Firebase transaction api call current data is null - firebase

When I use transaction() to update a location, data at that location is returning null even though the location having some data.
I tried transaction() after reading data at the same location that time it is giving all data at that location.
How can I use transaction() if the case is like the above?

Transactions work in the manner of Amazon's SimpleDB or a sharded cluster of databases. That is to say, they are "eventually consistent" rather than guaranteed consistent.
So when you are using transactions, the processing function may get called more than once with a local value (in some cases null if it's never been retrieved) and then again with the synced value (whatever is on the server).
pathRef.transaction(function(curValue) {
// this part is eventually consistent and may be called several times
}, function(error, committed, ss) {
// this part is guaranteed consistent and will match the final value set
This is really the mindset with which you must approach transaction anyways. You should always expect multiple calls, since the first transaction may collide with another change and be rejected. You can't use a transaction's processing method to fetch the server value (although you could read it out of the success callback).
Preventing the locally triggered event
When the transaction happens, a local event is triggered before it reaches the server for latency compensation. If the transaction fails, then the local event will be reverted (a change or remove event is triggered).
You can use the applyLocally property on transactions to override this behavior, which makes the local results slower but ensures that only the server value is triggered locally.
pathRef.transaction(function(curValue) {
// this is still called multiple times
}, function(error, committed, ss) {
// this part is guaranteed consistent and will match the final value set
// by providing a third argument of `true`, no local event
// is generated with the locally cached value.

You need to follow this pattern:
var pinRef = firebase.database().ref('vm-pin-generator');
pinRef.transaction(function(oldPin) {
// Check if the result is NOT NULL:
if (oldPin != null) {
return localPinIncrementor(oldPin);
} else {
// Return a value that is totally different
// from what is saved on the server at this address:
return 0;
}, function(error, committed, snapshot) {
if (error) {
console.log("error in transaction");
} else if (!committed) {
console.log("transaction not committed");
} else {
console.log("Transaction Committed");
}, true);
Firebase usually returns a null value while retrieving a key for the first time but while saving it checks if the new value is similar to older value or not. If not, firebase will run the whole process again, and this time the correct value is returned by the server.
Adding a null check and returning a totally unexpected value (0 in this case) will make firebase run the cycle again.

Simply showing an example implementation to elaborate on #Kato accepted answer above with a custom upsert function:
* Transactional insert or update record
* #param {String} type - object type (table or index) to build lookup path
* #param {String} id - object ID that will be concat with path for lookup
* #param {Object} data - new object (or partial with just edited fields)
* #return {Object} new version of object
const upsert = (type, id, data) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!type) {
log.error('Missing db object type')
reject(new TypeError('Missing db object type'))
if (!id) {
log.error('Missing db object id')
reject(new TypeError('Missing db object id'))
if (!data) {
log.error('Missing db data')
reject(new TypeError('Missing db data'))
// build path to resource
const path = `${type}/${id}`
log.debug(`Upserting record '${path}' to database`)
try {
const ref = service.ref(path)
ref.transaction(record => {
if (record === null) {
log.debug(`Creating new record`) // TODO: change to debug
return data
} else if (record) {
log.debug(`Updating existing record`) // TODO: change to debug
const updatedRecord = Object.assign({}, record, data)
return updatedRecord
} else {
return record
}, (error, committed, snapshot) => {
if (error) {
log.error(`Error upserting record in database`)
} else if (committed) {
log.debug(`Saved update`)
} else {
log.debug(`Record unchanged`)
if (snapshot) {
} else {`No snapshot found in transaction so returning original data object`)
} catch (error) {


2 updates within one Firestore transaction

I am new to Firestore transaction, and would like to update a document field based the current data of the document.
My planned transaction is given below:
const cityRef = db.collection('cities').doc('SF');
try {
await db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
const doc = await t.get(cityRef);
let status =;
if (status == "one") {
throw "err";
} else {
// run some function - next status is based on the return
let output = await someFunction();
if (output) {
await t.update(cityRef, { myStatus: "two" });
return output;
} else {
await t.update(cityRef, { myStatus: "three" });
return output;
console.log("transaction successful");
} catch (err) {
console.log("Alreadu updated");
output = "one";
return output;
My queries are given below:
As per the documentation I have returned the data after update, however it does not seem to be working as expected.
Can we have 2 updates within one single transaction (both are updating the same field in the firestore)?
Thank you
You make the following clarification in the comments above:
someFunction() does some processing on other firestore
collection/documents (not the one I am updating) and returns either
true or false.
As you read in the doc on Transactions, "Read operations must come before write operations". If you want to read some docs in the transaction, you need to use the get() method of the Transaction, like you did with the first document. You cannot call a function that is using other Firestore methods like the get() method of a DocumentReference.

Am I doing Firestore Transactions correct?

I've followed the Firestore documentation with relation to transactions, and I think I have it all sorted correctly, but in testing I am noticing issues with my documents not getting updated properly sometimes. It is possible that multiple versions of the document could be submitted to the function in a very short interval, but I am only interested in only ever keeping the most recent version.
My general logic is this:
New/Updated document is sent to cloud function
Check if document already exists in Firestore, and if not, add it.
If it does exist, check that it is "newer" than the instance in firestore, if it is, update it.
Otherwise, don't do anything.
Here is the code from my function that attempts to accomplish this...I would love some feedback if this is correct/best way to do this:
const ocsFlight = req.body;
const procFlight = processOcsFlightEvent(ocsFlight);
try {
const ocsFlightRef = db.collection(collection).doc(procFlight.fltId);
const originalFlight = await ocsFlightRef.get();
if (!originalFlight.exists) {
const response = await ocsFlightRef.set(procFlight);
console.log("Record Added: ", JSON.stringify(procFlight));
res.status(201).json(response); // 201 - Created
await db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
const doc = await t.get(ocsFlightRef);
const flightDoc =;
if (flightDoc.recordModified <= procFlight.recordModified) {
t.update(ocsFlightRef, procFlight);
console.log("Record Updated: ", JSON.stringify(procFlight));
res.status(200).json("Record Updated");
console.log("Record isn't newer, nothing changed.");
console.log("Record:", JSON.stringify("Same Flight:", JSON.stringify(procFlight)));
res.status(200).json("Record isn't newer, nothing done.");
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error:", JSON.stringify(error));
The Bugs
First, you are trusting the value of req.body to be of the correct shape. If you don't already have type assertions that mirror your security rules for /collection/someFlightId in processOcsFlightEvent, you should add them. This is important because any database operations from the Admin SDKs will bypass your security rules.
The next bug is sending a response to your function inside the transaction. Once you send a response back the client, your function is marked inactive - resources are severely throttled and any network requests may not complete or crash. As a transaction may be retried a handful of times if a database collision is detected, you should make sure to only respond to the client once the transaction has properly completed.
You use set to write the new flight to Firestore, this can lead to trouble when working with transactions as a set operation will cancel all pending transactions at that location. If two function instances are fighting over the same flight ID, this will lead to the problem where the wrong data can be written to the database.
In your current code, you return the result of the ocsFlightRef.set() operation to the client as the body of the HTTP 201 Created response. As the result of the DocumentReference#set() is a WriteResult object, you'll need to properly serialize it if you want to return it to the client and even then, I don't think it will be useful as you don't seem to use it for the other response types. Instead, a HTTP 201 Created response normally includes where the resource was written to as the Location header with no body, but here we'll pass the path in the body. If you start using multiple database instances, including the relevant database may also be useful.
The correct way to achieve the desired result would be to do the entire read->check->write process inside of a transaction and only once the transaction has completed, then respond to the client.
So we can send the appropriate response to the client, we can use the return value of the transaction to pass data out of it. We'll pass the type of the change we made ("created" | "updated" | "aborted") and the recordModified value of what was stored in the database. We'll return these along with the resource's path and an appropriate message.
In the case of an error, we'll return a message to show the user as message and the error's Firebase error code (if available) or general message as the error property.
// if not using express to wrangle requests, assert the correct method
if (req.method !== "POST") {
console.log(`Denied ${req.method} request`);
res.status(405) // 405 - Method Not Allowed
.set("Allow", "POST")
const ocsFlight = req.body;
try {
// process AND type check `ocsFlight`
const procFlight = processOcsFlightEvent(ocsFlight);
const ocsFlightRef = db.collection(collection).doc(procFlight.fltId);
const { changeType, recordModified } = await db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
const flightDoc = await t.get(ocsFlightRef);
if (!flightDoc.exists) {
t.set(ocsFlightRef, procFlight);
return {
changeType: "created",
recordModified: procFlight.recordModified
// only parse the field we need rather than everything
const storedRecordModified = flightDoc.get('recordModified');
if (storedRecordModified <= procFlight.recordModified) {
t.update(ocsFlightRef, procFlight);
return {
changeType: "updated",
recordModified: procFlight.recordModified
return {
changeType: "aborted",
recordModified: storedRecordModified
switch (changeType) {
case "updated":
console.log("Record updated: ", JSON.stringify(procFlight));
res.status(200).json({ // 200 - OK
path: ocsFlightRef.path,
message: "Updated",
case "created":
console.log("Record added: ", JSON.stringify(procFlight));
res.status(201).json({ // 201 - Created
path: ocsFlightRef.path,
message: "Created",
case "aborted":
console.log("Outdated record discarded: ", JSON.stringify(procFlight));
res.status(200).json({ // 200 - OK
path: ocsFlightRef.path,
message: "Record isn't newer, nothing done.",
throw new Error("Unexpected value for 'changeType': " + changeType);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error:", JSON.stringify(error));
res.status(500) // 500 - Internal Server Error
message: "Something went wrong",
// if available, prefer a Firebase error code
error: error.code || error.message
Cloud Firestore Transactions
Cloud Firestore Node SDK Reference
HTTP Event Cloud Functions

Firestore update on server only

When retrieving data from Firestore one has the option of forcing retrieval from the server. The default option is cache and server, as determined by Firestore.
I have a certain usage where a command and control node is issuing real-time commands to remote nodes backed by Firestore. This requires the updates to be done on the server (or fail) so that the C&C node has certainty on the execution (or failure) in real-time. What I would like to do is to disable use of cache with these updates. I have not found a way to do that. Is this possible with current capabilities of Firestore?
Note that it is not desirable to disable Firestore caching at a global level as the cache is beneficial in other situations.
Based on the responses I have created this update method that attempts to force updating the server using a transaction.
A couple of notes:
This is dart code. is an internal library and in this case it is being used to log.
I have reduced the network speed for the test to simulate a bad network connection.
The timeout is set to 5 seconds.
Here is the output of my log:
I/flutter (22601): [2021-06-06 22:35:30] [LogLevel.DEBUG] [FirestoreModel] [update] [We are here!]
I/flutter (22601): [2021-06-06 22:35:47] [LogLevel.DEBUG] [FirestoreModel] [update] [We are here!]
I/flutter (22601): [2021-06-06 22:36:02] [LogLevel.DEBUG] [FirestoreModel] [update] [We are here!]
I/flutter (22601): [2021-06-06 22:37:18] [LogLevel.DEBUG] [FirestoreModel] [update] [We are here!]
I/flutter (22601): [2021-06-06 22:37:20] [LogLevel.INFO] [FirestoreModel] [update] [Transaction successful in 110929ms.]
Firebase completely ignores the timeout of 5 seconds; tries to update 4 times each time ~15 seconds apart and is finally successful after 110 seconds. I am after a real-time response within seconds (5 sec) or failure.
Future<void> update(
Map<String, dynamic> data, {
WriteBatch batch,
Transaction transaction,
bool forceServer = false,
}) async {
// If updating there must be an id.
assert( != null);
// Only one of batch or transaction can be non-null.
assert(batch == null || transaction == null);
// When forcing to update on server no transaction or batch is allowed.
assert(!forceServer || (batch == null && transaction == null));
try {
if (forceServer) {
DateTime start =;
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction(
(transaction) async {
await update(data, transaction: transaction);
Utils.logDebug('We are here!');
timeout: Duration(seconds: 5),
Utils.logDebug('Transaction successful in ${}ms.');
} else {
DocumentReference ref =
if (batch != null)
batch.update(ref, data);
else if (transaction != null)
transaction.update(ref, data);
await ref.update(data);
} catch (e, s) {
Utils.logException('Error updating document $id in $collection.', e, s);
// Propagate the error.
This requires the updates to be done on the server (or fail)
For that you could use Transactions and batched writes.
Transactions will fail when the client is offline.
Check out doc
To get live data from the server once, you would use:
.get({ source: "server" })
.then((snapshot) => {
// if here, is from the server
// TODO: do something with data
.catch((err) => {
// if here, get() encountered an error (insufficient permissions, server not available, etc)
// TODO: handle the error
To get realtime live data from only the server (ignoring the cache), you would use:
const unsubscribe = firebase.firestore()
.onSnapshot({ includeMetadataChanges: true }, {
next(snapshot) {
// ignore cache data
if (snapshot.metadata.fromCache) return;
// if here, is from the server
// TODO: do something with data
error(err) {
// if here, onSnapshot() encountered an error (insufficient permissions, etc)
// TODO: handle the error
To write to the server, you would use the normal write operations - delete(), set(), and update(); as they all return Promises that will not resolve while the client is offline. If they have resolved, the data stored on the server has been updated.
To test if you are online or not, you can try and pull a non existant document down from the server like so:
* Attempts to fetch the non-existant document `/.info/connected` to determine
* if a connection to the server is available.
* #return {Promise<boolean>} promise that resolves to a boolean indicating
* whether a server connection is available
function isCurrentlyOnline() {
// unlike RTDB, this data doesn't exist and has no function
// must be made readable in security rules
return firebase.firestore()
.get({ source: "server" })
() => {
// read data successfully, we must be online
return true;
}, (err) => {
// failed to read data, if code is unavailable, we are offline
// for any other error, rethrow it
if (err.code === "unavailable")
return false;
throw err;
* A function that attaches a listener to when a connection to Firestore has
* been established or when is disconnected.
* This function listens to the non-existant `/.info/connected` document and
* uses it's `fromCache` metadata to **estimate** whether a connection to
* Firestore is currently available.
* **Note:** This callback will only be invoked after the first successful
* connection to Firestore
* #param {((error: unknown | null, isOnline: boolean) => unknown)} callback the
* callback to invoke when the isOnline state changes
* #return {(() => void)} a function that unsubscribes this listener when
* invoked
function onOnline(callback) {
let hasConnected = false;
// unlike RTDB, this data doesn't exist and has no function
// must be made readable in security rules
return firebase.firestore()
{ includeMetadataChanges: "server" },
next(snapshot) {
const { fromCache } = snapshot.metadata;
if (!hasConnected) {
if (fromCache) return; // ignore this event
hasConnected = true;
callback(null, !fromCache);
error(err) {

How to implement transactions in Meteor Method calls

Suppose I have 2 collections "PlanSubscriptions" and "ClientActivations". I am serially doing a insert on both the collections.
Later one depends on previous one, if any of the transaction fails then the entire operation must rollback.
How can I achieve that in Meteor 1.4?
Since MongoDB doesn't support atomicity, you will have to manage it with Method Chaining.
You can write a method, say, transaction where you will call PlanSubscriptions.insert(data, callback). Then in the callback function you will call ClientActivations.insert(data, callback1) if the first insertion is success and in callback1 return truthy if second insertion is succes, otherwise falsy. If the first insertion returns error you don't need to do anything, but if the second insertion returns error then remove the id got from the insertion in first collection.
I can suggest following structure:
PlanSubscriptions.insert(data, (error, result)=>{
// result contains the _id
let id_plan = result;
ClientActivations.insert(data, (error, result)=>{
// result contains the _id
return true;
else if(error){
return false;
else if(error){
return false;
There is no way to do that in Meteor, since mongodb is not an ACID-compliant database. It has a single-document update atomicity, but not a multiple-document one, which is your case with the two collections.
From the mongo documentation:
When a single write operation modifies multiple documents, the modification of each document is atomic, but the operation as a whole is not atomic and other operations may interleave.
A way to isolate the visibility of your multi-document updates is available, but it's probably not what you need.
Using the $isolated operator, a write operation that affects multiple documents can prevent other processes from interleaving once the write operation modifies the first document. This ensures that no client sees the changes until the write operation completes or errors out.
An isolated write operation does not provide “all-or-nothing” atomicity. That is, an error during the write operation does not roll back all its changes that preceded the error.
However, there are a couple of libraries which try to tackle the problem at the app-level. I recommend taking a look at fawn
In your case, where you have exactly two dependent collections, it's possible to take advantage of the two phase commits technique. Read more about it here: two-phase-commits
Well I figured it out myself.
I added a package babrahams:transactions
At server side Meteor Method call, I called tx Object that is globally exposed by the package. The overall Server Side Meteor.method({}) looks like below.
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import {PlanSubscriptions} from '/imports/api/plansubscriptions/plansubscriptions.js';
import {ClientActivations} from '/imports/api/clientactivation/clientactivations.js';
'createClientSubscription' (subscriptionData, clientActivationData) {
var txid;
try {
txid = tx.start("Adding Subscription to our database");
PlanSubscriptions.insert(subscriptionData, {tx: true})
ClientActivations.insert(activation, {tx: true});
return true;
} catch(e){
return false;
With every insert I had added {tx : true}, this concluded it to be a apart of transaction.
Server Console Output:
I20170523-18:43:23.544(5.5)? Started "Adding Subscription to our database" with
transaction_id: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.547(5.5)? Pushed insert command to stack: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.549(5.5)? Pushed insert command to stack: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.551(5.5)? Beginning commit with transaction_id: vdJQvFgtyZuWcinyF
I20170523-18:43:23.655(5.5)? Executed insert
I20170523-18:43:23.666(5.5)? Executed insert
I20170523-18:43:23.698(5.5)? Commit reset transaction manager to clean state
For more Information you can goto link :
NOTE: I am using Meteor
Just sharing this link for future readers:
import { MongoInternals } from 'meteor/mongo';
// utility async function to wrap async raw mongo operations with a transaction
const runTransactionAsync = async asyncRawMongoOperations => {
// setup a transaction
const { client } = MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo;
const session = await client.startSession();
await session.startTransaction();
try {
// running the async operations
let result = await asyncRawMongoOperations(session);
await session.commitTransaction();
// transaction committed - return value to the client
return result;
} catch (err) {
await session.abortTransaction();
// transaction aborted - report error to the client
throw new Meteor.Error('Database Transaction Failed', err.message);
} finally {
import { runTransactionAsync } from '/imports/utils'; // or where you defined it
async doSomething(arg) {
// remember to check method input first
// define the operations we want to run in transaction
const asyncRawMongoOperations = async session => {
// it's critical to receive the session parameter here
// and pass it to every raw operation as shown below
const item = await collection1.rawCollection().findOne(arg, { session: session });
const response = await collection2.rawCollection().insertOne(item, { session: session });
// if Mongo or you throw an error here runTransactionAsync(..) will catch it
// and wrap it with a Meteor.Error(..) so it will arrive to the client safely
return 'whatever you want'; // will be the result in the client
let result = await runTransactionAsync(asyncRawMongoOperations);
return result;

Use Promise and service together in Angular

My question is based on this topic in Angular Google group.
I want to provide a service which stores some basic data retrieved from the backend via $http, then I only need to fetch those data once. like,
var load = function() {
return $http.get(...).then(function(data) {
return data.user;
module.factory("userProvider", function() {
var user;
var getUser = function() {
if(!user) {
load().then(function(data) {
user = data;
return user;
return {
getUser : getUser
module.controller("UserController", ["userProvider", function UserController("userProvider") {
var user = userProvider.getUser();
// do something with user
The problem is that the promise chain ends in userProvider but not in controller, so the user is undefined the first time I use this controller since the data has not been returned.
How can I use such a storage service and return the data correctly? Thanks!
You can just create your own promise. Here is the modified code:
module.factory( "userProvider", function( $q ) {
// A place to hold the user so we only need fetch it once.
var user;
function getUser() {
// If we've already cached it, return that one.
// But return a promise version so it's consistent across invocations
if ( angular.isDefined( user ) ) return $q.when( user );
// Otherwise, let's get it the first time and save it for later.
return whateverFunctionGetsTheUserTheFirstTime()
.then( function( data ) {
user = data;
return user;
// The public API
return {
getUser: getUser()
Update: The solution below by #yohairosen is a great one for many circumstances, but not for all. In some circumstances, we would only want to cache the successful result, as I have done here. If, for example, a failure of this request indicates the user needs to log in first, we would not want the next call (presumably after logging in) to deliver the cached failure. In cases where the method isn't necessarily consistent from call-to-call in all circumstances, this method is better; in all other cases, #yohairosen's solution is simpler and recommended.
It's a bit of an overhead to create your own promise, angular's $http creates one for you anyway. What you're looking for is caching and http can handle it for you by passing cache:true to the service call.
So you can simply do something like this:
module.factory("userProvider", function() {
var getUser = function() {
return $http.get(..., {cache:true}).then(function(data) {
return data.user;
return {
getUser : getUser
