How to get Crashlytics event from BigQuery[Firebase project] - firebase

We have enabled BigQuery feature for our Firebase project , since last week firebase team announced that Crashlytics is moved from Beta to Prod release , so I was thinking this data should be available in BigQuery in some form. But I was not able to see any Crash event in my BigQuery table even the app crashed a couple of time. So does anybody know how to extract the crashlytics report from Firebase for custom reporting solution.

Crashlytics data is not currently available in BigQuery but we are looking into this in the near future. Please stay tuned :D

I know this question is a bit old now but for the benefit of those who end up here when searching the web, please see below:
It seems like Crashlytics data is now available for export into Big Query. You will need to link your Crashlytics account with your Firebase project, which requires admin rights from Crashlytics side. Have a look at the following links as a starting point:
On the second link you may need to scroll back to the top and read the 'Before you begin' section.
Hope that helps.


How do I use putFile function to add the image in uplaod function? [duplicate]

Firebase Storage Image not showing for 2/3 days. I have some published apps, inside those apps have some Images showing from Firebase Storage and now suddenly it is not showing/viewing. I have also checked those images from Browser > Firebase Console > Storage, but it is not showing image preview and shows: "Error loading preview". But My Firebase Firestore data is showing without any error. I checked Storage Quota, no issue about that. My Firebase Plan is "Blaze" Pay as you go.
Now, what steps should I take to solve the problem? Can anybody help me regarding this issue?
This is not firebase problem, i already contacted with firebase team.
This problem happening from 29th December from Bangladesh.
I think this is an mistake from BTCL, now you can use VPN but this is not solution,
We have to wait or have to communicated with BTCL for solve this issue.
I even couldn't deploy firebase functions using firebase-tools from Bangladesh.
So I contacted firebase team and seems they have nothing to do as this is a country specific problem.
For now I am deploying functions from a headless remote environment.
This issue needs to be sort out either BTRC or google.

Log errors from app on Google Play using Crashlytics

Probably silly question, but is it possible to send errors using Crashlytics from users that downloaded my app from Google Play? Until now I was using Crashlytics to collect errors from my app distributed by Firebase (so it was only for me and invited people). But I have released my app on Google Play and I can't see any errors from devices that downloaded my app in Google Play. I read that when I link my Google app with Firebase I can see purchase and subscription and analytics but no mention of Crashlytics. So my question is.. Is it even possible? Thank you very much.
Is the package name the same on your "release" version on the store? If your test one was called com.patrik.coolapp.debug (which is the default if you're using a debug build) then you'll need to add com.patrik.coolapp as an App in your Project in the Firebase console.
If you already had Crashlytics set up (all the dependencies, added the plugin, FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) somewhere in your app) then it should just work - here's some advice on testing:
So I finally made it..
I'd like to thanks to #cactustictacs for help.
The problem was that I did not integrate Google Play in project settings in Firebase, although it is saying that it is just for Analytics and Subscription.
Before I integrated Google Play in Firebase I tried to add FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) .. it did not work, but I believe it could be usefull to someone.
It wouldn't be such a problem, but it is required to have Owner or Admin permissions on both Firebase account and Google Play console account (which I did not have). After I get the permissions, integration was enabled and I could see test crashes in Crashlytics.

How to trace exact issue from Firebase Crashlytics log in React Native App?

I have a React Native app with Firebase crashlytics integrated. I am forcefully crashing the app by calling function which does not exist. (this.test()).
I am getting logs in crashlytics, but looking at that logs I am not able to track the exact issue location.
Logs are quite generic and which is not helping me to pinpoint the issue.
Is there any way to get more info on that issue from logs? or anything I need to do so that I can get the issue location? if we are getting an issue in the inded.js file can we trace back the exact js file in app which is causing the issue.
Please help me with this information. Than you for helping.
Firebaser here - it sounds like you'd benefit from Crashlytics custom logging. This tool allows you to log any messages you want that get appended to the Crashlytics crash report that gets sent up to the console. I'm not sure how the React Native wrapper for Firebase Crashlytics works or if it allows you to do this, but according to the React Native Firebase reference doc you should be able to.
With this tool, you could call log in your code whenever you want to record information about the session, the user, or whatever's happening with code that you're executing in the background.

Firebase back-up

I use Firebase for an Android project and I have some data into a database. I want to know if there is any possibility to save/make a back up to the structure of data. I ask this because somehow, I deleted the project and I had to do all again.
If you just deleted your project, you may still be able to restore it from the Resources pending deletion page in the Google Cloud Platform console with the process shown here.
If that doesn't work, reach out to Firebase support to see if they can help you recover it.
Note that both of these are dependent on the time that has passed since you deleted the project, so time is of the essence.

Crashlytics Icon doesn't show up in firebase console

I've implemented the new firebase crashlytics in my application but for some reason I don't see a crashlytics tab anywhere, just a tab for crash reporting. Or am I missing something?
I bet you're referring to this:
7th November 2017:
(As I write this answer) Crashlytics is still in beta and is slowly rolling out for users. You should get it as soon as possible. Otherwise there is an opt-in link.
Note If you're using multiple Google accounts, make sure you have the correct account selected within the Firebase Console.
