JavaFX internationalization not working in jar file - javafx

I developed an application in JavaFX that supports the English and Arabic languages.
Support for both languages works fine in NetBeans, however, when I run the jar file, the Arabic language does not work (see the screenshot).
How can I fix this problem?
Note, the menu bar portion does work fine in the Arabic language because I have this line of code that uses the system menu bar.
final String os = System.getProperty("");
if (os != null && os.startsWith("Mac")) {


How to display Chinese characters on Linux embedded devices Qt

I have a software running on an embedded Linux written in Qt/QML. I am using a font family, let's call it SomeFontFamily.otf. This font family doesn't support Chinese characters, therefore when I want to display a Chinese text I am getting empty squares instead. If I run the same software on my desktop Linux I get the same result with Chinese text, but if I add a .font directory in my home folder with a font family that supports Chinese then it displays the characters. So I thought I can do the same on the embedded device and added a .font folder in my home directory with the right font, but unfortunately it didn't work. Then I have found this doc about Qt fonts on embedded devices. It says that I should put my font under lib/fonts directory because Qt will search there for it on embedded devices. I tried it, but unfortunately with no success. Anybody had a similar issue? Just for the record this is not translation related. I just want to be able to display Chinese characters in an english text.
Embedded QT versions often lack features, disabled by people who want to cut on dependencies without checking what the dependencies are there for in the first place.
To get font substitution to work you need a build with fontconfig enabled. To get complex text support (anything that exercises more than latin glyphs) you need harfbuzz, the newer version (harfbuzz-ng) the better.
I have fixed the problem with Arabic language by using my own FontConfig. You have to enable it using FontConfig & Font Qt Embedded
My final solution was actually creating a wrapper class for QFont and adding QFont::insertSubstitution(...) in the constructor for my set font. Then expose it to QML and use it as a default font. It works like a charm.
As a side note: if you have bundled your fonts with a resource file (.qrc) you have to add those fonts with QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont.

Ubunto12.04-Gnome3 -- Show icon in alt-tab menu using .desktop file

After Googling for hours, I didn't find any answer for the following issue and so glad if anyone could help.
I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Gnome-shell 3.4.1. Consider the following simple program in file $HOME/ which I have made it executable:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gtk
w = gtk.Window()
w.set_size_request(250, 150)
w.set_title("test program")
w.connect('destroy', lambda x: gtk.main_quit())
I've used MenuLibre to define a_run0.desktop in $HOME/.local/share/applications as below:
[Desktop Entry]
I made a_run0.desktop to be executable and I see a file named “a_run” in $HOME/.local/share/applications with proper icon (Icon=applications-development
). Running the program and using alt-tab, the icon is also shown in alt-tab menu quite well.
The question is, when I copy “a_run” file (actually a_run0.desktop) to $HOME/Desktop, the file is shown with correct icon in Desktop but after running it, the icon shown in alt-tab menu is changed to unknown-red-circle-icon with the name of original file “” underneath.
What is made this problem and how can I see the defined-icon (in .desktop file) correctly in the alt-tab menu after running the program from $HOME/Desktop?
Try to add icon to your window using python and gtk. I think that icon in .desktop file only specify how .desktop file is shown in system not application.
Certainly in more recent versions of Gnome shell (I'm using 3.14.1) the entry Icon should point to the actual icon you want to use, e.g

Text in resource file is not displaying correctly in Chinese

I have a website that is written in where the text is resourced in resource files. I am able to successfully view the correct characters for all (Spanish, German, Arabic, Korean, etc) languages except Chinese. When I change my browser to Chinese (any version) I get weird characters displayed. I have Chinese fonts installed and have tried changing encoding but nothing seems to work. This is happening in both IE9 and FF9.
English - Progress
Chinese (in resource file) - 進度
Display in browser - 进程
Any help would be appreciated,
If you see weird characters in the .resx file when you edit it in Visual Studio, that means the file itself is corrupt. Fix the errors and the text should show up properly in the browser.

Arabic Locale Support in Flex

Today, I learn how to localize my Flex application and to support multiple languages. The tutorials on-line are great. However, non of them mention the Arabic locale.
So basically, I created the Arabic (Jordan) locale files in the SDK folder by using:
copylocale en_US ar_JO
I navigated to the locale folder and I was able to see the ar_JO folder in there... So I assume everything went smooth.
Next, I followed the tutorials ( and was able to localize my test application in English, French, and Arabic. Clicking on any of those languages switches the labels of my simple form/into the desired language... however:
When switching to the Arabic language the labels turn into empty square symbols. If you are wondering, yes I can open a notepad and type Arabic text and save it successfully.
When I type Arabic text into the text boxes, I can see the Arabic words that I typed correctly (the labels are still square symbols).
Any ideas what I might be missing here??
I tried changing the font of my application (right on the application tag I set the fontFamily) into Simplified Arabic which comes by default on Windows.
Have you embedded a font into your swf which can render Arabic? Are you using that font? If the answer is no to either, then I suggest reading up on the subject.
One thing to remember about Flash and fonts is that it has incredible power which comes from the fact that one is able to embed actual fonts into the swf itself. One also needs to remember that Flash is incredibly finicky and is prone to throwing fits if you fail to do so.
The solution is to change the context-type to UTF-8. Three ways to accomplish this from within Flex Builder:
(Option 1) Right click the file from the File Navigator and select Properties
(Option 2) With the file open, navigate to the File menu and choose Properties
(Option 3) With the file open, press Alt + Enter to bring up the file Properties
Once the properties window is displayed, you will see the option to change the file encoding from Default to Other (UTF-8).
Note: At least for me, once I changed the content-type to UTF-8, I had to close my unsaved file, open it back up, and paste my contents back into the file in order to clear the error message. Then clean the project (Project -> Clean...) and let it rebuild.
I found the solution. Actually, I didn't have to embed any fonts or anything in order to get it working.
My problem was the encoding in the file. I opened it in Notepad++, then I noticed the Encoding menu. At that time, I remembered reading something about that the encoding of the resources files should be UTF-8. So I converted the encoding to UTF-8 from the menu, compiled, it didn't work! After couple of retries and cleaning the project, it worked successfully!!!
Just a reminder for everybody (as I have fallen into this while working this problem out):
For mx components, embedded fonts must have the embedAsCFF set to false.

Adobe AIR: Controls flipped (mirrored) in certain build environments

I'm having an issue where certain controls are flipped, depending on the machine that I'm building my project on. On my development machine, when I build it, everything is okay. However, when I build it on our build server, some things are flipped. It seems to be things that are on a higher layer - for instance, options in the select control (see first image below), alerts/overlays (see second image below), etc. It's not just the text, either - the entire content is flipped, images and all.
I have verified that the code is exactly the same in both instances, so it must have something to do with settings or the flex SDK version. On my development machine, the Flex SDK version is, and on the build server, the Flex SDK version is I can downgrade the SDK on the build server if needed - but could it really be an issue with the SDK? Any ideas?
It looks like this will be fixed in the 4.5 SDK--see SDK-26473 for workarounds.
I was able to fix the mirroring by turning off Flex 3 Compatibility Mode in the Flex compiler settings (if using mxmlc, -compatibility-version=4.0).
Your build machine must be set to a locale which uses right-to-left text, such as Hebrew or Arabic keyboard setting.
Oops - hadn't read all of dpstone's answer before I posted my comment to the question.
The answer to this problem is in the bug he linked to. You need to explicitly set the layout direction. You can do this in one of two ways.
1) in a .css file that you import into your main application file:
layoutDirection: "ltr";
2) you can set it in a <style> tag in your main application file.
layoutDirection: "ltr";
