How to have the autocomplete feature in jupyter notebook like we have in pycharm or visual code? - jupyter-notebook

I just want that autocomplete feature like I have in VC studio and pycharm in jupyter notebook, is there any way folks? I saw in some youtube tutorials people completing the code using the tool, any idea about that?

There is a hinterland functionality that when enabled then auto-complete code works.
For you to access the functionality first install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions as follows:
Install the python package
pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
Then install javascript and css files
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
More information on how to install can be found here
Then re-start the jupyter notebook. Look for a tab named Nbextensions and click on it. Then look for Hinterland and make sure that it is checkd:
Refresh/Restart jupyter notebook for changes to take place.

You just have to click the "Tab"-Button after typing something (e.g. a Class name followed by a dot). Then you find suggestions that you can insert by using Tab or Enter.


WebIO is not being detected by Jupyter Notebook

I am trying to open a Jupyter Notebook file in classic Jupyter Notebook interface. I am attempting to create an interective app that uses Julia programming language in interactive codes. For that I am trying to use the Interact library, because I know it features things such as buttons, sliders, etc. It requires the WebIo extension to be installed. However, from what I have experienced so far, Jupyter notebook does not detect the WebIO extension.
I tried following the instructions at and at In the last link I found that another extension needed to be install and I found more information in this link ( I tried executing this command in my Windows prompt and it had apperently been succesful. When executing the command suggested at the second link, I got an error in the Julia REPL saying that WebIO extension for Jupyter Lab must be installed through Python or Conda, which I had already done.
I am also a bit confused as to how I can check to see if the extension is enabled.
I believe the problem has to do either with the installation of IJulia or the pip installation of WebIO. I rarely use pip, so I don't know if I did it correctly.
Thank you.

How to add julia file support to the Jupyterlab editor?

How to add to the Jupyterlab launcher the option to create a text file with .jl extension via an icon?
For instance to write Python .pyfile in the Jupyter editor, there exists a neat jupyter extension:
Any equivalent for Julia, or any work around?
So following the comment above, I adapted thanks to the original author the jupyterlab-python-file npm extension to jupyterlab-julia-file.
To install it please do:
jupyter labextension install #arcticsnow/jupyterlab-julia-file

How can I disable the autocomplete function in Jupyter notebook(Tab)

I typed "Summary" outside the cell and change the config of Jupyter notebook.
When I press Tab, the autocomplete menu pop out, but I only want 4 spaces when I press Tab. I Google this question and try something like:
%config IPCompleter.greedy=False
However, I still have the autocomplete menu when I press Tab. How can I disable it?
There is an extension called 'Hinterland' for jupyter, which automatically displays the drop down menu when typing or control when it should appears . There are also some other useful extensions.
In order to install extensions, you can follow the guide on this Github repository . To easily activate extensions, you may want to use the extensions configurator.
To install Hinterland run in a Conda terminal this:
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
To enable it :
jupyter nbextension enable hinterland/hinterland

what is the ipython notebook "Terminals" menu option

I am running ipython notebook on my OSX machine and/or my ubuntu 14.04 machine. I am using ipython 3.0.0, and ipython (jupyter) notebooks.
When I start an ipython notebook, under New there is a terminal option, but it's unavailable for me.
I haven't been able to find any documentation on this feature, how to activate it or what it does.
The ipython notebook --help command doesn't mention it and I haven't found anything in the documentation either.
I haven't discovered the special keywords to search google for to get any information either.
What does this feature do? How do I activate it? Is there any documentation on this available?
IPython/Jupyter appears to support browser-based interactive terminal sessions. This is enabled on my machine by installing the terminado package with pip or conda. This fixes the "Terminals Unavailable" message on the drop-down, and lets me start up a (bash) terminal session in a new tab.
See this commit:
IPython on GitHub
Here's the code in Lib/site-packages/IPython/html/ responsible for this item (located the file by searching the source for "Terminals" case-sensitively):
def init_terminals(self):
from .terminal import initialize
self.web_app.settings['terminals_available'] = True
except ImportError as e:
log = self.log.debug if sys.platform == 'win32' else self.log.warn
log("Terminals not available (error was %s)", e)
As you can see, there should be a message in the console log specifying what went wrong (you may need to increase log verbosity with ipython notebook --log-level=<level> to see it). In my case, it said:
Terminals not available (error was No module named fcntl)
The html.terminal module that is being imported appears to provide a web-based IPython interactive console.
Support for Windows terminals with terminado dependency was added in Jupyter 5.3.0:
Actually it's jupyter notebook 5.3.0, not jupyter. the two versions is not the same thing.
- jupyter --version
- jupyter notebook --version
I ever suffered from this.

workaround for missing --script in ipython notebook 3.0.0-dev

I've been using automaticall saved scripts beside .ipynb files as a convenient way to write modules using ipython notebook. I updated to the head version today, and it seems the --script functionality has been removed.
Is there a way to obtain that functionality (automatically on save) with the latest ipython?
Running ipython notebook gives me a message telling me that it's been removed, and suggests doing
ipython nbconvert --to python [notebook]
To make that work automaticaly, I'd have to trigger it on each save - is there an easy way to achieve that?
Not really a workaround, but the --script functionality was still present in release 2.3.0 (if you're running from a live git repo, you can checkout tag 'rel-2.3.0').
