Visual Studio 2019 and ASP.NET project not starting -

I have an issue with VS 2019 and any ASP.NET application, they don't want to start. After hitting F5 there is no output in the Output window, Process Memory stops on 13 MB and that's all, no events, nothing. It was working fine and I'm having a problem investigating what's gone wrong that it stopped working.
I have checked that IIS Express is working fine, repaired VS twice, updated it, there are no errors in Event Log, restarted PC, reinstalled .NET Framework.
Running other types of applications like console works fine, no issues there.
The problem is that I can't find any piece of information that would help me to define what is wrong.
How can I troubleshoot more to find what is wrong?

I've had the same problem with my Blazor App, after a colleague of mine googled around a bit it seemed like there was some kind of bug in later versions of VS2019. I decided to switch to the 2022 preview and here it worked fine again.


Visual Studio 2013 debug not stepping in

I am developing a web application on Visual Studio 2013. On older versions, whenever there is a bug in the web app, I moved from the browser to the visual studio to the line where the code is.
Now, whenever there is a bug, I just see it in the browser without being able to see it in the Visual Studio. As if the debugger is not able to step into my code.
This has been going on for all my web projects which makes me feel that it is a setting in VS but I am not able to locate it.
can anyone help?
I was able to find out what was wrong here.
it seems that for some reason, under Debug in the main menu and under Exceptions, nothing was checked! I checked ALL "Common Language Run-time Exceptions" and it worked for me.
However, you need to spend sometime there in the debugging list. If you enable ALL, you will get all sort of exceptions captured.

Debugger For Visual Studio is not Working

I am facing a very serious issue with visual studio debugger. My application is hosted on local IIS server. Yesterday i was debugging my code suddenly it stopped working. I verified w3wp process. It was same as IIS process. Then i tried to download symbols but i am not sure either they are all that i need. I tried attaching debugger on visual studio 10 and visual studio 12. Neither of them is working in this case. I tried to attach debugger of JavaScript but it is also not working.
Please Help.
Are you building full debugging symbols? If not then the debugger has no information to relate the source code to the in memory activity under the debugger. This is set in the project properties per configuration.
Also ensure the symbols are in the bin folder.
You can validate that VS is loading the right symbols with the Debug | Modules window.
I cleared temporary cache of .NET Framework. then i again deployed my application on IIS with different name and magically everything started working. AJAXControlsToolkit (v15.1) bundling does not seem to work after publishing with Visual Studio

I have an application that I've just updated to use v15.1 of the Ajax Contol Toolkit. I've also used the instructions on this page to configure bundling and everything looks good on my local machine.
If I inspect the source I can see a single script tag with src=/Scripts/AjaxControlToolkit/Bundle?v=.
However, after I publish the website through Visual Studio and upload the site to my live server, bundling doesnt seem to work anymore. Instead I see all the individual resources such as
I've had a look around the net and various forums but I can't see anyone else having a similar problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Everything works, I'm just a bit funny about these things.
So after 2 days of trying everything under the sun, turns out the problem was because the new Web Optimisation tools seem to run under .Net v4.5. Unfortunately the server didn't have v4.5 installed, so I installed it and now the bundles are created as expected.
Hope this helps someone.

AjaxControlToolkit 4.5 - Getting the Requires 4.0 Error Message Again

Here we go again. Using the latest April 2013 edition of AjaxControlToolkit 4.5 and I've done all the typical things we've seen over the past 6 months of getting it to work in our 4.5 projects. (changing the script manager, adding ajaxtoolkit to web.config, etc.)
Good news is, everything works wonderful locally. However, when deploying to IIS7 running 4.5 (well it's in there as 4.03 something) I'm getting that Tools Requires 4.0 error that we all love.
The issue is clearly at the server level since it works great in my environment locally. I'm using VS2012 and using a Web Application project. I'm using the publish mechanism to throw everything to the server, so maybe there's something it's not transferring there as well.
Been working on this for 4 hours last night and 4 hours so far today. Driving me crazy, so I figured I'd post this out there.
Ok got it. During a publish I checked the "Delete All Files" first and then did the publish. This must have finally wiped out the Ajax 4.0 things somewhere and then the app ran just fine.

Problem with debugging ASP.Net application on IIS 7 on Windows 7

Few weeks ago I started using VS 2008 (Professional) with Windows 7 (Enterprise).
When working with ASP.Net web applications I repeatedly stumble over the following error:
After opening a solution with a web project the first compilation and debug go perfectly fine. The second time I try to debug the solution I get the "Unable to start debugging on the web server. System call failed" error and solution does not start at all. When I try to debug it again it always shows the same error but sometimes the app actually starts but does not break on the server code at all.
Any ideas why this could happen?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
(I use local IIS and run VS as Administrator)
Have you installed SP1 for VS 2008? I am using Win7 as well, and alot of the issues get magically resolved with a service pack. HTH.
