Unable to open Anaconda command prompt or any notebooks - jupyter-notebook

Anaconda is not responding for any environment whenever I try to open a command prompt or any other application such as jupyter-notebook. I have installed Anaconda's latest available version for Windows 10. This is the 3rd time I have reinstalled the software thinking that the outcome might change but to no avail. I am able to open the command prompt from the Environments option but still, this option does not work for the jupyter-notebook. However, I am able to open the jupyter-notebook from the command prompt but the kernel dies every other minute. Please guide and help me if you can.


Jupyter-notebook fails to start | PyForMLS

I am currently setting up a Python data-science client for SQL Server Machine Learning Services following this guide: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/machine-learning/python/setup-python-client-tools-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
Unfortunately, running Jupyter notebooks for this distribution does not seem to work for me: Typing .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook in the distribution folder, or directly running jupyter-notebook.exe from the Scripts sub-folder does not start Jupyter. In the terminal, the command exits with no ouput.
Afterwards, https://localhost:8889/tree is not reachable as should be the case according to the tutorial above.
Any suggestions? (I already checked https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/troubleshooting.html for solutions). Thank you!
Update: At least .\Scripts\jupyter-console is running, though it is not the same experience.
some cases .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook will not work fine because of the installation issues. As anaconda is having both commercial and enterprise editions, issues will raise.
Instead use the following procedure for cool opening of Jupyter-Notebook in anaconda distribution
Click on Start menu
Type Jupyter
Click on jupter icon which is visible in search results
Jupyter CMD will start running and make it minimized instead closing it. It will open the UI of jupyter notebook in browser.
Jupyter notebook for SQL
Check the documentation link which is available in link which is the configuration of jupyter notebook for SQL.
Document Credit: Rajendra Gupta

Differences between various consoles in Python

I am trying to make run a script for webscraping. However, I feel the problem could be that I keep running the written script in the wrong console.
So far I could not really understand the differences between the consoles cmd and Anaconda Prompt. Anaconda Navigator looks rather like an administrative tool, but it seems still to make a difference for my code whether I use a terminal from there or not. Could anyone elaborate on that?
Much appreciated
cmd: command-prompt, that used to run our python script, especially for scripts with .py extension. Besides that, we can used to install python library
Anaconda Prompt: almost similar to cmd. But usually we used to open jupyter notebook or other console on Anaconda Navigator.
Anaconda Navigator: a GUI desktop application that is included in the Anaconda installation package. Through Anaconda Navigator, programmers can easily run and manage Conda packages, environments and channels without the need to use command prompt commands. Anaconda Navigator can search for packages in the anaconda cloud repository.
So, the difference depends on what we want to do. You can't judge the problem arises because of the wrong console. It depends on the error message that appears.
Suggestion: read the error message, and analyze or find a way to solve the problem

Issue running jupyter notebook via wls

Installed WSL on Windows 10.
Installed Anaconda according to the Anaconda documentation with the following commands:
bash Anaconda3-2020.02-Linux-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
You can see the '(base)' in the beginning of each command input line, indicating the conda is activated.
Then I run jupyter notebook by typing:
jupyter notebook
Then I see the following changes as shown in the screen record.
Briefly, the WSL terminal window showed some information very quickly, but is changed to the windows powershell window before you could even tell the information that showed up. I know those information should contain a file and url for opening the jupyter notebook in the web browser. But they flashed out so quickly. Does anyone know why this happens?
Here is a dynamic graph of the Screen record of this issue:
1. Wait for a bit more time on the windows cmd and the jupyter notebook running information will show up, where includes the url to open jupyter notebook in the web browser.
Open up another wsl terminal, activate the same environment and type jupyter notebook list, which will show the current running jupyter notebook server. The url is also can be found there.

Launch rstudio-server from terminal linux

I'm an Ubuntu user and I used to work with the standard version of Rstudio on my computer. After reading about the server version I installed it on my PC and I'm working with it now. Although I'm very happy with rstudio-server version, I have been facing some difficulties to keep with some old practices. Particularly, I use to launch, open and create new files from the terminal using rstudio keyword - I'm specially fond to the possibility of open files in current rstudio session through the terminal window within rstudio. However, I cannot figure out which command is equivalent in rstudio-server.
I tried, without success, the following commands:
Interestingly, when I type which rstudio (to find the path of the program's binary files), the terminal did not return any results. The program is installed and working normally, but I just can't find it on my PC
Any help will be appreciated

devtools::install_github("imbs-hl/ranger") fails - make.exe and sh.exe unable to start correctly

I'm trying to install the development version of the R library ranger from RStudio on Windows 7 with the command:
When I try this, I first get a pop-up with the header "make.exe - Application Error" and the message "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)."
I then get a message saying that I need to install additional build tools. This downloads RTools. I then get an identical pop up like the make.exe one, except that this time it's for sh.exe. After I click ok, it then does a somewhat long install of RTools. The setup window closes and the development packages remain uninstalled.
Note: when I run either sh.exe or make.exe from the windows command line, I get the same errors. This might have something to do with the fact that I have cygwin installed.
I can get sh.exe and make.exe to run from the windows command line if I remove RTools from the path, leaving only cygwin. However, this doesn't change the problem I get when I try installing the development version of ranger.
Any help would be appreciated.
