Consider the following code that converts a DateTime to a string, tries to parse it using the TryParse method on DateTime, and returns an DateTime option indicating whether parsing the string was successful or not:
let dt = DateTime.Now
printfn "%A" dt
let parseDateTime (str: string) =
match DateTime.TryParse str with
| (true, v) -> Some v
| _ -> None
let parsedDateTime =
dt.ToString () |> parseDateTime
match parsedDateTime with
| Some v ->
printfn "%A" v
assert (v = dt)
| _ -> ()
The assert statement fails, which I would not expect it to. printfn prints out the same string to the Console which further puzzles me.
If I change the assert statement above to assert (v.ToString() = dt.ToString()) the assert passes as I would have expected when comparing the two DateTime values.
Is there something that I'm missing here when it comes to DateTime equality? I've also tested this using int and Guid (swapping out DateTime.TryParse for Int32.TryParse and Guid.TryParse respectively) and the assert passes as I would expect it to when comparing values for equality.
The resolution of a DateTime value is a single "tick", which represents one ten-millionth of a second. You also need to consider time zone differences. The default output format doesn't include this level of detail. If you want to "round trip" a DateTime, write it out with ToString("o")and then use DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind when parsing:
open System
open System.Globalization
let parseDateTime (str: string) =
match DateTime.TryParse(str, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind) with
| (true, v) -> Some v
| _ -> None
let parsedDateTime =
dt.ToString ("o") |> parseDateTime // e.g. "2021-11-15T15:36:07.6506924-05:00"
I'm trying to build Result Builder that accumulates Errors (in my case they are named Failures as I'm following some code from It's current implementation returns first encountered Failure when ideally I'd prefer it to either return Success with desired value or a Failure with a list of all missing/corrupted values. Unfortunately current implementation it's a bit verbose.
Boilerplate code
module Rop
type RopResult<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> =
| Success of 'TSuccess * 'TMessage list
| Failure of 'TMessage list
/// create a Success with no messages
let succeed x =
Success (x,[])
/// create a Success with a message
let succeedWithMsg x msg =
Success (x,[msg])
/// create a Failure with a message
let fail msg =
Failure [msg]
/// A function that applies either fSuccess or fFailure
/// depending on the case.
let either fSuccess fFailure = function
| Success (x,msgs) -> fSuccess (x,msgs)
| Failure errors -> fFailure errors
/// merge messages with a result
let mergeMessages msgs result =
let fSuccess (x,msgs2) =
Success (x, msgs # msgs2)
let fFailure errs =
Failure (errs # msgs)
either fSuccess fFailure result
/// given a function that generates a new RopResult
/// apply it only if the result is on the Success branch
/// merge any existing messages with the new result
let bindR f result =
let fSuccess (x,msgs) =
f x |> mergeMessages msgs
let fFailure errs =
Failure errs
either fSuccess fFailure result
Builder code
module ResultComputationExpression
open Rop
type ResultBuilder() =
member __.Return(x) = RopResult.Success (x,[])
member __.Bind(x, f) = bindR f x
member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
member this.Zero() = this.Return ()
member __.Delay(f) = f
member __.Run(f) = f()
member this.While(guard, body) =
if not (guard())
then this.Zero()
else this.Bind( body(), fun () ->
this.While(guard, body))
member this.TryWith(body, handler) =
try this.ReturnFrom(body())
with e -> handler e
member this.TryFinally(body, compensation) =
try this.ReturnFrom(body())
finally compensation()
member this.Using(disposable:#System.IDisposable, body) =
let body' = fun () -> body disposable
this.TryFinally(body', fun () ->
match disposable with
| null -> ()
| disp -> disp.Dispose())
member this.For(sequence:seq<_>, body) =
this.Using(sequence.GetEnumerator(),fun enum ->
this.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))
member this.Combine (a,b) =
this.Bind(a, fun () -> b())
let result = new ResultBuilder()
Use case
let crateFromPrimitive (taskId:int) (title:string) (startTime:DateTime) : RopResult<SomeValue,DomainErrror> =
result {
// functions that, at the end, return "RopResult<TaskID,DomainError>" therefore "let! id" is of type "TaskID"
let! id = taskId |> RecurringTaskId.create |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
// functions that, at the end, return "RopResult<Title,DomainError>" therefore "let! tt" is of type "Title"
let! tt = title|> Title.create |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
// functions that, at the end, return "RopResult<StartTime,DomainError>" therefore "let! st" is of type "StartTime"
let! st = startTime|> StartTime.create |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
// "create" returns "RopResult<SomeValue,DomainErrror>", "let! value" is of type "SomeValue"
let! value = create id tt st
return value
I could possibly split it to first validate taskId, title and startTime and then eventually call create but is it possible to do in one go?
I found this answer but I have no idea how to translate it to my case or if it's even related.
UPDATE: Solution
Just like brainbers comment and solution says, and! solves my problem. What still troubles me is the idea of automatically de-toupling (namely, when does it happen and on what rules?). In any case, I expect people will be more than able to put two and two together but the working solution for my problem is:
Builder part
member _.MergeSources(result1, result2) =
match result1, result2 with
| Success (ok1,msgs1), Success (ok2,msgs2) ->
Success ((ok1,ok2),msgs1#msgs2 )
| Failure errs1, Success _ -> Failure errs1
| Success _, Failure errs2 -> Failure errs2
| Failure errs1, Failure errs2 -> Failure (errs1 # errs2) // accumulate errors
Use Case
let crateFromPrimitive taskId title startTime duration category description (subtasks:string list option) (repeatFormat:RepeatFormat option) =
result {
let strintToSubTask = (Subtask.create >> (mapMessagesR mapStringErrors))
let sListToSubtaskList value = strintToSubTask value
|> RopResultHelpers.sequence
let! id = RecurringTaskId.create taskId |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
and! tt = Title.create title |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
and! st = StartTime.create startTime |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
and! dur = Duration.create duration |> mapMessagesR mapIntErrors
and! cat = Category.create category |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
and! desc = Description.create description |> mapMessagesR mapStringErrors
and! subtOption = someOrNone sListToSubtaskList subtasks |> RopResultHelpers.fromOptionToSuccess
//let! value = create id tt st dur cat desc subtOption repeatFormat
return! create id tt st dur cat desc subtOption repeatFormat
I searched around a bit and didn't find any validators that use the new and! syntax and accumulate errors, so I decided to write a quick one myself. I think this does what you want, and is much simpler. Note that I'm using Result<_, List<_>> to accumulate a list of errors, rather than creating a new type.
type AccumValidationBuilder() =
member _.BindReturn(result, f) =
result |> f
member _.MergeSources(result1, result2) =
match result1, result2 with
| Ok ok1, Ok ok2 -> Ok (ok1, ok2) // compiler will automatically de-tuple these - very cool!
| Error errs1, Ok _ -> Error errs1
| Ok _, Error errs2 -> Error errs2
| Error errs1, Error errs2 -> Error (errs1 # errs2) // accumulate errors
let accValid = AccumValidationBuilder()
And here it is in action:
let validateInt (str : string) =
match Int32.TryParse(str) with
| true, n -> Ok n
| _ -> Error [ str ]
let test str1 str2 str3 =
let result =
accValid {
let! n1 = validateInt str1
and! n2 = validateInt str2
and! n3 = validateInt str3
return n1 + n2 + n3
printfn "Result : %A" result
let main argv =
test "1" "2" "3" // output: Ok 6
test "1" "red" "blue" // output: Error [ "red"; "blue" ]
How can we build a function in F# that outputs the name of the variable passed in? For example:
let someVar1 = "x"
getVarname someVar1 //output would be "someVar1"
let someVar2 = "y"
getVarname someVar2 //output would be "someVar2"
let f toString = fun a -> printfn "%s: %d" (toString a) a
let x = 1
f getVarname x //output would be: "x: 1"
I found a similar question in C# here (get name of a variable or parameter), but I was unable to make it work in F#.
If you use quotations and static methods, you can already capture the name of the variable in F# 4 using the ReflectedDefinition attribute. The Demo.GetVarName static method in the following example returns the name of the variable used as an argument together with the value:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
type Demo =
static member GetVarName([<ReflectedDefinition(true)>] x:Expr<int>) =
match x with
| Patterns.WithValue(_, _, Patterns.ValueWithName(value, _, name)) ->
name, value :?> int
| _ -> failwithf "Argument was not a variable: %A" x
let test ()=
let yadda = 123
This works for local variables as in the test() function above. For top-level variables (which are actually compiled as properties) you also need to add a case for PropertyGet:
match x with
| Patterns.WithValue(_, _, Patterns.ValueWithName(value, _, name)) ->
name, value :?> int
| Patterns.WithValue(value, _, Patterns.PropertyGet(_, pi, _)) ->
pi.Name, value :?> int
| _ -> failwithf "Argument was not a variable: %A" x
The nameof implementation has the operator in F# core, but the F# 5 compiler bits haven't shipped yet.
When it does, you can use it to get the name of a symbol.
let someVar1 = None
let name = nameof someVar1 // name = "someVar1"
For now, we can maybe abuse the dynamic operator to get us a shim which you can eventually replace with nameof
let name = ()
let (?) _ name = string name
let someVar1 = None
let name = name?someVar1
It doesn't read too bad, and you get some degree of auto-completion.
If you really want to be able to retrieve the local name and value at the call-site, there's quotations.
let printVar = function
| ValueWithName(value, _type, name) -> printfn "%s = %A" name value
| _ -> ()
The usage is a bit noisy, though.
let someVar1 = 12
printVar <# someVar1 #> //prints someVar1 = 12
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
type Node<'a>(expr:'a, symbol:int) =
member x.Expression = expr
member x.Symbol = symbol
override x.GetHashCode() = symbol
override x.Equals(y) =
match y with
| :? Node<'a> as y -> symbol = y.Symbol
| _ -> failwith "Invalid equality for Node."
interface IComparable with
member x.CompareTo(y) =
match y with
| :? Node<'a> as y -> compare symbol y.Symbol
| _ -> failwith "Invalid comparison for Node."
type Ty =
| Int
| String
| Tuple of Ty list
| Rec of Node<Ty>
| Union of Ty list
type NodeDict<'a> = Dictionary<'a,Node<'a>>
let get_nodify_tag =
let mutable i = 0
fun () -> i <- i+1; i
let nodify (dict: NodeDict<_>) x =
match dict.TryGetValue x with
| true, x -> x
| false, _ ->
let x' = Node(x,get_nodify_tag())
dict.[x] <- x'
let d = Dictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
let nodify_ty x = nodify d x
let rec int_string_stream =
Tuple [Int; Rec (nodify_ty (int_string_stream))]
Tuple [String; Rec (nodify_ty (int_string_stream))]
In the above example, the int_string_stream gives a type error, but it neatly illustrates what I want to do. Of course, I want both sides to get tagged with the same symbol in nodify_ty. When I tried changing the Rec type to Node<Lazy<Ty>> I've found that it does not compare them correctly and each sides gets a new symbol which is useless to me.
I am working on a language, and the way I've dealt with storing recursive types up to now is by mapping Rec to an int and then substituting that with the related Ty in a dictionary whenever I need it. Currently, I am in the process of cleaning up the language, and would like to have the Rec case be Node<Ty> rather than an int.
At this point though, I am not sure what else could I try here. Could this be done somehow?
I think you will need to add some form of explicit "delay" to the discriminated union that represents your types. Without an explicit delay, you'll always end up fully evaluating the types and so there is no potential for closing the loop.
Something like this seems to work:
type Ty =
| Int
| String
| Tuple of Ty list
| Rec of Node<Ty>
| Union of Ty list
| Delayed of Lazy<Ty>
// (rest is as before)
let rec int_string_stream = Delayed(Lazy.Create(fun () ->
Tuple [Int; Rec (nodify_ty (int_string_stream))]
Tuple [String; Rec (nodify_ty (int_string_stream))]
This will mean that when you pattern match on Ty, you'll always need to check for Delayed, evaluate the lazy value and then pattern match again, but that's probably doable!
I'm a newbie to Elixir and am trying to write a GenServer that stores key, value pairs in a HashDict. Storing a compound key and value is fine. here's the code:
#Initialise the HashDict GenServer.start_link
def init(:ok) do
#Implement the server call back for GenServer.cast
def handle_cast({:add, event}, dict) do
{foo, bar, baz, qux} = event
key = %{key1: foo, key2: bar}
value = %{val1: baz, val2: qux}
{:noreply, HashDict.put(dict, key, value) }
All good. But I'm having trouble implementing the handle_call behaviour that I want. So here I'd like:
For a given key1 value, retrieve all corresponding value entries in HashDict. This will mean ignoring the value for key2 (so kind of a select all).
Having returned all the val2s, add them all up (assuming they are integers, ignoring val1) to give an overall sum.
So I've got this far:
def handle_call({:get, getKey}, _from, dict) do
key = %{key1: getKey, key2: _}
{:reply, HashDict.fetch(dict, key), dict}
This doesn't work, as it's not possible to pattern match on _. Presumably I would use some kind of Enumeration over the map such as the following to achieve my second objective:, fn {k, v} -> v end)|> Enum.sum{}
But I can't seem to quite crack the syntax to achieve my two aims. Thanks for any help!
If I understand your question correctly, the following should accomplish what you are wanting to do:
def handle_call({:get, getKey}, _from, dict) do
sum = Enum.reduce(dict, 0, fn
({%{key1: key1}, %{val2: val2}}, acc)
when key1 === getKey
and is_integer(val2) ->
val2 + acc
(_, acc) ->
{:reply, sum, dict}
See the documentation of Enum.reduce/3 for more information.
I'm writing an F# dsl for SQL (
A select statement would look like this:
type person = {
personId: string
firstname: string
lastname: string
homeAddress: address
workAddress: address
altAddresses: address seq
and address = {
addressId: string
street1: string
zip: string
let (neighbor: person seq) =
db.Yield <# Seq.filter (fun p -> = '60614') #>
The obvious (and silly) question is... How do I parametrize the quotation?
If I just somehting like:
let z = "60614"
let (neighbor: person seq) =
db.Yield <# Seq.filter (fun p -> = z) #>
then z gets resolved into a static property accessor (PropertyGet(None, String z, [])). I need something that will let me retrieve the value of the variable/let binding based solely on the quotation. Ideas?
Quotations are not my forte, but check out the difference here:
let z = "60614"
let foo = <# List.filter (fun s -> s = z) #>
printfn "%A" foo
let foo2 =
let z = z
<# List.filter (fun s -> s = z) #>
printfn "%A" foo2
I think maybe having 'z' be local to the expression means the value is captured, rather than a property reference.
In addition to what Brian wrote - I believe that the encoding of access to global let bound values is also pretty stable and they will quite likely continue to be encoded as PropGet in the future.
This means that you could support this case explicitly in your translator and add a simple pre-processing step to get values of these properties. This can be done using ExprShape (which allows you to fully traverse quotation just using 4 cases). This would allow your DSL to support the general case as well.
The following function traverses quotation and replaces access to global lets with their value:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
let rec expand e =
match e with
// Extract value of global 'let' bound symbols
| Patterns.PropertyGet(None, pi, []) ->
Expr.Value(pi.GetValue(null, [| |]), e.Type)
// standard recursive processing of quotations
| ExprShape.ShapeCombination(a, b) ->
ExprShape.RebuildShapeCombination(a, b |> expand)
| ExprShape.ShapeLambda(v, b) -> Expr.Lambda(v, expand b)
| ExprShape.ShapeVar(v) -> Expr.Var(v)
Then you can write the following to get a quotation that contains value instead of PropGet:
let z = 5
let eOrig = <# Seq.filter (fun p -> p = z) [ 1 .. 10 ]#>
let eNice = expand eOrig