Wordpress Single Sign On - wordpress

Iam having 4 Wordpress sites, 2 MediaWiki sites and one Drupal site.
I want to create a Single centralized login system so that users can access all these sites with Single account. I want to host it. I don't want SSO like FB Login, G Login, etc.
Is there any wordpress plugin or CMS or Script available for this?

Welcome to Stackoverflow!
What you want is implementing your own Identity Provider (IdP). Today the two most used standards are OAuth 2.0 and SAML.
For SAML - you can use for example simpleSAMLphp project. It will allow you to have SSO with your own user repository and there are some nice plugins for common CMS systems (Drupal, Wordpress) to integrate with any SAML IdP.
If you're new in this field it may take you some time to fully understand and debug the SAML authentication, but it is commonly used, secure (if you do it right) and works.


SSO in React-Django and Wordpress

I have developed a website using React as frontend and Django as backend. Now I have a website already built in WordPress.
My task is to implement SSO for these two platforms. Also the users have registered themselves in React-Django site.
How can I go through this such that the users don't have to register again and using the data in Django, I can facilitate user to access the WordPress?
If you already have SAML support implemented on your React-Django sites then you can set up WordPress SSO using this WordPress SAML SP SSO Plugin offered by miniOrange.
You can find this WordPress SSO plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/miniorange-saml-20-single-sign-on/
You will need to configure the React-Django website as your Identity Provider (IDP) and WordPress as Service Provider (SP), you can then setup registration / Login into WordPress using login credentials of React-Django.
I believe they also provide custom solutions if you do not support SAML on your Django site yet.

Headless Wordpress with user authentication

I've set up af headless WP with a ReactJS frontend. My idea is to use the WP backend to store and manage content that users create. I want people to be able to sign up and login to my site, and create their own content. But my problem is, that I need a guide/tutorial how to do is. Should I use the JWT authentication plugin and how do I create users (does not have to be WP users)?
Any ideas?
Thanks Kasper
First you must create WordPress users as the WordPress code checks the capabilities of the current user to allow write access to its data. WordPress supports a REST API that allows front end JavaScript to access its data. It by default uses cookie authentication to control access. However, there are actions/filters so you can implement your own authentication. If you use the default cookie authentication then you can use the WordPress login facilities to handle authentication. The supported JavaScript client is a Backbone client. I don't know if that will work well with ReactJS (I don't know ReactJS) so you may need to some work with the front-end client side.
Incidentally, the WordPress Calypso project uses a ReactJS frontend to access the WordPress backend. I don't know this project so I don't have an opinion. My feeling is that WordPress decided on Backbone before ReactJS became well known but ReactJS is actually much better so they have the Calypso project. You can read that code to get ideas.

Is it possible to integrate Social Login in asp.net that will work over multiple domain

I have 2 asp.net website hosted on 2 different domain in a same server and also sharing the same database.
How can I implement it like this way that user logged via social login provider(Facebook, Google) and they will be logged in other site automatically?
Can anyone give me some sort of reference about this?
You need to go with option of SSO
Please try the below solution that I found.
for Social Login
for Cross Domain (SSO)
Asp.net forms authentication and multiple domains
I hope this helps. let me know your outcome.

Moodle/Drupal single sign on using OAuth or ldap

I want to create a way for Moodle users to automatically login to a Drupal site using OAuth or ldap.
How can this be done..
Is there any well written modules or api around there?
Any help will be thankful and grateful?
Thanks in advance...
Have you already had a look to this integration mechanism?
You can configure your Drupal site with Moodle using any of the 2 protocols (OAuth or LDAP). If you are looking for some plugins or module to do so, you can check out the Drupal OAuth Login module for OAuth and also the Drupal LDAP module (if you are looking for LDAP)

Ning - Wordpress Single Sign On

I happened to chanced upon Kyle Ford's 2007 blog post regarding Wordpress' integration with Ning:
However, the source code has been taken offline, I'm assuming it is due to the changes in the Ning API and it's transition to OAuth.
We currently have a client that would like users to login to their Ning network and automatically authenticate on their corresponding Wordpress account. We're hosting videos on the Wordpress site that we only want users with Ning accounts to be able to access.
If you have any insight into how we can do this, any help would be appreciated.
We have complete access to the Wordpress files, but the Ning services resides on their servers.
After discussing my question with the Ning developers, we found out that the capability to perform SSO with Ning -> Wordpress does not exist at this time.
