Simulating interpolation on Brownian motion with Julia - julia

I'm trying to interpolate a Brownian motion. The function does not return me an error but it seems like Julia does not put the value on vector B. Here the codes.
function interpolation(i,j,N,BM)
if j-i>1
k = sqrt((j-i)/((2^N))/4)
d = (i+j)/2
BM[d] =((BM[i]+BM[j])/2)+k*randn(1)
BM = interpolation(i,d,N,BM)
BM = interpolation(d,j,N,BM)
Thanks a lot!

I think that your code could be simplified by using array views. That eliminates all of the extra parameters from you code and makes it easier to see what it is doing. The normalization so that changes are smaller for interior steps could be simplified as well.
So here is a stab at this simplification:
function fractal(x)
if length(x) > 2
n = length(x)
mid = (n+1)÷2
x[mid] = (x[1] + x[n])/2 + randn() * sqrt(n)
fractal(#view x[1:mid])
fractal(#view x[mid:n])
And here is a result of this code running:
a = zeros(1024)
plot(a, legend=false)
The point of the simplification is to highlight the idea that the algorithm involves:
Interpolating the middle value based on the end-points
Do the same to the left and right halves of the array
if we don't have a big enough array, just return
This approach avoids complicating the picture with all of the housekeeping and it worked first try, largely because, I think, I didn't have to keep all that stuff straight.


R: Inverse fft() to confirm my manual DFT algorithm inaccurate?

Using R, before assessing some metric of accuracy on my own manual implementation of DFT, I wanted to do a sanity check on how well stats::fft() performs by doing the following:
sig.ts = ts( sin(2*pi*freq1*t) + sin(2*pi*freq2*t) );
sig.rt = fft(fft(sig.ts)/N, inverse="true");
#the two plots so perfectly align that you can't see them both
max(abs(sig.ts - sig.rt)) / max(sig.ts);
#arbitrary crude accuracy metric=1.230e-15 - EXCELLENT!
But I wanted to write the code for DFT myself, to ensure I understand it, then invert it in the hopes that it would be the same:
##The following is the slow DFT for now, not the FFT...
sR = 102.4; #the number of Hz at which we sample
freq1=3; freq2=12; #frequency(ies) of the wave
t = seq(1/sR,10, 1/sR);
sig.ts = ts( sin(2*pi*freq1*t) + sin(2*pi*freq2*t) );
N=length(t); kk=seq(0,N/2-1, 1); nn=seq(0,N-1, 1);
for(k in kk){
for(n in nn){
sig.freqd[k] = sig.freqd[k] + sig.ts[n+1]*exp(-j*2*pi*n*k/N); } }
sig.freqd = (1/N)*sig.freqd; #for Normalization
#Checking the "accuracy" of my manual implementation of DFT...
sig.freqd_inv=Re(fft(sig.freqd, inverse="true"));
plot(t[1:100], window(sig.ts,end=100), col="black", type="l",lty=1,lwd=1, xaxt="n");
lines(t[1:100],window(sig.freqd_inv,end=100), col="red", type="l",lty=1,lwd=1, xaxt="n");
axis(1, at=seq(round(t[1],1),round(t[length(t)],1), by=0.1), las=2);
max(abs(sig.ts[1:(N/2-1)] - sig.freqd_inv)) / max(sig.ts[1:(N/2-1)]); #the metric here =1.482 unfortunately
Even without the metric, the plot makes it obvious that something's off here - it's lower amplitude, maybe out of phase, and more jagged. In all of my self-studying, I will say that I am a bit confused about how sensitive this all is to vector well as how to ensure that the imaginary component's phase information is taken into account when plotting.
Bottom line, any insight into what's wrong with my DFT algorithm would be helpful. I don't want to just blackbox my use of functions - I want to understand these things more deeply before moving on to more complicated functions.
The main issues arise from the signal indexing. First to get a full transform usable by R's fft(..., inverse = TRUE), you would need to compute all N coefficients (even if the coefficients above N/2-1 could be obtained by symmetry).
Then you should realize that array indexing in R are 1-based. So, while indexing sig.freqd[k], the index k should start at 1 instead of 0. Since the argument to exp(-1i*2*pi*n*k/N) should start with n=0andk=0`, you'll need to adjust the indices:
kk=seq(1,N, 1); nn=seq(1,N, 1);
for(k in kk){
for(n in nn){
sig.freqd[k] = sig.freqd[k] + sig.ts[n]*exp(-1i*2*pi*(n-1)*(k-1)/N);
I've also changed you usage of j to represent the imaginary number 1i since that's the usual notation recognized by R (and R was complaining about it when trying your posted sample as-is). If you had defined j=1i that shouldn't affect the results.
Note also that R's fft is unnormalized. So to obtain the same result for the forward transform, your DFT implementation should not include the 1/N normalization. On the other hand, you will need to add this factor as a final step in order to get the full-circle forward+backward transform to match the original signal.
With these changes you should have the following code:
##The following is the slow DFT for now, not the FFT...
sR = 102.4; #the number of Hz at which we sample
freq1=3; freq2=12; #frequency(ies) of the wave
t = seq(1/sR,10, 1/sR);
sig.ts = ts( sin(2*pi*freq1*t) + sin(2*pi*freq2*t) );
N=length(t); kk=seq(1,N, 1); nn=seq(1,N, 1);
for(k in kk){
for(n in nn){
sig.freqd[k] = sig.freqd[k] + sig.ts[n]*exp(-1i*2*pi*(n-1)*(k-1)/N);
#Checking the "accuracy" of my manual implementation of DFT...
sig.freqd_inv=(1/N)*Re(fft(sig.freqd, inverse="true"));
plot(t[1:100], window(sig.ts,end=100), col="black", type="l",lty=1,lwd=2, xaxt="n");
lines(t[1:100],window(sig.freqd_inv,end=100), col="red", type="l",lty=2,lwd=1, xaxt="n");
axis(1, at=seq(round(t[1],1),round(t[length(t)],1), by=0.1), las=2);
max(abs(sig.ts - sig.freqd_inv)) / max(sig.ts)
This should yield a metric around 1.814886e-13, which is probably more in line with what you were expecting. The corresponding plot should also be showing the orignal signal and the roundtrip signal overlapping:

How do I write a piecewise Differential Equation in Julia?

I am new to Julia, I would like to solve this system:
where k1 and k2 are constant parameters. However, I=0 when y,0 or Ky otherwise, where k is a constant value.
I followed the tutorial about ODE. The question is, how to solve this piecewise differential equation in DifferentialEquations.jl?
Answered on the OP's cross post on Julia Discourse; copied here for completeness.
Here is a (mildly) interesting example $x''+x'+x=\pm p_1$ where the sign of $p_1$ changes when a switching manifold is encountered at $x=p_2$. To make things more interesting, consider hysteresis in the switching manifold such that $p_2\mapsto -p_2$ whenever the switching manifold is crossed.
The code is relatively straightforward; the StaticArrays/SVector/MVector can be ignored, they are only for speed.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using StaticArrays
f(x, p, t) = SVector(x[2], -x[2]-x[1]+p[1]) # x'' + x' + x = ±p₁
h(u, t, integrator) = u[1]-integrator.p[2] # switching surface x = ±p₂;
g(integrator) = (integrator.p .= -integrator.p) # impact map (p₁, p₂) = -(p₁, p₂)
prob = ODEProblem(f, # RHS
SVector(0.0, 1.0), # initial value
(0.0, 100.0), # time interval
MVector(1.0, 1.0)) # parameters
cb = ContinuousCallback(h, g)
sol = solve(prob, Vern6(), callback=cb, dtmax=0.1)
Then plot sol[2,:] against sol[1,:] to see the phase plane - a nice non-smooth limit cycle in this case.
Note that if you try to use interpolation of the resulting solution (i.e., sol(t)) you need to be very careful around the points that have a discontinuous derivative as the interpolant goes a little awry. That's why I've used dtmax=0.1 to get a smoother solution output in this case. (I'm probably not using the most appropriate integrator either but it's the one that I was using in a previous piece of code that I copied-and-pasted.)

Remove redundant points for line plot

I am trying to plot large amounts of points using some library. The points are ordered by time and their values can be considered unpredictable.
My problem at the moment is that the sheer number of points makes the library take too long to render. Many of the points are redundant (that is - they are "on" the same line as defined by a function y = ax + b). Is there a way to detect and remove redundant points in order to speed rendering ?
Thank you for your time.
The following is a variation on the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for 1.5d graphs:
Compute the line equation between first and last point
Check all other points to find what is the most distant from the line
If the worst point is below the tolerance you want then output a single segment
Otherwise call recursively considering two sub-arrays, using the worst point as splitter
In python this could be
def simplify(pts, eps):
if len(pts) < 3:
return pts
x0, y0 = pts[0]
x1, y1 = pts[-1]
m = float(y1 - y0) / float(x1 - x0)
q = y0 - m*x0
worst_err = -1
worst_index = -1
for i in xrange(1, len(pts) - 1):
x, y = pts[i]
err = abs(m*x + q - y)
if err > worst_err:
worst_err = err
worst_index = i
if worst_err < eps:
return [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)]
first = simplify(pts[:worst_index+1], eps)
second = simplify(pts[worst_index:], eps)
return first + second[1:]
print simplify([(0,0), (10,10), (20,20), (30,30), (50,0)], 0.1)
The output is [(0, 0), (30, 30), (50, 0)].
About python syntax for arrays that may be non obvious:
x[a:b] is the part of array from index a up to index b (excluded)
x[n:] is the array made using elements of x from index n to the end
x[:n] is the array made using first n elements of x
a+b when a and b are arrays means concatenation
x[-1] is the last element of an array
An example of the results of running this implementation on a graph with 100,000 points with increasing values of eps can be seen here.
I came across this question after I had this very idea. Skip redundant points on plots. I believe I came up with a far better and simpler solution and I'm happy to share as my first proposed solution on SO. I've coded it and it works well for me. It also takes into account the screen scale. There may be 100 points in value between those plot points, but if the user has a chart sized small, they won't see them.
So, iterating through your data/plot loop, before you draw/add your next data point, look at the next value ahead and calculate the change in screen scale (or value, but I think screen scale for the above-mentioned reason is better). Now do the same for the next value ahead (getting these values is just a matter of peeking ahead in your array/collection/list/etc adding the for next step increment (probably 1/2) to the current for value whilst in the loop). If the 2 values are the same (or perhaps very minor change, per your own preference), you can skip this one point in your chart by simply adding 'continue' in the loop, skipping adding the data point as the point lies exactly on the slope between the point before and after it.
Using this method, I reduce a chart from 963 points to 427 for example, with absolutely zero visual change.
I think you might need to perhaps read this a couple of times to understand, but it's far simpler than the other best solution mentioned here, much lighter weight, and has zero visual effect on your plot.
I would probably apply a "least squares" algorithm to obtain a line of best fit. You can then go through your points and downfilter consecutive points that lie close to the line. You only need to plot the outliers, and the points that take the curve back to the line of best fit.
Edit: You may not need to employ "least squares"; if your input is expected to hover around "y=ax+b" as you say, then that's already your line of best fit and you can just use that. :)

This is more a matlab/math brain teaser than a question

Here is the setup. No assumptions for the values I am using.
n=2; % dimension of vectors x and (square) matrix P
r=2; % number of x vectors and P matrices
x1 = [3;5]
x2 = [9;6]
x = cat(2,x1,x2)
P1 = [6,11;15,-1]
P2 = [2,21;-2,3]
modePr = [-.4;16]
pred_modePr = TransPr'*modePr
MixPr = TransPr.*(modePr*(pred_modePr.^(-1))')
x0 = x*MixPr
Then it was time to apply the following formula to get myP
, where μij is MixPr. I used this code to get it:
for j=1:r
for i = 1:r;
temp = MixPr(i,j)*(Ptables(:,:,i) + ...
myP(:,j)= myP(:,j) + temp(:);
Some brilliant guy proposed this formula as another way to produce myP
for j=1:r
xk1=x(:,j); PP=xk1*xk1'; PP0(:,j)=PP(:);
xk1=x0(:,j); PP=xk1*xk1'; PP1(:,j)=PP(:);
myP = (P+PP0)*MixPr-PP1
I tried to formulate the equality between the two methods and seems to be this one. To make things easier, I skipped the summation of matrix P in both methods .
where the first part denotes the formula that I used, and the second comes from his code snippet. Do you think this is an obvious equality? If yes, ignore all the above and just try to explain why. I could only start from the LHS, and after some algebra I think I proved it equals to the RHS. However I can't see how did he (or she) think of it in the first place.
Using E for expectation, the one dimensional version of your formula is the familiar:
Variance(X) = E((X-E(X))^2) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2
While the second form might be easier programming, I'd worry about ending up with a negative (or, in the multidimensional case, non positive definite) answer by using it, due to rounding error.

Minimizing a function containing an integral

Does anyone know how to minimize a function containing an integral in MATLAB? The function looks like this:
L = Int(t=0,t=T)[(AR-x)dt], A is a system parameter and R and x are related through:
dR/dt = axRY - bR, where a and b are constants.
dY/dt = -xRY
I read somewhere that I can use fminbnd and quad in combination but I am not able to make it work. Any suggestions?
Perhaps you could give more details of your integral, e.g. where is the missing bracket in [AR-x)dt]? Is there any dependence of x on t, or can we integrate dR/dt = axR - bR to give R=C*exp((a*x-b)*t)? In any case, to answer your question on fminbnd and quad, you could set A,C,T,a,b,xmin and xmax (the last two are the range you want to look for the min over) and use:
[x fval] = fminbnd(#(x) quad(#(t)A*C*exp((a*x-b)*t)-x,0,T),xmin,xmax)
This finds x that minimizes the integral.
If i didn't get it wrong you are trying to minimize respect to t:
\int_0^t{(AR-x) dt}
well then you just need to find the zeros of:
This is just math, not matlab ;)
Here's some manipulation of your equations that might help.
Combining the second and third equations you gave gives
dR/dt = -a*(dY/dt)-bR
Now if we solve for R on the righthand side and plug it into the first equation you gave we get
L = Int(t=0,t=T)[(-A/b*(dR/dt + a*dY/dt) - x)dt]
Now we can integrate the first term to get:
L = -A/b*[R(T) - R(0) + Y(T) - Y(0)] - Int(t=0,t=T)[(x)dt]
So now all that matters with regards to R and Y are the endpoints. In fact, you may as well define a new function, Z which equals Y + R. Then you get
L = -A/b*[Z(T) - Z(0)] - Int(t=0,t=T)[(x)dt]
This next part I'm not as confident in. The integral of x with respect to t will give some function which is evaluated at t = 0 and t = T. This function we will call X to give:
L = -A/b*[Z(T) - Z(0)] - X(T) + X(0)
This equation holds true for all T, so we can set T to t if we want to.
L = -A/b*[Z(t) - Z(0)] - X(t) + X(0)
Also, we can group a lot of the constants together and call them C to give
X(t) = -A/b*Z(t) + C
C = A/b*Z(0) + X(0) - L
So I'm not sure what else to do with this, but I've shown that the integral of x(t) is linearly related to Z(t) = R(t) + Y(t). It seems to me that there are many equations that solve this. Anyone else see where to go from here? Any problems with my math?
