2 updates within one Firestore transaction - firebase

I am new to Firestore transaction, and would like to update a document field based the current data of the document.
My planned transaction is given below:
const cityRef = db.collection('cities').doc('SF');
try {
await db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
const doc = await t.get(cityRef);
let status = doc.data().myStatus;
if (status == "one") {
throw "err";
} else {
// run some function - next status is based on the return
let output = await someFunction();
if (output) {
await t.update(cityRef, { myStatus: "two" });
return output;
} else {
await t.update(cityRef, { myStatus: "three" });
return output;
console.log("transaction successful");
} catch (err) {
console.log("Alreadu updated");
output = "one";
return output;
My queries are given below:
As per the documentation I have returned the data after update, however it does not seem to be working as expected.
Can we have 2 updates within one single transaction (both are updating the same field in the firestore)?
Thank you

You make the following clarification in the comments above:
someFunction() does some processing on other firestore
collection/documents (not the one I am updating) and returns either
true or false.
As you read in the doc on Transactions, "Read operations must come before write operations". If you want to read some docs in the transaction, you need to use the get() method of the Transaction, like you did with the first document. You cannot call a function that is using other Firestore methods like the get() method of a DocumentReference.


Problem with saving data in Transaction in Firebase Firestore for Flutter

I have a problem with transactions in my web application created in Flutter. For database I use Firebase Firestore where I save documents via transaction.
cloud_firestore: 3.1.1
StudentGroup is my main document. It has 4 stages and each of them has 3-5 tasks. (Everything is in 1 document). I have to store game timer, so every 10 seconds I make an request to save time for current stage. (Every stage has different timer). I have a problem with saving task, because "Sometimes" when 2 requests are made in the same time, then I get some weird state manipulation.
Task is updated and "isFinished" is set to true
Timer is updated to correct value (with this update somehow previous task update is lost, "isFinished" is set to false
This is how I save task.
Future<Result> saveTask({required String sessionId, required String studentGroupId,
required Task task}) async {
print("trying to save task <$task>.");
try {
return await _firebaseFirestore.runTransaction((transaction) async {
final studentGroupRef = _getStudentGroupDocumentReference(
sessionId: sessionId,
studentGroupId: studentGroupId
final sessionGroupDoc = await studentGroupRef.get();
if (!sessionGroupDoc.exists) {
return Result.error("student group not exists");
final sessionGroup = StudentGroup.fromSnapshot(sessionGroupDoc);
transaction.set(studentGroupRef, sessionGroup.toJson());
.then((value) => taskFunction(true))
.catchError((error) => taskFunction(false));
} catch (error) {
return Result.error("Error couldn't save task");
This is how I save my time
Future<Result> updateTaskTimer({required String sessionId,
required String studentGroupId, required Duration duration}) async {
print("trying to update first task timer");
try {
return await _firebaseFirestore.runTransaction((transaction) async {
final studentGroupRef = _getStudentGroupDocumentReference(
sessionId: sessionId,
studentGroupId: studentGroupId
final sessionGroupDoc = await studentGroupRef.get();
if (!sessionGroupDoc.exists) {
return Result.error("student group not exists");
final sessionGroup = StudentGroup.fromSnapshot(sessionGroupDoc);
switch (sessionGroup.game.gameStage) {
case GameStage.First:
sessionGroup.game.stages.first.duration = duration.inSeconds;
case GameStage.Second:
sessionGroup.game.stages[1].duration = duration.inSeconds;
case GameStage.Third:
sessionGroup.game.stages[2].duration = duration.inSeconds;
case GameStage.Fourth:
sessionGroup.game.stages[3].duration = duration.inSeconds;
case GameStage.Fifth:
sessionGroup.game.stages[4].duration = duration.inSeconds;
SetOptions(merge: true)
print("Did I finish task 4? ${sessionGroup.game.stages.first.tasks[3].isFinished}");
.then((value) => timerFunction(true))
.catchError((error) => timerFunction(false));
} catch (error) {
return Result.error("Error couldn't update task timer");
timerFunction and taskFunction print some messages in console and return Result.error or Result.success (for now it returns bool)
I don't know If I am doing something wrong with Firebase Firestore Transaction. I would like to have atomic operations for reading and writing data.
Transactions ensure atomicity - which means that if the transaction succeeds then all the reads and writes occur in a non-overlapping way with other transactions. This prevents the type of problem you are describing.
But this doesn't work if you spread your reads and writes over multiple transactions. In particular, it looks to me like you are writing a task which was obtained from outside the transaction. Instead, you should use ids or similar to track which documents you need to update, then do a read and a write inside the transaction.Alternatively firebase also provides Batched Writes, which specify the specific properties you want to update. These will ensure that any other properties are not changed.For batch writes example you can refer to the link

How do I make a firestore query to be used with both get() and valueChanges()?

I am using Angular 8 and have a form where a user can choose what he wants to query the database for and then click either of two buttons - one to view data in realtime on the website, and the other to download the data.
I thought I could make use of one function to make a query and then call different functions depending on what button the user clicked, using get() for the download and valueChanges() for the realtime data view. But when I try this, I get the following errors in the browser console. (This is with query as type any - if I specify the type as AngularFirestoreCollection I get errors regarding my type for the get() part in VSCode)
ERROR Error: "Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: this.query.get is not
a function
I can add that I previously had two completely separate (working) functions for downloading and viewing in realtime. And for downloading I used the below query. I gather this is actually a Firestore Query, whereas the "query" I'm trying to use in my updated code is an AngularFirestoreCollection. But is there a way I can make some kind of Query/Collection that will work for both get() and valueChanges()?
Old (working) query:
var query = this.afs.collection(collection).ref.where('module', 'in', array_part);
Trying a common function makeQuery():
onSubmit(value, buttonType): void {
if (buttonType=='realtime') {
if (buttonType=='download') {
async downloadCsv(value) {
this.query = this.makeQuery(value);
this.dataForDownload = await this.getDataForDownload();
this.dataForDownload = JSON.stringify(this.dataForDownload['data']);
console.log('Data: ', this.dataForDownload);
var date = new Date();
var date_str = this.datePipe.transform(date, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm');
this.makeFileService.downloadFile(this.dataForDownload, 'OPdata-' + date_str);
getDataForDownload() {
return this.query.get()
.then(function (querySnapshot) {
var jsonStr = '{"data":[]}';
var dataObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr); //making object we can push to
querySnapshot.forEach(function (doc) {
JSON.stringify(doc.data()), ', id: ', doc.id);
return dataObj;
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);
async getRealTimeData(value) {
this.query = await this.makeQuery(value);
this.data = this.query.valueChanges();
async makeQuery(value) {
var collection: string;
return this.query = this.afs.collection<DataItem>('CollectionName', ref => ref.where('datetime', '>=', '2020-01-15T09:51:00.000Z').orderBy('datetime', 'desc').limit(100));
The valueChanges() is a method used in angularfire to retrieve data from firestore, while the get() method is used to retrieve from firestore but using the vanilla javascript.
Mixing both methods will return an error as you have seen in your code. Therefore, since angularfire was created above the javascript firebase code, then you should be able to use valueChanges() to view data in realtime on the website, and to download the data.

Firestore get value of Field.increment after update without reading the document data

Is there a way to retrieve the updated value of a document field updated using firestore.FieldValue.increment without asking for the document?
var countersRef = db.collection('system').doc('counters');
await countersRef.update({
nextOrderCode: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
// Get the updated nextOrderCode without asking for the document data?
This is not cost related, but for reliability. For example if I want to create a code that increases for each order, there is no guaranty that if >= 2 orders happen at the same time, will have different codes if I read the incremental value right after the doc update resolves, because if >= 2 writes happen before the first read, then at least 2 docs will have the same code even if the nextOrderCode will have proper advance increment.
Possible now, check other answer.
It's not possible. You will have to read the document after the update if you want to know the value.
If you need to control the value of the number to prevent it from being invalid, you will have to use a transaction instead to make sure that the increment will not write an invalid value. FieldValue.increment() would not be a good choice for this case.
We can do it by using Firestore Transactions, like incremental worked before Field.increment feature:
try {
const orderCodesRef = admin.firestore().doc('system/counters/order/codes');
let orderCode = null;
await admin.firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
const orderCodesDoc = await transaction.get(orderCodesRef);
if(!orderCodesDoc.exists) {
throw { reason: 'no-order-codes-doc' };
let { next } = orderCodesDoc.data();
orderCode = next++;
transaction.update(orderCodesRef, { next });
if(orderCode !== null) {
newOrder.code = orderCode;
const orderRef = await admin.firestore().collection('orders').add(newOrder);
return success({ orderId: orderRef.id });
} else {
return fail('no-order-code-result');
} catch(error) {
console.error('commitOrder::ERROR', error);
throw errors.CantWriteDatabase({ error });
Had the same question and looks like Firestore Python client
doc_ref.update() returns WriteResult that has transform_results attribute with the updated field value

How to implement transactions in Meteor Method calls

Suppose I have 2 collections "PlanSubscriptions" and "ClientActivations". I am serially doing a insert on both the collections.
Later one depends on previous one, if any of the transaction fails then the entire operation must rollback.
How can I achieve that in Meteor 1.4?
Since MongoDB doesn't support atomicity, you will have to manage it with Method Chaining.
You can write a method, say, transaction where you will call PlanSubscriptions.insert(data, callback). Then in the callback function you will call ClientActivations.insert(data, callback1) if the first insertion is success and in callback1 return truthy if second insertion is succes, otherwise falsy. If the first insertion returns error you don't need to do anything, but if the second insertion returns error then remove the id got from the insertion in first collection.
I can suggest following structure:
PlanSubscriptions.insert(data, (error, result)=>{
// result contains the _id
let id_plan = result;
ClientActivations.insert(data, (error, result)=>{
// result contains the _id
return true;
else if(error){
return false;
else if(error){
return false;
There is no way to do that in Meteor, since mongodb is not an ACID-compliant database. It has a single-document update atomicity, but not a multiple-document one, which is your case with the two collections.
From the mongo documentation:
When a single write operation modifies multiple documents, the modification of each document is atomic, but the operation as a whole is not atomic and other operations may interleave.
A way to isolate the visibility of your multi-document updates is available, but it's probably not what you need.
Using the $isolated operator, a write operation that affects multiple documents can prevent other processes from interleaving once the write operation modifies the first document. This ensures that no client sees the changes until the write operation completes or errors out.
An isolated write operation does not provide “all-or-nothing” atomicity. That is, an error during the write operation does not roll back all its changes that preceded the error.
However, there are a couple of libraries which try to tackle the problem at the app-level. I recommend taking a look at fawn
In your case, where you have exactly two dependent collections, it's possible to take advantage of the two phase commits technique. Read more about it here: two-phase-commits
Well I figured it out myself.
I added a package babrahams:transactions
At server side Meteor Method call, I called tx Object that is globally exposed by the package. The overall Server Side Meteor.method({}) looks like below.
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import {PlanSubscriptions} from '/imports/api/plansubscriptions/plansubscriptions.js';
import {ClientActivations} from '/imports/api/clientactivation/clientactivations.js';
'createClientSubscription' (subscriptionData, clientActivationData) {
var txid;
try {
txid = tx.start("Adding Subscription to our database");
PlanSubscriptions.insert(subscriptionData, {tx: true})
ClientActivations.insert(activation, {tx: true});
return true;
} catch(e){
return false;
With every insert I had added {tx : true}, this concluded it to be a apart of transaction.
Server Console Output:
I20170523-18:43:23.544(5.5)? Started "Adding Subscription to our database" with
transaction_id: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.547(5.5)? Pushed insert command to stack: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.549(5.5)? Pushed insert command to stack: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.551(5.5)? Beginning commit with transaction_id: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.655(5.5)? Executed insert
I20170523-18:43:23.666(5.5)? Executed insert
I20170523-18:43:23.698(5.5)? Commit reset transaction manager to clean state
For more Information you can goto link : https://github.com/JackAdams/meteor-transactions
NOTE: I am using Meteor
Just sharing this link for future readers:
import { MongoInternals } from 'meteor/mongo';
// utility async function to wrap async raw mongo operations with a transaction
const runTransactionAsync = async asyncRawMongoOperations => {
// setup a transaction
const { client } = MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo;
const session = await client.startSession();
await session.startTransaction();
try {
// running the async operations
let result = await asyncRawMongoOperations(session);
await session.commitTransaction();
// transaction committed - return value to the client
return result;
} catch (err) {
await session.abortTransaction();
// transaction aborted - report error to the client
throw new Meteor.Error('Database Transaction Failed', err.message);
} finally {
import { runTransactionAsync } from '/imports/utils'; // or where you defined it
async doSomething(arg) {
// remember to check method input first
// define the operations we want to run in transaction
const asyncRawMongoOperations = async session => {
// it's critical to receive the session parameter here
// and pass it to every raw operation as shown below
const item = await collection1.rawCollection().findOne(arg, { session: session });
const response = await collection2.rawCollection().insertOne(item, { session: session });
// if Mongo or you throw an error here runTransactionAsync(..) will catch it
// and wrap it with a Meteor.Error(..) so it will arrive to the client safely
return 'whatever you want'; // will be the result in the client
let result = await runTransactionAsync(asyncRawMongoOperations);
return result;

Firebase transaction api call current data is null

When I use transaction() to update a location, data at that location is returning null even though the location having some data.
I tried transaction() after reading data at the same location that time it is giving all data at that location.
How can I use transaction() if the case is like the above?
Transactions work in the manner of Amazon's SimpleDB or a sharded cluster of databases. That is to say, they are "eventually consistent" rather than guaranteed consistent.
So when you are using transactions, the processing function may get called more than once with a local value (in some cases null if it's never been retrieved) and then again with the synced value (whatever is on the server).
pathRef.transaction(function(curValue) {
// this part is eventually consistent and may be called several times
}, function(error, committed, ss) {
// this part is guaranteed consistent and will match the final value set
This is really the mindset with which you must approach transaction anyways. You should always expect multiple calls, since the first transaction may collide with another change and be rejected. You can't use a transaction's processing method to fetch the server value (although you could read it out of the success callback).
Preventing the locally triggered event
When the transaction happens, a local event is triggered before it reaches the server for latency compensation. If the transaction fails, then the local event will be reverted (a change or remove event is triggered).
You can use the applyLocally property on transactions to override this behavior, which makes the local results slower but ensures that only the server value is triggered locally.
pathRef.transaction(function(curValue) {
// this is still called multiple times
}, function(error, committed, ss) {
// this part is guaranteed consistent and will match the final value set
// by providing a third argument of `true`, no local event
// is generated with the locally cached value.
You need to follow this pattern:
var pinRef = firebase.database().ref('vm-pin-generator');
pinRef.transaction(function(oldPin) {
// Check if the result is NOT NULL:
if (oldPin != null) {
return localPinIncrementor(oldPin);
} else {
// Return a value that is totally different
// from what is saved on the server at this address:
return 0;
}, function(error, committed, snapshot) {
if (error) {
console.log("error in transaction");
} else if (!committed) {
console.log("transaction not committed");
} else {
console.log("Transaction Committed");
}, true);
Firebase usually returns a null value while retrieving a key for the first time but while saving it checks if the new value is similar to older value or not. If not, firebase will run the whole process again, and this time the correct value is returned by the server.
Adding a null check and returning a totally unexpected value (0 in this case) will make firebase run the cycle again.
Simply showing an example implementation to elaborate on #Kato accepted answer above with a custom upsert function:
* Transactional insert or update record
* #param {String} type - object type (table or index) to build lookup path
* #param {String} id - object ID that will be concat with path for lookup
* #param {Object} data - new object (or partial with just edited fields)
* #return {Object} new version of object
const upsert = (type, id, data) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!type) {
log.error('Missing db object type')
reject(new TypeError('Missing db object type'))
if (!id) {
log.error('Missing db object id')
reject(new TypeError('Missing db object id'))
if (!data) {
log.error('Missing db data')
reject(new TypeError('Missing db data'))
// build path to resource
const path = `${type}/${id}`
log.debug(`Upserting record '${path}' to database`)
try {
const ref = service.ref(path)
ref.transaction(record => {
if (record === null) {
log.debug(`Creating new record`) // TODO: change to debug
return data
} else if (record) {
log.debug(`Updating existing record`) // TODO: change to debug
const updatedRecord = Object.assign({}, record, data)
return updatedRecord
} else {
return record
}, (error, committed, snapshot) => {
if (error) {
log.error(`Error upserting record in database`)
} else if (committed) {
log.debug(`Saved update`)
} else {
log.debug(`Record unchanged`)
if (snapshot) {
} else {
log.info(`No snapshot found in transaction so returning original data object`)
} catch (error) {
