SSO in React-Django and Wordpress - wordpress

I have developed a website using React as frontend and Django as backend. Now I have a website already built in WordPress.
My task is to implement SSO for these two platforms. Also the users have registered themselves in React-Django site.
How can I go through this such that the users don't have to register again and using the data in Django, I can facilitate user to access the WordPress?

If you already have SAML support implemented on your React-Django sites then you can set up WordPress SSO using this WordPress SAML SP SSO Plugin offered by miniOrange.
You can find this WordPress SSO plugin here:
You will need to configure the React-Django website as your Identity Provider (IDP) and WordPress as Service Provider (SP), you can then setup registration / Login into WordPress using login credentials of React-Django.
I believe they also provide custom solutions if you do not support SAML on your Django site yet.


how to make Authentication in Gatsby paired with WordPress as a headless CMS?

I am working o a project where I am using Gatsby for front-End and WordPress as a headless CMS for the back end but now I want to add user registration, authentication and a client area which will only be available to authenticated users but I am lost as to how to implement this functionality
I can fetch data from WordPress but I don't know how to send and then process that data in WordPress,
any ideas or guidelines will be much appreciated
We have a similar setup on a project, just with Next.js.
We use Firebase for the authentication process and have the whole setup with user profile, notifications, etc.
Here is a how-to for integration Firebase Authentication into Gatsby

Wordpress users should auto login to zend application

I have a wordpress website( and zend application( hosted in different servers. Need to have a menu link in wordpress site which should redirect to zend application with user login(logged in wordpress users should not login again in zend app). Can anybody help to achieve this.
This is called Single Sign-On. The idea is:
Set up an authorization API in WordPress.
Set up a separate auth component in Zend.
Ping the WordPress endpoint when a user hits a
protected page in the Zend App and then manually log in the user.
(This would create a second set of auth cookies)

Wordpress Single Sign On

Iam having 4 Wordpress sites, 2 MediaWiki sites and one Drupal site.
I want to create a Single centralized login system so that users can access all these sites with Single account. I want to host it. I don't want SSO like FB Login, G Login, etc.
Is there any wordpress plugin or CMS or Script available for this?
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
What you want is implementing your own Identity Provider (IdP). Today the two most used standards are OAuth 2.0 and SAML.
For SAML - you can use for example simpleSAMLphp project. It will allow you to have SSO with your own user repository and there are some nice plugins for common CMS systems (Drupal, Wordpress) to integrate with any SAML IdP.
If you're new in this field it may take you some time to fully understand and debug the SAML authentication, but it is commonly used, secure (if you do it right) and works.

Integration MVC application with WordPress using Single Sign On

I am trying to integrate WordPress blog with the MVC application so that the users logged into the MVC application can access the WordPress blog (like SSO).(i.e) the users should able to access WordPress blog with the credentials used for the MVC application.
Previously I have tried with OAuth2 and DotnetOpenAuth plug-ins, but I could not make it single sign on. Is there any other way to make SSO with WordPress from MVC.

how could i make working self-hosted openid provider, connected to wordpress

To have own OpenId provider connected with self-hosted Wordpress blog, so Wordpress admin could use his OpenId to login to Admin Panel, and also to comment other blogs with this OpenId.
Blog address:
OpenId provider: /id/
OpenId created: same as blog address
WP Plugins used:
WP-Yadis 1.2.1
XRDS-Simple 1.0
OpenId 3.3.2
I have installed phpMyId as OpenId provider. I have managed to connect created OpenId and management panel login, so Admin could login to management panel with created OpenId.
However, i can't use this OpenId anywhere else, not on blogspot, not on other wordpress blogs etc.
There do seem to be some issues with the phpmyid implementation. I installed it on my blog actually, but I could not use it here on stackoverflow last time I tried (admittedly, about a year ago) and had to use my google openid.
