Plotting Spheres Around Coordinates in Julia using Makie.jl - plot

I have a data structure that stores 3D structures as a bounding volume hierarchy of spheres and outputs a file containing the 3D coordinates and the radii of the spheres. I'm trying to plot these spheres using Makie.jl, but I've so far been unsuccessful. After extracting the coordinates from the XSLX document I had them stored in and assigning each column to the appropriate variable, I attempted to write a for loop to successively plot each coordinate. But for some reason, the output is always a 2D plot, even though the argument I'm passing uses 3 coordinates. So far I've tried passing the coordinates in as a tuple, iterating through a list of tuples; the code below plots the closest to what I want to end up with (the Stanford Rabbit). What is it that I'm missing, or where am I going wrong? Thanks in advance! (Yes I am new to Julia)
using XLSX, GLMakie
xf = XLSX.readxlsx("BunnySphereTree.xlsx")
sh = xf["BunnySphereTree"]
x = sh["A"]
y = sh["B"]
z = sh["C"]
r = sh["D"]
leeroy = scatter((x[1],y[1],z[1]))
for i in 2:length(x)
jenkins = scatter!((x[i], y[i],z[i]))
I have also tried to modify the example presented here to fit what I want, but I've so far been unsuccessful. Once again, any help is appreciated and thank you in advance!


Drawing an arrow with specified direction on a point in scatter plot in Julia

Is there a way to draw a scatter plot in Julia (preferably with gr backend), in which every point has an arrow pointing to a specified direction on it?
Specifically, my task is to create a gif image with multiple moving points with a small arrow on every point pointing to the direction of its velocity.
So, you want to plot a vector field, right?
The "arrow plot" you are looking for, is usually called quiver-plot in many programming languages. In Julia, too.
If you use Plots.jl the syntax is quiver(x,y,quiver=(u,v)), where x and y are the coordinate vectors and u and v the arrow magnitude vectors.
If you use GR or PyPlot directly the syntax is possibly a bit different.
Small Example
using Plots
N = 10
x = rand(1:10,N)
y = rand(1:10,N)
u = rand(N)
v = rand(N)

Strange object in vector3d() graphic when using matlib + rgl

I'm trying to plot 3-dimensional vectors (x, y, z coordinates) onto a 3D coordinate system in R like in the picture below. Ideally, I would then like to construct 3d kernel density plots, also like in the image below.
Ideal result of vector plot and 3d kernel density plot
I have a matrix containing ~100 rows and one column for each coordinate (x, y , z). Initially, I tried arrow3D() from the plot3D package but I find the perspective to be sub-par, it's rather difficult to discern directions of the arrows from one perspective in the final plot. Next I tried the rgl package which gives me interactivity - great. Minimal working example:
data2 <- data.frame(replicate(6,rnorm(100))) #sample data set for minimum working example
colnames(data2) <- c("x_target", "y_target", "z_target", "x_start", "y_start", "z_start")
x1 <- data2$x_target - data2$x_start
y1 <- data2$y_target - data2$y_start
z1 <- data2$z_target - data2$z_start
vec <- (diag(6,3)) # coordinates for x, y and z axis
rownames(vec) <- c("X", "Y", "Z") # labels for x, y and z axis
z <- as.matrix((data.frame(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1)))
vectors3d(vec, color=c(rep("black",3)), lwd=2, radius=1/25)
vectors3d(X=z, headlength=1/25)
(due to the random numbers generator the strange looking rods appear at different coordinates, not exactly like in the image i link to below)
The result of the code above is a version of the image link below. One set of coordinates produces a very strange looking more like rod object which is far longer then the coordinates would produce. If I plot the vectors individually, no such object is created. Anyone have any ideas why this happens? Also, if anyone has a tool (doesn't have to be R), that can create a 3D vector plot like in the first image, I'd be grateful. I find it to be very complicated in R, but I'm definitely a beginner.
Strange object to the right (long red rod that doesn't look like an arrow at all)
Thank you!
This is due to a bug in the matlib package, fixed in verson 0.9.2 of that package. I think you need to install it from Github instead of CRAN to get the bug fix:
BTW, if you are using random numbers in a reproducible example, you can make it perfectly reproducible by something like
at the start (or some number other than 123). I saw reproducible problems with your example for set.seed(4).

Remove holes in polygon

I am trying to solve the following problem in R :
I have a polygon object defined by a list l with two components x and y. The order defines the edges of the polygon.
For instance :
Now what I am interested in is to keep only the outer boundary (but not the convex hull) of this polygon. The following picture highlights the point I'd like to keep
x=c(-1.13927707377209,-1.31613255249992,-1.3598262571216,0.511747159281619,0.264900107013767,0.671727215417383,-0.724002505140328,-1.93400738893304,-1.4811931364624,-1.45298543105533,-2.08847609804132,-1.40787406113029,-1.3598262571216,0.278826441754518,1.85047596733123,1.48615105742673,1.48615105742673,2.13366860069641,1.38016944537233,1.38016944537233,1.17232981688283,1.17232981688283,1.72175204307433,0.671727215417383,-1.496346, -0.08038289, -0.2824999),
I am really clueless about whether there are tools to easily do that. The closest I have found is the polysimplify function in the polyclip package, which identifies all the points I need, but also outputs some points I do not need (inner points where segments intersect).
I actually found a solution (below). The following function does what I want but I am unsure why it works (and whether it may fail).
Actually the function below correctly identifies the point I want but outputs them in the wrong order, so it is still useless to me...
Using rgeos routines, you first "node" your linestring to create all the intersections, then "polygonize" it, then "union" it to dissolve its insides.
First make a SpatialLines version of your data with duplicated first/last point:
coords = cbind(l$x, l$y); coords=rbind(coords,coords[1,])
s = SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(coords)),ID=1)))
s_outer = gUnaryUnion(gPolygonize(gNode(s)))
Plot it thus:
plot(s_outer, lwd=2,border="red",add=TRUE)
If you want the coordinates of the surrounding polygon they are in the returned object and can be extracted with:
# x y
# [1,] 0.27882644 -1.30971825
# [2,] -0.08038289 -1.87141899
# [3,] -0.28886517 -1.27867953
Assuming there's only one polygon, which might not be the case - suppose your line traces a figure-of-eight - then you'll get two polygons touching at a point. We don't know how free your jaggly line is to do things like that...

Why is my plot3d white in SciLab?

t = 0:%pi/50:10*%pi;
When I execute this code the plot is done but the line is not visible, only the box. Any ideas which property I have to change?
The third argument should, in this case, be a matrix of the size (length arg1) x (length arg2).
You'd expect plot3d to behave like an extension of plot and plot2d but it isn't quite the case.
The 2d plot takes a vector of x and a vector of y and plots points at (x1,y1), (x2,y2) etc., joined with lines or not as per style settings. That fits the conceptual model we usually use for 2d plots - charting the relationship of one thing as a function of another, in most cases (y = f(x)). THere are other ways to use a 2d plot: scatter graphs are common but it's easy enough to produce one using the two-rows-of-data concept.
This doesn't extend smoothly to 3d though as there are many other ways you could use a 3d plot to represent data. If you gave it three vectors of coordinates and asked it to draw a line between them all what might we want to use that for? Is that the most useful way of using a 3d plot?
Most packages give you different visualisation types for the different kinds of data. Mathematica has a lot of 3d visualisation types and Python/Scipy/Mayavi2 has even more. Matlab has a number too but Scilab, while normally mirroring Matlab, in this case prefers to handle it all with the plot3d function.
I think of it like a contour plot: you give it a vector of x and a vector of y and it uses those to create a grid of (x,y) points. The third argument is then a matrix whose dimensions match those of the (x,y) grid holding the z-coordinates of each point. The first example in the docs does what I think you're after:
The first line creates a column vector of length 21
ans =
21. 1.
The second line computes a 21 x 21 matrix of products of the permutations of sin(t) with cos(t) - note the transpose in the cos(t') element.
ans =
21. 21.
Then when it plots them it draws (x1,y1,z11), (x1,y2,x12), (x2,y2,z22) and so on. It draws lines between adjacent points in a mesh, or no lines, or just the surface.

Make a 3D rendered plot of time-series

I have a set of 3D coordinates (below - just for a single point, in 3D space):
x <- c(-521.531433, -521.511658, -521.515259, -521.518127, -521.563416, -521.558044, -521.571228, -521.607178, -521.631165, -521.659973)
y <- c(154.499557, 154.479568, 154.438705, 154.398682, 154.580688, 154.365189, 154.3564, 154.559189, 154.341309, 154.344223)
z <- c(864.379272, 864.354675, 864.365479, 864.363831, 864.495667, 864.35498, 864.358582, 864.50415, 864.35553, 864.359863)
xyz <- data.frame(x,y,z)
I need to make a time-series plot of this point with a 3D rendering (so I can rotate the plot, etc.). The plot will visualize a trajectory of the point above in time (for example in the form of solid line). I used 'rgl' package with plot3d method, but I can't make it to plot time-series (below, just plot a single point from first frame in time-series):
I found this post, but it doesn't really deal with a real-time rendered 3D plots. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
If you read help(plot3d) you can see how to draw lines:
Is that what you want?
How about this? It uses rgl.pop() to remove a point and a line and draw them as a trail - change the sleep argument to control the speed:
ts <- function(xyz,sleep=0.3){
n = nrow(xyz)
p = points3d(xyz[1,])
l = lines3d(xyz[1,])
for(i in 2:n){
The solution was simpler than I thought and the problem was that I didn't use as.matrix on my data. I was getting error (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double' when I was simply trying to plot my entire dataset using plot3d (found a solution for this here). So, if you need to plot time-series of set of coordinates (in my case motion capture data of two actors) here is my complete solution (only works with the data set below!):
download example data set
read the above data into a table:
data <- read.table("Bob12.txt",sep="\t")
extract XYZ coordinates into a separate matrixes:
x <- as.matrix(subset(data,select=seq(1,88,3)))
y <- as.matrix(subset(data,select=seq(2,89,3)))
z <- as.matrix(subset(data,select=seq(3,90,3)))
plot the coordinates on a nice, 3D rendered plot using 'rgl' package:
You should get something like on the image below (but you can rotate it etc.) - hope you can recognise there are joint centers for people there. I still need to tweak it to make it visually better - to have first frame as a points (to clearly see actor's joints), then a visible break, and then the rest of frames as a lines.
