Type mismatch in async method - asynchronous

I have an asynchronous method I'm writing which is supposed to asynchronously query for a port until it finds one, or time out at 5 minutes;
member this.GetPort(): Async<Port> = this._GetPort(DateTime.Now)
member this._GetPort(startTime: DateTime): Async<Port> = async {
match this._TryGetOpenPort() with
| Some(port) -> port
| None -> do
if (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes >= 5 then
raise (Exception "Unable to open a port")
do! Async.Sleep(100)
let! result = this._GetPort(startTime)
member this._TryGetOpenPort(): Option<Port> =
// etc.
However, I'm getting some strange type inconsistencies in _GetPort; the function says I'm returning a type of Async<unit> instead of Async<Port>.

It's a little unintuitive, but way to make your code work would be this:
member private this.GetPort(startTime: DateTime) =
async {
match this.TryGetOpenPort() with
| Some port ->
return port
| None ->
if (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes >= 5 then
raise (Exception "Unable to open a port")
do! Async.Sleep(100)
let! result = this.GetPort(startTime)
return result
member private this.TryGetOpenPort() = failwith "yeet" // TODO
I took the liberty to clean up a few things and make the member private, since that seems to be what you're largely going after here with a more detailed internal way to get the port.
The reason why your code wasn't compiling was because you were inconsistent in what you were returning from the computation:
In the case of Some(port) you were missing a return keyword - which is required to lift the value back into an Async<port>
Your if expression where you raise an exception had an else branch but you weren't returning from both. In this case, since you clearly don't wish to return anything and just raise an exception, you can omit the else and make it an imperative program flow just like in non-async code.
The other thing you may wish to consider down the road is if throwing an exception is what you want, or if just returning a Result<T,Err> or an option is the right call. Exceptions aren't inherently bad, but often a lot of F# programming leads to avoiding their use if there's a good way to ascribe meaning to a type that wraps your return value.


Shouldn't I call next on future::stream::Unfold?

I'm calling next multiple times on a Stream returned by this function: https://github.com/sdroege/rtsp-server/blob/96dbaf00a7111c775348430a64d6a60f16d66445/src/listener/message_socket.rs#L43:
pub(crate) fn async_read<R: AsyncRead + Unpin + Send>(
read: R,
max_size: usize,
) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Message<Body>, ReadError>> + Send {
futures::stream::unfold(Some(state), move |mut state| async move {
sometimes it works, but sometimes I get:
thread 'main' panicked at 'Unfold must not be polled after it returned `Poll::Ready(None)`', /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/futures-util-0.3.13/src/stream/unfold.rs:115:21
The error comes from https://docs.rs/futures-util/0.3.2/src/futures_util/stream/unfold.rs.html#112
but I couldn't understand why. Shouldn't I be free to call next on a Stream, in a loop?
This error is an error for a reason, as it likely means that you are doing something wrong: when a stream returns Poll::Ready(None), it means that the stream is completed (in a similar fashion to Iterator, as has been commented).
However, if you are still sure that this is what you want to do, then you can call stream.fuse() in order to silence the error and simply return Poll::Ready(None) forever.

How run in background a blocking call in F#?

I need to call in the background a API that call a webservice. I don't wish to turn the (very complex) method to async, just say "do all this on the background".
But I'm lost in how do this with F#. This is what I have:
let task = async {
let result = SyncApi.syncData(login.url, login.zone, login.user, login.pwd) <-- THIS MUST RUN IN BACKGROUND...
match result with
|Some(msg) -> failwith msg
| None -> ()
|> Async.Catch
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> fun x ->
match x with
| Choice1Of2 x -> rootPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync(true) |> ignore
| Choice2Of2 ex -> showMsgError(ex.Message)
If you're looking for simple fire and forget style to start the API call an don't use the result on the current thread, Async.Start(task) might be what you're looking for. It takes the Async workflow, starts it on a thread pool and immediately returns so that your method can continue.
But seeing that you need the result to either change navigation or show an error message, you might need to call the SyncApi synchronously on the current thread and wait for its result.
Alternatively, if your application model allows it, you can do something like this:
(* Define the task including error handling. *)
let task = async {
let result = SyncApi.syncData(login.url, login.zone, login.user, login.pwd)
match result with
| Some msg ->
(* This may have to be posted back to the UI context.
Correct way depends on technology (Xamarin vs. WPF vs. MVC...) *)
showMsgError msg
| None -> ()
(* Fire and forget the async API call. *)
(* Optimistically navigate away immediately,
while `task` may still be in progress. *)
rootPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync(true) |> ignore
This will start the task on a thread pool, navigate away, but in case the async task failed, it will trigger the error message. However it assumes that your application can show the error message asynchronously for example as a popup, not only in the context of the page that started the task.

XCTest: how to check whether an asynchronous element exists

I work on test automation for an app that communicates with the server. The app has 7 pre-defined strings. Depending on the info the server returns, which is not deterministic and depends on external factors, the app places one to three of the seven pre-defined strings in a table view as hittable static texts. The user has a choice which of those strings to tap.
To automate this test I need an asynchronous way to determine in the test code which of the 7 pre-defined strings actually appear on the screen.
I cannot use element.exists because it takes time for static texts to appear and I do not want to call sleep() because that would slow down the test.
So I tried to use XCTestExpectation but got a problem. XCTest always fails when waitForExpectationsWithTimeout() times out.
To illustrate the problem I wrote a simple test program:
func testExample() {
let element = XCUIApplication().staticTexts["Email"]
let gotText = haveElement(element)
print("Got text: \(gotText)")
func haveElement(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool{
var elementExists = true
let expectation = self.expectationForPredicate(
NSPredicate(format: "exists == true"),
evaluatedWithObject: element,
handler: nil)
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(NSTimeInterval(5)) { error in
elementExists = error == nil
return elementExists
The test always fails with
Assertion Failure: Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "Expect predicate `exists == 1` for object "Email" StaticText".
I also tried
func haveElement(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
var elementExists = false
let actionExpectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Expected element")
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
while true {
if element.exists {
elementExists = true
} else {
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(NSTimeInterval(5)) { error in
elementExists = error == nil
return elementExists
In this case the test always fails with
Stall on main thread.
So the question is how do I check a presence of an asynchronous UI element that may or may not appear within specified time without the test failing on timeout?
Thank you.
You're overcomplicating the test. If you're communicating with a server, there is unnecessary variability in your tests -- my suggestion is to use stubbed network data for each case.
You can get a brief introduction to stubbing network data here:
You will eliminate the randomness in the test based on response time of the server as well as the randomness of which string is appearing. Create test cases that respond to each case (i.e, how the app responds when you tap on each individual string)

Async.TryCancelled doesn't work with Async.RunSynchronously

I try to create an agent that updates UI based on user interaction. If user clicks on a button, the GUI should be refreshed. The preparation of model takes a long time, so it is desirable that if user clicks on other button, the preparation is cancelled and the new one is started.
What I have so far:
open System.Threading
type private RefreshMsg =
| RefreshMsg of AsyncReplyChannel<CancellationTokenSource>
type RefresherAgent() =
let mutable cancel : CancellationTokenSource = null
let doSomeModelComputation i =
async {
printfn "start %A" i
do! Async.Sleep(1000)
printfn "middle %A" i
do! Async.Sleep(1000)
printfn "end %A" i
let mbox =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbx ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = mbx.Receive()
match msg with
| RefreshMsg(chnl) ->
let cancelSrc = new CancellationTokenSource()
let update = async {
do! doSomeModelComputation 1
do! doSomeModelComputation 2
//do! updateUI // not important now
let cupdate = Async.TryCancelled(update, (fun c -> printfn "refresh cancelled"))
Async.RunSynchronously(cupdate, -1, cancelSrc.Token)
printfn "loop()"
return! loop()
loop ())
mbox.Error.Add(fun exn -> printfn "Error in refresher: %A" exn)
member x.Refresh() =
if cancel <> null then
// I don't handle whether the previous computation finished
// I just cancel it; might be improved
cancel <- mbox.PostAndReply(fun reply -> RefreshMsg(reply))
printfn "x.Refresh end"
let agent = RefresherAgent()
I return a CancellationTokenSource for each request and store it in a mutable variable (the x.Refresh() is thread safe, it is called on UI thread).
If Refresh() is called for the first time, the cancellation source is returned. If Refresh() is called for the second time, I call Cancel which should abort the async task that I run through Async.RunSynchronously.
However, an exception is raised. The output from my sample is
x.Refresh end
start 1
middle 1
end 1
refresh cancelled
Error in refresher: System.OperationCanceledException: The operation was canceled.
at Microsoft.FSharp.Control.AsyncBuilderImpl.commit[a](Result`1 res)
Now as I think about this, it might make sense, because the thread on which the agent runs, was interrputed, right? But, how do I achieve the desired behaviour?
I need to cancel async workflow inside the agent, so that the agent can continue consuming new messages. Why do I use the mailbox processor? Cause it is guaranteed that only one thread is trying to create UI model, so I save resources.
Let's suppose I create UI model by downloading data from several web services, that's why I use async call. When user changes a combo and select other option, I want to stop querying the webservices (= cancel the async calls) with old value and want to create new model base od web services call with new value.
Any suggestion that I can use instead of my solution and will solve my problem, is also welcome.
I have difficulties in trying to understand what you want to achieve. But maybe this does not matter - the error just says that the workflow you are executing with RunSynchronously was canceled (RunSynchronously will throw the exception) - so you can wrap this call into a try-match block and just ignore the OC-Exception
a better option might be to refactor your cupdate and to the try-match inside of this - you can even bring the in TryCancelled into it if you catch the OC-Exceptions directly ;)
let update =
async {
do! doSomeModelComputation 1
do! doSomeModelComputation 2
| :? OperationCanceledException ->
printfn "refresh cancelled"
Async.RunSynchronously(update, -1, cancelSrc.Token)
But I still don't get the part why you want this Synchronously

F# - The type was expected to have type Async<'a> but has string -> Asnyc<'a> instead

After shamelessly pilfering a code snippet from Tomas Petricek's Blog:
Specifically, this one (and making a few alterations to it):
let downloadPage(url:string) (postData:string) = async {
let request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url)
// Asynchronously get response and dispose it when we're done
use! response = request.AsyncGetResponse()
use stream = response.GetResponseStream()
let temp = new MemoryStream()
let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 4096
// Loop that downloads page into a buffer (could use 'while'
// but recursion is more typical for functional language)
let rec download() = async {
let! count = stream.AsyncRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
do! temp.AsyncWrite(buffer, 0, count)
if count > 0 then return! download() }
// Start the download asynchronously and handle results
do! download()
temp.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
let html = (new StreamReader(temp)).ReadToEnd()
return html };;
I tried to do the following with it, and got the error on the last line:
The type was expected to have type Async<'a> but has string -> Asnyc<'a> instead
I googled the error but couldn't find anything that revealed my particular issue.
let postData = "userid=" + userId + "&password=" + password + "&source=" + sourceId + "&version=" + version
let url = postUrlBase + "100/LogIn?" + postData
Async.RunSynchronously (downloadPage(url, postData));;
Also, how would I modify the code so that it downloads a non-ending byte stream (but with occasional pauses between each burst of bytes) asynchronously instead of a string? How would I integrate reading this byte stream as it comes through? I realize this is more than one question, but since they are are all closely related I figured one question would save some time.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. As I am still new to F# please feel free to make any alterations/suggestions to my code which shows how its done in a more functional style. I'm really trying to get out of my C# mindset, so I appreciate any pointers anyone may wish to share.
Edit: I accidentally pasted in the wrong snippet I was using. I did make an alteration to Tomas' snippet and forgot about it.
When I attempt to run your code downloadPage(url, postData) doesn't work as downloadPage expects two seperate strings. downloadPage url postData is what is expected.
If you changed the let binding to tuple form, or let downloadPage(url:string, postData:string) your call would have worked as well.
To explain why you got the error you got is more complicated. Curried form creates a function that returns a function or string -> string -> Async<string> in your case. The compiler therefore saw you passing a single parameter (tuples are single items after all) and saw that the result would have to be a string -> Async<string> which is not compatible with Async<string>. Another error it could have found (and did in my case) is that string * string is not compatible with string. The exact error being Expected string but found 'a * 'b.
This is what I had:
Async.RunSynchronously (downloadPage(url, postData));;
this is what worked after continued random guessing:
Async.RunSynchronously (downloadPage url postData);;
Although, I'm not sure why this change fixed the problem. Thoughts?
