Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-flavor-manage:create to be performed. (HTTP 403) - openstack

I am trying to create a flavor in openstack configuration, and for that i have the following command : openstack flavor create --ram 2048 --disk 20 --vcpus 1 csirtmu.tiny1x2.
But when i run it, i get the following error:
Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-flavor-manage:create to be performed. (HTTP 403)
I already tried to run it from the pipenv shell, but i still get the same error. I would be very thankful for every suggestion regarding a possible solution to this problem :) Thanks in advance.

The openstack account you use has simply not the permission for this operations. Per default openstack flavor create is only allowed for admin role.
Check the nova permission from : https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/configuration/policy.html. It could result in big problems, if every normal user could create his own flavors.


terraform GCP VPC connector creation issue

I tried creating a VPC network, having a subnet and adding a Serverless VPC connector with terraform in GCP. I was following the official guide ( https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/configure-serverless-vpc-access#terraform ) and initially everything was working well. After that I accidently commited my JSON key to github, someone stole it and used it for crypto, the project was disabled but shortly after that reinstated
After that my terraform VPC connector creations started to fail. I tried a lot of different things but nothing seems to work(running destroy, changine service accounts, changing names, deleting all of the terraform subfolders, deleting EVERY resource and restarting the process)
The errors I am getting are:
│ Error: Error waiting to create Connector: Error waiting for Creating Connector: Error code 13, message: An internal error occurred: Failed to create a VPC Access connector. Please delete the connector manually.
│ Error: Error creating Connector: googleapi: Error 409: Requested entity already exists
Today I tried to create VPC connector from the command line(gcloud) and from the UI tool. The errors persisted
Unknown error. Original error message: Operation failed: Insufficient CPU quota in region.
Max throughput of the connector per day over last seven days.
An internal error occurred: Failed to create a VPC Access connector. Please delete the connector manually.
errors while deleting:
│ Error: Error waiting for Deleting Network: The network resource 'projects/static-emblem-327016/global/networks/sun-serverless-network' is already being used by 'projects/static-emblem-327016/global/routes/default-route-5cbc9de02e21bb35'
I was lookint at this issue https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/164378672 In it I was problems with us-central1 but I tried a couple of different regions and still I have the same issue
I am running out of ideas, I was wondering if this is an infrastructural issue, maybe I should dump the project and create a new one ? Where can I check if there are infra issues ? How can I resolve my issue?
I recently get this error Error: Error creating Connector: googleapi: Error 409: Requested entity already exists. So I can explain the root cause and it's fix.
What I was doing is like trying to create a GCP resource (Create PubSub topic) using terraform (plan and then apply).
But before executing the terraform apply, I created the resource manually long time back with the same name. I expected that the terraform plan or terraform apply will not try to create it again since the resource name is same. But instead of Refreshing state, I found it was trying to Creating the resource. The reason it that, terraform does not know about your resource history. Either you need to import your resource history using terraform import command or else delete the manually created resource and then run the terraform apply command.
The message “An internal error occurred: Failed to create a VPC Access connector. Please delete the connector manually” can indicate that you don't have enough resources in your project to create the connector. Please make sure you have enough Resource Quota available in your GCP project.
The message “googleapi: Error 409: Requested entity already exists” indicates that The resource that a client tried to create already exists.
If you want to know what the root cause is, you can check the logs of the VPC Connector creation in the System Event Audit Logs.
System Event audit logs contain log entries for Google Cloud actions that modify the configuration of resources. System Event audit logs are generated by Google systems; they aren't driven by direct user action. System Event audit logs are always written; you can't configure, exclude, or disable them. The instructions to access them are here.
On the other hand, generating and distributing service account keys poses severe security risks to your organization. They are long-lived credentials that are not automatically rotated. These keys can be leaked accidentally or maliciously allow attackers to gain access to your sensitive GCP resources. If you accidentally compromised your JSON Key, please read the recommendations in this link.
If you want to know more about the risk and alternatives to download Service Account, Key please follow this link. Please note that this is not GCP official documentation, so I cannot vouch for its accuracy.
I was able to resolve my issue. It turns out that I had deleted my default compute engine service account in panic. I was able to recover it and everything worked out from there. For more info go here: https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-accounts#undeleting_a_service_account
you have to identify the default service acc for compute engine and undelete it:
gcloud beta iam service-accounts undelete ACCOUNT_ID

R- Following Error: API returned: Request had insufficient authentication scopes

I've verified my API in RStudio after hours of trying and now I've reached another error while trying to translate a sentence. Would be grateful for any help!
I'm just trying to translate "hello" to french using googleLanguageR package -
> gl_translate("Hello", "fr")
The result I get is this -
2021-01-21 17:15:36 -- Translating text: 5 characters -
i 2021-01-21 17:15:36 > Request Status Code: 403
Error: API returned: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
I'm a literal beginner in the field of computing and do not understand what scopes mean here.
Thanks for the help!
Scopes are permissions that you give to apps you use to access an API. For example, one App might have permission to read the private messages of a users, whereas another doesn't. It's similar to when an app on your phone asks for permission to use the camera, or access your contacts.
Your app is trying to do something that it doesn't have permission to do. You'll need to add the relevant scopes in whatever setting that it is where you're generating keys etc. Presumably Google Data Studio?
Okay, I found an answer.
I needed to download a json version of my key and authorize it using the code -
After doing this, I needed to make sure my API is enabled. Now, it is working perfectly!

Is it supported to create an integrated notebookVM when the workspace is configured to be in a VNET?

Trying to follow doc at secure your experiments but after configuring default workspace storage for VNET access, attempts to create integrated notebook VM fails with what looks like a storage access error.
Create Failed:
Failed to clone samples. Error details: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
We are working on adding virtual network support to NotebookVM.

Net.exe use 'Error: A command was used with conflicting switches.' while using /savecred

I am trying to use following command to map a drive in persistent mode, and I don't want it to ask login credentials everytime I reboot the machine:
net use P: \\server\folder Password123 /user:user123 /savecred /persistent:yes
But I am getting folowing error:
A command was used with conflicting switches.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3510.
I followed this article: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/commandlinereference/p/net-use-command.htm
Please help with this issue.
When we use /savecred switch we should not give the credentials in the same line. The correct command should be:
net use P: \\server\folder /savecred /persistent:yes
It will ask for username and password.
You can add your credentials to Windows Vault and then map you drive, this way you can avoid the limitation sabertooth1990 mentioned:
CMDKEY /add:%server% /user:%username% /pass:%password%
NET USE \\%server%\%folder% %localdrive% /SAVECRED /PERSISTENT:YES

Error '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED') While Connecting to MQ

I am getting this error while connecting to IBM MQ. I know that this is because of privileges, but is there any way just to check the connection with IBM MQ?
Please suggest.
The 2035 suggests that your connection is getting to the QMgr. If you had the wrong channel name, host or port you would get back a 2059. The 2035 means that the connection made it to the listener, found a channel of the name that was requested and attempted a connection.
If you want to test past this point it will be necessary to either authorize the ID that you are using to connect or to put an authorized ID in the MCAUSER attribute of the channel.
For a detailed explanation of how the WMQ security works on client channels, see the WMQ Base Hardening presentation at http://t-rob.net/links.
If you enable authorization messages then the 2035 will show up in the event queue. Then you can look at the message and see what ID was used to connect and what options were used too. The 2035 might be because you asked for set authority on the queue manager or something else you aren't supposed to have. The authorization messages wil show you that.
You can also resolve this By setting mcauser('mqm') .. i was able to overcome 2035 error.
Define channel (channel1) chltype (svrconn) trptype (tcp) mcauser(‘mqm’)
Esp thanx to my SENIOR Bilal Ahmad (PSE)
You have to check the privileges with an MQ administrator.
You can use dspmqaut to check the grant.
Below is the sample to give user poc access to Queue Manager QM1 and Queue LQ1
# check the access right of user POC to QM1
dspmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc
# if you want to give access, you should use
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc <access Types>
# eg (put everything - in the real live scenario, choose only what you want to grant) :
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc +put +get +browse +inq +set +crt +dlt +chg +dsp +passid +setid +setall +clr
Then dont forget to restart QM1 with
endmqm -i QM1
strmqm QM1
Finally, you should be able to proceed without error 2035.
I have been struggling with this for ages too. Eventually I found this solution. (If you can call turning off authentication a solution.)
I am using version
- IBM Websphere
From IBM's website they advise turning connection authentication off!!!
Resolving the problem Disable channel authentication
You will need to disable connection authentication, at least
temporarily. There are known issues in FTM for Check with regard to
using MQ connection authorization. These problems are actively being
addressed and fixes will appear in a future fix pack. The target is
Steps to disable connection authentication: Open MQ command console
and type runmqsc ALTER
CHCKCLNT(NONE) CHCKLOCL(NONE) Restart the queue manager for this
change to take effect.
Source http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21962081
On this topic if you are using MQSeries 9.1 in a test or development environment you can disable channel authentication with the following approach :
. Launch MQ command line utility with the following :
runmqsc (for example runmqsc QM1)
. Disable authentication for all channels with the following command
For a Q/Q-manager running on Windows, you may have to create the user on the Q/Q-manager machine [i.e. create a user on the Q-machine to match the user on the Q-client machine], and then add that user to the 'mqm' group on that machine.
Ensure that the domain user that is being used to create the Q CLIENT [i.e. the user that the Q-client app is running under] also exists on the box with the Q/Q-manager. You may be able to just create a local user on the Q/Q-manager box [, or you may have to do some more complicated creation of an Active Directory user - I can't help you there].
On the Q/Q-manager box, add the user you have just created [or the existing one, if it already exists] to the mqm group. [On a Windows server box you will need to use the Microsoft Management Console (1. 'mmc' from the command line, 2. File > Add/Remove SnapOn > Local Users & Groups, 3. add user to group)]. The 'mqm' group should already exist on the Q/Q-manager machine.
Error MQRC 2035 basically means that your application has been able to connect to the queue manager, however due to certain absence of permissions/authorizations, it was unable to put/get/publish/subscribe messages.
To resolve this, at first, try these steps in order to disable the authorizations from queue manager and channel. Use this only if it isn't a production queue manager.
Always check the queue manager logs. It tells you exactly where you need to look into, and resolve the issue.
In this case, generally, you can issue the following commands after doing a runmqsc on the queue manager :
Then set the chckclnt object(under authinfo) to optional
DISPLAY AUTHINFO(name-from-above) ALL //name from the first commands
This helps remove any blocks that the channel is creating against any user.
This should resolve your issue, since we have disabled every authorization that an application has to pass in order to do anything on a queue manager.
Now, in case you are using a production queue manager, NEVER remove authorizations.
Go, and right click on any QM that you have configured in your MQ explorer. Go to the QM authority, and authority records. Click on create new user, and give the same name as the username your application is using. Select all the checkboxes, then copy from the space below all the commands that are given. Namely, setmqaut. Edit with your queue manager name, and issue them!
----Never give up, the answer is where you have not looked yet--------
