Log errors from app on Google Play using Crashlytics - firebase

Probably silly question, but is it possible to send errors using Crashlytics from users that downloaded my app from Google Play? Until now I was using Crashlytics to collect errors from my app distributed by Firebase (so it was only for me and invited people). But I have released my app on Google Play and I can't see any errors from devices that downloaded my app in Google Play. I read that when I link my Google app with Firebase I can see purchase and subscription and analytics but no mention of Crashlytics. So my question is.. Is it even possible? Thank you very much.

Is the package name the same on your "release" version on the store? If your test one was called com.patrik.coolapp.debug (which is the default if you're using a debug build) then you'll need to add com.patrik.coolapp as an App in your Project in the Firebase console.
If you already had Crashlytics set up (all the dependencies, added the plugin, FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) somewhere in your app) then it should just work - here's some advice on testing:

So I finally made it..
I'd like to thanks to #cactustictacs for help.
The problem was that I did not integrate Google Play in project settings in Firebase, although it is saying that it is just for Analytics and Subscription.
Before I integrated Google Play in Firebase I tried to add FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) .. it did not work, but I believe it could be usefull to someone.
It wouldn't be such a problem, but it is required to have Owner or Admin permissions on both Firebase account and Google Play console account (which I did not have). After I get the permissions, integration was enabled and I could see test crashes in Crashlytics.


codemagic distribution firebase

please can i get some help about , firebase distribution from codemagic ? When i finished building the app , i don't know why it doesn't publish himself to firebase. It always give me an error , like it show below here:
In tried to resolve the problem by trying to associate it to google play , i saw here https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/6392038 , but i am not getting even the possibility to associate , like it showing down here:
check you completed following steps:
The app is registered with your Firebase project and your Google Play developer account. This means that you have both a Firebase Android App and a Google Play app.
The app in Google Play and the Firebase Android App are both registered using the same package name.
The app in Google Play is setup on the app dashboard, and it has the following status:
The app is distributed on one of the following Google Play tracks: Internal testing, Closed testing, Open testing, or Production.
The app's review in Google Play is complete and the app is published. Your app is published if the App status column displays one of the following statuses: Internal (not Draft Internal Testing), Closed testing, Open testing, or Production.

Error while trying to create Firebase Firestore Database

I am new to Firebase. When I am creating a new Firestore database am getting this error
Enabling Cloud Firestore will prevent you from using Cloud Datastore with this project, notably from the associated App Engine app
All solutions I found online are completely targeting experts/individual who knows their way around Firebase and Google Cloud. To me, this error is a roadblock. I tried using my other Gmail accounts, creating new projects and the same error appears. even the cancel and close buttons seen are not working I have to refresh just to get back.
Kindly help or guide me what should I do.
Based on #JoshL.Minga and #RenaudTarnec comments, the issue was narrowed down to a specific browser. After switching to Safari it didn't reproduce.
This issue has been reported to Google support.
Aside from that, you may want to try creating a Frirestore DB using a brand new project. Make sure that your new project is created via the Firebase console and not in the GCP console.

Cannot access Firebase Storage after creating storage bucket in GCP Console

I noticed that Firebase wouldn't let me create a storage bucket asia-southeast1 so I upgraded my plan to blaze, went to the GCP console and created a bucket from there.
I did the same for Firestore and it's working fine.
However, after I created the storage bucket in GCP, and I came back to the Firebase console to access Firebase Cloud Storage, I keep receiving this error.
I don't see how creating a bucket in the GCP console may affect your Firebase project (unless you created a bucket named <your-project-name>.appspot.com).
These kinds of errors normally happen when a certain quota has been reached, and is usually solved by upgrading your project to a paid plan.
As you have already upgraded your project, please bear into account that billing updates usually take some time to be processed. Waiting a few hours, or maybe checking the next day whether your project has been successfully upgraded should do the trick.
If that does not help, verify whether you have actually upgraded your project - You can check that here. The Blaze Plan button should be grayed out with the message Current Plan.
The answer provided to this question may also be of help:
Try to activate this feature using an incognito window/private window
and disable all browser extensions
Try using a different browser (and make sure browser is supported)
Verify if there are any other programs that might be blocking your
connection such as antivirus, proxy or firewall. If yes, try to
disable them.
Connect using a different network.
Connect using a different device.
Check the Developer Tools Console for any errors.
For Safari: Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Check "Show Develop menu
in menu bar" Develop > Show Web Inspector > Console Tab
If none of these approaches work for you, consider contacting Firebase Support here.
I fixed mine by using the command to work on it using
firebase init storage
This would create the storage after that it would add a storage.rule in which you can update to your liking in your project .
Then you run this command
firebase deploy --only storage
This would initialize the Storage
If you are still having issues check out this link https://stackoverflow.com/a/74750337 which was also provided by firebase for me to fix the error

Google sign in with Flutter on Android Studio

I've been looking for an answer for way too long. I am trying to implement the google sign in method with flutter and firebase so that I can access my google agenda via the google API afterwards. I get the following error: E/FirebaseInstanceId( 6925): Google Play services missing or without correct permission.
Even with the code of this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaFI6bVI_NY&t=239s I get the error.
So you can assume my code is the same as her.
Thank you.
Most probable reason you are facing this error is because your Emulator does not have Google Play services Installed,
So try checking avd manager and see if the emulator you are running has Play Store Services installed.
You can check that by the icon like shown below:
If there is no Play Store service installed on existing emulator then create a new device having Play Store Services.

How to get Crashlytics event from BigQuery[Firebase project]

We have enabled BigQuery feature for our Firebase project , since last week firebase team announced that Crashlytics is moved from Beta to Prod release , so I was thinking this data should be available in BigQuery in some form. But I was not able to see any Crash event in my BigQuery table even the app crashed a couple of time. So does anybody know how to extract the crashlytics report from Firebase for custom reporting solution.
Crashlytics data is not currently available in BigQuery but we are looking into this in the near future. Please stay tuned :D
I know this question is a bit old now but for the benefit of those who end up here when searching the web, please see below:
It seems like Crashlytics data is now available for export into Big Query. You will need to link your Crashlytics account with your Firebase project, which requires admin rights from Crashlytics side. Have a look at the following links as a starting point:
On the second link you may need to scroll back to the top and read the 'Before you begin' section.
Hope that helps.
