UPDATE - this question relates to terra 1.4-1, and is now obsolete with terra 1.5-12 (or earlier?).
I am looking for the terra equivalent of raster::gridDistance(..., origin = my_origin, omit = my_omit).
I found what looks to be an old webpage on terra::gridDistance, from terra v0.2-8 here, but from what I can gather terra::distance is the current replacement for raster::gridDistance (list of terra's replacement functions here).
However, I don't know to implement omit = my_omit (or equivalent) in terra::distance. From the documentation page it looks like any non-NA is deemed the origin, but there is no reference to omit, or the option to change the origin to a specific value (unlike the raster::gridDistance example below).
This is the example from raster::gridDistance:
# world lon/lat raster
r <- raster(ncol=10,nrow=10, vals=1)
r[48] <- 2 # this will be the origin
r[66:68] <- 3 # this will be the area that can't be traversed
d <- gridDistance(r,origin=2,omit=3)
Can anyone reproduce this example using terra::distance?
I can do what I need to do using raster, but I'm still learning how to handle spatial raster data properly and am making an effort to learn the new terra package.
Thanks to #lovalery for pointing this out in the comments.
In the original question I was using terra 1.4-1. As of January 2022, terra 1.5-12 has been released (Jan 13th 2022), and it now includes a terra::gridDistance() function which is very similar to the raster::gridDistance() function.
For the sake of completeness, this is the example from ?terra::gridDistance:
#world lon/lat raster
r <- rast(ncol=10,nrow=10, vals=1)
r[48] <- 2
r[66:68] <- 3
d <- gridDistance(r,origin=2,omit=3)
#UTM small area
crs(r) <- "+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs"
d <- gridDistance(r,origin=2,omit=3)
Toy data
template_raster <- rast(xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +type=crs", resolution = 0.1)
values(template_raster) <- c(rep(NA,4000),rep(10,2000),rep(NA,4000))
polygon_to_rasterize <- as.polygons(ext(3, 6, 3, 6), crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
polygon_to_rasterize$polygon_val <- 20
plot(polygon_to_rasterize, add=T)
I want to rasterize my polygon, but only in the area where there is data in my template raster, also I want my resultant raster to have the same dimensions as the template. I can do it in two steps here I think.
rasterized_polygon <- rasterize(polygon_to_rasterize, template_raster, filename = "temp.tif")
rasterized_polygon_only_where_template_data <- mask(rasterized_polygon, template_raster, filename = "temp2.tif")
The result looks correct. But as I have to do this for over 50,000 layers, I am hoping it can be done in one line, rather than writing an intermediate file (temp.tif). Any ideas please?
Your example data (with more agreeable variable names)
r <- rast(xmin=0, xmax=10, ymin=0, ymax=10, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +type=crs", resolution = 0.1)
values(r) <- c(rep(NA,4000),rep(10,2000),rep(NA,4000))
p <- as.polygons(ext(3, 6, 3, 6), crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
p$val <- 20
Here are three approaches.
x <- rasterize(p, r) |> mask(r)
y <- rasterize(p, r, "val") |> mask(r)
z <- mask(r, p)
(a) is your two-step approach. The values of x are 1.
(b) is a slightly modified approach to transfer the values of p to the raster (the values of y are 20)
(c) is in one step, and the result is similar in that it gets you the same area (cells with a value; and this is what Allan Cameron suggested). The remaining values of z are what they were in r (10).
It is not entirely clear if the output cell values matter to you; or what you would like them to be.
I understand it could be nice to mask and change the values in one step, but it may be better to have two methods with clear arguments that are easy to understand?
If you are working with many rasters with the same extent and resolution, but only one polygon, then it would be much more efficient to rasterize the polygons once and use that raster for masking.
Of course, you are not required to write the intermediate rasters to files, but I assume that you are working with large datasets and these will be written automatically if you do not do so yourself.
I have a SpatialPointsDataFrame called johnny, created from a vanilla dataframe by assigning coordinates. These coordinates are in coordinate system EPSG 4326 (the standard GPS geographic coordinate system), but johnny does not know that. So ,I am trying to assign EPSG 4326 to johnny, essentially as in this earlier question data projection in R using package SP . I, too, am using sp. My ultimate goal is to project johnny to projected_johnny. However, I can't seem to assign the existing projection correctly first. Who sees my mistake?
x <- seq(80,90,by=1)
y <- seq(40,50,by=1)
value <- seq(10,20,by=1)
johnny <- data.frame(cbind(x,y,value))
coordinates(johnny) <- ~x+y
[1] "SpatialPointsDataFrame"
[1] "sp"
proj4string(johnny) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
Error in if (is.na(get("has_proj_def.dat", envir = .RGDAL_CACHE))) { :
argument is of length zero
I have considered and rejected the following possible solutions after trying them out:
Adding library rdgal directly
using CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") instead of CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
I am using R 3.6.0 and sp 1.3-1. The rgdal version loaded via sp is 1.5-15. Any ideas are welcome. This should be such a simple action...
I looked over your code and guessed what you are probably trying to accomplish. But the way you are going about things is more different than it needs to be. There is a simple way to accomplished this. By far, the easiest way to accomplish this is by using those tools found in the R, sf package. Know that the sf package is a newer package than the sp package. And the sf package provides easy to use tools for accomplishing these tasks.
The code below is somewhat different from your code. A two column matrix was used instead of your three column data frame.
The simple feature geometry points were created from the matrix. Then the simple feature column object was created from the geometry points. Then the plot was created.
# Create matrix
x <- seq(80,90,by=1)
y <- seq(40,50,by=1)
# value <- seq(10,20,by=1)
#johnny <- data.frame(cbind(x,y))
jm <- matrix(data = c(x,y), nrow = 11, ncol = 2)
# coordinates(johnny) <- ~x+y
# class(johnny)
# johnny
Create sf multipoint geometry:
jm.sfg <- st_multipoint(jm)
Create sf column object:
jm.sfc <- st_sfc(jm.sfg, crs = 4326)
plot(jm.sfc, axes = TRUE)
The plot can be viewed from link below.
I am trying to create a script that will generate a 2d topographic or contour map for a given set of coordinates. My goal is something similar to what is produced by
but for any location set by the user. This has proved surprisingly challenging! I have tried:
# Generate a data frame of lat/long coordinates.
ex.df <- data.frame(x=seq(from=-73, to=-71, length.out=10),
y=seq(from=41, to=45, length.out=10))
# Specify projection.
prj_dd <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
# Use elevatr package to get elevation data for each point.
df.sp <- get_elev_point(ex.df, prj = prj_dd, src = "epqs")
# Convert from spatial to regular data frame, remove extra column.
# Use tidyr to convert to lat x lon table with elevation as fill.
# Sorry for the terrible code, I know this is sloppy.
df <- as.data.frame(df.sp)
df$elev_units <- NULL
df.w <- df %>% spread(y, elevation)
df.w <- as.matrix(df.w)
This creates a matrix similar to the volcano dataset but filled with NAs except for the 10 lat/lon pairs with elevation data. contour can handle NAs, but the result of contour(df.w) has only a single tiny line on it. I'm not sure where to go from here. Do I simply need more points? Thanks in advance for any help--I'm pretty new to R and I think I've bitten off more than I can chew with this project.
Sorry for delay in responding. I suppose I need to check SO for elevatr questions!
I would use elevatr::get_elev_raster(), which returns a raster object which can be plotted directly with raster::contour().
Code example below grabs a smaller area and at a pretty coarse resolution. Resultant contour looks decent though.
# Generate a data frame of lat/long coordinates.
ex.df <- data.frame(x=seq(from=-73, to=-72.5, length.out=10),
y=seq(from=41, to=41.5, length.out=10))
# Specify projection.
prj_dd <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
# Use elevatr package to get elevation data for each point.
elev <- get_elev_raster(ex.df, prj = prj_dd, z = 10, clip = "bbox")
If it is a requirement to use graphic::contour(), you'll need to convert the raster object to a matrix first with raster::as.matrix(elev). That flips the coords though and I haven't spent enough time to try and get that part figured out... Hopefully the raster solution works for you.
I am converting many rasters to polygon. But in quite a few cases, I am seeing unexpected subgeometries, and I can't seem to get rid of them.
This is with R v3.3.3 and raster package v2.5-8.
Here is an example that should reproduce the problem I am having.
You can download the raster that I use here.
# first, read in raster and coarsen to something more manageable
env <- raster('adefi.tif')
env2 <-aggregate(env, 8)
# Reclassify such that cells are either 1 or NA
env2[!is.na(env2)] <- 1
# this is what the raster now looks like:
# Now I convert to polygon, choosing to dissolve
p <- rasterToPolygons(env2, dissolve=T)
# I find that I can't get rid of these subgeometries
p <- gUnaryUnion(p) # identical result
gIsValid(p) # returns TRUE
I'm not sure where the problem is... Is it in how the raster package converts to cell polygons? Or is it how the rgeos package dissolves those cell polygons together?
Is there a work-around?
It looks like a projection issue. This works for me:
env <- raster(file.path(fp, "adefi.tif"))
env2 <- aggregate(env, 8)
env2[is.na(env2) == F] <- 1
# Project Raster
proj_env2 <- projectRaster(env2, crs = CRS("+init=epsg:3577"))
p <- rasterToPolygons(proj_env2, dissolve = T)
Not sure why the need for reprojection since epsg:3577 looks to be the same as the original projection, but I usually confirm projection using proj4string() or spTransform() to make sure everything will line up.
I'm trying to buffer the points in my dataset with a radius of 100km. I'm using the function gBuffer from the package rgeos. Here's what I have so far:
head( sampledf )
# postalcode lat lon city province
#1 A0A0A0 47.05564 -53.20198 Gander NL
#4 A0A1C0 47.31741 -52.81218 St. John's NL
coordinates( sampledf ) <- c( "lon", "lat" )
proj4string( sampledf ) <- CRS( "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" )
distInMeters <- 1000
pc100km <- gBuffer( sampledf, width=100*distInMeters, byid=TRUE )
I get the following warning:
In gBuffer(sampledf, width = 100 * distInMeters, byid = TRUE) :
Spatial object is not projected; GEOS expects planar coordinates
From what I understand/read, I need to change the Coordinate Reference System (CRS),
in particular the projection, of the dataset from 'geographic' to 'projected'.
I'm not sure sure how to change this. These are all Canadian addresses, I might add.
So NAD83 seems to me a natural projection to choose but I may be wrong.
Any/all help would be greatly appreciated.
With a little bit more digging, it turns out that using a 'projected' coordinates reference system is as simple as
# To get Statscan CRS, see here:
# http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3347/
pc <- spTransform( sampledf, CRS( "+init=epsg:3347" ) )
EPSG3347, used by STATSCAN (adequate for Canadian addresses), uses a lambert conformal conic projection. Note that NAD83 is inappropriate: it is a 'geographic', rather than a 'projected' CRS. To buffer the points
pc100km <- gBuffer( pc, width=100*distm, byid=TRUE )
# Add data, and write to shapefile
pc100km <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame( pc100km, data=pc100km#data )
writeOGR( pc100km, "pc100km", "pc100km", driver="ESRI Shapefile" )
As #MichaelChirico pointed out, projecting your data to usergeos::gBuffer() should be applied with care. I am not an expert in geodesy, but as far I understood from this ESRI article (Understanding Geodesic Buffering), projecting and then applying gBuffer means actually producing Euclidean buffers as opposed to Geodesic ones. Euclidean buffers are affected by the distortions introduced by projected coordinate systems. These distortions might be something to worry about if your analysis involves wide buffers especially with a wider range of latitudes across big areas (I presume Canada is a good candidate).
I came across the same issue some time ago and I targeted my question towards gis.stackexchange - Euclidean and Geodesic Buffering in R. I think the R code that I proposed then and also the given answer are relevant to this question here as well.
The main idea is to make use of geosphere::destPoint(). For more details and a faster alternative, see the mentioned gis.stackexchange link above. Here is my older attempt applied on your two points:
pts <- data.frame(lon = c(-53.20198, -52.81218),
lat = c(47.05564, 47.31741))
#> lon lat
#> 1 -53.20198 47.05564
#> 2 -52.81218 47.31741
make_GeodesicBuffer <- function(pts, width) {
# A) Construct buffers as points at given distance and bearing ---------------
dg <- seq(from = 0, to = 360, by = 5)
# Construct equidistant points defining circle shapes (the "buffer points")
buff.XY <- geosphere::destPoint(p = pts,
b = rep(dg, each = length(pts)),
d = width)
# B) Make SpatialPolygons -------------------------------------------------
# Group (split) "buffer points" by id
buff.XY <- as.data.frame(buff.XY)
id <- rep(1:dim(pts)[1], times = length(dg))
lst <- split(buff.XY, id)
# Make SpatialPolygons out of the list of coordinates
poly <- lapply(lst, sp::Polygon, hole = FALSE)
polys <- lapply(list(poly), sp::Polygons, ID = NA)
spolys <- sp::SpatialPolygons(Srl = polys,
proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84"))
# Disaggregate (split in unique polygons)
spolys <- sp::disaggregate(spolys)
pts_buf_100km <- make_GeodesicBuffer(as.matrix(pts), width = 100*10^3)
# Make a kml file and check the results on Google Earth
#> plotKML version 0.5-9 (2019-01-04)
#> URL: http://plotkml.r-forge.r-project.org/
kml(pts_buf_100km, file.name = "pts_buf_100km.kml")
#> KML file opened for writing...
#> Writing to KML...
#> Closing pts_buf_100km.kml
Created on 2019-02-11 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
And to toy around, I wrapped the function in a package - geobuffer
Here is an example:
# install.packages("devtools") # if you do not have devtools, then install it
pts <- data.frame(lon = c(-53.20198, -52.81218),
lat = c(47.05564, 47.31741))
pts_buf_100km <- geobuffer_pts(xy = pts, dist_m = 100*10^3)
Created on 2019-02-11 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
Others might come up with better solutions, but for now, this worked well for my problems and hopefully can solve other's problems as well.