Azure ML Studio Designer - Is it possible to copy pipeline or pipeline drafts from one workspace to another? - azure-machine-learning-studio

Is it possible to export or copy Pipelines created in Azure ML Studio Designer from one Workspace to another, using the UI, python sdk, and/or azure CLI? If so, how?
EDIT: My Designer does not appear to have the 'Export To Code' option that DeepDave-MT shows below. How do I enable this ability?

This export Designer pipeline to code feature is only available in 1P subscriptions. Currently not exposed this feature because the py code exported are based on a internal version of SDK which mainly support 1P customers . The code there will most likely be changed when we preview SDK 2.0 with 3P customer.
At the meanwhile, we heard a lot feedbacks about the importance for export/import feature as 3P customers want to leverage this feature to move their pipeline from 1 workspace to another or archive their pipeline to code to integrate with Github etc. most likely will private preview the “export pipeline to Yaml” with DevPlat V2 private preview.


How to automatically update API documentation in SwaggerHub?

I'm using .NET Core app and want to automatically generate OpenAPI documentation in SwaggerHub whenever I push code to a branch in GitHub, so that I can share it across teams. Manually I can run the project, open the Swagger link in a browser, copy the API documentation and paste it in SwaggerHub. But I want to automate this process so that just by pushing code to a branch in GitHub, the API documentation is updated in SwaggerHub.

how to install fonts with an app packaged with the desktop app converter

I have created an app package from a win32 app using the Desktop App Converter. It needs to install two truetype fonts in order to display music. It uses the windows.sharedFonts extension in the AppxManifest.xml for this purpose. When I submit to the store I receive the following error:
Package acceptance validation error: You can't use extension windows.sharedFonts with this account. Contact our support team if you'd like to request permissions to use this extension.
Is there a better alternative to install these fonts? Otherwise how do I best contact the support team?
You could contact the dev centre team via the same as one would for any other publishing permissions issue.
If you only need the fonts in their app then you can include them there and use them directly. SharedFonts is only needed to provide fonts to other applications on the system.
First of all, to create an appx/msix package you should start looking at the MSIX Packaging tool (now publicly available, not just for Windows Insider) or free tools like Advanced Installer Express (recommended by MSFT), the Desktop App Converter is kind of discontinued.
Now, regarding fonts, as you can see in this thread on the MSIX community this is on their roadmap for MSIX packages. I haven't test any older appx packages, but since MSIX is an update for AppX I doubt they ever worked for packages created with the Desktop App Converter either.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

How To Setup Google Firebase Dynamic Links in Xamarin Forms - Android Edition

How do you setup google firebase dynamic links, deep linking, in a xamarin forms app?
This is how I setup Firebase Dynamic Links in Android project of my Xamarin Forms App, so most of this will apply directly to android. I will work on finishing and documenting the iOS implementation in the future.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, any or all of this could be wrong. It's just what worked for me and my basic understanding. Please let me know if there are any errors and let's improve our collective intelligence of the Xamarin Community
If you don't already know what Dynamic Links are, watch the 2 min video, it's a great overview.
The Setup
Setup is broken up into 2 parts.
Part 1 - Configure the Dynamic Links in the Firebase Console (Easy)
Part 2 - Configure your app to be able to receive and process the Deep Links (Not as Easy)
Part 1 - Configure the Dynamic Links in the Firebase Console (Easy)
1- Setup a free firebase account at
2- Create a project.
3- Create a new dynamic link, the tab is at the bottom of the 'Grow' section.
It will generate a static domain name for you based off of your project name. Ex. ''
Short Link url is what users will click on to navigate to your appstore or launch your app.
Deep Link url is what actually gets sent into your app for you to work with. Ex ''
iOS behavior. Currently set mine to open the link in a url browser, as my app is not connected to it yet.
Android behavior Very Important but not as hard as my explanation makes it look.
Here is where you register your app with firebase. The package name should be easy, use the same one as defined in your
apps Android properties. Ex 'com.mycompany.appname'
Adding the signing certs SHA-1 and SHA-256 are required for Dynamic Links, which is what we are doing here.
Microsoft has a great guide on this, better than I can explain. here
Download the google-services.json file - You will need it later. Also, you will need the one that has incorporated the SHA cert details in it.
Ignore the instructions for adding the firebase SDK, we will add these to our project later using Nuget packages.
When this is all done your app should be selectable in a dropdown for the android behavior.
Finally, add any extra tags to your dynamic link url if you want, its optional.
And that's it! Now you should have a working short link. When used on an android device it should already be able to determine if the app is already installed or not, and then either direct the user to the play store or open the app. However, it won't do anything with that deep link url that you set. That brings us to the next part.
Part 2 - Configure your app to be able to receive and process the Deep Links (Not as Easy)
1- Versions, might be important.
2- Nuget Packages - Hopefully this goes smoother for you than it did for me.
3- The Code
3a- Intent Filters
3b- Handling the Deep Link
1- Versions.
I was having a lot of issues trying to get dynamic/deep linking to work. So I went back and updated everything to the newest versions available at the time.
Visual Studio Professional 2017 - 15.7.5
.NET Framework 4.7.03056
Xamarin.Android SDK
Android SDK Manager - Got the latest. Android 8.1 API 27 and Android 8.0 API 26 (Targeting 8.1 might be required)
Android Properties -
-Application - Compile using Android Version(Target Framework): Android 8.1 Oreo
-Android Manifest: Target Android Version: Use Compile SDK Version(haven't tried targetting 8.1 directly, might work). My min target is still Android 4.4 API 19 Kit Kat
2- Nuget Packages. These are just for the Android project. MyApp.Android
You shouldn't have to add anything into the .NET Standard Project, just make sure the Xamarin.Forms Versions match
Below is what I did
Xamarin.Forms - updated to
This is where it immediately got annoying for me. Issues here are what lead me to go back and update my Android API Levels to the most recent, 8.1
Xamarin.Firebase.Dynamic.Links by Xamarin Inc v60.1142.1 is what you want to install.
The other dependencies should automatically install. In my case, they did not.
Dependency MonoAndroid,Version=v8.0 is important here. That should be the SDK API version that your app is set to compile against.
However, the other dependencies like Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement (= 60.1142.1) have nested dependencies of their own that require MonoAndroid,Version=v8.1
So if you run into issues installing the Dynamic Links Package, thats where I would recommend looking first.
For my purposes, the nested dependencies were not automatically getting installed, so I went down through each of them and their lists and did them all manually. Even the ones that said not to do manually. It's only 20 or so, but my guess would be if I had my project SDK's set to 8.1 before all of this that it would have gone smoothly.
Intent Filters
These are defined in your AndroidManifest.xml file
What do they do? They listen for instructions while your app starts.
When an app start matches a pre-defined filter(short link), they it stores your intended action or data on the Intent Class. That is where we pull the deep link from.
For us, this is what let's the android app receive and begin to process the deep link url that you set all the way back in Part 1.
The firebase dynamic link docs have a good breakdown and example of what to do. here
The android developer docs have a good example and breakdown of this also. here
NOTE Focus on whats between the activity tags. I've just included the other tags to show general structure, in case you haven't edited these before.
That is about the minimum of what you need.
The highlighted line should match the Short Dynamic Link you setup in the established in the Firebase Console.
I'd recommend using a Wildcard like I did in the path prefix.
That way you can make new Dynamic Links and your app can handle them without having to release new versions.
Handling the Deep Link
At this point if your app is launched by the short link, you should be able to catch the deep link during the android startup process and handle it how you want.
All I will cover here is a basic example of how to get the Deep Link as a string.
I pass mine to the main app project (.NET Standard Library) using a simple dependency service.
You can use it however you want though, there's actions it can take in either the App or the App.Android project.
The important thing is getting the deep link.
The firebase docs have good examples, but written in java or whatever language native android uses. here
I'll be showing mostly the same, just in C# examples
Get The Intent.
What is the intent you want to get? The deep link you are sending into your app Ex. ""
You want to get it in the MainActivity. Below is an extremely simplified example, but it's just about that easy. Now you should be able to do what you want with that link inside of your app.
Be careful if you have something that interrupts your startup procedures.
My Application uses a splash screen. Part of that is a line of code that creates a new Intent, overwriting the one sent in from the dynamic link
So I have my DeepLinkHandler fire off before that operation, and store the deep link in a static string.
Once it's in a static string I can use a dependency service from the Main App(.NET Standard Library) to call the GetDynamicLinkString method and return the deep link as a string.
How to Test Using an Emulator and Debugger
I have a simple settings page on my app. I added a field that would print the deep link, if it has one.
Fire off the emulator like normal using the debugger. The deep link field should be empty.
With the emulator still running, minimize the app.
Open a browser and enter in the short link url.
This should re-launch your app, but this time the deep link field has the url that you set on the firebase console.
Hope this is able to save someone some headaches.

CCNET - build task required? Multiple repositories, one CCNET source section per project

CCNET questions - Here's the scenario:
I've got 10 developers doing local development to a Sitecore installation w/GIT as version control. When done with their feature/fix they push to an integration repository.
I've got CCNET setup for the Sitecore project that points to the remote Integration rep and the local live qa code base. CCNET finds the commits that my developers have made to integration repository and then updates the qa code base repository.
I also have a couple other .Net class lib projects that are managed by CCNET, compiled with their output pointed to the Sitecore bin dir.
The Sitecore installation is merely a result of a build with no compilable aspects. Its a web product with it's own API as well as the ability to integrate custom dll that we create to customize the product.
Is CCNET build task required as a condition to execute other activities such as nUnit or robocopy? (the reason I ask this is because a "build" is natively used to compile an app and generate output, whereas, the only reason why we'd want to build is to make sure all dependencies are there and we can jump to unit testing...).
If my developers are NOT pointing to a centralized rep like integration, how would CCNET know where all of their remote GIT repositories are when the config doc only allows one GIT source control section per project?
Per project when I configure the GIT vc specs it asks for the branch that needs to be statically saved to the doc. Does CCNET have the ability to accept different branches dynamically?
There's no need to have an "actual build" in your project - it could consist of any type of tasks inside the tasks element. I have a couple of projects which only copy the files from the repository to an FTP server after deleting some files which shouldn't be published.
I have no experience with GIT but you have a possibility to define multiple source control blocks of any type if you use the multi source control block.
You could use dynamic parameters which allow the user to set their values when triggering the build.

Adding NUnit to the options for ASP.NET MVC test framework

I have nUnit installed.
I have VS2008 Team Edition installed.
I have ASP.Net MVC Preview 4 (Codeplex) installed.
How do I make Visual Studio show me nUnit as a testing framework when creating a new MVC project? At this point I still only have the Microsoft Testing Framework as a choice.
Update: I installed nUnit 2.5, but still with no success. From what I've found Googling, it would seem I need to create templates for the test projects in order for them to be displayed in the "Create Unit Test Project". I would have thought that templates be readily available for nUnit, xUnit, MBUnit, et. al. Also, it looks like I need to created registry entries. Anybody have any additional information?
Update: I determined the answer to this through research and it's posted below.
After a bunch of research and experimentation, I've found the answer.
For the record, the current release of nUnit 2.5 Alpha does not seem to contain templates for test projects in Visual Studio 2008.
I followed the directions here which describe how to create your own project templates and then add appropriate registry entries that allow your templates to appear in the drop-down box in the Create Unit Test Project dialog box of an MVC project.
From a high level, what you have to do is:
Create a project
Export it as a template (which results in a single ZIP archive)
Copy it from the local user's template folder to the Visual Studio main template test folder
Execute devenv.exe /setup
Run regedit and create a few registry entries.
So much for the testing framework selection being easy! Although, to be fair MVC is not even beta yet.
After all that, I did get the framework of choice (NUnit) to show up in the drop down box. However, there was still a bit left to be desired:
Although the test project gets properly created, it did not automatically have a project reference to the main MVC project. When using Visual Studio Unit Test as the test project, it automatically does this.
I tried to open the ZIP file produced and edit the MyTemplate.vssettings file as well as the .csproj project file in order to correct the aforementioned issue as well as tweak the names of things so they'd appear more user friendly. This for some reason does not work. The ZIP file produced can not be updated via WinZip or Win-Rar -- each indicates the archive is corrupt. Each can extract the contents, though. So, I tried updating the extracted files and then recreating the ZIP file. Visual Studio did not like it.
So, I should probably read this as well which discusses making project templates for Visual Studio (also referenced in the blog post I linked to above.) I admit to being disappointed though; from all the talk about MVC playing well with other testing frameworks, etc, I thought that it'd be easier to register a 3rd party framework.
Man, they have VS 2008 project template listed in their release notes. I guess that doesn't mean they have it integrated with the dialog yet.
I use MbUnit with Gallio and everything worked like a charm. I had to install an Alpha of Gallio and MbUnit and when I read the above in the release notes, I figured they implemented it also.
Just keep a look out on nUnit's site for future alpha releases. I am sure they'll have it implemented soon. You could also implement the feature yourself and submit a patch. :-)
Although they do not have one bundled with the framework here is a link to post containing a download to automatically create the test project for "NUnit with moq" for you NUnit with Moq
(did not work right away on my computer, W7 Beta, make sure you use elevated permissions)
Do install to integrate NUnit with Visual Studio. MbUnit and later versions of NUnit also contain project templates for unit tests.
You can use those project templates to create a test project and then reference to your ASP.NET MVC project and be able to test its code.
