How to Resize Properties Window in TinyMCE 4.x? - tinymce-4

I would like to resize the property window (e.g. when we click on "Table Properties") of TinyMCE 4.x. In the image shown below, the table properties window gets squeezed in terms of width and the labels get overlapped. I looked at the DOM nodes, and most of the widths and heights properties of the container windows, labels and inputs are set dynamically using javascript. Is there a way for us to change the size of these property windows?


Responsive CheckBox JAVAFX

This is my first javaFX project. The project I'm working on includes a feature where the application window can be resized. Upon resizing the window, I expect all objects in my window to increase proportionally according to the window resize. I am not getting this to work with the "CheckBox" Objects.
As you can see below highlighted in red, a CheckBox object is shown before and after a window resize. Before the resize the red checkbox nicely fits in the green box, but after the resize, the red checkbox is the correct (scaled) width, but did not increase in height as I'd expect. Where should I begin my effort to make my CheckBox objects more vertically responsive?
As you can see (IN RED), the CheckBox scales horizontally as I expect, but it doesn't scale vertically to occupy the remaining space!
After a lot more research and helpful responses, I gathered a solution that works.
A "DoubleProperty" object is made, and binded to the width of the container holding my checkboxes. Call this container, "dryLeafGridPane" for example.
DoubleProperty checkboxFontSize = new SimpleDoubleProperty(10);
The .divide(36) scales the CheckBox's font size to 1/36 the gridpane's width.
Finally, I just add the new font size using CSS.
dryLeafGridPane.styleProperty().bind(Bindings.concat("-fx-font-size: ", checkboxFontSize.asString()));
Here is a gif of the (slightly more) responsive app!
You can choose to increase the font size on the root pane when you go full screen. For example:
rootPane.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 150%;");
That isn't perfect though... it seems the size of the box that is checked doesn't scale with the font.

How to restrict growth (size) of layout in Qt Designer?

When I maximize my window, I want to restrict a vertical layout (and the entire row below it also) so that it has a specific size (lets say a width of 200). How can I achieve this? Below is what I get now. The buttons are stretched too far. I want them to keep a width of 200.
To stop the buttons stretching, use the following steps in Qt Designer:
click on scrollArea in the Object Inspector
click on Break Layout on the toolbar
click on scrollArea in the Object Inspector
click on Lay Out in a Grid on the toolbar
click on scrollAreaWidgetContents in the Object Inspector
scroll down to the bottom of the Property Editor
change layoutColumnStretch to 0,1
These steps should remove an empty column from the scroll-area grid-layout, and make the second column stretch to take up the available space when the window is resized.
You just need to restrict the maximum width of all widgets (in this case the buttons) within the layouts of this grid column to the expected size, else they'll just keep expanding. You may also have to fiddle the horizontal size policy; I seem to remember that buttons were a bit tricky in this regard (or was that the height?), but can't test it right now.
The layout size contraint you tried only applies to the layout's direct parent widget, if it has one, which isn't the case for the vertical layouts here.

ionic 3 tabs width to avoid entire horizontal space

i am using ionic-tabs component and trying to make the tab bar width just enough to show contents rather taking the entire space.
I don't see a sass variable to control it. all the variables are to control text and color related items.
How can i set the max height and widht for the ion-tabs ?
What I am aiming to look them like
instead of

Set fixed sizes to custom style button in Firemonkey project

For my Firemonkey multi device project in Delphi 10 Seattle i've created a .style sheet with multiple button styles which contain an image. In order to show the image the right way I want to set a fixed size for the button if the styles are set.
Like if you give a button the stylelookup additemstyle it will have width and height of 48 and you can't resize the button. I want to do the same.
How can I accomplish this? I've already tried to lock the style component and set the size there, but I can still resize the button.

How to resize DevExpress controls

I have a DevExpress LayoutControl set inside a WinForms Form. I would like the LayoutControl to resize horizontally when the form is resized, or at least make the LayoutControl resizable by the user.
I have seen on DevExpress's page suggestions to change the SizeConstraintsType property to "default". I have also tried to anchor the control to the right and left of its parent. I have worked on increasing the MaxSize, also. Does anyone know how to do this?
I just basically want to do the equivalent to (in HTML) <table width=100%>. Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
The Developer's Express LayoutControl is a very nice tool, but has a couple gotchas.
The LayoutControl itself should resize just fine docked inside any container control like a form, a user control or a panel control. In many cases the layout control is one of the first things you put on your form/control because everything else goes inside it to be "layedout". So you should set the "Dock" property of the layout control to "Fill" or to the desired edge of the form/control you want it to dock to.
The "gotcha" here is that layout control's internal logic may limit its external dimensions or any internal item if it is capable of doing so and the layout items want to be a particular size. This is actually simpler than it sounds.
For example lets say you have a label control inside your layout control. A label control by default will size itself to fit the width of its text. In turn the layout control will try to accommodate the label's desired size by shrinking/growing the size of the layout item. So this one label control could be messing with your layout controls resizing. I chose label as the example because it is the most common control to mess up your layout design.
The way I fix this is to change the label's "AutoSizeMode" property to "vertical" (if you want text wrapping) or "none" (if you want to force it be the size the layout control wants it to be). This free up the layout control to make the width decisions.
Also if you are allowing the layout control to be resized by the end user (say with DevExpress' SplitterControl) the layout will again try to become its optimal size and not allow the SplitterControl to move away from this optimal size if the other controls are more easily resized (like a grid, tree, list, etc...). In this case adding an "EmptySpaceItem" to the layout control will allow it to fill any empty space when being resized. To add an EmptySpaceItem to your layout, right click the layout control in the Visual Studio designer and select "Customize Layout". The customize dialog will have a list of items you can drag onto the layout control including the EmptySpaceItem.
