How to find a file with python with à - python-3.6

im working on a mtg auto sorter and some of the cards have interesting names that python seems to not want to find. i am looking for a file (that i know i have in the right spot) called 8_JÃtun_Grunt.png. using this...
for card_name in card_names:
# Fetch the image - name can be found based on the card's information
card_info['name'] = card_name
img_name = '%s/card_img/png/%s/%s_%s.png' % (Config.data_dir, card_info['set'],
card_img = cv2.imread(img_name)
# If the image doesn't exist, download it from the URL
if card_img is None:
out_dir='%s/card_img/png/%s' % (Config.data_dir, card_info['set']))
card_img = cv2.imread(img_name)
if card_img is None:
print('WARNING: card %s is not found!' % img_name)
the error i get is so
error from cmd
this leads me to think that it cant recognize the file name but im reading it from a database that i cant change. any ideas.

I wouldn't be surprised if OpenCV couldn't handle filepaths with unicode caracters.
you could try to add the code from the answer of this SO question


Save an Excel sheet as PDF programatically through powerbuilder

There is a requirement to save an excel sheet as a pdf file programmatically through powerbuilder (Powerbuilder 12.5.1).
I run the code below; however, I am not getting the right results. Please let me know if I should do something different.
OLEObject ole_excel;
ole_excel = create OLEObject;
IF ( ole_excel.ConnectToObject(ls_DocPath) = 0 ) THEN
....... (Parsing values from excel)
DESTROY ole_excel;
I have searched through this community and others for a solution but no luck so far. I tried using two different commands that I found during this search. Both of them return a null object reference error. It would be great if someone can point me in the right direction.
It looks to me like you need to have a reference to the 'activeworkbook'. This would be of type OLEobject so the declaration would be similar to: OLEobject lole_workbook.
Then you need to set this to the active work book. Look for the VBA code on Excel (should be in the Excel help) for something like a 'getactiveworkbook' method. You would then (in PB) need to do something like
lole_workbook = ole_excel.application.activeworkbook
This gets the reference for PB to the activeworkbook. Then do you saveas and etc. like this lole_workbook.SaveAs(ls_DocPath,17)
workBook.saveAs() documentation says that saveAs() has the following parameters:
SaveAs(Filename, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode, ConflictResolution, AddToMru, TextCodepage, TextVisualLayout, Local)
we need the two first params:
FileName - full path with filename and extension, for instance: c:\myfolder\file.pdf
FileFormat - predefined constant, that represents the target file format.
According to google (MS does not list pdf format constant for XLFileFormat), FileFormat for pdf is equal to 57
so, try to use the following call:
ole_excel.application.activeworkbook.SaveAs(ls_DocPath, 57);

why nacl sdk contains so many 0 byte files?

I'm newbie to nacl. And I find out there are so many 0 byte files in the directory (nacl_sdk/pepper_38/toolchain/win_*/bin).
When I change the project platform to NaCl64 and compile(hello_nacl_cpp), there comes out an error
(error MSB6006: “D:\nacl_sdk\pepper_38\toolchain\win_x86_newlib\bin\x86_64-nacl-gcc.exe”已退出,代码为 -1)
But I can debug the example "hello_world_gles" with PPAPI platform, so I'm not sure the environment is ok.
Anyone can tell me something? Thanks!
Answer my question.
As #binji says we should use is in the dirctory sdk_tools) to extract the file.
Here we go:
Open with your text editor, you will find a class named CygTar who is the real worker.
Move dwon, and insert a snippet of code below Main function.
def MyLogic():
# tar = CygTar('naclports.tar.bz2', 'r', True) #here must use linux file path
tar = CygTar('naclsdk_win.tar.bz2', 'r', True)
Then replace sys.exit(Main(sys.argv)) with sys.exit(MyLogic()) at last of file.That all.
Note: If you have learned python, you will know code indent is very important in python, be careful.
And the final code should looks like this:

where can I download the ispell *.dict and *.affix files?

I am quite new to postgresql full text search and I am setting up the configuration as where can I download the ispell *.dict and *.affix filefollowing (exactly as in docs):
TEMPLATE = ispell,
DictFile = english,
AffFile = english,
StopWords = english
So, this I think expects files english.dict and english.affix on for example:
But these files are not there. I just have ispell_sample.dict and ispell_sample.affix - which when included above work fine - no problem.
So... I followed this post and downloaded the required dictionary from the open office people and renamed the .dic to .dict and .aff to .affix. Then I have checked (using file -bi dict.affix and file -bi english.dict and they are UTF8 encoded).
When I run the above text search dictionary, I get the error:
ERROR: wrong affix file format for flag
CONTEXT: line 2778 of configuration file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.2/tsearch_data/english.affix": "COMPOUNDMIN 1
I was wondering if anyone had clues on how to solve this problem or if anyone had encountered this before..
UPDATE:1: I guess the question can be rephrased as follows:
where can I download the ispell *.dict and *.affix file for postgres
Here's a good reference: This is a good resource for those dictionaries of any language.

# symbol in Drupal modules

I'm trying to learn Drupal modules. Can someone tell me what the '#' symbol is? I dont remember coming across it in PHP. (Its tricky to search for it cos as far as I can tell, you cant google for symbols). Can I convert it into a normal PHP variable, modify it and finally put it back into an # thing within the PHP of the .module file?
UPDATE: e.g.:
$error['msg'] = t("We're sorry. We have now only #qty of the ....
in file...
While that is the case in general PHP, it is used differently in Drupal within the t() function.
You can properly use placeholders in your text (which should be wrapped in t() for translation purposes on i18n capabilities) by putting a # , ! or % in front.
! = insert as is
# = run text through check_plain
% = html escape text
More info on the API page
In PHP the # symbol suppresses error messages.
There's plenty about it in the manual. When in doubt that's the place to go.

open graph image url problems with converted special chars XKB Symbols

I try to use the like-Button and therefor the open graph.
My problem is, that "&" and "$" chars are always replaced by & and %24
Of course, thats the normal case, but I need a clean $ and no entity there, becuase otherwise the link is not working for this image.
I could see, that facebook´s raw output produces \u0024 and so on (seems to be XKBSymbols). But if I try to put this symbols in the link in my typo3 meta-tag, it doesnt work either.
I already tried:
#page.headerData.12345.htmlSpecialChars = 0
#page.headerData.12345.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
#page.headerData.12345.rawUrlEncode = 0
to solve this problem, but none of those work.
Please give me a useful hint.
try to write to your php code trough htmlspecialchar php function and add it to header with
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData['somekey'] = '...'
