How to push data to couchdrop sftp using R? - r

I have recurring data that I pull from my server in a template and then I need to send that to the client to which is a SFTP service. I am not familiar with that platform and need this community's help on it.
I researched quite a bit and learned that I need RCurl package and use ftpUpload command for this. In the ftpUpload parameters, I am struggling to figure the format of "to" or the destination where the data needs to be send. I have the file and the user password. Let's say following is the sample info:
what = test_df
username = testadmin
pass = adminpwd
How would the connection and data transfer code look like?
I keep getting the following error as well Error in file(what, "rb") : invalid 'description' argument
Since this is my first post, please forgive me if the format is incorrect or if I need to provide more info.


Is the package wosr still usable?

I am making a literature review using Web of Science queries. I wanted to use the wosr package to make the queries directly in R but I keep having error messages. I think it is related to the maintenance of the package.
For instance, I used the example given by the package itself:
sid <- auth(username = NULL, password = NULL)
pull_wos("TS = (dog welfare) AND PY = 2010", sid = sid)
And it returns:
Error: (IIE0022) The SOAP request message is invalid. Reason: Error received from a server supporting the Web service. Cause: The following input is invalid [Not authorized to edition BHCI in collection WOS]. Remedy: Correct your request and submit it again.
Does anyone here knows if the package is still operational? Did someone already used this package? Is there an other alternative to make queries on WoS directly in R?

R- Following Error: API returned: Request had insufficient authentication scopes

I've verified my API in RStudio after hours of trying and now I've reached another error while trying to translate a sentence. Would be grateful for any help!
I'm just trying to translate "hello" to french using googleLanguageR package -
> gl_translate("Hello", "fr")
The result I get is this -
2021-01-21 17:15:36 -- Translating text: 5 characters -
i 2021-01-21 17:15:36 > Request Status Code: 403
Error: API returned: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
I'm a literal beginner in the field of computing and do not understand what scopes mean here.
Thanks for the help!
Scopes are permissions that you give to apps you use to access an API. For example, one App might have permission to read the private messages of a users, whereas another doesn't. It's similar to when an app on your phone asks for permission to use the camera, or access your contacts.
Your app is trying to do something that it doesn't have permission to do. You'll need to add the relevant scopes in whatever setting that it is where you're generating keys etc. Presumably Google Data Studio?
Okay, I found an answer.
I needed to download a json version of my key and authorize it using the code -
After doing this, I needed to make sure my API is enabled. Now, it is working perfectly!

How Do I Format A Connection String to Analysis Server in RMDX?

Sorry in advance for asking a very basic/newbie question, but I'm trying to use RMDX to query some data from a Microsoft Analysis Server from RStudio. RMDX is the only package I've been able to successfully install. I've also tried adding X4R w install_github but had some difficulty (and in any case X4R also seems to use a URL as the connection string), and I've tried adding olapR from my RClient library to my R 3.5.2 library, but I get an error about it being made for a version of R with different internals.
RMDX takes a URL as a connection string and I don't know how to format the data connection... correctly, I guess? I've only used sql with RODBC in R before, and setting up a data source via ODBC Data Source Administrator doesn't work for the data warehouse.
Obviously I'm missing a lot of basics/theory/fundamentals so I'm just kind of shooting in the dark, but I've tried "localhost//[server-name]," "https://[server-name]," and copying the connection string used for some of the microsoft bi dashboards that connect to the same data warehouse that I want to query, and none work. Does anyone know how to solve this issue, or can anyone suggest an alternative way of executing MDX queries from RStudio? Thanks!
After experimenting on a similar route like you - I have ended up writing a powershell script that connects to the MS SSAS or OLAP Cube via its "URL" (usually you will use the URL string that has the 'msmdpump.dll' mentioned in it somewhere - usually at the end of it - as the $con or connection string). After that (meaning in the ps script more precisely it is a module) I heavily rely on the AdomdClient object and its properties, something along these lines
#establish SSAS ADOMD Client and open connection
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient\") | Out-Null;
echo 'Connecting to Database/Cube via Powershell module!'
$con = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection($connectionString)
$command = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand($MDXquery, $con)
$dataAdapter = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter($command)
$ds = new-object System.Data.DataSet
#fetch data
echo 'fill data container w cube data'
After that I call this ps script via system2(command = "powershell",...) from within R with the various connectionstring, MDX (query) and so on parameters, save the result in a temp folder as a csv file and then load that back into my R session again.
Hope that helps.

How to connect to a from R?

I am trying to connect to a data source using R.
Specifically I am trying to connect to CoinCap
I started by trying the websockets package from here but I could not get a connection. Maybe it is not compliant.
The best example appears to be in this post which asks the same question.
It seems the answer was to create a server as a middleman and then connect to R.
The problem is that I am not nearly as advanced as jeromefroe and have no experience with sockets or javascript and I have do not understand how the server that he created works or how to build or start it.
jeromefroe provides his javascript server code in the post, and I don't know what to do with it.
I am trying to collect data in R and use for analysis.
Can somebody help me get the connection running and/or help me set up the sever like jeromefroe did for the connection?
If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to "collect data in R and use for analysis". The website provides the REST URLs and so it is a matter of doing a http GET to retrieve data. An example usage of the httr package as follows. The result retrieved is in json format. Hence, you need jsonlite package to convert into a R data structure.
resp <- httr::GET("")

oauth flickr api using httr to retrieve token

I would like to use httr to link up/upload my R image outputs to flickr, but am having difficulty with the initial stages where i need to authenticate myself using OAuth 1.0.
I previously created an app by going to the following link
and then got a secret and key string for that app...
I then used it in the httr package function to get a token but to no avail. I have been trying to use the provided documentation on this link to help out but, I am struggling...
The following is the code I used. <- oauth_app("flickr",key="xxxxxx", secret="xxxxxxxx")
flickr.urls <- oauth_endpoint(request="",
flickr.token <- oauth1.0_token(flickr.urls,
from which i get the error message
Error: http client error (400)
Not too sure where to go from here...any help would be much appreciated.
N.B. Also I recognise that due to the nature of setting up api links, that there are secrets , api-keys, logins and passwords that need to be kept secret etc, but it does not take long to set up a dummy flickr account from , to be able to reproduce the my opinion...perhaps others could try setting one up and letting me know if they got similar issues, and potential methods to work around the situation?
I have never used the httr library, but I recently (as of yesterday) just finished writing from scratch Objective-C code to access Flickr. The biggest pain point for me was figuring out how to correctly encode the signature. I don't know the httr library well enough, but if I had to guess my guess would be that it is not encoding the signature properly.
If you read through this:
You will find very detailed instructions on how to authorize with Flickr - it was useful to me because I wrote the code in Objective C from scratch. Might be less useful to you unless you are able to debug through the httr source and figure out if it is doing things exactly as Flickr expects.
