Loop over even/odd columns & stack them under specific ones - r

I have the following data set from Douglas Montgomery's book Introduction to Time Series Analysis & Forecasting:
I created a data frame called pharm from this spreadsheet. We only have two variables but they're repeated over several columns. I'd like to take all odd "Week" columns past the 2nd column and stack them under the 1st Week column in order. Conversely I'd like to do the same thing with the even "Sales, in thousands" columns. Here's what I've tried so far:
pharm2 <- data.frame(week=c(pharm$week, pharm[,3], pharm[,5], pharm[,7]), sales=c(pharm$sales, pharm[,4], pharm[,6], pharm[,8]))
This works because there aren't many columns, but I need a way to do this more efficiently because hard coding won't be practical with many columns. Does anyone know a more efficient way to do this?

If the columns are alternating, just subset with a recycling logical vector, unlist and create a new data.frame
out <- data.frame(week = unlist(pharm[c(TRUE, FALSE)]),
sales = unlist(pharm[c(FALSE, TRUE)]))

You may use the seq function to generate sequence to extract alternating columns.
pharm2 <- data.frame(week = unlist(pharm[seq(1, ncol(pharm), 2)]),
sales = unlist(pharm[seq(2, ncol(pharm), 2)]))


Calculate ratios of all column combinations from a dataframe

I have a CVS file imported as df in R. dimension of this df is 18x11. I want to calculate all possible ratios between the columns. Can you guys please help me with this? I understand that either 'for loop" or vectorized function will do the job. The row names will remain the same, while column name combinations can be merged using paste. However, I don't know how to execute this. I did this in excel as it is still a smaller data set. A larger size will make it tedious and error prone in excel, therefore, I would like to try in R.
Will be great help indeed. Thanks. Let's say below is the data frame as subset from my data.
dfn = data.frame(replicate(18,sample(100:1000,15,rep=TRUE)))
If you do:
do.call("cbind", lapply(seq_along(dfn), function(y) apply(dfn, 2, function(x) dfn[[y]]/x)))
You will get an array that is 15 * 324, with 18 columns representing all columns divided by the first column, 18 columns divided by the second column, and so on.
You can keep track of them by labelling the columns with the following names:
apply(expand.grid(names(dfn), names(dfn)), 1, paste, collapse = " / ")

Counting number of rows where a value occurs at least once within many columns

I updated the question with pseudocode to better explain what I would like to do.
I have a data.frame named df_sel, with 5064 rows and 215 columns.
Some of the columns (~80) contains integers with a unique identifier for a specific trait (medications). These columns are named "meds_0_1", "meds_0_2", "meds_0_3" etc. as well as "meds_1_1", "meds_1_2", "meds_1_3". Each column may or may not contain any of the integer values I am looking for.
For the specific integer values to look for, some could be grouped under different types of medication, but coded for specific brand names.
metformin = 1140884600 # not grouped
sulfonylurea = c(1140874718, 1140874724, 1140874726) # grouped
If it would be possible to look-up a group of medications, like in a vector format as above, that would be helpful.
I would like to do this:
IF [a specific row]
CONTAINS [the single integer value of interest]
IN [any of the columns within the df starting with "meds_0"]
and concordingly
IF [a specific row]
CONTAINS [any of multiple integer values of interest]
IN [any of the columns within the df starting with "meds_0"]
I have manged to create a vector based on column names:
column_names <- names(df_sel) %>% str_subset('^meds_0')
But I havent gotten any further despite some suggestions below.
I hope you understand better what I am trying to do.
As for the selection of the columns, you could do this by first extracting the names in the way you are doing with a regex, and then using select:
column_names <- names(df_sel) %>%
relevant_df <- df_sel %>%
I didn't quite get the structure of your variables (if they are integers, logicals, etc.), so I'm not sure how to continue, but it would probably involve something like summing across all the columns and dropping those that are not 0, like:
meds_taken <- rowSums(relevant_df)
df_sel_med_count <- df_sel %>%
At this point you should have your initial df with the relevant data in one column, and you can summarize by subject, medication or whatever in any way you want.
If this is not enough, please edit your question providing a relevant sample of your data (you can do this with the dput function) and I'll edit this answer to add more detail.
First, I would like to start off by recommending bioconductor for R libraries, as it sounds like you may be studying biological data. Now to your question.
Although tidyverse is the most widely acceptable and 'easy' method, I would recommend in this instance using 'lapply' as it is extremely fast. Your code from a programming standpoint becomes a simple boolean, as you stated, but I think we can go a little further. Using the built-in data from 'mtcars',
head(mtcars, 6)
#trues and falses for each row and column
rows=lapply(mtcars, function(x) x %in% target)
#Number of Trues for each column and which have more that 0 Trues
column_sums=unlist(lapply(rows, function(x) (sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))))
This will work with other data types with a few tweaks here and there.

How to write a function in R to calculate the min/max difference between two dataframes?

I am having difficulty writing a function in R to accomplish what I need. I am separated by a few hundred kilometers from my usual sources of reference and am stuck on where to even begin to write this. It has been a few years since my last (brief) programming class and I am flummoxed on how to proceed.
I have two dataframes, X & Y. Each dataframe is structured with rows 1-80, and columns 1-999.
I want to write a function such that I take each value by column and calculate the difference with all other values in the same row within my second dataframe. Once I have the calculated difference between all my values across dataframes, I need to select the minimum and maximum difference for each row.
Min/Max of (Xcol1:Xcol999,r1:r999 – Ycol1:Ycol999,r1:r999 )
df <- X - Y
plyr::ldply(1:nrow(df), function(x) data.frame(
min=min(df[x,], na.rm=T),
max=max(df[x,], na.rm=T)))

Split dataframe based on one column in r

I have a huge dataframe of around 1M rows and want to split the dataframe based on one column & different ranges.
Example dataframe:
I want to split the dataframe based on length at different ranges (ex: all rows for length between 1 and 50).
I can do this by subsetting from the dataframe, ex: test1<-test[test$length>1 &test$length<50,]
But i am looking for more efficient way using "split" (just a line)
range = seq(0,400,50)
split(test, cut(test$length, range))
But do heed Justin's suggestion and look into using data.table instead of data.frame and I'll also add that it's very unlikely that you actually need to split the data.frame/table.

computing a subset using a loop

I have a data frame with different variables and I want to build different subsets out of this data frame using some conditions and I want to use a loop because there will be a lot of subsets and this would be saving a lot of time.
This are the conditions:
Variable A has an ID for an area, variable B has different species (1,2,3, etc.) and I want to compute different subsets with these columns. The name of every subset should be the the ID of a point and the content should be all individuals of a certain specie in this point.
For a better understanding:
This would be the code for the one subset and I want to use a loop
A_2_NGF_Abies_alba <- subset(A_2_NGF, subset = Baumart %in% c("Abies alba"))
Is this possible doing in R
Does this help you?
Baumdaten <- data.frame(pointID=sample(c("A_2_SEF","A_2_LEF","A_3_LEF"), 10, T), Baumart=sample(c("Abies alba", "Betula pendula", "Fagus sylvatica"), 10, T))
split(Baumdaten, Baumdaten[, 1:2])

