AjaxControlToolkit 4.5 - Getting the Requires 4.0 Error Message Again - iis-7

Here we go again. Using the latest April 2013 edition of AjaxControlToolkit 4.5 and I've done all the typical things we've seen over the past 6 months of getting it to work in our 4.5 projects. (changing the script manager, adding ajaxtoolkit to web.config, etc.)
Good news is, everything works wonderful locally. However, when deploying to IIS7 running 4.5 (well it's in there as 4.03 something) I'm getting that Tools Requires 4.0 error that we all love.
The issue is clearly at the server level since it works great in my environment locally. I'm using VS2012 and using a Web Application project. I'm using the publish mechanism to throw everything to the server, so maybe there's something it's not transferring there as well.
Been working on this for 4 hours last night and 4 hours so far today. Driving me crazy, so I figured I'd post this out there.

Ok got it. During a publish I checked the "Delete All Files" first and then did the publish. This must have finally wiped out the Ajax 4.0 things somewhere and then the app ran just fine.


Visual Studio 2019 and ASP.NET project not starting

I have an issue with VS 2019 and any ASP.NET application, they don't want to start. After hitting F5 there is no output in the Output window, Process Memory stops on 13 MB and that's all, no events, nothing. It was working fine and I'm having a problem investigating what's gone wrong that it stopped working.
I have checked that IIS Express is working fine, repaired VS twice, updated it, there are no errors in Event Log, restarted PC, reinstalled .NET Framework.
Running other types of applications like console works fine, no issues there.
The problem is that I can't find any piece of information that would help me to define what is wrong.
How can I troubleshoot more to find what is wrong?
I've had the same problem with my Blazor App, after a colleague of mine googled around a bit it seemed like there was some kind of bug in later versions of VS2019. I decided to switch to the 2022 preview and here it worked fine again.

Updating the Project to .Net Framework 4 and building it doesnot work on windows server 2003

We updated the project from 3.5 to dot net framework 4.0 ,build and deploy it on windows server 2003,the default page was loaded but when we access any other pages it shows error:
404 File Not Found
The page that you are looking for might have been removed,had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Again when I build the same project on the server the error goes off and the pages redirects as usual.But when I build on My Machine which has windows 7 and upload the dll ,the same problem occurs.Is there any thing to do with the dll with windows.
What could be the problem of this.We are tired searching of the solution.We would be grateful you provide us the actual cause of the problem.
I think the problems occur for os change. It does't support in Windows 7

Web application serves a DLL after setting up MVC 3 application in-side Sharepoint 2007 using IIS 7.5?

I am currently working on an sharepoint 2007, web application and I am trying to create an MVC 3 site inside the same website which runs on .Net Framework 4.0 (Integrated Mode).
Initially we had issues to get it working as web.config (for the main site[Sharepoint 2007]) had dlls registered for .net framework 2.0, even for the MVC 3 application. We got this problem resolved by updating the web.config in the .Net Framework, so right versions on dlls where registered for .Net 2.0 and 4.0.
The problem was solved and I was able to get to the MVC and main site without any issues, now all of a sudden, after restarting my VM, when I visit my the main site, a DLL is served (yes, browser downloads a dll file !!).
This is the case with 3 other colleagues of mine. Any expert advice would be very helpful.
Uff ! After a days of staring at IIS and extensive googling, it turns out giving 'Execute' permission to handler mapping for _vti_bin folder resolves the problem. I am surprised no one had this issue before, or may be it could be something to do with out rake script (deployment package- script).
Anyways thanks to all those who viewed my question. Hope this answer helps someone !

Javascript errors after upgrading to .NET 4.0

I have inherited a working VB.NET 2.0 web app that has several User Controls with GridViews inside Update Panels. After running the VS 2010 Upgrade Wizard, the app runs fine in the debugger except for a couple of these Gridviews. In these, update and delete work but adding a new item causes the following javascript error when Save is clicked (calling DoPostBackWithOptions):
Microsoft jscript runtime error
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
My theory is that the code is fine (I haven't touched it) and that there is some sort of configuration issue causing this. I have looked through SO and elsewhere and have tweaked my web config and updated the Ajax toolkit assembly. I got nowhere stepping thru the ScriptResource.axd javascript throwing the error. Any suggestions?
The app works fine if I upgrade it to .NET 3.5 using the VS 2008 wizard. However, if I then upgrade that to 4.0 with VS 2010 the problem resurfaces.
Have you tried setting the controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion? The upgrade process should have included it for you, but it might be the cause of your heartache. It's in the <pages... tag of your web.config file...
This is only a workaround not a fix. But I figured I'd add it to help anyone else that might have a similar issue.
What I have figured out is that the project upgrades to .NET 3.5 just fine but that going 4.0 breaks it. I am not sure if the framework breaks it or the upgrade wizard does.
So the successful path for me has been:
Open in VS 2008 and run the upgrade
wizard to upgrade to 3.5.
Open the project again in VS 2010
and run the upgrade wizard but opt
to leave it on the 3.5 framework.
At this point the project behaves fine and I can used VS 2010 to make my updates.

Visual Studio Asp.net Website Compilation error: Child nodes not allowed

"Child nodes not allowed" seems to be notorious compilation error on Asp.net website if you do some googling.
Environment: WinXp, VS2008 and VS2008 SP1, .NET 3.5 SP1
Behavior: create a brand new Asp.net website (not web application), then just build it, you got compilation error "Child nodes not allowed" on the Web.config on line where it says providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v3.5"/>
I got this problem after I re-installed vs2008. Now, a lot of people are suggesting fixes but none worked for us. Only one guy mentioned he successfully got rid of this problem by re-installing windows, but we don't want to go that far if we don't have to. There is another person who opened a ticket to MS but hasn't gotten back a response yet.
If there is anyone out there who has similar environment like us and know how to get around this problem, we'd really appreciate it!!!
Edit The weirdest part of all this is that I don't know how I got it. It is a brand new box and brand new installation.
My colleague just found a fix for this dreadful problem, it is a .NET Framework Cleanup Utility at http://cid-27e6a35d1a492af7.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Blog|_Tools/dotnetfx20|_cleanup|_tool.zip
Just download, run and restart your machine and re-install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (since the cleanup util removes all the .NET Frameworks for you)! Really hope this could help others who have the same problem, it's been 4 days fighting with this one issue, thanks Microsoft!
Thank you guys very much for your input, I voted up for you both, appreciate it!
You probably need to reinstall Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
I haven't got that specific error, but try the following (if you haven't already):
Since you re-installed the vs 2008, try re-applying the SP1
Clear all the asp.net temporary folders it generates for the web sites.
