Customizing "The Events Calendar" "RSVP" form - wordpress

Thanks in advance.
After learning "How to customize templates files" in the knowledgebase in, I'm trying to find where to change the form for the RSVP: RSVP FORM.
The goal is to add a select with options (non-dynamicals) for the user to record.
The problem occurred when I tried to locate within the plugin where this information was found.
I went to wp-content> plugins> event-tickets> src> views> registration But I couldn't locate where to make the change, so I suspect it is not there. And that's my request: Could someone help me locate where to make the change?
Any idea to include this selection and that it appears reflected in the backend where the Attendees are reflected will be welcome.

You can use additional fields extension which will allow you to add many different form fields which get saved under the attendee's list.
You can see info on this here:


How to give access to a specific group people on newly created custom page in alfresco?

I have created a new custom page in alfresco and i want to give access that particular page for a particular group only. If there is any way please reply.
Thanks in advance.
One way to do this would be by using an evaluator on the Share module that contains your custom page, see
Your evaluator can check to see whether the user is in the appropriate group and then hide the module, if not, thus hiding the page.

Filtering search using checkboxes

I have a form that allows users to search my website. The site has different sections, each one corresponding to a custom post type (it's based on Wordpress), so I've added a filter where the user can check in which of the sections they want to search.
How can I detect which checkboxes have been ticked so that when the results page is loaded they are correctly filtered? Can I do it with $_POST or do I need a cookie?
I'm sure this is pretty simple but I have little experience with forms and posting values, so I need a little direction. Thank you for your help!
The correct option is use GET. This way, filter options will be on url, being able to share, refresh and bookmark.
Also, WordPress already provide some GET filters (taxonomies).
WordPress recommends you to register your GET variables for security.

How to add custom field in create user form in alfresco

Can any one help me with adding custom field in create user page in alfresco,
I tried adding custom field in profile by referring
but how to do it for create user page in admin console?
i had gone through the users.js and edited with the new field created by referring the above link. but still im not able to save the field for newly created users and while updating user from admin console.
Anyone, Kindly help me in this regard.
There are many changes required in different file.
Take the help of this link Custom Field in User Profile. May be you will get some idea.

Wordpress Advanced Custom Fields - Limit A User's Choice To One Option

I have a WordPress website and as part of the news items, the editor can add either an:
internal link OR
external link OR
Currently I have this set up as a repeater field with maximum rows set to 1.
Is it possible if say one value has been entered, to prevent another of the values from being filled in.
E.g. I add an internal link and then try to add an external link. A message of some sort is then shown to me to say that only one value can be selected at a time.
I know I can add a description to the field with this information but I want to make it idiot proof so that the user can never add more than one value.
Thanks for your time and help in advance.
I can't write this in comments but celeriko right. Install types plugin there is ability of conditional logic. You can very easy implement of from backend.

Umbraco Member Tab - How to list the members

Requirement: I have a requirement such that, when a new user is registered in my application, his details should be stored in Umbraco Membership. I am Currently able to add the member to the umbraco site and i can see the added members under the Member Folder in the Member Tab. But the problem is if I added a person named "Vineeth", his details can only be viewed when I follow the path below
Member Tab - Member Folder - Letter "v" Folder.
Similarly for each alphabets. Is there any way that I could see them all together. The reason I wanted to get the added members together is because my workflow is "The admin has to give approval for the registered users". So its not a good process for Admin to search under each alphabetic folder for the newly added members and approve them. So is there any way to list them together. I think one option there is adding the user control and populating the details in Grid View in that user-control and then display. Is there some other way that I could use for my requirement.
I checked with the way the search functionality is implemented in the Member section. But I am not sure how does this work. I identified the aspx page. but it has the code like below. So I am not sure what logic is written in the Search button functionality. Could you please advise me how can I do this. The path I found this is
Also I would like to know how is the list populated in the Search page.
