Issue running jupyter notebook via wls - jupyter-notebook

Installed WSL on Windows 10.
Installed Anaconda according to the Anaconda documentation with the following commands:
source ~/.bashrc
You can see the '(base)' in the beginning of each command input line, indicating the conda is activated.
Then I run jupyter notebook by typing:
jupyter notebook
Then I see the following changes as shown in the screen record.
Briefly, the WSL terminal window showed some information very quickly, but is changed to the windows powershell window before you could even tell the information that showed up. I know those information should contain a file and url for opening the jupyter notebook in the web browser. But they flashed out so quickly. Does anyone know why this happens?
Here is a dynamic graph of the Screen record of this issue:

1. Wait for a bit more time on the windows cmd and the jupyter notebook running information will show up, where includes the url to open jupyter notebook in the web browser.
Open up another wsl terminal, activate the same environment and type jupyter notebook list, which will show the current running jupyter notebook server. The url is also can be found there.


Jupyter-notebook fails to start | PyForMLS

I am currently setting up a Python data-science client for SQL Server Machine Learning Services following this guide:
Unfortunately, running Jupyter notebooks for this distribution does not seem to work for me: Typing .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook in the distribution folder, or directly running jupyter-notebook.exe from the Scripts sub-folder does not start Jupyter. In the terminal, the command exits with no ouput.
Afterwards, https://localhost:8889/tree is not reachable as should be the case according to the tutorial above.
Any suggestions? (I already checked for solutions). Thank you!
Update: At least .\Scripts\jupyter-console is running, though it is not the same experience.
some cases .\Scripts\jupyter-notebook will not work fine because of the installation issues. As anaconda is having both commercial and enterprise editions, issues will raise.
Instead use the following procedure for cool opening of Jupyter-Notebook in anaconda distribution
Click on Start menu
Type Jupyter
Click on jupter icon which is visible in search results
Jupyter CMD will start running and make it minimized instead closing it. It will open the UI of jupyter notebook in browser.
Jupyter notebook for SQL
Check the documentation link which is available in link which is the configuration of jupyter notebook for SQL.
Document Credit: Rajendra Gupta

There is a problem when opening Jupyter Notebook

I installed Anaconda 3 in Linux and tried to open Jupyter notebook in browser by typing 'jupyter notebook' in terminal.
But what I've got is the screen I added below.
As I guess, Jupyter Notebook is currently opened via 'Elinks', but I have no idea about what this is.
Do you know how to open Jupyter Notebook in the browser I want, such as Firefox or Chrome?
I wanted to add some information in case you wanted to later access juypter notebook via elinks (or any other text-based web browser in terminal).
I will also go over opening jupyter notebook with Anaconda Navigator.
First, You need to first install Node.js Javascript Runtime Environment by running this command in terminal.
sudo apt-get install node.js
Next, close and reopen terminal (I always do this when installing new software via command line).
When you next try to access your jupyter notebook via elinks it will ask for a token or password.
Option 1 : Token.
Find the token by entering jupyter notebook list in terminal.
Option 2 : Password.
You can create a password for jupyter notebook by entering jupyter notebook password in the terminal.
You can now use the token or your newly created password in order to access jupyter notebook via full-featured text web browser such as elinks.
If you want to access jupyter notebook via Firefox, Chrome, etc. then just use anaconda. This will automatically open jupyter notebook in your standard web browser.
Enter anaconda-navigator in terminal.
Once anaconda navigator opens, simply launch jupyter notebook from the selection.
You can set Firefox or Chrome as default browser, then it should open directly in it.
If it still doesn't, you can always copy the URLs which are displayed when jupyter notebook is started, and paste it in your browser.
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
By the way, jupyter notebook doesn't work, because, by default, JS is not enabled in eLinks browser (you can enable it).

Problems running Jupyter Notebook

I've just installed Jupyter Notebook so I can follow the Udemy Python Bootcamp course.
I already had a fully working install of Python 3.71 and Pycharm and then installed Jupyter Notebook with:
pip install jupyter
This was successful other than messages about the some files not being in the PATH environment variable. I manually added the folder to PATH.
I have run Jupyter Notebook at the command prompt with:
jupyter notebook
So far so good - Jupyter Notebook home screen appears in my browser with all the expected folders, Documents, Desktop etc listed.
However if I try and left click on one to see its contents then it pauses for a few seconds and just displays the following (not very descriptive) error:
Server error: error
The error as a screen shot:
I'm absolutely stuck and can't progress my course without Jupyter Notebook.
I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Firefox (Quantum 64.0)
Bitdefender Internet Security 2018
You can try
pip install --upgrade jupyterhub
I solved the problem using this command.

Jupyter Folder Full

I recently downloaded Anaconda on my Windows and am trying to use the Jupyter notebook. However, when I open Jupyter, the it seems to be full of odd files.
Odd Files
I have tried to change the Jupyter home directory by changing the "Start in" in the Jupyter file but the home directory remained unchanged.
Start in
There are two problems here. The first being that there are a large number of files and running the jupyter notebook makes my computer run slow. Second that when I try to add folders, I get the error that I do not have ownership to do so.
Simple fix. I was previously running jupyter from the command prompt but running it through the anaconda navigator fixed it.

Jupyter Notebooks Hang in Browser on Windows 10

I just installed Miniconda and the R Essentials bundle on my Windows 10 machine, following the instructions given here. Everything went swimmingly until I opened up an Anaconda command prompt and entered jupyter notebook and got an error. I then used ipython notebook which worked, so okay, no problem there.
However, after creating a new folder and trying to create a new R notebook within that folder, my Jupyter tabs started to hang. Whenever I try to do something, whether it is rename the notebook, run a block of code, basically anything, all of the Jupyter tabs sit there loading endlessly saying "Waiting for localhost..."
I try stopping the server and restarting it, but every time I try to do anything I get the same result. I also tried changing the port and running the command prompt as administrator--same result. I am using Chrome, which shouldn't be an issue.
Any ideas? I was really excited about using a Jupyter notebook to keep track of my analyses in R, but if I can't even get it to function out of the box I'll have to find a better solution.
