I am making a literature review using Web of Science queries. I wanted to use the wosr package to make the queries directly in R but I keep having error messages. I think it is related to the maintenance of the package.
For instance, I used the example given by the package itself:
sid <- auth(username = NULL, password = NULL)
pull_wos("TS = (dog welfare) AND PY = 2010", sid = sid)
And it returns:
Error: (IIE0022) The SOAP request message is invalid. Reason: Error received from a server supporting the Web service. Cause: The following input is invalid [Not authorized to edition BHCI in collection WOS]. Remedy: Correct your request and submit it again.
Does anyone here knows if the package is still operational? Did someone already used this package? Is there an other alternative to make queries on WoS directly in R?
I would like to read email received on my google account.
I've tried ‘mRpostman’ package, setting a third party psw for the purpose, as it follows:
con <- configure_imap(url="imaps://imap.gmail.com",
then I get this error:
Error in list_mail_folders_int(self, retries) :
Request error: the server returned an error.
Is there a specific setting for gmail that has to be set? I don't find any indication on the documentation page (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mRpostman/mRpostman.pdf), that has been updated on October 27, 2022, so I guess the package is still actively maintained.
Eventually does anyone know another package that I could use for this purpose?
Thanks in advance
First things first:
Operating System: Windows 10
R version: 4.2.2
I am trying to import data from Google BigQuery to R. I am using bigrquery package. However any operations after creating DBI connection results in the same way - I get error message saying Access Denied.
Here is the code:
# libs
# connection
con <- dbConnect(
project = "project-nmae",
dataset = "dataset",
billing = "project-for_billing"
Error I get:
Error in signal_reason():
! Access Denied: Dataset x:y: Permission bigquery.tables.list denied on >dataset x:y (or it may not exist). [accessDenied]
So OK. I have got multiple google accounts so I would like to force bigrquery to reauthenticate to make sure I am using proper one.
So as described in the documentation I am calling bq_auth(email=NA) and I expect that R should open browser with authentication page but nothing happens. No errors and totally no action.
I have also manually removed all tokens stored by gargle package. When I check tokens using gargle::gargle_oauth_sitrep() I get info that 0 tokens have been found. However it has not helped.
Does anyone know how to force bigrquery to reauthenticate and why bq_auth(email = NA) doesn't work?
I have recurring data that I pull from my server in a template and then I need to send that to the client to couchdrop.io which is a SFTP service. I am not familiar with that platform and need this community's help on it.
I researched quite a bit and learned that I need RCurl package and use ftpUpload command for this. In the ftpUpload parameters, I am struggling to figure the format of "to" or the destination where the data needs to be send. I have the file and the user password. Let's say following is the sample info:
what = test_df
username = testadmin
pass = adminpwd
How would the connection and data transfer code look like?
I keep getting the following error as well Error in file(what, "rb") : invalid 'description' argument
Since this is my first post, please forgive me if the format is incorrect or if I need to provide more info.
I am trying to use the Rlinkedin package to establish a connection to Linkedin.
I have followed the instructions in Rlinkedin package and r-bloggers link.
My code snippet looks like this (keys are hidden while posting):
app_name <- "XXXX"
consumer_key <- "XXXX"
consumer_secret <- "XXXX"
in.auth <- inOAuth(app_name, consumer_key, consumer_secret)
my.connections <- getMyConnections(in.auth)
I have authenticated it through a browser, and my linkedin application page shows connections in the statistics.
However I get an error message as follows:
Error in UseMethod("xpathApply") :
no applicable method for 'xpathApply' applied to an object of class "c('xml_document', 'xml_node')"
Additionally running:
getCompany(token=in.auth, universal_name="Facebook")
Results in error:
Error in if (!is.na(q.content[["number(//error/status)"]] == 404)) { :
argument is of length zero
I tried using the package from github as well, but the same issue occurs.
They changed the rules about the API last May. You have to have a full partnership arraignment through your company to use the functions in that package.
I ran this package with elevated but non-partner privileges after contacting LinkedIn's developer program last year and even then the amount of stuff you could query was trivial and limited to your own profile.
On May 12th 2015 LinkedIn changed the availability for most of their
API endpoints. In order to gain full access to the API, you must apply
to their Partnership Program. You can find detailed information
regarding what endpoints are still openly available in their
Transition Guide.
Regarding this R package, the following lists cover which functions
are and are not available for non-partners. If I gain access to their
partnership program I will update the package accordingly.
As you can see from the quote above (taken from the package's GitHub page), even the package's author doesn't have partner access.
I'm trying to establish a connection between R and a Sequel Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Cube. Similar questions have been asked before here and here, but I haven't been able to find an easy answer. HTTP access through the X4R package is discussed here, but the SSAS cube I have access to is not configured for HTTP connections.
Using the RDCOMClient library, I can create an "ADO Connection" object with
con <- COMCreate("ADODB.Connection")
Following the script here, I would like to write something like
con[["ConnectionString"]] <- paste(
"Initial Catalog=mycatalog",
sep = ";")
to specify the connection string and open the connection. The labels myserver and mycatalog are set to their appropriate values based on the connection I am able to establish between Excel and SSAS.
However, my connection string is probably not correctly specified because I get the error
<checkErrorInfo> 80020009
No support for InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
checkErrorInfo -2147352567
Error: Exception occurred.
I don't know how to debug this error either. Could someone advise
the appropriate COM class to use (i.e. is "ADODB.Connection" correct?)
the key-value pairs required for the "ConnectionString" element of the COM class object
where I can find more information about these topics (the MSDN ADO MD for developers pages are quite difficult for a non-developer)
if there is a better way to go about establishing a connection between R and an SSAS Cube
How is the path to "myserver" defined? I got this error when I confused R and SSAS with backslashes/forward slashes.
I used this post to help with correct syntax and then the error disappeared (i.e. I used backwards slashes and added an extra backslash for each one to escape them)