {
var context = null;
if (!arguments.length) {
return context;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext(arguments[0]);
if (context === null) {
return context;
else if (arguments.length === 2) {
context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
if (context === null) {
return context;
var contextNames = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webgl2", "experimental-webgl2"];
if (contextNames.indexOf(arguments[0]) !== -1) {
// context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]);
// Notify the page a canvas is available.
var myEvent = new CustomEvent("SpectorWebGLCanvasAvailableEvent");
document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); = "Offscreen";
if (captureOnLoad) {
// Ensures canvas is in the dom to capture the one we are currently tracking.
if (false) {
spector.captureContext(context, 500, false, false);
captureOnLoad = false;
return context;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function () {
var context = null;
if (!arguments.length) {
return context;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext(arguments[0]);
if (context === null) {
return context;
else if (arguments.length === 2) {
context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
if (context === null) {
return context;
var contextNames = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webgl2", "experimental-webgl2"];
if (contextNames.indexOf(arguments[0]) !== -1) {
context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]);
// Notify the page a canvas is available.
var myEvent = new CustomEvent("SpectorWebGLCanvasAvailableEvent");
if (captureOffScreen) {
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.length; i++) {
if (window.__SPECTOR_Canvases[i] === this) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (captureOnLoad) {
// Ensures canvas is in the dom to capture the one we are currently tracking.
if (this.parentElement || false) {
spector.captureContext(context, 500, false, false);
captureOnLoad = false;
return context;

It is very likely added by the Spector.js extension : same behaviour with the Spector extension enabled on Firefox (when switching editor, or after save) => disabling the extension solved the issue.

Related Telerik script issue

I have a line of code which comes inside a Telerik.Web.UI.Webresource.axd file which breaks something in my custom code.
I would like to know if it is possible to prevent the below line of code to be executed
You can override the dataBind method of RadGrid which will allow you to customize it:
Telerik.Web.UI.GridClientSideBinding.prototype.dataBind = function () {
// Virtualization
if (this._virtualization && !this._virtualization._isDataBinding &&
((this.get_allowPaging() && this._dataSource.length > this.get_pageSize()) ||
(!this.get_allowPaging() && this._dataSource.length > this._virtualization._itemsPerView))) {
this._virtualization._startIndex = null;
Array.forEach($telerik.getElementsByClassName(this.get_element().tBodies[0], "rgGroupHeader"), function (element) {
Array.forEach($telerik.getElementsByClassName(this.get_element().tBodies[0], "rgFooter"), function (element) {
var noRecordsItem = $telerik.getElementByClassName(this.get_element(), "rgNoRecords");
if (noRecordsItem) {
if (this._dataSource.length > 0) { = "none";
} else { = "";
var dataItems = this.get_dataItems();
var columns = this.get_columns();
var i, l1, l2;
var tableElement = ($telerik.isOpera) ? this.get_element() : this.get_element().tBodies[0];
if (this._dataSource.length < dataItems.length || tableElement.rows.length == 1) {
for (i = 0, l1 = dataItems.length; i < l1; i++) {
dataItems[i].get_element().style.display = "none";
var firstSelection = true;
// When YahooStyleScrolling is used in RadGrid and user
//scrolls down, select multiple rows using shift + down arrow key,
//the selection is not persisted on next page load
if (this._owner._keyboardNavigationProperties) {
firstSelection = this._owner._keyboardNavigationProperties.firstSelection;
var owner = $find(this._owner.get_id());
if (owner._getPositionedDataItems) {
if (this._owner._keyboardNavigationProperties) {
this._owner._keyboardNavigationProperties.firstSelection = firstSelection;
for (i = 0, l2 = columns.length; i < l2; i++) {
var isVisible = false;
if (columns[i].get_element().style.visibility != "hidden" && (columns[i].Display == null || columns[i].Display == true) &&
(columns[i]._data.Display == null || columns[i]._data.Display)) {
isVisible = true;
if (!isVisible) {
if (this.get_id() == this._owner._masterClientID) {
var grid = $find(this._owner.get_id());
if (grid._scrolling) {

GWT read mime type client side

I'm trying to read the mime type in GWT client side in order to validate a file before upload it. To do this I use JSNI to read the file header using HTML5 filereader API. However my problem is that GWT does not wait for the result of the reading and continue the code execution. The side effect is that my boolean is not set yet and my condition goes wrong. Is there any mechanism like promise implemented in GWT?
Any help on this would be much appreciated!
private boolean isMimeTypeValid = false;
private String mimeType = null;
public native boolean isValid(Element element)/*-{
var widget = this;
var files = element.files;
var reader = new FileReader();
var CountdownLatch = function (limit){
this.limit = limit;
this.count = 0;
this.waitBlock = function (){};
CountdownLatch.prototype.countDown = function (){
this.count = this.count + 1;
if(this.limit <= this.count){
return this.waitBlock();
CountdownLatch.prototype.await = function(callback){
this.waitBlock = callback;
var barrier = new CountdownLatch(1);
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
var arr = (new Uint8Array(, 4);
var header = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
header += arr[i].toString(16);
return barrier.await(function(){
return widget.#com.portal.client.widgets.base.UploadImageButtonWidget::isMimeTypeValid();
public void setMimeType(String headerString) {
boolean mimeValid = true;
if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(PNG_HEADER)) {
mimeType = PNG_MIMETYPE;
} else if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(GIF_HEADER)) {
mimeType = GIF_MIMETYPE;
} else if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER1) || headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER2) || headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER3)) {
mimeType = JPG_MIMETYPE;
} else {
mimeValid = false;
fileChooser.getElement().setPropertyJSO("files", null);
public boolean isMimeTypeValid() {
GWT.log("mimeType" + mimeType);
GWT.log("isMimetypeValid" + String.valueOf(isMimeTypeValid));
return mimeType != null;
in the activity:
public void validateAndUpload() {
UploadImageButtonWidget uploadImageButtonWidget = view.getUpload();
if (uploadImageButtonWidget.isValid()) {
GWT.log("mime ok: will be uploaded");
} else {
GWT.log("mime not ok: will not be uploaded");

Xamarin Forms - Xamarin Forms Labs Camera on Page Showing Up

Does anyone have an example in Xamarin.Forms of Xamarin.Forms.Labs' Camera function?
I tried to get it working, but it does not seem to work at all.
Here's my code:
public partial class CameraPictureInfoPage : ContentPage
public CameraPictureInfoPage ()
Image img = new Image ();
this.Appearing += async (s, e) => {
img.Source = await GetPicture (true);
this.Content = new StackLayout {
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
WidthRequest = 250,
Padding = 40, Spacing = 10,
Children = {
async Task<ImageSource> GetPicture(bool chooseNotTake){
var mediaPicker = DependencyService.Get<IMediaPicker> ();
ImageSource imgSource = null;
if (mediaPicker != null) {
Task<MediaFile> pick;
if (chooseNotTake) {
pick = mediaPicker.TakePhotoAsync (new CameraMediaStorageOptions {
DefaultCamera = CameraDevice.Rear,
MaxPixelDimension = 1024,
} else {
pick = mediaPicker.SelectPhotoAsync (new CameraMediaStorageOptions{ MaxPixelDimension = 1024 });
await pick.ContinueWith (t => {
if (!t.IsFaulted && !t.IsCanceled) {
var mediaFile = t.Result;
MemoryStream mstr = new MemoryStream ();
mediaFile.Source.CopyTo (mstr);
imgSource = ImageSource.FromStream (() => mstr);
return imgSource;
return imgSource;
This works for me:
in iOS project in AppDelegate.cs:
public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
SetIoc ();
Forms.Init ();
window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
window.RootViewController = App.GetMainPage ().CreateViewController ();
window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
return true;
private void SetIoc ()
var resolverContainer = new SimpleContainer ();
resolverContainer.Register<IDevice> (t => AppleDevice.CurrentDevice)
.Register<IDisplay> (t => t.Resolve<IDevice> ().Display)
.Register<IDependencyContainer> (t => resolverContainer);
Resolver.SetResolver (resolverContainer.GetResolver ());
In the Forms project:
private async Task<ImageSource> GetPicture(bool chooseNotTake){
var mediaPicker = DependencyService.Get<IMediaPicker> ();
ImageSource imgSource = null;
if (mediaPicker != null) {
Task<MediaFile> pick;
if (!chooseNotTake) {
pick = mediaPicker.TakePhotoAsync (new CameraMediaStorageOptions {
DefaultCamera = CameraDevice.Rear,
MaxPixelDimension = 1024,
} else {
pick = mediaPicker.SelectPhotoAsync (new CameraMediaStorageOptions{ MaxPixelDimension = 1024 });
await pick.ContinueWith (t => {
if (!t.IsFaulted && !t.IsCanceled) {
var mediaFile = t.Result;
MemoryStream mstr = new MemoryStream();
imgSource = ImageSource.FromStream (() => mstr);
return imgSource;
Keep in mind you may need to store the image stream by some other means or it may get garbage-collected prematurely.
To get the picture taker to show up on startup you'll have to avoid async and hook up to Appearing event. In your page's constructor add this:
public class PhotoPage : ContentPage
Image img = new Image ();
IMediaPicker picker = null;
Task<MediaFile> task = null;
public PhotoPage ()
img.WidthRequest = 60;
img.HeightRequest = 60;
img.BackgroundColor = Color.Silver;
this.Content = new StackLayout {
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
BackgroundColor = Color.Aqua,
WidthRequest = 250,
Padding = 40, Spacing = 10,
Children = {
this.Appearing += (s, e) => {
picker = DependencyService.Get<IMediaPicker> ();
task = picker.SelectPhotoAsync (new CameraMediaStorageOptions{ MaxPixelDimension = 1024 });
Device.StartTimer (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (250), () => {
if (task != null) {
if (task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) {
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (() => {
img.Source = ImageSource.FromStream (() => task.Result.Source);
return task.Status != TaskStatus.Canceled
&& task.Status != TaskStatus.Faulted
&& task.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion;
return true;

selectNodes(), selectSingleNode() functions in crm 2013

Can anyone tell me what are the replacements for selectNodes(), selectSingleNode() functions in XrmServiceToolKit. and how to use them in crm 2013.
You can use these two methods below:
function selectNodes(node, XPathExpression) {
if (typeof (node.selectNodes) != "undefined") {
return node.selectNodes(XPathExpression);
else {
var output = [];
var XPathResults = node.evaluate(XPathExpression, node, _NSResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var result = XPathResults.iterateNext();
while (result) {
result = XPathResults.iterateNext();
return output;
function selectSingleNodeText(node, xpathExpr) {
var x = selectSingleNode(node, xpathExpr);
if (_isNodeNull(x))
{ return null; }
if (typeof (x.text) != "undefined") {
return x.text;
else {
return x.textContent;
function _isNodeNull(node) {
if (node == null)
{ return true; }
if ((node.attributes.getNamedItem("i:nil") != null) && (node.attributes.getNamedItem("i:nil").value == "true"))
{ return true; }
return false;
The most recent update uses jQuery to make selections from XML documents to allow for non-Internet Explorer browsers. Make sure that you have the latest XrmServiceToolkit javascript library.

wordpress rendering invisible

I have a page on a wordpress site located here:
It's not rendering anything visible but I know the code is there because I'm pasting it into the editor and I can see it in the admin area. Ideas?
<div id="album-6"><br></div><script type="mce-text/javascript"><!--
/** SCRIPT TO ENSURE window.onload WORKS FOR ALL BROWSERS ****************/
function init() {
if (arguments.callee.done) return;
arguments.callee.done = true;
// do your thing
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
(function() {
if (document.body) {
try {
return init();
} catch(e) {}
/*#if (false) #*/
if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) return init();
/*#end #*/
if (!init.done) setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50);
_prevOnload = window.onload;
window.onload = function() {
if (typeof _prevOnload === 'function') _prevOnload();
/** AJAX FOR RFQ FORM SUBMISSION *****************************************/
var ajax = new sack();
function whenLoading(element){
var e = document.getElementById(element);
e.innerHTML = "Sending Data...";
function whenLoaded(element){
var e = document.getElementById(element);
e.innerHTML = "Data Sent...";
function whenInteractive(element){
var e = document.getElementById(element);
e.innerHTML = "Getting data...";
function whenCompleted(){
/* do nothing...*/
function loadAjaxPage(el,file){
ajax.requestFile = file;
ajax.element = el;
var onLoading = whenLoading(ajax.element);
var onLoaded = whenLoaded(ajax.element);
var onInteractive = whenInteractive(ajax.element);
ajax.onCompletion = whenCompleted;
// --></script><br> <!-- LOAD RSS FEED INTO DIV -->
