jq - extract multiple fields from a list, with a nested list of key/value pairs - jq

I have the following structure:
"Subnets": [
"SubnetId": "foo1",
"Id": "bar1",
"Tags": [
"Key": "Name",
"Value": "foo"
"Key": "Status",
"Value": "dev"
"SubnetId": "foo2",
"Id": "bar2",
"Tags": [
"Key": "Name",
"Value": "foo"
"Key": "Status",
"Value": "dev"
I can extract multiple keys at the "top level" like so:
cat subnets.json| jq '.Subnets[] | "\(.Id) \(.SubnetId)"'
Anyone know how I can also display one of the tags by key name, let's say I also want the Status tag displayed on the same line as the Id and SubnetId.
Thx for any help,

Is this what you are looking for?
jq '.Subnets[] | "\(.Id) \(.SubnetId) \(.Tags | from_entries | .Status)"' subnets.json


Simplify array of objects with children using JQ

From Wikidata, I get the following json:
# Sparql query
query=$(cat ./myquery.sparql)
response=$(curl -G --data-urlencode query="${query}" https://wikidata.org/sparql?format=json)
echo "${response}" | jq '.results.bindings'
"language": {
"type": "uri",
"value": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q100"
"wikidata": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "Q36157"
"code": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "lub"
"language": {
"type": "uri",
"value": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q101"
"wikidata": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "Q36284"
"code": {
"type": "literal",
"value": "srr"
I would like to have the keys directly paired with their values, such as :
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q100",
"wikidata": "Q36157",
"iso": "lub"
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q101",
"wikidata": "Q36284",
"iso": "srr"
I currently have a non-resilient code, which will break whenever the key names change :
jq 'map({"language":.language.value,"wikidata":.wikidata.value,"iso":.code.value})'
How to pair the keys with their values in a resilient way (not naming the keys) ?
I want to "prune" the child objects so to only keep the value.
You could use map_values which works like the outer map but for objects, i.e. it retains the object structure, including the field names:
jq 'map(map_values(.value))'
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q100",
"wikidata": "Q36157",
"code": "lub"
"language": "https://lingualibre.org/entity/Q101",
"wikidata": "Q36284",
"code": "srr"
Note that this solution lacks the name conversion from code to iso.

How to get value pairs of the objects from JSON using jq

I have a json file named as param.json that looks as below:
"Value": "anshuman.ceg+Dev#gmail.com",
"Key": "AccountEmail"
"Value": "DevABC",
"Key": "AccountName"
"Value": "Security (ou-nzx5-8ajd1561)",
"Key": "ManagedOrganizationalUnit"
"Value": "anshuman.ceg+Dev#gmail.com",
"Key": "SSOUserEmail"
"Value": "John",
"Key": "SSOUserFirstName"
"Value": "Smith",
"Key": "SSOUserLastName"
I want to get only the Value for DevABC so that I can use while reading the -r line. I need only DevABC
I am using jq as follows which doesn't seem to work
jq -r .[1].Value param.json
Assuming all your Key values are distinct, you can first convert the array into an object and then access the "AccountName" property directly:
jq -r 'from_entries | .AccountName' param.json
from_entries will generate the following object, which allows you to easily access the value for a given key:
"AccountEmail": "anshuman.ceg+Dev#gmail.com",
"AccountName": "DevABC",
"ManagedOrganizationalUnit": "Security (ou-nzx5-8ajd1561)",
"SSOUserEmail": "anshuman.ceg+Dev#gmail.com",
"SSOUserFirstName": "John",
"SSOUserLastName": "Smith"
If the object keys in the input happen not to be "Key" and "Value" and you can't use from_entries, select would be a good approach:
jq --arg k 'AccountName' -r '.[] | select(.Key == $k).Value'

Combine multiple json to single json using jq

I am new to jq and stuck with this problem for a while. Any help is appreciable.
I have two json files,
In file1.json:
"version": 4,
"group1": [
"content": "old content"
"group2": [
And in file2.json:
"group1": [
"name" : "newitem1"
"content": "new content"
"group2": [
"name" : "newitem2"
Expected result is:
"version": 4,
"group1": [
"content": "old content"
"name" : "newitem1"
"group2": [
"name" : "newitem2"
Criterial for merge:
Has to merge only group1 and group2
Match only by name
I have tried
jq -S '.group1+=.group1|.group1|unique_by(.name)' file1.json file2.json
but this is filtering group1 and all other info are lost.
This approach uses INDEX to create a dictionary of unique elements based on their .name field, reduce to iterate over the group fields to be considered, and an initial state created by combining the slurped (-s) input files using add after removing the group fileds to be processed separately using del.
jq -s '
[ "group1", "group2" ] as $gs | . as $in | reduce $gs[] as $g (
map(del(.[$gs[]])) | add; .[$g] = [INDEX($in[][$g][]; .name)[]]
' file1.json file2.json
"version": 4,
"group1": [
"name": "olditem1",
"content": "new content"
"name": "newitem1"
"group2": [
"name": "olditem2"
"name": "newitem2"

transform json input using jq command

I have the following json input from a internet service:
"sunarme": "foo",
"id": "foo-id",
"name": "Foo bar",
"profile": [
"id": "test1",
"products": [
"description": "test1 description"
"id": "test2",
"products": [
"description": "test2 description"
"id": "test3",
"products": [
"description": "test2 description"
So I need to transform profile key from array to json object. This is the desired output:
"sunarme": "foo",
"id": "foo-id",
"name": "Foo bar",
"profile": {
"test1": [
"test2": [
"test3": [
I don't have any idea how to do it in jq command, please, could you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Use with_entries which lets you convert the array into an object if you adjust the .keys accordingly.
jq '.profile |= with_entries(.key = .value.id | .value |= .products)'
Or use reduce to build the object by iterating through the array.
jq '.profile |= reduce .[] as $p ({}; .[$p.id] = $p.products)'
Or use map to convert each array item into an object, then merge them using add.
jq '.profile |= (map({(.id): .products}) | add)'
Output is:
"sunarme": "foo",
"id": "foo-id",
"name": "Foo bar",
"profile": {
"test1": [
"test2": [
"test3": [

Conditional select using jq

I have this below json format, I want to take the list of "id" which satisfies the condition
in this below I want to take the id which has matchers.value as dev-stack and status.state as active
"status": "success",
"data": [
"id": "b5e7f85d",
"matchers": [
"name": "stack",
"value": "dev-stack",
"isRegex": true
"startsAt": "2020-07-13T07:17:36Z",
"endsAt": "2020-07-15T07:15:44Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-13T07:15:59.643692023Z",
"createdBy": "api",
"comment": "Silence",
"status": {
"state": "active"
"id": "1fdaa4b5",
"matchers": [
"name": "stack",
"value": "qa-stack",
"isRegex": true
"startsAt": "2020-07-10T13:19:12Z",
"endsAt": "2020-07-10T13:20:55.510739499Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-10T13:20:55.510739499Z",
"createdBy": "api",
"comment": "Silence",
"status": {
"state": "expired"
Here is a solution which uses update assignment |=, map and select to update .data.
Note it avoids an undesirable cartesian product if multiple .matchers meet the criteria by using any.
.data |= map(select(
(.matchers | any(.value=="dev-stack")) and (.status.state=="active")
Try it online!
