I am trying to encode Passwords for an LDAP-server-file (.LDIF) therefore I am trying to re-engineer a password in order to find the correct algorithm. I am working with R:
So here's the password I'm trying to replicate:
userPassword:: e1NIQX1XNnBoNU1tNVB6OEdnaVVMYlBnekczN21qOWc9
I know this password is "password" so here's my next step:
this yields:
(I know this step was not necessary but I wanted to get a grasp of what was base64-encoded)
From my understanding this is an SHA-1 algorithm without SALT. So my next goal is to reproduce this in R by:
sha <- digest("password", "sha1", serialize = FALSE)
sha <- paste0("{SHA}", sha)
sha <- base64encode(charToRaw(sha))
[1] "e1NIQX01YmFhNjFlNGM5YjkzZjNmMDY4MjI1MGI2Y2Y4MzMxYjdlZTY4ZmQ4"
However this not similar to the password in the LDIF-File I was provided with. Any hint is greatly appreciated.
Im trying to encrypt lines from a csv file with both digest and openssl.
my_mails <- read.table("my_mails.csv", encoding="UTF-8")
my_mails$V1 = as.character(my_mails$V1)
my_mails$sha256_1 <- sapply(my_mails$V1, digest, algo="sha256", serialize=F)
my_mails$sha256_ssl <- sha256(my_mails$V1)
Specifically, as an example, running above with string
Yields in R
Yields in Here
what could i be missing? who should i follow?
I'm trying to encrypt a dataframe in R with RSA using the encryptr package. It works fine until I try to decrypt it again which doesn't work for some reason. Yes, I've triple checked whether the password is correct, I've entered it with and without copy/paste and I have tried different passwords and datasets. I suspect I'm doing something wrong in general and I'm happy about any pointers. Here's a reproducible example that works fine for encrypting but doesn't let me decrypt the data again:
# loading test data
data <- mtcars
# generating keys with password
password = "THISISATEST"
# encrypting data
data_encrypt = data %>%
# checking encrypted data
#decrypting data
data_decrypt <- data_encrypt %>%
It asking for the password again isn't it rejecting the password.
You need to enter your password for every column. So you need to enter your password 10 times in a row when you decrypt.
I am connecting to an Oracle database from R using ROracle. The problem is for every special utf-8 character it returns a question mark. Some Chinese values returns a solid string of question marks. I believe this is relevant because I haven't found any other question on this site (or others) that answers this for the package ROracle.
Some questions that were the most promising include an answer for MySQL: Fetching UTF-8 text from MySQL in R returns "????" but I was unable to make this work for ROracle. This site also provided some useful information https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17952_01/mysql-5.5-en/charset-connection.html Before I was using RODBC and was easily able to configure the uft-8 encoding.
Here is some sample code... I am sorry that unless you have an Oracle database with utf-8 characters it may be impossible to duplicate... I also changed the host number and the sid for data privacy reasons...
drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
# Create the connection string
host <- ""
port <- 1521
sid <- "f110"
connect.string <- paste(
"(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=", host, ")(PORT=", port, "))",
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=", sid, ")))", sep = "")
con <- dbConnect(drv, username = "XXXXXXXXX",
password = "xxxxxxxxx",dbname=connect.string)
my.table <- dbReadTable(con, "DASH_D_PROJECT_INFO")
my.table[40, 1:3]
211625 2012-07-01 ??????, ?????????????????? ????? ??????, 1869?1917 [????? 3]
Any help is appreciated. I have read the entire documentation of the ROracle packages, and it seemed to have a solution for writing utf-8 characters, but not for reading them.
Okay after several weeks I found my own answer. I hope that it will be of value to someone else.
My question is largely answered by how Oracle stores the data. If you want UTF-8 characteristics preserverd you need the column in the table to be an NVARCHAR not just a varchar. At that point regular data pulling and encoding will work in R as expected. I was looking for the error in the wrong place.
I also want to mention one hang up on how to write utf-8 data from R to Oracle with utf-8
In writing files I had some that would not convert to UTF-8 in the following manner. So I did the step in too parts and wrote them in two steps to an oracle table. The results worked perfectly.
Encoding(my.data1$Project.Name) <- "UTF-8"
my.data1.1 <- my.data1[Encoding(my.data1$Project.Name) == "UTF-8", ]
my.data1.2 <- my.data1[Encoding(my.data1$Project.Name) != "UTF-8", ]
attr(my.data1.1$Project.Name, "ora.encoding") <- "UTF-8"
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I would like to retrieve a list of tweets from Twitter for a given hashtag using package RJSONIO in R. I think I am pretty close to the solution, but I seem to miss one step.
My code reads as follows (in this example, I use #NBA as a hashtag):
# 1. Find OAuth settings for twitter:
# https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/oauth
# Replace key and secret below
myapp <- oauth_app("twitter",
# 3. Get OAuth credentials
twitter_token <- oauth1.0_token(oauth_endpoints("twitter"), myapp)
# 4. Use API
config(token = twitter_token))
req <- content(req, as = "text")
How can I get the list of tweets from object 'response'?
Eventually, I would like to get something like:
searchTwitter("#NBA", n=5000, lang="en")
Thanks a lot in advance!
The response object should be a list of length two: statuses and metadata. So, for example, to get the text of the first tweet, try:
However, there are a couple of R packages designed to make just this kind of thing easier: Try streamR for the streaming API, and twitteR for the REST API. The latter has a searchTwitter function exactly as you describe.
I saw a cute demonstration of tweeting from R in a presentation some months ago. The scratch code used by the presenter is here:
the code is short and sweet:
opts <- curlOptions(header = FALSE,
userpwd = "username:password", netrc = FALSE)
tweet <- function(status){
method <- "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml?status="
encoded_status <- URLencode(status)
request <- paste(method,encoded_status,sep = "")
postForm(request,.opts = opts)
With this function, you can send a tweet simply by using the update function:
tweet("This tweet comes from R! #rstats")
I thought that this could be a useful way of announcing when long jobs are completed. I tried to run this on my machine, and I got some error:
[1] "\n\n Basic authentication is not supported\n\n"
"application/xml" "utf-8"
Warning message:
In postForm(request, .opts = opts) : No inputs passed to form
I'm wondering if there has been some changes on the twitter end of this, that make this code produce this error? I don't know too much about getting R to talk to webpages, so any guidance is much appreciated!!
Yes, the basic authentication scheme was disabled on the 16th August 2010.. You'll need to set it up to use OAuth. Unfortunately that is not nearly as simple as using basic authentication
See this twitter wiki page for more information and this StackOverflow question about OAuth for R.
Besides the code you show, there is also a full-blown twitteR package on CRAN you could look at.
The easiest way to tweet in R through the Twitter-API is to use the twitteR Package.
You can set your Twitter-API-APP here: https://apps.twitter.com/
First step is to authenticate:
consumer_key <- "yourcredentials"
consumer_secret <- "yourcredentials"
access_token <- "yourcredentials"
access_secret <- "yourcredentials"
setup_twitter_oauth(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret)
And just tweet (limit per day:2400 tweets):
tweet("Hello World")
If twitteR does not work or you simply want to try to build it yourself ...
See here for a demo of how to do your own Twitter authentication and use of the API with help of the httr package.